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Meganesia.Deportation (Меганезия, Депортация) is first part of utopia by Aleksandr Rozov (Розов Александр Александрович).

The text is translated from the Russian original [1] in order to simplify the automatic search.


CNN, Lanton, Tintung Island, Nelson County, Meganesia. Video. Direct translation.

In the frame - widely smiling solid man, against the backdrop of the square, surrounded by a thick figured trimmed flowering shrubs. In the middle of the square - the silver statue of a young girl, dressed in a lava-lava, at the rocky pedestal.

- So Meganesia is in the center of loud international scandal, and I am at the main square of its capital, Lanton located on Tintung island. Formerly, the residence of the governor was there, but at the time of the so-called Aluminum Revolution, it had been blew with ammonal. There was only this one piece of the cap, which is now a monument to Queen Laonirua, or, as they call it the locals queen Lao. The monument, by the way all cast from the same aluminum.

Queen Laonirua is a pseudonym, and the true name is Lisa Korn. Born at Boston, the daughter of an African American and a Chinese woman, Ms. Korn at the beginning of his career plays in musicles of Nicholas Skinner. When Skinner had been convicted in tax evasion, they both left the US and moved to Lanton, at the time - the administrative center of British Oceania. Here, they got involved in the adventure Batak nationalists who wanted to restore the monarchy that existed before the British dominion. They were given for Miss Corn heiress of the ancient royal family, using her resemblance to the Na'vi. This clumsy scam would have remained only in jokes, but during a clash with the colonial authorities Batak Ms. Korn had been accidentally shot a cop. At this point, she sang a song «Go down, Moses» by Louis Armstrong.

Dead Ms. Korn was much more convincing in the role of Queen Laonirua than alive, and the words: «Let my people go» - the chorus of the song and the line from the Bible book of Exodus - became a symbol of all the local ultra. The next day, against the crowd, chanting the words, "Let my people go", addressed once Moses to Pharaoh, had used water cannons and tear gas. In response, ultra invited mercenaries - Hutu and military instructors from Vietnam, who staged in Lanton and on the island Tintung mine warfare.

Within a day, the administrative buildings and barracks of the colonial troops were destroyed. Mercenary raids forced the British troops to leave, first, from the island; then from the entire archipelago Nelson, and then to leave from the nearby archipelago. The rebels have set up an independent confederation Meganesia of four archipelagos, and adopted the "Magna Carta", which is strange mixture of communism, fascism and paganism.

The self-proclaimed National Convention had appointed a technical government and established the randomly-elected Supreme Court with draconian power. From the selected mercenaries, the police corpus had been formed to carry out the decisions of this court. The archipelago had been covered by a wave of repressions and nationalisations. Party of the Batak nationalists tried to recall their role in the seizure of power - but their attempts were cruelly drowned in blood. The revolution, as always, devoured its children. The Supreme Court banned all political parties and all state institutions, declaring a state to be an anti-national idea and a stronghold of the old regime.

These reforms have attracted a significant number of archipelagos leftist groups in South America. They had been used to form the military forces. Their inability to fight had been compensated by the extreme brutality of their terrorist acts. After the bloody incident with the US-Japanese concession at island Pandzhong, the Supreme Court declared terrorism as official military doctrine. This caused a half-yearly international isolation of Meganesia, which was interrupted only because of the need to maintain navigation in the region.

By the time, several archipelagos joined the confederation, which is why many Pacific routes happen to be as in the internal waters Meganesia, and, in any case, in the 200 mile zone of the country. Soon, this economic region mastered private investors, attracted by low taxes. In Meganesia, unlike the communist countries, the freedom of private businesses is mainly preserved, and in some places this freedom is even greater than in the West. Natural resources and a number of industries are nationalized, and the practice of so-called social observers sometimes just looks scary, but it does not stop risky business, attracted by tax carrot.

Despite the absurdity of the resulting regime, it happened to be viable, shaming the political analysts who had predicted its rapid collapse. There is nothing new under the sun, something similar happened in the past century in Cuba. Like Cuba, Meganesia is jokingly called the "islands of freedom". These countries are similar in terms of population size and land area. But Meganesia scattered across thousands of small islands and atolls of the Pacific Ocean, so the area of ​​its water is larger than the area of ​​the whole of Africa. Such is the paradox.

The regime here is very different from the Cuban, although it is not less, but rather more repressive. A witty commentator called this regime a dictatorship without a dictator, and anarchy without anarchists. Another paradox: the index of well-being Meganesia held on 34 place, just behind the developed countries. Tourists may seem that there is complete freedom, not limited even elementary decency. But once you break any smallest rule of the local Magna Carta, the repressive apparatus overwhelm you with all its might. This happened recently with several humanitarian organisations. Police without warning opened fire on peaceful protesters, dozens of people were injured and two of them were killed. Nineteen of respected public and religious leaders were thrown in jail and brought to justice. Their organisations were banned, the property - confiscated, and they were sentenced to death, commuted later to the immediate deportation.

What was the crime of these people? It turns out, that they only demanded to respect their religion and morality to the extent, that is guaranteed by international human rights instruments.

My colleague, Michael O'Donnell will tell you more, how to understand freedom in Meganesia. He is now in Strasbourg, which recently completed a scandalous statement by the representative of the Supreme Court of Meganesia.

