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(Importing image file)
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Explicit plot of functions [[ArcSinc]] (thick blue curve) and [[ArcCosc]] (thin red curve):
Importing image file
$y=\mathrm{asinc}(x)~$ and $~ y=\mathrm{acosc}(x)~$
For comparison, the two asymptotics of function ArcSinc are also plotted with thin black curves:
: $\displaystyle y~=~ \mathrm{Left}(x)~ =~ \mathrm{Namihei} ~-~ \sqrt{\frac{-~ 2}{\mathrm{Katsuo}} (x\!-\!\mathrm{Katsuo})}
~+~ \frac{2(x\!-\!\mathrm{Katsuo})}{3~ \mathrm{Namihei}}$
that aproximates ArcSinc in cicinity of Katsuo, id est, in the left hand side of the figure, and
: $y=\sqrt{6(1\!-\!x)}$
that approximates ArcSinc in vicinity of unity, id est, in the right hand side of the figure.
z_type acos(z_type z){
if(Im(z)<0){if(Re(z)>=0){return I*log( z + sqrt(z*z-1.) );}
else{return I*log( z - sqrt(z*z-1.) );}}
if(Re(z)>=0){return -I*log( z + sqrt(z*z-1.) );}
else {return -I*log( z - sqrt(z*z-1.) );} }
z_type asin(z_type z){
if(Im(z)<0){if(Re(z)>=0){return M_PI/2.-I*log( z + sqrt(z*z-1.) );}
else {return M_PI/2.-I*log( z - sqrt(z*z-1.) );}}
if(Re(z)>=0){return M_PI/2.+I*log( z + sqrt(z*z-1.) );}
else {return M_PI/2.+I*log( z - sqrt(z*z-1.) );} }
z_type sinc(z_type z){ DB x=Re(z); DB y=Im(z); if(x*x+y*y>.01) return sin(z)/z;
z*=z; return 1.+z*(-1./6.+z*(1./120.+z*(-1./5040+z*(1./362880.)))); }
z_type sincp(z_type z){ DB x=Re(z); DB y=Im(z); z_type c;
if(x*x+y*y>.01) return (cos(z)-sinc(z))/z;
c=z*z; return z*(-1./3.+c*(1./30.+c*(-1./840.+c*(1./45630+c*(-1./399168.))))); }
DB Namihei=4.493409457909062;
DB Katsuo=-0.21723362821122164;
z_type asincL(z_type z){int n; z_type s=Namihei-sqrt((-2./Katsuo)*(z-Katsuo));
DO(n,6)s+=(z-sinc(s))/sincp(s); return s;}
z_type asincU(z_type z){int n; z_type s=1.4*acos(z);
DO(n,6)s+=(z-sinc(s))/sincp(s); return s;}
z_type asinc(z_type z){DB x=Re(z),y=fabs(Im(z));
if(y<1. && x<0. && x>-2.6 ) return asincL(z);
return asincU(z); }
==C++ generator of curves==
// The [[asinc.cin]] above and [[acosc.cin]] and [[ado.cin]] <br>
// should be loaded in the working directory in order to compile the [[C++]] code below.
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define DB double
#define DO(x,y) for(x=0;x<y;x++)
using namespace std;
#include <complex>
typedef complex<double> z_type;
#define Re(x) x.real()
#define Im(x) x.imag()
#define I z_type(0.,1.)
#include "ado.cin"
#include "asinc.cin"
#include "acosc.cin"
#define M(x,y) fprintf(o,"%6.4f %6.4f M\n",0.+x,0.+y);
#define L(x,y) fprintf(o,"%6.4f %6.4f L\n",0.+x,0.+y);
#define S(x,y) fprintf(o,"S\n",);
main(){ int j,k,m,n; DB x,y, p,q, t; z_type z,c,d;
DB Sazae= 2.798386045783887; // H
DB Tarao= -0.33650841691839534; // J
FILE *o;o=fopen("asincplot.eps","w");ado(o,220,470);
fprintf(o,"60 10 translate\n 100 100 scale\n");
fprintf(o,"2 setlinecap .004 W 0 0 0 RGB S\n");
fprintf(o,"2 setlinecap .0008 W 0 0 0 RGB S\n");
DB D=(1.-Katsuo)/1000.;
M(Katsuo,Namihei) DO(m,1000){x=Katsuo+D*(m+.5); y=Re(asinc(x)); L(x,y) } L(1,0)
