Fig.1. TORI by V.Michailovski [1]

Example of article in TORI (replace to your title)

Dmitrii Kouznetsov (replace my name to your name)

Address: (type it here)

Data of submission: 2022.02.22.

The source of this example can be loaded as example.txt

Languages: English, Russian, Japanese (type that applies to your article)

Abstract. The title above should be replaced to the tentative title of your article. The figures should be either removed or replaced to something that in the best way characterize your article. The Abstract should indicate, why the things you present in this article are important, and why the Human civilization cannot advance will without publication of your manuscript. Try to be so pretentious as possible, while your pretensions are supported with the results you present below.
Abstract is important part of the article. Many readers read the only abstract. The title of an article and the Abstract should help the reader to understand, that the article is not that he or she is searching for. If no attempts to declare this is seen in the Abstract, then, perhaps, even those, who are interested in the topic, qualify the Abstract as not good, and miss the article.
Here, I assume, that the article is in English. If not, the Abstract should appear twice, in English and in the language used in your article.

1. Introduction

Describe, what backgorund is required to understand your results. Indicate, what is done and published before your article on the topic, and why you are not satisfied with the previous publications. If some publications are wrong, and your article corrects the errors, this also should be mentioned in the introduction. Try to use short sentences, that are easy to understand and easy to translate into other languages.

Especially good (for publication at this site), if your article follows the TORI axioms. [2,3]
The concept is called "scientific", if it has the following 6 properties [2,3]:
1. Applicability: The concept has some limited range of validity, distinguishable from the empty set.
2. Verifiability: In the terms of the already accepted concepts, some specific experiment with some specific result, that confirms the concept, can be described.
3. Refutability: In the terms of the concept, some specific experiment with some specific result, that negates the concept, can be described.
4. Self-consistency: No internal contradictions of the concept are known.
5. Principle of correspondence: If the range of validity of a new concept intersects the range of validity of another already accepted concept, then, the new concept either reproduces the results of the old concept, or indicates the way to refute it. (For example, the estimate of the range of validity of the old concept may be wrong.)
6. Pluralism: Mutually - contradicting concepts may coexist; if two concepts, satisfying the 1-5 above, have some common range of validity, then, in this range, the simplest of them has priority.

The revolutionary, extraordinary concepts are also allowed; even if they contradict the basic principles of physics or even mathematics. However, this contradiction should be explicitly mentioned by the authors, in such a way, that the editors, reviewers and colleagues have no need to reveal it by themselves.
If you describe advances of the financial pyramide, where all the participants get their bebefites, you shoud indicate, that your concept contradicts the axioms of Arithmetics, and so, with your discovery, even elementary mathematics should be revised.
If you describe some mechanism, that generate support-less force, then, you should indicate, that your concept contradicts the basic concepts of modern physics (conservation of energy-momentum) and, therefore, the basic mechanical concepts (energy, force, power, system of coordinates, etc) loss their common sense and should be revised and redefined.

The preferred style of the article is description of some term or some phenomenon, mentioned in the title. It is assumed that the description is based on your personal observations, calculus and the published results, and these publications are mentioned in the text and collected in the list of references.

2. Illustrations

Illustrations are assumed to be pictures, figures and/or tables.

The illustration should be supplied with the references: where did it come from. Even if it is appears not in Phys.Rev.Letters, but in some less famous blog, this should be explicitly indicated; See, for example, ref. [1] for Fig.1.

Usually, the readers like pictures rather than formulas. Try to put figure early, before it is first time mentioned in the text; however, it is desirable, that the figure and its description are placed close to each other and are seen at the same screen.

By default, the figures should be floated to right, as it does Fig.1. Then, the left margin remains free for numeration of formulas.
However, if necessary, figures can occupy all the width of the screen, or be floated to the left. The Japanese sites [4,5] provide tools for this.