I am Ken Wilson; on this I finish my special reportage for the CNN from Lanton.

Grendal Vlkov, the chief judge by lot

... In order not to make a fuss about his person, Graendal on the plane did not take off the wide tinted glasses, and joined the waiting line at the airport at the tail, after all the passengers; he come to the border controls last. Nobody paid attention to the taut uncle, slightly above the average growth of about forty, dressed in loose pants and a light grey shirt. He had to take off the sunglasses at the face-control. The young lieutenant immediately lost official stolidity.
- You are the same Graendal Vlkov? Judge?
- Yes. Don't I look like myself?
- I have just learned. I saw yesterday on TV.. You ripped them well!
- True?
- In my opinion, yes ... your card, Vlkov san. Welcome back home. Good luck!
- Thank you, officer san.

6. Jelly Argenti, Chief Judge by rating

The house on the atoll Sonfao was in 700 kilometers, but homely atmosphere surrounded Grendal as soon as he entered the tram that goes from the airport to the piers of the Lanton bay. A motley crowd of all races and skin colors, dressed in all possible styles of clothing - from mild tropical jeans suits to traditional sarongs and lava-lava, gesturing animatedly, chatting with each other and on the mobile phone, at all eight major Meganesian languages. Sunset in Lanton is brisk, evening rush hour.

It was prior to the announcement of the contest of social administrations, less than a month left; so, all the luminous posters - along the route were filled, advertising:

- Are you rich enough to not to considered the utility costs? And we are not! Vote for the quota for the poors in the supervisory board of public utilities. It is profitable to you!

- Most professions require two higher educations. Do you want an efficient economy? Vote for social payment of the second higher education!

- Do you want to live in a country, where everything is like you? Not? Then vote for the Islanders Support Aboriginal communities today - because tomorrow you will not restore them at any price.

- I have a dream to see the world, but I do not have enough money. You do not want to over 10 years have surrounded the gray men, do you? Vote for the financing of children's social tourism.

- Are you tired of the high cost? Not satisfied with the quality of goods? Why Hi-Tech development is handled by ignoramuses? Vote for the qualification requirement for social observers!

- Do we want to see a new generation of healthy? Then, why families with sick children receive more social finance? Vote for the program of eugenics!

- I work in the same way as you do, and I pay the same social security contributions. Are not you ashamed to share my money without me? Vote for equal suffrage for working teens!

- 90 percent of crimes can be prevented by civilians. Vote for the inclusion of a minimum of police training program in schools - and security will become cheaper.

- You feel sorry for the money, spent for the accelerator tube or for the space research? Do not you feel sorry for the grandchildren, who will not have enough power and space? Science - the future, vote for it today!

- We all love wildlife - but not that much to go back to the cave life! Vote for the reasonable limitation of the environmental requirements and costs.

- Half of the medical officers, - the charlatans! Half of the medications is more harmful than piercings and implants! Down with medical control over salons body-art!

Next to this poster, two dozen of noisy off-dressed young men dangled. Their bodies were painted and decorated with shiny appliques. There was a police car nary. Two policeman looking as Indian and Irish, something figured out at the blue-haired young mulatto with a silver ring in his nose, wearing a loincloth of luminous fabric. Graendal snorted. He could understand the meaning of body painting, but piercings and stuff like that completely disapproved him. However, everyone has the right to decorate their bodies as it sees fit - no beed to discuss the personal preferences ...

At the piers, that run from the place of ​​Che Guevara, hundreds Hydroplane were waves, or different designs, sizes and colors, painted emblems of transport firms, with Chinese characters, with symbols tribal totem Aboriginal-utafoa and just whatever came to hand - according to the artistic taste and fantasy owners. A few dozen of such machines scurried into the air and rolled in the water - or taking off, or landing. The water area of ​​the bay was covered with dozens of spotlights and bright advertisements route taxi. Agents trade union of individual aviariksh, mostly teenagers, saunter over the area with banners depicting the directions of flights and prices.

Aliens are here, as a rule, can not find their way and buy tickets at the office of the central agency's internal transport, the glass pyramid is stuck in the middle of the square. But Graendal as local people, for five minutes to find cheap Rickshaw to Sonfao. The cheapness was due, firstly, the presence of two fellow travelers, flying to Atoll Terarua (that meant for Grendal a hook of fifty kilometers), and secondly, the lack of light aircraft public certificate. The latter circumstance rickshaw-Malay, as expected, said the passengers - Grendal and a young couple, Chinese woman in a bikini and almost invisible Russian in bright orange Bahama shorts.
- "Nu ni huyase" (that means "Oops"), - the girl said in the Northern slang, and climbed into the back seat.
- "Po huy" (no difference) - answered her beau in the same slang and followed her.

Grendal shrugged and sat next to the pilot. Any Meganesian knows, rickshaws spit on certification. The machine conforms to the standards is much more expensive than a simple fiberglass «fly-wing» with a compact but powerful ethanol turbine.

Rickshaw sured, that passengers are buckled, closed fairing and muttered something into the microphone. Then he turned on the take-off lights and immediately after - the turbine. Light aircraft ran a hundred meters in the cool water and soared into the air.