fprintf(o,"1 setlinejoin 1 setlinecap .008 W 0 0 1 RGB S\n");
M(Tarao,Sazae)DO(m,930){x=-.336+.002*m; y=Re(acosc(x)); L(x,y) }
fprintf(o,".002 W 1 0 0 RGB S\n");
M(1,0) DO(m,90){x=1.-0.01*(m+.5); y=sqrt(6.*(1.-x)); L(x,y);}
fprintf(o,".002 W 0 0 0 RGB S\n");
M(Katsuo,Namihei) DO(m,160){x=Katsuo+0.01*(m+.5); DB t=x-Katsuo;
y=Namihei-sqrt(-2./Katsuo*(x-Katsuo))+2.*(x-Katsuo)/3./Namihei ; L(x,y);}
fprintf(o,".002 W 0 0 0 RGB S\n");
fprintf(o,"2 setlinecap .002 W 0 0 0 RGB S\n");
fprintf(o,"2 setlinecap .001 W 0 0 0 RGB S\n");
fprintf(o,"showpage\n%c%cTrailer",'%','%'); fclose(o);
system("epstopdf asincplot.eps");
system( "open asincplot.pdf");
getchar(); system("killall Preview");//for mac
==Latex generator of labels==
% File [[asincplot.pdf]] should be generated with the [[C++]] code above in order to compile the [[Latex]] document below.
% Copyleft 2012 by Dmitrii Kouznetsov %<br>
\documentclass[12pt]{article} %<br>
\usepackage{geometry} %<br>
\usepackage{graphicx} %<br>
\usepackage{rotating} %<br>
\paperwidth 406pt %<br>
\paperheight 970pt %<br>
\topmargin -90pt %<br>
\oddsidemargin -106pt %<br>
\textwidth 500pt %<br>
\textheight 990pt %<br>
\pagestyle {empty} %<br>
\newcommand \sx {\scalebox} %<br>
\newcommand \rot {\begin{rotate}} %<br>
\newcommand \ero {\end{rotate}} %<br>
\newcommand \ing {\includegraphics} %<br>
\begin{document} %<br>
\parindent 0pt \sx{2}{ \begin{picture}(430,490) %<br>
%\put(4,6){\ing{acosplot}} %<br>
% \put(4,6){\ing{aciplot}} %<br>
% \put(4,6){\ing{cohcplot}} %<br>
%\put(4,6){\ing{sazaecon}} %<br>
\put(4,6){\ing{asincplot}} %<br>
\put(66,488){\sx{1.8}{$y$}} %<br>
\put(66,467){\sx{1.4}{\bf 4.5}} %<br>
\put(67,456){\sx{1.3}{\rot{0}$\rm Namihei_1\!\approx\! 4.492$\ero}} %<br>
\put(66,411){\sx{1.8}{\bf 4}} %<br>
\put(66,361){\sx{1.4}{\bf 3.5}} %<br>
\put(68,327){\sx{1.7}{$\pi$}} %<br>
\put(65,310){\sx{1.8}{\bf 3}} %<br>
\put(66,292){\sx{1.3}{\rot{0}$\rm Sazae_1\!\approx \!2.798$\ero}} %<br>
\put(66,261){\sx{1.4}{\bf 2.5}} %<br>
\put(66,211){\sx{1.8}{\bf 2}} %<br>
\put(68,171){\sx{1.2}{$\pi/2$}} %<br>
\put(66,157){\sx{1.4}{\bf 1.5}} %<br>
\put(66,111){\sx{1.8}{\bf 1}} %<br>
\put(66, 61){\sx{1.4}{\bf 0.5}} %<br>
\put(33,19){\sx{1.3}{\rot{90}$\rm Tarao_1\!\approx -0.336$\ero}} %<br>\put(58, 20){\sx{1.7}{\bf 0}} %<br>
\put(48,17){\sx{1.3}{\rot{90}$\rm Katsuo_1\!\approx \!-0.217$\ero}} %<br>\put(58, 20){\sx{1.7}{\bf 0}} %<br>
\put( 58, 20){\sx{1.8}{\bf 0}} %<br>
\put(103, 20){\sx{1.4}{\bf 0.5}} %<br>
\put(201, 20){\sx{1.8}{$x$}} %<br>
\put(158, 20){\sx{1.8}{\bf 1}} %<br>
%\put(130, 210){\sx{.9}{\rot{-53}$y\!=\! \mathrm{Namihei}-\sqrt{2(\mathrm{Katsuo}\!+\!x)}$\ero}} %<br>
\put(140, 184){\sx{1.01}{\rot{-51}$y\!=\! \mathrm{Left}(x)$\ero}} %<br>
\put(127, 185){\sx{1.2}{\rot{-67}$y\!=\!\mathrm{asinc}(x)$\ero}} %<br>
\put(101, 190){\sx{0.99}{\rot{-65}$y\!=\!\sqrt{6(1\!-\!x)}$\ero}} %<br>
\put(83,135){\sx{1.1}{\rot{-39}$y\!=\!\mathrm{acosc}(x)$\ero}} %<br>
\end{picture} %<br>
} %<br>
[[Category:Sazae-san functions]]
[[Category:Explicit plots]]
[[Category:Guiding of waves between absorbing walls]]

