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X5BB6m.png  X5BB6L.png

[1] at Mac and at Linux

X5BB6 is Unicode character number 23478, KanjiLiberal.

uses 3 bytes: %e5%ae%b6 ; 229 174 182 in the decimal representation.

can be pronounced as Ie (いえ) and may refer to home, house.

Home at Yokosuka [2]


is confusion character: it has no unigue graphical representation.

No unique pic is assigned to character X5BB6 ; its view depends on the default font of the operational system. Here are the examples, the pics are zoomed in:
appears if observed at your computer.
 X5BB6m.png appears if observed at Macintosh

 X5BB6L.png appears if observed at Linux

In century 21, the computer support of characters of Japanese is underdeveloped.

Up to year 2021, there is no united standard for the default font, that would allow each character to look the same at various computers, but different from other characters.

Apparently, the opposite cases take place: the character looks different with the default font of different operational systems. So it happens with many Unicode characters, and, in particular, with X5BB6 .

In order to avoid confuses, it may have sense not to use the ambiguous characters, replace them with their ascii or Hiragana analogies. The special system of notations, Tarja is suggested for replacement characters, that have no unique pic (at the default font).


cannot be translated into Tarja "as is", , because its pic is not unique.

can be translated with word Home, borrowed from English. (In Tarja, all noons are capitalized, as in German.)
However, in Tarja, word "Home" allows various pronunciations; in particular, it can be pronounced as Ie, いえ.

Phonetic writing いえ or the transliteration Ie also is possible, but the translation back into Japanese may be ambiguous.

In order to reproduce semantics of Japanese, word Home can be used as if it would be a kanji; more characters can be added to it, making new words, mentioned in the sections below.



Jisho [3] suggests:

10 strokes

Radical: roof 宀

Parts: 宀 豕

house, home, family, professional, expert, performer

Kun: いえ、 や、 うち

On: カ、 ケ

Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 2 JLPT level N4

133 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers

On reading compounds
【カ】 -ist, -er
家屋 【カオク】 house, building
研究家 【ケンキュウカ】 researcher, student (of)
活動家 【カツドウカ】 activist
【ケ】 house (e.g. of Tokugawa), family
家来 【ケライ】 retainer, retinue, servant
本家 【ホンケ】 head house (family), birthplace, originator
公家 【クゲ】 court noble, nobility, Imperial Court
Kun reading compounds
【いえ】 house, residence, dwelling, family, household, lineage, family name
家主 【やぬし】 landlord, landlady, house owner, home owner, head of the household
本家 【ほんけ】 head house (family), birthplace, originator
小家 【こいえ】 small and simple home
【や】 (something) shop, somebody who sells (something) or works as (something), somebody with a (certain) personality trait, house, roof
家内 【かない】 (my) wife, inside the home, one's family
長屋 【ながや】 tenement house, row house
本家 【ほんけ】 head house (family), birthplace, originator
【うち】 house, one's house, one's home, one's family, one's household
家中 【うちじゅう】 whole family, entire family, all (members of) the family, all over the house, throughout the house, retainer of a daimyo, feudal domain, clan



Nihongomaster [4] suggests:

10 Strokes Radicals: 宀 JLPT Level 4

Definition of 家 house home family professional expert performer

Readings On'Yomi (音読み) カ ケ

Kun'yomi (訓読み) いえ や うち

Popular Words With This Kanji
, うち, ち house, home (one's own), (one's) family, (one's) household
, いえ house, residence, dwelling, family, household, lineage, family name
家族, かぞく family, members of a family
国家, こっか state, country, nation
政治家, せいじか politician, statesman
家庭, かてい home, family, household
作家, さっか author, writer, novelist, artist
, , (something) shop, somebody who sells (something) or works as (something), somebody with a (certain) personality trait, house, roof
専門家, せんもんか specialist
農家, のうか farmer, farm family