Some time Grendal was looking down at the ocean, dotted with scatterings of bright colored lights - the terms were shipping lanes and fishing areas. Then Grendal lost the margin between the ocean and the stars and insensitive dozed off for two hours - until landing in a lagoon Terarua. The rickshaw drew to one of the piers, the couple went; and the grandfather, say, eighty years, by type - purebred utafoa - climbed into the back seat.
- To Ragan, - he grumbled.
- Through Sonfao - Rickshaw said - twenty pounds.
- Fifteen, - the grandfather said.
- Seventeen - threw rickshaw.
Grandpa nodded, counted out the bills, handed them a rickshaw and began stolidly to fill the long tobacco pipe length covered with intricate carvings.

The aircraft turned to neck of the lagoon and again soared into the air. Few minutes later the cabin filled with heavy smoke. The Rickshaw went in asthmatic cough; he released the driving stick, loosened his seat belts, rose, and pulled the cowl of cabin with his shoulder. The cover bended a little bit, and the fresh wind entered the cabin, taking the smoke out. Rickshaw put an empty can into the gap, fixing the cowl in a secure, from his point of view, way. Then rickshaw returned to the pilot's seat and tighten his belt in a way, prescribed in the aircraft's user manual. The same manual allowed neither smoking on board, nor loosening of the pilot's seat belt in flint, nor fixing the cover with the empty can, leaving the wide gap. However, in Meganesia, one usually does not mention so small deviations from the manual instruction; especially if they are related to the old people. Rickshaw coughed out the remnants of smoke from his lungs and returned to the phlegmatic piloting.

Greendal pulled out a mobile phone and touched the icon with image of lodge.
- Hi, honey!
- Aloha! Where are you?
- Hundred miles south from you. Half an hour drive.
- OK. Jiri meets you on the boat. Are you hungry?
- Damn!
- It's good. I like to feed you.
- And I do love you.
- I love you too. I wait for you. Kiss!
– See you soon!

- Your wife? - the old man asked from the back seat.
- Yes.
- Beautiful?
- Oh, yes! - said Graendal. He was pretty sure Laisha is the most beautiful woman, at least within our galaxy.
- Many children?
Graendal silently showed two fingers.
- Wah! - Outraged grandfather - Not good. A strong man, a beautiful woman, should make many children. Who will live under the moon, if you are lazy?
- We are working on it, - said diplomatically Grendal.
Old utafoa mumbled something and turned to the window. Apparently, the answer is not dispelled his concerns about the next generation.

After a time, the distance appeared a shimmering spot of light: a small Sonfao City nightlife. Soon they became visible lights of houses along the coast and yellow dots on the mast lanterns fishing Proa hunted around the atoll. And then the mobile squeaked.
- Hi, Dad! Two rumba to the south is your spotlight?
- Hi, Jiri. I think so, like, next to no one is flying.
- Aha! I'm in the lagoon, I Raise the Red Fejer.
Fifteen seconds - and almost in the middle of the lagoon, the brightest scarlet asterisk appeared. Graendal rickshaw touched the rickshaw's shoulder and pointed that asterisk with his finger.
- Meet? - the rickshaw asked, slightly shifting the headphones.
- Yes. A son.
- ABOUT! How old is he?
- Thirteen.
- You authorize the boy one night to drive the boat in the ocean?
- That is good! - the old man butted, - ten years old I went in the night between the atolls.
- It's good for utafoa, - said the pilot - you sailor skill in genetics.
The old man chuckled mischievously.
- You said the scientific word and you think, all told?
- Laguna, nevertheless, not the open ocean - said Graendal.
The aircraft struck floats on water, described a long arc and swung in a weak wave a hundred meters from a small bot. The pilot pulled up the cowl.
- Good luck!
- Good luck in the sky! - Grendal said, got out of the cab to the right float, and then jumped into the boat, already managed to come close to him.

Jiri gravely sat at the helm. A thin, dark-skinned, he would be like a native, if not the red hair, green eyes and freckles, seen even through the dark tan.
- How are you, Dad? - He asked, turning the boat to a distant pier.
- As usual, Grendal replied.
- They zadolbali you, Dad?
- Who?
- Well, the - the boy shook his left hand in the air - Western Offee. Our lecturer on ekostorii says they are - and have always been cabrones. As Eures and the Yankees survive with them?
- So he says?
- Well, not really so, but it is the case. Isn't this true?
- How to say, - Graendal scratched his head, - of course, the politicians are a little bit rubbish. But people somehow got accustomed. They live, and those are perceived as a habitual nuisance. And how are you here?
- Fine. Yesterday, Sabi and I changed the windmill turbine. While ma was at work.
- Did dragged Sabi at the mast? You do realize that she is still small?
- What? She wanted to, but I'm to blame, right?
- Safety belts ever wore?
- You ask ... But ma anyway scolded..

They were approaching the home. The house itself, as is usual in Meganesian suburbs, consisted mainly of terraces, balconies and canopies. Only in the depth, the concrete box kept all the construction, wooden staircase entwined with plastic and covered with a roof in the shape of a butterfly spread its wings. That butterfly had a proboscis, or more precisely - the hose dipped into the pool: the roof served as a condensing water collector and a solar battery. On the sides there were: the mast wind turbine - generator, a bar with a satellite dish - the antenna and the bracket to the tanks of the local water supply system. This autonomy of housing here was common. Often, even the fuel alcohol is rectified at the backyard from the fermented algae.