Latest revision as of 09:41, 21 June 2013

Explicit plot of functions ArcSinc (thick blue curve) and ArcCosc (thin red curve):

$y=\mathrm{asinc}(x)~$ and $~ y=\mathrm{acosc}(x)~$

For comparison, the two asymptotics of function ArcSinc are also plotted with thin black curves:

$\displaystyle y~=~ \mathrm{Left}(x)~ =~ \mathrm{Namihei} ~-~ \sqrt{\frac{-~ 2}{\mathrm{Katsuo}} (x\!-\!\mathrm{Katsuo})}

~+~ \frac{2(x\!-\!\mathrm{Katsuo})}{3~ \mathrm{Namihei}}$ that aproximates ArcSinc in cicinity of Katsuo, id est, in the left hand side of the figure, and


that approximates ArcSinc in vicinity of unity, id est, in the right hand side of the figure.


z_type acos(z_type z){
if(Im(z)<0){if(Re(z)>=0){return I*log( z + sqrt(z*z-1.) );} 
                   else{return I*log( z - sqrt(z*z-1.) );}}
           if(Re(z)>=0){return -I*log( z + sqrt(z*z-1.) );} 
                  else {return -I*log( z - sqrt(z*z-1.) );} }
z_type asin(z_type z){
if(Im(z)<0){if(Re(z)>=0){return M_PI/2.-I*log( z + sqrt(z*z-1.) );} 
                  else {return M_PI/2.-I*log( z - sqrt(z*z-1.) );}}
          if(Re(z)>=0){return M_PI/2.+I*log( z + sqrt(z*z-1.) );} 
                 else {return M_PI/2.+I*log( z - sqrt(z*z-1.) );} }
z_type sinc(z_type z){ DB x=Re(z); DB y=Im(z); if(x*x+y*y>.01) return sin(z)/z;
z*=z; return 1.+z*(-1./6.+z*(1./120.+z*(-1./5040+z*(1./362880.))));  }
z_type sincp(z_type z){ DB x=Re(z); DB y=Im(z); z_type c; 
if(x*x+y*y>.01) return (cos(z)-sinc(z))/z;
c=z*z; return z*(-1./3.+c*(1./30.+c*(-1./840.+c*(1./45630+c*(-1./399168.))))); }
DB Namihei=4.493409457909062;
DB Katsuo=-0.21723362821122164;
z_type asincL(z_type z){int n; z_type s=Namihei-sqrt((-2./Katsuo)*(z-Katsuo));
DO(n,6)s+=(z-sinc(s))/sincp(s);  return s;}
z_type asincU(z_type z){int n; z_type s=1.4*acos(z);
  DO(n,6)s+=(z-sinc(s))/sincp(s);  return s;}
z_type asinc(z_type z){DB x=Re(z),y=fabs(Im(z));
    if(y<1. && x<0. && x>-2.6 ) return asincL(z);
                                return asincU(z); }

C++ generator of curves

// The asinc.cin above and acosc.cin and ado.cin
// should be loaded in the working directory in order to compile the C++ code below.

#include <math.h> 
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define DB double 
#define DO(x,y) for(x=0;x<y;x++)
using namespace std;
#include <complex>
typedef complex<double> z_type;
#define Re(x) x.real()
#define Im(x) x.imag()
#define I z_type(0.,1.)
#include "ado.cin"
#include "asinc.cin"
#include "acosc.cin"
#define M(x,y) fprintf(o,"%6.4f %6.4f M\n",0.+x,0.+y);
#define L(x,y) fprintf(o,"%6.4f %6.4f L\n",0.+x,0.+y);
#define S(x,y) fprintf(o,"S\n",);
main(){ int j,k,m,n; DB x,y, p,q, t; z_type z,c,d;
DB Sazae= 2.798386045783887; // H
DB Tarao= -0.33650841691839534; // J
FILE *o;o=fopen("asincplot.eps","w");ado(o,220,470);
fprintf(o,"60 10 translate\n 100 100 scale\n");
fprintf(o,"2 setlinecap .004 W 0 0 0 RGB S\n");
fprintf(o,"2 setlinecap .0008 W 0 0 0 RGB S\n");
DB D=(1.-Katsuo)/1000.;
M(Katsuo,Namihei)  DO(m,1000){x=Katsuo+D*(m+.5); y=Re(asinc(x)); L(x,y) }  L(1,0)
fprintf(o,"1 setlinejoin 1 setlinecap .008 W 0 0 1 RGB S\n");
M(Tarao,Sazae)DO(m,930){x=-.336+.002*m; y=Re(acosc(x)); L(x,y) }
fprintf(o,".002 W 1 0 0 RGB S\n");
M(1,0) DO(m,90){x=1.-0.01*(m+.5); y=sqrt(6.*(1.-x)); L(x,y);}
fprintf(o,".002 W 0 0 0 RGB S\n");
M(Katsuo,Namihei) DO(m,160){x=Katsuo+0.01*(m+.5); DB t=x-Katsuo; 
       y=Namihei-sqrt(-2./Katsuo*(x-Katsuo))+2.*(x-Katsuo)/3./Namihei ; L(x,y);}  
fprintf(o,".002 W 0 0 0 RGB S\n");
fprintf(o,"2 setlinecap .002 W 0 0 0 RGB S\n"); 
fprintf(o,"2 setlinecap .001 W 0 0 0 RGB S\n"); 
fprintf(o,"showpage\n%c%cTrailer",'%','%'); fclose(o);
     system("epstopdf asincplot.eps");
     system(    "open asincplot.pdf");
     getchar(); system("killall Preview");//for mac