3. Formulas

In TORI, formulas follow the standard Latex notations. Serious researchers write in Latex, so, there is no need to indicate, how to type

(1)$~ ~$ $a+b^2=c$

Hint: the code for equation (1) looks like this:


Таким образом, достаточно одного доллара, $\$$, чтобы включить математическую моду и писать в ней математические символы, и ещё одного такого же доллара, чтобы её выключить. В отличие от многих случаев (когда бесплатный сыр только в мышеловке), тут халява настоящая: для того, чтобы включить или выключить математическую моду, доллар платить не надо; достаточно нажать на клавишу с изображением доллара, и должно получиться. Если обнаружится какой подвох (см., напр. MathJax), то укажите, чтобы исправить.

4. Languages

Sometimes it is necessary to change the language. The place of this change can be indicated as new paragraph or, at least, a new line.

にほんご も だいじょうぶ でしょう。

Among various languages, English is preferred. 日本語, русский, etc. will be also considered.

The English characters, id est, ascii, are the same in all systems of encoding. So, with English, no abrakadabra
(for ex., Только еÑли надо, по каким-то причинам, ‚ ã ã„ã˜ã‚‡ã†ã¶ã€€ã§ã—ょã†ã€‚ )
appear. (Even at wrong setting at the brouser and/or the document head.)

Each English character is encoded with single byte. This greatly simplifies the treatment of the text. In addition, the English text happen to be much shorter, than its translation, for example, into Russian.

Capacities of the modern computers allow to deal even with Russian texts; especially, if the short sentences are used. So, articles in various languages are allowed.
Редактор знает русского языка и старается привнести в русские тексты даже правильную грамматику. Но английский лучше ещё и потому, что многие отдельные коллеги русского языка не понимают; а английский знают все.

5. Discussion

Discussion is good place to indicate the place of your result (presumably, described above) in the bunch of the Global Human Knowledge. Or, at least, in the topic of your article.

Discussion is good place to mention some wrong public opinion, some wrong publications, that are negated and corrected in your article.

Discussion is good place to refresh questions, that are formulated in the cited literature and answered in your manusctypt.

Discussion is good place to formulate new questions, new important hypothesis, that arise with your article and that can be answered, confirmed or negated in future. You may specify the methods, that, from your point of view, can be efficient in the proposed future research.

6. Conclusion

Conclusion should not be mixed, confused with the Discussion above. In the similar way, ability to confirm, to verify a concept should not be confused with the ability to reject, to negate, to refute it. Conclusion should be separated from Discussion.

Conclusion summarizes your results, described in the previous sections.
Every statement of the Conclusion should be supported with analyses supplied above.

Every deduction, cites, calculus of the previous sections should have the same goal, to support statements of the conclusion. If some part of your article does not serve this goal, consider to omit this part or to modify the Conclusion to mention the result of this part.


0. txt, I provide the text version to simplify downloading of the source. Some brousers do not provide the special button to see the source of the page.
1. Vika Michailovski. У нас дома. (TORI). 2018.03.31.

2. D.Kouznetsov. TORI axioms and the applications in physics. Journal of Modern Physics, 2013, v.4, p.1151-1156.

D.Kouznetsov. Place of science and physics in the human knowledge. Physics-Uspekhi, v.181, Trubune, p.1-9 (2010-2011)

4. レシピレイアウト. 画像に対してテキストを回り込ませる. 2019.06.10

5. HTML+CSSまとめページ / レイアウト. 横並び. 2019.


Appendix A. Notes about references

The references should begin with its number and link. Please, check, that the link works, well before the submission.
Please, indicate the authors of the publication (id possible),
the name of the article,
Title of Journal, volume, pages (if possible)
and year of publication (or, at least, the year, when you looked at the page). Sometimes, the url repeats the title of the cited article; then, the title can be omitted.

Some Acknolegements, appendices, etc. may be added, if you think that they help the reader to understand your message.

It may have sense to indicate the End of your article:

The Manuscript ends here

in order to ensure that the uploading form got all your article (did not truncate it).