Vlkovs preferred to buy not only fuel, but also the fish market in the city, why reputed to Sonafo people as not so economic. Okay - alcohol, but what a whim - to buy fish, while there is plenty of it at the ocean?

But orchard of Vlkov's was the subject of a certain envy of neighbours. Why, they ask, they grow not only the usual local things like pumpkins and bananas, but even the grapes (that gives the excellent grappa samogon)? No one believed that this is only a consequence of agroengineering Laisha profession, and tied her talent with the Italic origin. Everything, they say, it's in the genes ...

From the front terrace to the ocean. there was a wide staircase, passing through another canopy at the pier. Under the canopy was the usual set of cheap aviette and a small jeep. At the pier, the small proa was moored; not serious proa with trawl winch for fishing, popular here, but small, sporty. Pampering, in a word.

At the end of the pier, between the two marker beacons, hands on hips, Laisha stander. She was wearing shorts and a T-shirt that were once white, but now - with purple spots of the fruit. She did not fit the standard of the Calabrian farmer by unsufficient volume of the breast and thighs, and her higher education was out of place here. But, if Laisha you really decided to enter this role, the little things they could not stop her.
- The horror! - She said, looking round her husband's quizzical look bright green eyes. - Cheeks sunken, his face green. What the hell did you have in this barbaric Europe? Houses at the table!
- Uh - Grendal hugged her, burying his face in the coarse hair of dark bronze color. - Behind the table is great. Can I get a glass of grappa ...
- You can, you take a shower and throw your rags to the washing machine. It seems that you have collected all the dust from that dirty continent.
- Nothing like that - he said - there is plenty left there.
- Then I'm happy. The Europeans will not have to change their habits. And now march into the shower.

2. The Magna Charta and the world press

After the shower, Grendal wrapped in a lava-lava, and, finally, felt to be really at home. The whole family gathered on the central terrace, to perform the custom of living functions. However, Jiri was already sitting at the computer and doing something on the Internet, and Sabi slept, wrapped in a blanket, in a wide armchair in front of the switches-off TV in the far corner of the terrace near the garden.
- Again You look the cartoon about the stupid polar bears? - Grendal asked, scratching Sabi behind her ear.
- They are not polar bears, but pandas - she muttered, keeping her eyes closed.
- Are you sure it makes any difference?
- Yes. They are not stupid, nut funny - she opened her eyes. - Oh, Dad, when have you arrived?
- About ten minutes ago. Honey, do not you think, that you child would be more convenient to sleep at your room? We're going to make a noise and all that ...
- Make noise, - generously allowed it, turning to the other side - does not bother me. And I'm bored in my room.
- What are you, in fact, - intervened Laisha - let the girl sleep, where it is more convenient, what a difference. And all sit down at the table. I made the Eintopf, it is necessary to eat while it is hot.
- Ain - What?
- Ein Topf. Soup a Bavarian.
- Ah, - Grendal said, coming to the table - it should be pretty barbarian, because it smells delicious.
- Hnce, eat it! - Laishui said, - By the way, how was the conference? On TV, it looked like a shapito circus. I did not understand, and turned it off.
- I did not understand too, - Grendal said, swallowing the first spoonful of soup, - It would be better to send Jelle or Macrina. Or, at least, Ashura. At least, they are judges the rating, while I am by lot. They would explain better …
- A Macrinus called yesterday, he said, well, that they sent you.
- What else have he told?
- They say they, the tomorrow work they distributor among thereselves, so that you have a day off. A gift from colleagues.
- Very nice of them, - Grendal mumbled with his mouth full.
- Do not grumble, Gren.
- I did not think to grumble, - he said, - by the way, where grappa?
- To the left of you in a plastic bottle.
- Ah, I see - he filled his glass and licked his lips.
- Pa, which is a "fascist"? - Jiri asked.
- A lazy to look in the encyclopedia?
- Yeah, it says that the fascists are criminals, they created the state and prohibited to evaluate the administration, and killed everyone who would like organise the society in a different way. And they made war, although they did not attack anyone.
- Well, in general, properly written.
- Pa, why then in «Europe monitor daily» wrote that you are fascist?

Laishui turned to Grendal and, spreading his hands, said:
- What a horrible case with your lot. Now, We'll have to explain to the child about the fascists.

Graendal shrugged, drank a little vodka and asked:
- Jiri, you know, which is why I flew to Strasbourg?
- Because you're kicked out of the country some fags, and other fats cried because of it. Laishui clasped her hands:
- Hey, from whom did you hear that word? - Leisha asked.
- From you, Ma, - calmly replied the boy, - you told so explained this to uncle Wang Ming. Well, who are fags?
- Those, who make policy on the sexual orientation, - intervened Graendal, - but let's first deal with the fascists. Firstly, the decision to deport, it was not decision of one, but that of the board the judges, chosen for this year. You know how ...
- I know - Jiri interrupted - this is a first class pass.
- Well done. Now print out the paper, where it is written that I am a fascist.

Jiri repeatedly clicked the mouse. Several sheets scrawled from the printer. The first article had a bright header:

"Shocking statements by Meganesia Inquisitor."

Below was a picture Graendal and commentary on it:

"For the first time in the history of the European Union provided fascist tribune", - said Nurali Abu Salih, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights.

