AdPow is specific Abelpower function, id est, the specific Abel function for the Power function.
AdPow can be expressed as elementary function,
Where $a$ is parameter. Usually, it is assumed that $a\!>\!0$.
AdPow is inverse function of SdPow, that, in its turn, is superfunction of the power function.
AdPow and AuPow
Another abelfunction for the power function is called AuPow;
AdPow is related with AuPow function with simple relation:
For $a\!=\!2$, both functions AdPow and AuPow are shown in Fig.1
For the same $a\!=\!2$, complex map of function AdPow is shown in Fig.2.
Inverse function
For AdPow, the inverse function is SdPow, that is superpower function, id est, superfunction of the power function:
SdPow satisfies the Transfer equation
SdPow is elementary function,
$\mathrm{SdPow}_a(z)= \exp(-a^z)$
AdPow appears as example of the Abel function that can be expressed as elementary function. This allows to trace evaluation of superfunction through the regular iteration; the fixed point unity can be used for the calculation.
Abel function AdPow Abel function Elementary function Power function SdPow Superfunctions SdPow Superfunctions