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Revision as of 21:51, 8 May 2023

Arrest Putin is petition about civilized treat of Putin, whenever the original Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich or any of actors who pretend to be that Putin.

The petition is observed 2023.05.08 at Aavaz; it is copypasted below for the case if the original becomes not available.

For 2023.05.08, 134311 signatures are reported to be collected, but the counter does not seem to be updated so often.



South Africa: Arrest Putin!

To the President of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, and to all members of the International Criminal Court:

We, concerned citizens across the world, urge you to comply with the International Criminal Court’s arrest warrant against Vladimir Putin. Your authorities must arrest Putin if he sets foot on your territory, so he can be held accountable for the heinous war crimes he has committed, including the abduction and deportation of Ukrainian children.


The world held its breath when the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant against Putin for war crimes involving children. But unless he’s arrested, we won’t be any closer to justice.

Putin’s betting that won’t happen. That’s why he’s planning to visit South Africa in August – even though the government there has a legal duty to arrest him. If the trip goes ahead, it’ll be a victory for impunity everywhere!

But we can change that. The South African government appears divided over what to do, and a massive global outcry now could make the difference.

Let’s build a million voices urging South Africa to make crystal clear that Putin will be arrested if he steps off the plane – when our call is huge, we’ll take it straight to South Africa’s president and the newspapers he reads over breakfast! Sign and share now – let’s stand up for justice!

Posted: 4 May 2023


Бункерный дед напросился в ЮАР,
Чтоб обеспечить для орков пиар..
Покажет ли Африка миру отвагу,
Чтоб Пыня оттуда уехал в Гаагу?


2023.03.18. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64992727 Putin arrest warrant issued over war crime allegations 18 March 2023

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyril_Ramaphosa Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa (born 17 November 1952) is a South African businessman and politician who is serving as the fifth democratically elected president of South Africa. A former anti-apartheid activist, trade union leader, and businessman, Ramaphosa is also the president of the African National Congress (ANC). ..


«Aavaz», «Corruption», «Cyril Ramaphosa», «Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism», «Designate Russia as terrorist state», «Fascism», «Hague», «Moscovia», «Petition», «Putin world war», «Russian invasion into Ukraine», «South Africa», «Stop Putin», «War crime»,

«А нас то за что», «Апокал», «[[]]»,