Next was a text, where fragments of direct speech of Grendal were bold italics. A selection was impressive - journalists worked well with scissors:

"Magna above all moral authority and all religions with all their history"

"We have the right to expose the moral terror of any group of people with special customs"

"If some people do not like our order - albeit removed from the country"

"No compromises. The court shall issue an order, and the police must fulfill it"

"Your democracy - decorative handkerchief hiding a slave collar on your neck"

"You put on your knees every knowing that your tolerance - it's just cowardice"

"The government has no right to allow himself such luxuries as a conscience and compassion"

"We keep an efficient military corps that he used weapons without hesitation"

- Wow, - Laisha said, looking over Grendal shoulder, - still good, you just have called a fascist, not a cannibal, for example. These look lice statements by a cannibal. Gren, did you really told this??
- No, Laishui ... I mean, I really said it, but not just. All these were in the context. And here, we see the short quotes. Type of Chinese noodles. What a devils ...
- On TV it was cool, - Jiri supported him, - Pitty, you did not look it, Ma. By the way, I wrote it. Well, the history, and in general, it may happen to be useful.
- But it was impossible to watch, there is everything, and listen to nonsense, which are inflated these idiots ...
- They're fun, - said the boy, - speak in English, and about what, not unclear.
- It's called "political rhetoric", - explained Graendal - a special reception to confuse the listeners head and distract them for all sorts of nonsense.
- You do the same thing, when you're too lazy to do your homework, - added Laisha.

The phone sounded.
, - Begins.. - sighed Grendal, - hello, I listen... Oh, hi, Mom ... Okay ... No, not really ... Well, all of them ... No, honestly, I do not want and will not ... Well, give it up ... Yes, Dad ... Wait a minute, I'll tell you ...

He explained quarter of an hour. Then he hung up the phone and silently poured another glass of grappa.

- What is it? - Asked Laisha.
- The ancestors also read about the "fascist", - Grendal answered, - my father urges me to write an e-mail for the coordinator of Foreign Affairs to the European Commissioner, to sent a note of protest; Abu Salih should close the entry permit to Convederation for those journalists.
- And they are contractually obligated to do this?
- Yeah, - he said, slurping cooled Eintopf, - Dad even found a section number, such and such, charge in case of hostile acts of foreign officials in relation to public officers of the Confederacy. But why? Well, shut their visas, what next? It's like to sue your neighbour's for his cat which shat on your porch. Whin a coin, but everyone knows that you are in shit.

The phone sounded again.

- Eat up, Gren, I will speak - Laishui said, - hello, who is ... What ... Oh, I see ... I -? Laisha, people say that I - his wife, maybe it's true ... What ... Voobshche? He eats soup ... And it sure today? ... I see. And on the phone in any way? ... Ah, agree on the text? Okay, Now I ask.
- Who falls on our heads? - Asked Graendal.
- Press. The guy from «Pacific social news» begs a visit. He says that it is written in your contract ...
- I know. It says "immediately". Couldn't he drive up to pick me up at the airport.. Looks as if he wants to stay with us tonight. Maldito Cabron!
- So, let him come?
- Well, yes; what else can we do?
- Come, - said Laisha into the tube. - will meet you in the lagoon, just call 20 minutes ... Oh do .. Hmm, well, if the latest model ... Well, if you get lost - call.
- What did he say? - Asked Graendal.
- What does he have some kind of fancy satellite guidance device, in general, see. His name is Malik Sekar. He promised to be an hour and minutes.
- Is he a journalist? - Jiri asked.
- Yes, son.
- I hope he will not be as voracious as the one, that was the last time. He ate all the apricot jam. His ass was supposed to stuck ...

3. Malik Sekar, a reporter «Pacific social news»

... The military-style jet hydroplane sat down at such a speed, that the audience had serious concerns: first - for the life of the reporter, and then - for the the pier, which was supposed to be demolished by the heavy machine. However, nothing serious happened, floats only slightly scraped on the deck. Immediately, the young sporty guy jumped to the pier. He looked as an Indonesian of thirty years, if not less. Malik Sekar immediately improved the opinion of Jiri about reporters, bringing tremendous fruit cake.

- Sorry, that time of night, - Sekar said, shaking hands with Graendal - I thought, you have nothing for tea, and ...
- I see, you think well about me, - interrupted Laisha.
- Sorry…
- Nonsense, I'm kidding - she interrupted again, - take your stuff and take your seat at the table. Do you drink Vodka, Sekar sen?

Sekar looked at half-empty glass at the corner of the table and nodded.
- A little bit. If steki Laisha joins ...
- Join, - she interrupted, taking another two glasses. - how much is that brutal thing on which you arrived?
- I do not know, it's official, - he said, pooping on the table cake, a laptop and a small video camera, - Editorial bought it at sea patrol when they updated the machinery. To patrol, it is outdated, but for press OK.

Jiri, meanwhile, prudently moved closer to take a piece of the cake.

