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Gauss-Legendre quadrature is set of coordinates $x_n$ and weights $w_n$, n=1..N, characterized in that, that formula

$F=\displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^N w_n f(x_n)$

approximates the integral

$\Phi= \displaystyle \int_{-1}^1 f(x) \mathrm d x$

in such a way, that for any polinomail $f$ of order up to $2N-1$, the approximation is exact, id est, $F=\Phi$.

Also, the same term Gauss-Legendre quadrature may be used for the modification of the formulas above for arbitrary interval of integration.

Example in C++

One example adopted from the Numerical recipes in C is shown below:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define DB double
#define EPS 1.0e-18
// Be careful: numeration begins with UNITY !!!!
void gauleg(long double x1, long double x2, long double x[], long double w[], int n)
{ int m,j,i; long double z1,z,xm,xl,pp,p3,p2,p1;
 { z=cos(M_PI*(i-0.25)/(n+0.5));
   do{ p1=1.0;
        { p3=p2; p2=p1;
      } while (fabs(z-z1) > EPS);
#undef EPS
//#include "gauleg.cin"
#define NPOINT 8
#define X1 -1.0
#define X2 1.0
int main(void){ int i; long double xx=0.0; long double *x,*w;
x=(long double *)malloc((size_t)(NPOINT+1)*sizeof(long double));
w=(long double *)malloc((size_t)(NPOINT+1)*sizeof(long double));
printf("\n%2s %10s %12s\n","#","x[i]","w[i]");
for (i=1;i<=NPOINT;i++) { printf("%4d ",i);
                                printf("%18.16Lf ", x[i]);
FILE *o; o=fopen("GLxw8.inc","w");
fprintf(o,"int NPO=%3d;\n",NPOINT);
fprintf(o,"DB GLx[%3d]={\n",NPOINT);
for (i=1;i<=NPOINT;i++)
{ if(i>1) fprintf(o,","); else fprintf(o," ");
fprintf(o,"DB GLw[%3d]={\n",NPOINT);
for (i=1;i<=NPOINT;i++)
{ if(i>1) fprintf(o,","); else fprintf(o," ");
//small test:
        for (i=1;i<=NPOINT;i++)
                xx += (w[i]*cos(x[i]));
        printf("from GAULEG: %32.30Lf\n",xx);
        printf("should be : %32.30f\n", 2*sin(1.));
        printf("diff : % 9.3Le\n", xx-2*sin(1.));
        printf("failure in last diguits? Why are not they different?\n");
        return 0;

More advanced service to evaluate the coordinates and weights is suggested by John Burghardt [1]



John Burghardt Numerical recipes in C Gauss quadrature