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Walk one

WALK ONE [1] (Walk1) is ascii name for the Unicode character number 11981:

X2ECD , KanjiRadical, WalkU.

In Japanese, WALK ONE can be pronounced as Shinnyou, しんよう.
WALK ONE may refer to a walk, hike, advance, street, trail, .., (independently on number of performing persons); character WALK TWO has similar meaning.

Character by itself is not so popular, but its image appears as component of more complicated and more usual characters.

WALK ONE belongs to WalkU and is easy to confuse with other elements of this set.

Term "walk one" may refer also to a walk, hike, performed by a single person.

Walk one


Being printed, character WALK ONE (or Walk1) looks similar to other characters of WalkU.

WalkU is set of the following five Unicode characters:

X2ECC [2], KanjiRadical, Walk0, SIMPLIFIED WALK

X2ECD [1], KanjiRadical, Walk1, WALK ONE

X2ECE [3], KanjiRadical, Walk2, WALK TWO

X8FB6 [4], KanjiLiberal, Walk3

XFA66 [5], KanjiConfudal, Walk4

Characters of WalkU may have similar pronunciation しんにょう, Shinnyou and similar meanings: walk, move, advance; these characters are easy to confuse each other,


In century 21, the computer support of characters of Japanese is underdeveloped.
Up to year 2021, there is no united standard for the default font, that would allow each character to look the same at various computers, but different from other characters.
Apparently, the opposite cases take place: the character looks different with the default font of different operational systems, but similar to other characters at the same computer. This causes confuses.

In particular, character WALK ONE is easy to confuse with other WalkU.

Here are comparisons of view of characters ,,,, with the default fonts of various computers:

WalkUm.png at Macintosh

WalkUL.png at Linux

⻌,⻍,⻎,辶,辶 at your computer

View of these characters depends on the operational system, but at the default font, some of these characters look very similar; picture of the character does not allow to identify it.
For this reason, names SIMPLIFIED WALK, WALK ONE, WALK TWO, .. are assigned to these characters.


Character WALK ONE, by itself, is not so popular. But its image appear as component of images of more complicated and more popular characters. Here are the examples:

X901A [6]: Traffic, pass through, avenue, commute, counter for letters, notes, documents

X9023 [7]: Take along, lead, join, connect, party, gang, clique

X9032 [8]: continue, move on, Advance, proceed, progress, promote

X9053 [9]: Road-way, street, district, journey, course, moral, teachings

X9078 [10]: Elect, select, choose, prefer

The characters above are complicated; they are enlarged in order to allow the visual recognition.
(Over-vice, all of them would look similar to character X2592 .)
Bue even after the endargmenr, it is difficult to say, namely which character of WalkU is used as prototype for the lower-bottom parts of the kanjis mentioned.

Meanings of WALK ONE seem to be suggested from the meaning of kanjis, white images implude image .


Characters, that cannot be identified visually, cause confusions, error, mistakes. Information, saved for the name with one character and recovered for another (although very similar) character, may be lost.
The radical solution of the problem would be use only ascii characters, id est, naming of all kanjis by their hexadecimal numbers, that always are recognizable and distinguishable. However, the text, prepared in such a way, is not good for the Human reading.

The idea of Tarja is to keep those Japanese characters, that no not confuse with other characters.

Tarja is system of notations for characters of Japanese language, characterized in that, that, in order to avoid confusions, all the confusive characters and words are replaced to their Hiragana or Ascii analogies.

In particular, character WALK ONE (X2ECD ) can be translated from Japanese to Tarja in the following ways:

1. しんにょう

2. Shinnyou

3. WalkU

4. Walk1 or X2ECD (when it is necessary to distinguish it from other WalkU)

The inverse translation, back to Japanese, can be performed with dictionary Tarja-Japanese


By the descriptions from dictionaries and other sites, the relevant pictures had been searched. Some of them are shown here.