- Look, do not overeat, - warned Graendal and turned to the reporter, made a serious face - I'm ready, Sep Sekar. Let's go? .. And what do you type?
- Introduction, first impression, - Sekar said, with incredible speed slapping his fingers on the keyboard, - so usually do if the conversation takes place at home ... And what is your profession, Sen Vlkov?
- I graduated from college with an automated home appliances, and the second specialty - technical rapid diagnosis. At work, I solve problems of consumers with all kinds of generators, computers, refrigerators, microwaves and other things like that.
- Your profession helps to judge the activities?
- How to say. On the one hand - yes, experience with angry people and all that. On the other hand, because of this board, I had been choseen to go to this fucking ... I mean ...
- Strasbourg - Sekar said - go on, it's very interesting.
- Nothing interesting. All the three experts on social regulation were rejected. Ashura and Macrina because they see, abstruse, and Jelly - for a certain sharpness of judgments. Tin Fan is rejected because he is programmer and has no experience working with people, and the Dolphin - because of his specific experience. It is the ship's mechanic, he has such a slang ...
- You, too, are not slow searching a word - the reporter said.
- Well, but I have kept within the regulatory language, if you know what I mean.
- You mean, you did not use slang.. How do you evaluate the action of the social administration in this incident? I mean, the story of the movie that started all this?

Graendal sighed and filled the glasses. Ne made a small sip. He scratched his head.
- In short, Sen Sekar, I believe, that the police allowed the riots rather than to stop then preventively.
- But the police activity is related rule Magna Carta of privacy, - said Sekar.
- So what? - Graendal said, - in these conditions, once their company had participated in the competition for the administration area, therefore, had to forecast such complexity. For this the society pays, right?
- They warned the government of possible social clash caused by movie "Children of troglodytes" - reminded the reporter, - they had suggested some general preventive actions …
- I expressed my opinion - Graendal interrupted - and I think that the police will be fined. They signed not for "some general" there, but for providing the security. Officially, Jelly Argenti handles this case; so, better, better ask her.
- Yes, I know, I have an appointment with Sen Argenti.

Graendal smiled:
- I bet she will assign you a date at one o'clock, the club rock sports Akorera on the island.
- Yes, but as you've guessed?
- Just can learn some sustainable habits of colleagues for 4 months.
- Well.. What can you say about the movie? Have you watched it?
- Yes. 8 real-life stories about the sexual experiences of our students. In the style of Romeo and Juliet. Keynote: families of fundamentalists are a source of tragedies. Woman throws in the face of a teenage girl sulfuric acid, because she is "the harlot" and "seduced" her son. Man shooting a gun in the graders who "corrupted the innocence" of his daughter. Another man throwing a homemade bomb in the teens on a picnic «nude-stile», because they "incline classmates to sin." And so on.
- Do you agree, Sep Vlkov that the film excites hatred of patriarchal families?
- Chances to their way of life. However, it does not matter. The director has the right to show the problems of society as he sees them. If he had called for physical violence with these families, he would have broken the Magna Carta, but he gave the moral evaluation only.

Reporter thoughtfully twirled the glass in his hand and drank. It was in time, because Laisha already put on the table a large Chinese teapot and four cups made of translucent porcelain.
- Thanks, Sen Laisha you very much ...
- Go on, boys, - she interrupted, - it's all very interesting.
- I anticipate your next question, Sen Sekar - said Graendal, - what if the moral evaluation becomes a moral justification of a terror against a particular style of life, family life, religion, beliefs? I guessed?
- In general, yes, - admitted reporter, - I mean arguments by the Vatican representative.
- Then I'll tell you the same way as I answered him. Magna Carta prohibits control of acts of moral choice. We have the right to apply the moral terror agaist any group of people with special practices, unacceptable for a free people. This group has the right to answer us the same. The government can not enter here, but only obliged to stop the violence and threat of violence. This is the rule of non-interference in private life, right?

The reporter smiled and nodded.
- Of course. But, as we remember, Abu Salih led counter-argument: The Magna Carta - the teaching of ethical nihilism. What freedom of moral choice can we discuss, if one of the ethical teachings is proclaimed as the supreme law and provided by governmental coercion?
- My answer to that carbon was long, bit I can explain this to you briefly and explicitly. Everyone has the right freely to own the property, right?
- I agree. But what ...
- This camera - your property? - Interrupted Graendal.
- So what?

Graendal winked at him, took the camera off the table and put it on his lap.
- Like this. Now it's mine, it is my possession, and I am free to own it. Any objections?
- How is it, that it's yours, Sen Vlkov?
- From what I keep it, you see this by yourself.
- But you keep it because you have it taken from me, - said Sekar.
- You call the police, - Graendal stated, - Jiri, be a friend, play a policeman.

4. Jiri Vlkov, Meganesian schoolboy

The boy wiped his face smeared with cream, guided on Graendal index finger and a stern voice said: - You're under arrest for robbery! Return this item to the owner and follow me!

Graendal quickly returned the camera on the table, raised his hands up and said. - You see, Sen Sekar, what is the difference between possession of own property and possession of property of someone else? The same is with the moral choice. It belongs to the person, and the person may dispose of it in this way and in that way, as he or she wants and when he or she wants.
- In particular, make a choice in favour of the patriarchal morality - put Sekar.