Charles Kelly


Charles Kelly [5] suggests:

house; home; family カ、ケ いえ、や

Strokes: 10, Indexing radical: 宀

いえ house
家族 かぞく family
宗家 そうけ the head family
家賃 やちん rent (for a house)
家族 かぞく family; members of a family (n) ****
国家 こっか state; country; nation (n) ****
政治家 せいじか politician; statesman (n) ***
家庭 かてい home; family; household (n) ***
作家 さっか author; writer; novelist; artist (n) ***
専門家 せんもんか specialist (n) **
農家 のうか farmer; farm family (n) **
評論家 ひょうろんか critic (n) **
一家 いっか a house; a home; a family; a household; one's family; one's folks; a style (n) **
画家 がか painter; artist (n) **



Nihongo-pro [6] suggests:


KUN 訓 いえ うち

ON 音

JLPT N4 (upper beginner level) Kanken Level 9 (completion of 2nd grade) Taught during the 2nd grade in Japan

Radical: Radical name: うかんむり

Meaning: House, home, family, professional, expert, performer

Usage: Appears very frequently in Japanese newspapers; only about 150 kanji are used more often.

JLPT Level Word Meaning N5 いえ house

N5 家族 かぞく Family

N5 家庭 かてい Household

N4 家内 かない housewife

N3 一家 いっか a house, a home, a family, a household

N3 大家 おおや rich family, distinguished family

N3 画家 がか painter, artist

N3 家具 かぐ furniture

N3 家事 かじ housework, domestic chores

N3 国家 こっか state, country, nation

N3 作家 さっか author, writer, novelist, artist

N3 農家 のうか farmer, farm family

N3 家賃 やちん rent

N2 家屋 かおく house, building

N2 貸家 かしや house for rent

N2 家主 やぬし landlord

N1 家出 いえで running away from home, leaving home

N1 家主 いえぬし landlord

N1 家計 かけい household economy, family finances

N1 家畜 かちく domestic animals, livestock, cattle

N1 家来 けらい retainer, retinue, servant

N1 実業家 じつぎょうか industrialist, businessman </ref>



Kotobank [7] suggests:

[1] 〘名〙

① 人々が寝起きして生活を営んでいるところ。家族などが住んでいるところ。家屋敷、土地などを含んだ空間全体。また、特に自分の住まいとするところ。わが家。




② ①に住んでいる人々。家族。家人。また、自分を含めた一家。家庭。


③ ①の中で、人が住むために作った建物のみを指す。家屋。屋。

※日葡辞書(1603‐04)「Iyeuo(イエヲ) tatçuru(タツル)〈訳〉家を建てる」

④ 妻。家刀自(いえとじ)。

⑤ 先祖から代々伝えてきた家族団体。また、それにまつわるもの。

(イ) 家名・家督・家系をいう場合。



(ロ) 流儀、芸風などをいう場合。→いえの風(かぜ)。


(ハ) 家柄、門地をいう場合。


⑥ 得意とするもの。得意芸。お家芸。


⑦ 「いえもと(家元)」の略。「常磐津の家(いえ)」

⑧ 「いえぼり(家彫)」の略。


⑨ 鎧の籠手(こて)の、布帛で仕立てた部分。籠手の袋。

⑩ (「亟」とも) 篳篥(ひちりき)を入れる箱。


⑪ (「奩」とも) 鏡を入れておく箱。鏡箱。


⑫ 小さい道具類を入れておく箱のこと。茶道では、茶入れその他茶器類の容器。

⑬ 旧民法で、戸主の支配権で統率された戸主と家族との共同生活団体。

[2] 長編小説。島崎藤村作。明治四三~四四年(一九一〇‐一一)発表。封建的大家族制度のゆがみと内部の淫蕩な血のために没落していく二大旧家の二〇年の歴史を描く。





  1. 5BB6 CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-5BB6 Han Script id: restricted confuse: none ..
  2.よこすかのいえ/ 施工事例 よこすかのいえ (2021)
  3.家 10 strokes Radical: roof 宀 Parts: 宀 豕 house, home, family, professional, expert, performer Kun: いえ、 や、 うち On: カ、 ケ Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 2 JLPT level N4 133 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers Words starting with 家 Words ending with 家 Words containing 家 External links Stroke order On reading compounds 家 【カ】 -ist, -er 家屋 【カオク】 house, building 研究家 【ケンキュウカ】 researcher, student (of) 活動家 【カツドウカ】 activist 家 【ケ】 house (e.g. of Tokugawa), family 家来 【ケライ】 retainer, retinue, servant 本家 【ホンケ】 head house (family), birthplace, originator 公家 【クゲ】 court noble, nobility, Imperial Court Kun reading compounds 家 【いえ】 house, residence, dwelling, family, household, lineage, family name 家主 【やぬし】 landlord, landlady, house owner, home owner, head of the household 本家 【ほんけ】 head house (family), birthplace, originator 小家 【こいえ】 small and simple home 屋 【や】 (something) shop, somebody who sells (something) or works as (something), somebody with a (certain) personality trait, house, roof 家内 【かない】 (my) wife, inside the home, one's family 長屋 【ながや】 tenement house, row house 本家 【ほんけ】 head house (family), birthplace, originator 家 【うち】 house, one's house, one's home, one's family, one's household 家中 【うちじゅう】 whole family, entire family, all (members of) the family, all over the house, throughout the house, retainer of a daimyo, feudal domain, clan
  4.家 家 10 Strokes Radicals: 宀 JLPT Level 4 Definition of 家 house home family professional expert performer Readings On'Yomi (音読み) Kun'yomi (訓読み) カ ケ いえ や うち Popular Words With This Kanji 家, うち, ち house, home (one's own), (one's) family, (one's) household 家, いえ house, residence, dwelling, family, household, lineage, family name 家族, かぞく family, members of a family 国家, こっか state, country, nation 政治家, せいじか politician, statesman 家庭, かてい home, family, household 作家, さっか author, writer, novelist, artist 屋, 家, や (something) shop, somebody who sells (something) or works as (something), somebody with a (certain) personality trait, house, roof 専門家, せんもんか specialist 農家, のうか farmer, farm family
