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( X7537) is Unicode character number 30007, KanjiLiberal.

can be pronounced as おとこ, "otoko" and may mean a man.

Utf8 Encoding


php du.t

gives the following output:

The array has 3 bytes; here is its splitting:
e7 94 b7
array(1) {
  string(3) "男"

Unicode character number 30007 id est, X7537
Picture:  ; uses 3 bytes. These bytes are:
xE7 x94 xB7 in the hexadecimal representation and
231 148 183 in the decimal representation


appears as overlapping of

KanjiRadical X2F65 or KanjiLiberal X7530


KanjiRadical X2F12 or Katakana X30AB or KanjiLiberal X4E07



Site Jisho [1] suggests:

おとこ 男 common word jlpt n5 wanikani level 4

Noun, Noun - used as a prefix 1. man; male​See also 女 おんな Noun 2. fellow; guy; chap; bloke​ Noun 3. male lover; boyfriend; man​ Noun 4. manliness; manly honor; manly honour; manly reputation​

おのこ 男 man; boy​

男の子 【おのこ】

なん son​, baron, man; male​


男の子 boy; son; baby boy​; young man​



At site Nihongomaster, appears as kanji number 1829 [2];

Definition of 男 male

Readings On'Yomi (音読み) ダン ナン

Kun'yomi (訓読み) おとこ お

Popular Words With This Kanji

男, おとこ man

男性, だんせい man, male, masculine gender

男子, だんし youth, young man

長男, ちょうなん eldest son (may be the only son), first-born son

男女, だんじょ, なんにょ men and women, man and woman, both sexes, both genders

貴方, 貴女, 貴男, あなた you (referring to someone of equal or lower status), dear (what a wife calls a husband)

男の子, 男のコ, 男の児, おとこのこ, おとこのコ boy, male child, baby boy

男の子, 男のコ, 男の児, おとこのこ, おとこのコ boy, male child, baby boy

男の子, 男のコ, 男の児, おとこのこ, おとこのコ boy, male child, baby boy

三男, さんなん three men, third son


  1.男 おとこ 男 common word jlpt n5 wanikani level 4 Play audio Show 2 collocations Links Noun, Noun - used as a prefix 1. man; male​See also 女 おんな Noun 2. fellow; guy; chap; bloke​ Noun 3. male lover; boyfriend; man​ Noun 4. manliness; manly honor; manly honour; manly reputation​ Other forms 男 【おっこ】 Notes おっこ: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage.
  2.男男 U+7537, 男 CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-7537


Japanese, Kanji, KanjiLiberal, Man, Unicode, Utf8, X7537, ,