Graendal nodded vigorously.
- Yes. But only for himself and not for the neighbour. If a person forces his neighbour to morality, this is plundering of someone's right. As in the case of your camera. No one says that the ban to plunder somebody's thing is a nihilistic attitude to possession, right? They say the opposite: that this - the protection of ownership rights. Magna provides the same protection of right of moral choices. What does nihilism?
- Um - thoughtfully said reporter - all this is very clear, but there is a significant difference. In contrast to the freedom of ownership, moral freedom is limited by social norms. I am referring to the ban on socially dangerous acts in the same robbery in particular.
- No difference - calmly replied Graendal - the same applies to owning things, which are in private hands, it would pose a threat to all. Users agree, that the individuals do not own atomic bombs nor national electricity grids.
- There are countries where the national grid are in private hands, - said Sekar.
- In these countries, these "private hands" plunder with impunity, - retorted Graendal, - Those, who handle the power. Try to punish them. They turn off the electricity - and all.
- Aha, - said the reporter, - I will try to formulate. Hence, the possibility to impose on others their morale is as dangerous as a private possession of the atomic bomb?
- Gren, you do not say that, - intervened Laisha vigilant, pouring over the tea.
- I remember, my dear. Although, that said by Sekar Sen, seems to me correct.
- I just wanted to go to the question of capital punishment, - said the reporter, - in fact, if you look in practice, the patriarchal-minded citizens made disorder in few shops, clubs and cinemas. Typically, such a hooliganism causes a small fine or a short a prison sentence, is it so?
- That's right - confirmed Graendal, - but their crime was not hooliganism, but an attempt to intimidate the citizens and the government to to impose the representation of their social group. Even a child knows, how is it called.

Jiri pulled away from the tea and blurted.
- It's called "tyranny" and punished by the highest humanitarian measure of self-defense.
And he explained his words with expressive gesture, tying тче knot at the imaginary rope.

- Wow! - Sekar was surprised, - whence such knowledge?
- As if you did not learn in school, - in turn astonished boy.

Reporter thoughtfully scratched his stubbly chin.
- I did not know, what it is now taught in school ...
- And it is good, that this is taught, - Laishui intervened, - we once had swallowed all sorts of higher interests of the nation, and there is no need for our children to step on the same rake.
- Fortunately, the Magna Carta allows you to replace the death penalty with deportation, - defused the situation Graendal, - I would not want to impose nineteen people to the deprivation of life.
- And if there were no such alternative, as deportation? - Reporter asked.
- This alternative was invented by the ancient Greeks. Who knows by what ways could go the story? It's fiction, but we have - a reality.

Sekar smiled and spread his hands. - Well, Sen Vlkov, let's get back to reality. How do you comment on the statement by the Human Rights Watch that in the Confederation created - I quote from memory - "the situation of total mockery of the ideals of religious and cultural communities whose morals and whose views differ from the government?"
- About reality, because the reality, - Graendal agreed, - let's mentally move to some of the nearest large island. Well, for example, Nuku'alofa. And take a look into the first open-air cafe near the shore of the ocean. What will we see?
- Nothing special - suggested the reporter - people eat, drink beverages, or there ...
- We'll see - interrupted Graendal - totally different people, travelers according to your taste, but at the same time complying with the necessary minimum of common rules. Someone can sit there in evening dress, someone - in a bathing suit, someone - in the lava-lava, and someone - even naked. This is - a private matter. But nobody has the right to break the furniture or attack other users, and everyone has to pay for what he ate and drank. This is so true?

The reporter nodded and continued Graendal.
- Of course, some people may not like the look or style of behaviour of others. For example, the Puritan would embarrass stripped naturalists, naturalists do not like Muslims, wrapped from head to toe in dark fabric, and the Muslims will be unpleasant that most women face open, and often have opened other parts of their bodies too. One can argue with others about tastes and manners, but none is allowed to force other people to follow his style of clothes of manners. An has no obligation to discuss the subject, if not interested. But one should not impose his or het taste to others. If Puritan begins to pull a suit on a naturalist with force, and the naturist begins to rip off a Puritan clothing, there will be just disaster.
- All the way, - agreed Sekar, but what if someone offends so the appearance of another, as if he struck him in the face? Is not it better to find some compromise?
- Not better, - Graendal said, - citizens have no need to endure the inconvenience of someone's neurosis, and nervous citizens are not forced to be in public places.
- This is the case of the beach, - said the reporter - but what about the place of work or study?
- It is necessary to work or study, not staring at colleagues, - cut Graendal, - and in general, as Gandhi said, let everyone do their own thing and give others do their own. Otherwise, no social regulation does not help ... Jiri, if you intend to continue to play doom, either go to the second floor, or turn down the sound.

Boy hurt snorted and turned the tuner so that the roar of machine guns weakened to about the level of cod cicadas.
- Actually, you go to sleep, - said Laisha.
- But Ma, I want to listen to.
- Are not you afraid to sleep for breakfast? Remember, three one did not expect.
- I put the alarm clock.
- Okay, but I warned you.
- By the way, about children, - said the reporter, - parents have the right to educate their children in the system of values, which is considered to be correct. It is written in the Magna Carta.
- Now let's see, - Graendal stood up and took down a thin book - so, here we have about seven ... Yeah, I read. "Individuals on whose dependent children are in the power of kinship, has the right to freely choose an ethical system for their education, but only such a system, that does not doom children to the predetermined suffering and does not contradict to the common security." Sorry, but the activities of a judge requires pedantry. You, sen Sekar, said inaccurately.
- I can not tell Sep Vlkov that I fully understand what you have read today.
- In fact, this point is very simple to understand - said Graendal, - explained to me the example of the history of Aboriginal-islanders. Just a quarter of a century ago, most of them were forced to live in reservations. Not because someone did not allow them, but because they had no idea of ​​how to live in the man-made environment. At best, they immediately fell to the police for petty theft - because they had no idea of ​​private property. Worse, they did not know anything about the traffic, electricity, household chemicals ... normal objects, among which we live peacefully since childhood, became for aboriginal islanders killers …
- But in September Vlkov, - interrupted a reporter, - a policy of assimilation can not be called perfect. Why not allow them to live on reservations, as they used to?
- Have you ever realized that say? - Laishui intervened, - the average life expectancy in reservations was thirty years, and every one in ten children died before the year! But the natives are also people, like Europeans, indo-Chines or Anglo-Saxons.
- And they are citizens of the Confederation, like all of us, - said Graendal.
- They are the same as we are - Sekar said, - but their culture is disappearing.
- What?! - Indignantly he said Jiri - Ato utafoa iine la Kaa to iruo anootari!
- Uh ... - sheepishly handed the reporter - but what was it?

