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X9038 is Unicode character number 36920, KanjiLiberal
uses 3 bytes: %e9%80%b8 ; 233 128 184 in the decimal representation.

can bs pronounced ichi, いち, Icchi, Itchi, いっち, Itsu and may mean very, excellent, most, best; but also some deviation, lost.

X9038 is easy to confuse with other characters.
in particular, the software confuses X9038 with XFA25 and XFA67 ; attempts to access or redirect here.


The following 3 characters, being printed, look similar:

X9038 [1]

XFA25 [2]

XFA67 [3]

These Kanjis have various pronunciations and various meanings. Up to year 2021, in dictionaries and the software, no attempt is observed to give these three characters distinguishable pictures nor distribute the meanings mentioned in dictionaries among these three characters.




Jisho [4] suggests:

いち very; excellent ​Usually written using kana alone, See also いち早く, See also 逸物 いちもつ

いっち Ateji (phonetic) reading. Adverb (fukushi) most; best​



Nihongomaster [5] suggests:

11 Strokes Radicals: JLPT Level 1

Definition of deviate idleness leisure miss the mark evade elude parry diverge

Readings On'Yomi (音読み) イツ

Kun'yomi (訓読み) それる, そらす, はぐれる

Popular Words With This Kanji

独逸, 独乙, どいつ, ドイツ Germany

逸早く, いち早く, 逸速く, いちはやく promptly, quickly, without delay, before others, first

逸脱, いつだつ deviation, departure, omission

逸す, いっす to lose (a chance), to miss (a chance), to overlook, to omit, to forget, to deviate, to depart from (the norm, etc.)

逸らす, そらす to turn away, to avert

逸れる, それる, はぐれる to stray (turn) from subject, to get lost, to go astray

逸材, いつざい outstanding talent

逸話, いつわ anecdote

逸品, いっぴん article of rare beauty, gem

Charles Kelly


Charles Kelly [6] suggests: deviate; idleness; leisure; miss the mark; evade; elude; parry; diverge


Strokes: 10, Indexing radical:

逸脱 いつだつ deviation; omission (n,vs)
逸する いっする to lose (a chance); to miss (a chance); to deviate; to forget (vs-s)
逸材 いつざい outstanding talent (n)
逸話 いつわ anecdote (n)
逸品 いっぴん article of rare beauty; gem (n)
秀逸 しゅういつ excellence (adj-na,n)
逸機 いっき missing a chance (n)
捕逸 ほいつ (baseball) passed ball; catcher missing a ball (n)
散逸 さんいつ being scattered and ultimately lost (n,vs)
逸する いっする to lose (a chance); to miss (a chance); to deviate; to forget (vs-s)



Nihongo-pro [7] suggests:

11 strokes

READINGS .. それる そらす はぐれる


JLPT N1 (most advanced level)

Kanken Level Pre-2 (learned during high school)

Grade: Taught during the 7th through 9th grades in Japan

Radical: () Radical name: しんにょう

Meaning: Deviate, idleness, leisure, miss the mark, evade, elude, parry, diverge

Usage: Appears rarely in Japanese newspapers; about 1500 kanji are used more often. Word Meaning

それる to stray (turn) from subject, to get lost, to go astray

そらす to turn away, to avert


Characters X9038 , XFA25 , XFA67 are highly confusive; so, none of them is used in Tarja.

X9038 can be translated from Japanese to Tarja in the following ways:

Shinnyou, しんにょう , advance, move

Shinnyuu, しんにゅう , enter, penetrate

Ichi, いち, to indicate the excellence of something.

Lose, itsu, いつ, to indicate the loss of something, miss of something.

X9038 (if it is necessary to distinguish it from XFA25 and XFA67 )

More specific translation depends on the context and cannot be assigned to a single character.


  1. 9038 CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-9038 Han Script id: restricted confuse: , ..
  2. FA25 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA25 Han Script id: allowed confuse: , ..
  3. FA67 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA67 Han Script id: allowed confuse: , ..
  4.逸 Words — 42 found いち Links Prefix 1. very; excellent​ Usually written using kana alone, See also いち早く, See also 逸物 いちもつ Notes : Ateji (phonetic) reading. Details ▸ いっち 一 Links Adverb (fukushi) 1. most; best​ Other forms 【いっち】 ..
  5.逸 11 Strokes Radicals: JLPT Level 1 Definition of 逸 deviate idleness leisure miss the mark evade elude parry diverge Readings On'Yomi (音読み) Kun'yomi (訓読み) イツ それる そらす はぐれる Popular Words With This Kanji 独逸, 独乙, どいつ, ドイツ Germany 逸早く, いち早く, 逸速く, いちはやく promptly, quickly, without delay, before others, first 逸早く, いち早く, 逸速く, いちはやく promptly, quickly, without delay, before others, first 逸脱, いつだつ deviation, departure, omission 逸す, いっす to lose (a chance), to miss (a chance), to overlook, to omit, to forget, to deviate, to depart from (the norm, etc.) 逸らす, そらす to turn away, to avert 逸れる, それる, はぐれる to stray (turn) from subject, to get lost, to go astray 逸材, いつざい outstanding talent 逸話, いつわ anecdote 逸品, いっぴん article of rare beauty, gem
  6. 逸 deviate deviate; idleness; leisure; miss the mark; evade; elude; parry; diverge イツ
    Strokes: 10, Indexing radical: External Links: Breen | Ryner | Rudick | Blum | Danni Quiz and Flashcards A Quiz on 8 "Priority" Words from EDICT Using 逸 Selected Words with Definitions from WWWJDIC 逸脱 いつだつ deviation; omission (n,vs) 逸する いっする to lose (a chance); to miss (a chance); to deviate; to forget (vs-s) 逸材 いつざい outstanding talent (n) 逸話 いつわ anecdote (n) 逸品 いっぴん article of rare beauty; gem (n) 秀逸 しゅういつ excellence (adj-na,n) 逸機 いっき missing a chance (n) 捕逸 ほいつ (baseball) passed ball; catcher missing a ball (n) 散逸 さんいつ being scattered and ultimately lost (n,vs) 逸する いっする to lose (a chance); to miss (a chance); to deviate; to forget (vs-s)
  7.逸 逸 11 strokes READINGS KUN 訓 それる そらす はぐれる ON 音 イツ STROKE ORDER Stop Pause Previous Stroke Next Stroke Slow Fast Animation data provided by KanjiVG Look up a kanji: Report an issue on this page JLPT Level: JLPT N1 (most advanced level) Kanken Level: Kanken Level Pre-2 (learned during high school) Grade: Taught during the 7th through 9th grades in Japan Radical: ⻍(⻌) Radical name: しんにょう Meaning: Deviate, idleness, leisure, miss the mark, evade, elude, parry, diverge Usage: Appears rarely in Japanese newspapers; about 1500 kanji are used more often. JLPT Level Word Meaning N2 逸それる to stray (turn) from subject, to get lost, to go astray N1 逸そらす to turn away, to avert


Confusion, Japanese, Kanji, KanjiConfudal, KanjiLiberal, KanjiRadical, Shinnyuu, Shinnyou, Tarja, Unicode, X9038 , XFA25 , XFA67 , しんにょう, しんにゅう,