WalkOne356 1000.jpg WalkOne259185.jpg Photo-1623085094152-489328c6e9ca.jpeg Snapwire-vw-fit-walking.JPG Walk602.jpg UnderRain16899529.jpg Children-run-running-girls-preview.jpg FourPeopleWalking.jpeg DLYW-Become-a-member-2-735.jpg 2021.07.21.ChinaRain.jpg


  1. 1.0 1.1 https://util.unicode.org/UnicodeJsps/character.jsp?a=2ECD 2ECD CJK RADICAL WALK ONE Han Script id: allowed confuse: , , ..
  2. https://util.unicode.org/UnicodeJsps/character.jsp?a=2ECC 2ECC CJK RADICAL SIMPLIFIED WALK Han Script id: allowed confuse: , , ..
  3. https://util.unicode.org/UnicodeJsps/character.jsp?a=2ECE 2ECE CJK RADICAL WALK TWO Han Script id: allowed confuse: none ..
  4. https://util.unicode.org/UnicodeJsps/character.jsp?a=8FB6 8FB6 CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-8FB6 Han Script id: restricted confuse: , , ..
  5. https://util.unicode.org/UnicodeJsps/character.jsp?a=FA66 FA66 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA66 Han Script id: allowed confuse: , , ..
  6. https://www.nihongo-pro.com/kanji-pal/kanji/通 通 10 strokes READINGS KUN 訓 とおる とおり とおす とおし かよう ON 音 ツウ ツ STROKE ORDER Stop Pause Previous Stroke Next Stroke Slow Fast Animation data provided by KanjiVG Look up a kanji: Report an issue on this page JLPT Level: JLPT N4 (upper beginner level) Kanken Level: Kanken Level 9 (completion of 2nd grade) Grade: Taught during the 2nd grade in Japan Radical: ⻍(⻌) Radical name: しんにょう Meaning: Traffic, pass through, avenue, commute, counter for letters, notes, documents, etc.
  7. https://www.nihongo-pro.com/kanji-pal/kanji/連 JLPT Level: JLPT N3 (lower intermediate level) Kanken Level: Kanken Level 7 (completion of 4th grade) Grade: Taught during the 4th grade in Japan Radical: () Radical name: しんにょう Meaning: Take along, lead, join, connect, party, gang, clique Usage: Appears very frequently in Japanese newspapers; only about 30 kanji are used more often.
  8. https://www.nihongo-pro.com/kanji-pal/kanji/進 11 strokes READINGS KUN 訓 すすむ すすめる ON 音 シン STROKE ORDER Stop Pause Previous Stroke Next Stroke Slow Fast Animation data provided by KanjiVG Look up a kanji: Report an issue on this page JLPT Level: JLPT N3 (lower intermediate level) Kanken Level: Kanken Level 8 (completion of 3rd grade) Grade: Taught during the 3rd grade in Japan Radical: ⻍(⻌) Radical name: しんにょう Meaning: Advance, proceed, progress, promote Usage: Appears very frequently in Japanese newspapers; only about 150 kanji are used more often.
  9. 道 12 strokes READINGS KUN 訓 みち ON 音 ドウ トウ STROKE ORDER Stop Pause Previous Stroke Next Stroke Slow Fast Animation data provided by KanjiVG Look up a kanji: Report an issue on this page JLPT Level: JLPT N4 (upper beginner level) Kanken Level: Kanken Level 9 (completion of 2nd grade) Grade: Taught during the 2nd grade in Japan Radical: ⻍(⻌) Radical name: しんにょう Meaning: Road-way, street, district, journey, course, moral, teachings Usage: Appears very frequently in Japanese newspapers; only about 200 kanji are used more often.
  10. https://www.nihongo-pro.com/kanji-pal/kanji/選 15 strokes JLPT Level: JLPT N3 (lower intermediate level) Kanken Level: Kanken Level 7 (completion of 4th grade) Grade: Taught during the 4th grade in Japan Radical: () Radical name: しんにょう Meaning: Elect, select, choose, prefer Usage: Appears very frequently in Japanese newspapers; only about 60 kanji are used more often.