  5. 家 house house; home; family カ、ケ いえ、や Strokes: 10, Indexing radical: 宀 External Links: Breen | Ryner | Rudick | Ishida | Komori | Meiko | Hotta | Blum | Danni Selected Good Words to Memorize 家 いえ house 家族 かぞく family 宗家 そうけ the head family 家賃 やちん rent (for a house) Quiz and Flashcards A Quiz on 71 "Priority" Words from EDICT Using 家 Selected Words with Definitions from WWWJDIC 家族 かぞく family; members of a family (n) **** 国家 こっか state; country; nation (n) **** 政治家 せいじか politician; statesman (n) *** 家庭 かてい home; family; household (n) *** 作家 さっか author; writer; novelist; artist (n) *** 専門家 せんもんか specialist (n) ** 農家 のうか farmer; farm family (n) ** 評論家 ひょうろんか critic (n) ** 一家 いっか a house; a home; a family; a household; one's family; one's folks; a style (n) ** 画家 がか painter; artist (n) **
  6.家 Kanji: 家 KUN 訓 いえ や うち ON 音 カ ケ JLPT Level: JLPT N4 (upper beginner level) Kanken Level: Kanken Level 9 (completion of 2nd grade) Grade: Taught during the 2nd grade in Japan Radical: 宀 Radical name: うかんむり Meaning: House, home, family, professional, expert, performer Usage: Appears very frequently in Japanese newspapers; only about 150 kanji are used more often. JLPT Level Word Meaning N5 家いえ house N5 家族かぞく Family N5 家庭かてい Household N4 家内かない housewife N3 一家いっか a house, a home, a family, a household N3 大家おおや rich family, distinguished family N3 画家がか painter, artist N3 家具かぐ furniture N3 家事かじ housework, domestic chores N3 国家こっか state, country, nation N3 作家さっか author, writer, novelist, artist N3 農家のうか farmer, farm family N3 家賃やちん rent N2 家屋かおく house, building N2 貸家かしや house for rent N2 家主やぬし landlord N1 家出いえで running away from home, leaving home N1 家主いえぬし landlord N1 家計かけい household economy, family finances N1 家畜かちく domestic animals, livestock, cattle N1 家来けらい retainer, retinue, servant N1 実業家じつぎょうか industrialist, businessman
  7.家-29803 家(読み)いえ 精選版 日本国語大辞典「家」の解説 いえ いへ【家】 [1] 〘名〙 ① 人々が寝起きして生活を営んでいるところ。家族などが住んでいるところ。家屋敷、土地などを含んだ空間全体。また、特に自分の住まいとするところ。わが家。 ※古事記(712)下・歌謡「妻が伊弊(イヘ)のあたり」 ※土左(935頃)承平五年二月一五日「ふねよりひとのいへにうつる」 ※徒然草(1331頃)五五「家の作りやうは夏をむねとすべし」 ② ①に住んでいる人々。家族。家人。また、自分を含めた一家。家庭。 ※万葉(8C後)七・一一九一「妹が門(かど)出で入りの河の瀬を早み吾が馬つまづく家思ふらしも」 ③ ①の中で、人が住むために作った建物のみを指す。家屋。屋。 ※日葡辞書(1603‐04)「Iyeuo(イエヲ) tatçuru(タツル)〈訳〉家を建てる」 ④ 妻。家刀自(いえとじ)。 ⑤ 先祖から代々伝えてきた家族団体。また、それにまつわるもの。 (イ) 家名・家督・家系をいう場合。 ※続日本紀‐天平宝字三年(759)六月一六日・宣命「慈び賜ひ上げ賜ひ来る家なり」 ※宇津保(970‐999頃)国譲上「わがいゑつぐべきはこれか」 (ロ) 流儀、芸風などをいう場合。→いえの風(かぜ)。 ※歌舞伎・幼稚子敵討(1753)二「是は憚(はばかり)ながら印可は家の秘書。読立まする儀は」 (ハ) 家柄、門地をいう場合。 ※宇津保(970‐999頃)俊蔭「家貧しくして、思ふ程にしたてず」 ⑥ 得意とするもの。得意芸。お家芸。 ※浮世草子・傾城色三味線(1701)湊「もとより虚(うそ)は我等が家」 ⑦ 「いえもと(家元)」の略。「常磐津の家(いえ)」 ⑧ 「いえぼり(家彫)」の略。 ※浮世草子・昼夜用心記(1707)五「目貫は家(イヱ)の連獅子金の無垢」 ⑨ 鎧の籠手(こて)の、布帛で仕立てた部分。籠手の袋。 ⑩ (「亟」とも) 篳篥(ひちりき)を入れる箱。 ※長門本平家(13C前)一六「漢竹の篳篥の色なつかしきを、紫檀のいへに入て」 ⑪ (「奩」とも) 鏡を入れておく箱。鏡箱。 ※俳諧・曠野(1689)員外「家なくて服裟につつむ十寸鏡〈越人〉」 ⑫ 小さい道具類を入れておく箱のこと。茶道では、茶入れその他茶器類の容器。 ⑬ 旧民法で、戸主の支配権で統率された戸主と家族との共同生活団体。 [2] 長編小説。島崎藤村作。明治四三~四四年(一九一〇‐一一)発表。封建的大家族制度のゆがみと内部の淫蕩な血のために没落していく二大旧家の二〇年の歴史を描く。 [語誌](1)現代では「家屋」を意味するイエは多く東北地方と近畿以西で用いられ、その中間の関東・中部ではウチの使用が多い。この分布は「家屋」としてのイエはウチよりも古い表現であることを示す。 (2)上代の文献では「家屋」はヤと表現されることが多く、イエ(いへ)はむしろ「家庭」の意味合いが強かった。 け【家】 ..