Latex generator of labels

% File asincplot.pdf should be generated with the C++ code above in order to compile the Latex document below.

%<br> % Copyleft 2012 by Dmitrii Kouznetsov %<br> \documentclass[12pt]{article} %<br> \usepackage{geometry} %<br> \usepackage{graphicx} %<br> \usepackage{rotating} %<br> \paperwidth 406pt %<br> \paperheight 970pt %<br> \topmargin -90pt %<br> \oddsidemargin -106pt %<br> \textwidth 500pt %<br> \textheight 990pt %<br> \pagestyle {empty} %<br> \newcommand \sx {\scalebox} %<br> \newcommand \rot {\begin{rotate}} %<br> \newcommand \ero {\end{rotate}} %<br> \newcommand \ing {\includegraphics} %<br> \begin{document} %<br> \parindent 0pt \sx{2}{ \begin{picture}(430,490) %<br> %\put(4,6){\ing{acosplot}} %<br> % \put(4,6){\ing{aciplot}} %<br> % \put(4,6){\ing{cohcplot}} %<br> %\put(4,6){\ing{sazaecon}} %<br> \put(4,6){\ing{asincplot}} %<br> \put(66,488){\sx{1.8}{$y$}} %<br> \put(66,467){\sx{1.4}{\bf 4.5}} %<br> \put(67,456){\sx{1.3}{\rot{0}$\rm Namihei_1\!\approx\! 4.492$\ero}} %<br> \put(66,411){\sx{1.8}{\bf 4}} %<br> \put(66,361){\sx{1.4}{\bf 3.5}} %<br> \put(68,327){\sx{1.7}{$\pi$}} %<br> \put(65,310){\sx{1.8}{\bf 3}} %<br> \put(66,292){\sx{1.3}{\rot{0}$\rm Sazae_1\!\approx \!2.798$\ero}} %<br> \put(66,261){\sx{1.4}{\bf 2.5}} %<br> \put(66,211){\sx{1.8}{\bf 2}} %<br> \put(68,171){\sx{1.2}{$\pi/2$}} %<br> \put(66,157){\sx{1.4}{\bf 1.5}} %<br> \put(66,111){\sx{1.8}{\bf 1}} %<br> \put(66, 61){\sx{1.4}{\bf 0.5}} %<br> \put(33,19){\sx{1.3}{\rot{90}$\rm Tarao_1\!\approx -0.336$\ero}} %<br>\put(58, 20){\sx{1.7}{\bf 0}} %<br> \put(48,17){\sx{1.3}{\rot{90}$\rm Katsuo_1\!\approx \!-0.217$\ero}} %<br>\put(58, 20){\sx{1.7}{\bf 0}} %<br> \put( 58, 20){\sx{1.8}{\bf 0}} %<br> \put(103, 20){\sx{1.4}{\bf 0.5}} %<br> \put(201, 20){\sx{1.8}{$x$}} %<br> \put(158, 20){\sx{1.8}{\bf 1}} %<br> %\put(130, 210){\sx{.9}{\rot{-53}$y\!=\! \mathrm{Namihei}-\sqrt{2(\mathrm{Katsuo}\!+\!x)}$\ero}} %<br> \put(140, 184){\sx{1.01}{\rot{-51}$y\!=\! \mathrm{Left}(x)$\ero}} %<br> \put(127, 185){\sx{1.2}{\rot{-67}$y\!=\!\mathrm{asinc}(x)$\ero}} %<br> \put(101, 190){\sx{0.99}{\rot{-65}$y\!=\!\sqrt{6(1\!-\!x)}$\ero}} %<br> \put(83,135){\sx{1.1}{\rot{-39}$y\!=\!\mathrm{acosc}(x)$\ero}} %<br> \end{picture} %<br> } %<br> \end{document} %




File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

current17:50, 20 June 2013Thumbnail for version as of 17:50, 20 June 2013843 × 2,014 (184 KB)Maintenance script (talk | contribs)Importing image file
  • You cannot overwrite this file.

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