The boy sniffed condescendingly and translated:
- People utafoa not disappear until the shining moon and the sun. Culture is not someone else's, and our common! As the sky or the ocean.
- Well done! - Laishui said, patting his son on the head.
- Eitona tone paa le - agreed Graendal.

Sekar almost dropped the cup.
- What did you say, September Vlkov?
- I said, "These are the words of this man." This is a serious praise.
- How do you know Aboriginal language?
- This is the second official language of the Confederation.
- I know. But I thought it's just a formality ...
- Nothing like this. It is eight years since introduced in the school curriculum. Laishui and I learned it along with Jiri, that's all. By the way, very beautiful language.

5. Your tolerance - it is simply cowardice

Reporter pointedly held up his hands.
- I surrender, Sen Vlkov! The problem of Aboriginal culture is removed.
- It is not yet removed. There is a problem to save the special crafts and fine arts, related to everyday life. Not so easy to turn original villages utafoa in modern suburbs ... But we are somewhat deviated from the topic, right?
- Yes, indeed ... We talked about the patriarchal families in another sense. I mean, that their children do not have that problem, which was with Aboriginal children.
- How not? - Graendal said - the problem is the same. Children from patriarchal families are not able to live in the information environment, which is in the technogenic society. You, by yourself said, for people from the patriarchal circle of someone's appearance - it's like a punch in the face. Child with patriarchal upbringing comes to school - and gets out of hand, as it were a series of slaps. Now back to that point of the Magna Carta ...
- Wait, not so fast! - Pleaded Sekar - whatever was written at this point, the foundation of the Great Charter that no one can make an arbitrary abuse of the man!
- Arbitrary objective violence - said Graendal.
- A punch in the face - it is not the objective of violence?
- A blow to the face - it is an objective violence. And an action that only this particular person is like a blow to the face - no. To explain in more detail?

Sekar nodded, not looking up from his laptop. His fingers flew over the keyboard.

- I'll explain as had beeb explained to me - Graendal said - Consider an individual, who suffers, if someone steps on his shadow. In some tribes, the shadow is considered part of the body, so that is the example from the life. Should we respect this habit and protect human shadow as well as the body?
- It's a bad example, - he told reporters - some absurd superstition ...
- It is therefore a good example. Actions objectively do not affect the human body, but one equates them with physical violence. In order to respect for such superstitions, we have to restrict the freedom of movement of people, to make an objective violence against them.
- All right, let it be your example. Of course, specifically to protect the shadow - this is nonsense, but, on the other hand, the special tread on human shadow, which gives this value as something bad. And as Dr. Ahmadinejad said in his speech ...

He graendal wearily stretched and yawned.
- Well, of course. This inflated pig to the elephant size.
- Almost - the reporter agreed, - somewhere about three meters in diameter.
- No, Sen Sekar, I mean the first pig from which it all started.
- I'm afraid I do not quite know ... September Vlkov
- Who will tell. It all started in school. One family asked the teacher to forbid in the classroom, where he studied their child, pens with the image of the popular cartoon pig. They were Muslims, and they have special taboos against pigs. Master said that such things are the responsibility of the parents. Then the father of the child raised the pig on the parents' meeting, but did it tactfully enough. As a result, he was threatened by the police, and the incident became known to all schoolchildren. A few days later the other children came to class wearing T-shirts with a large picture of the pig, and even pasted stickers with the same pig at all possible. The child-Muslim hysterics, and the Muslim community appealed to the court about the torture and discrimination. The court questioned the teachers and students, but found no objective action that could well qualify. Of course, the court brought inconvenience to children and their parents, which caused, according to press the words "swine boom." The peak, as you know, have become huge pig rubber, inflated with helium - many residents have raised them above their homes, cafes and shops on the eve of Halloween.
- Because of what the clashes happened, that required police intervention, - said Sekar, - whether it was wise, to bring to this?
- Wise from which side? - Asked Graendal.
- I mean, maybe it was better to spare the feelings of the boy and to give way to such things as children's pen? Light or something a wedge has converged on this pig?

There was a pause. Graendal took a quarter of a minute to think, then he said:
- Pens are of children, and the problem is of adults. Always some little things happen in the light spot: pictures, T-shirts, balloons. Our freedom is made up of these little things. We teach children to be free on such trifles. I read in an old book: freedom - is an opportunity to openly do things, what someone dislikes. By my opinion, it is correct.
- Are not you afraid, that in this way we will break with children from the charity?
- Not afraid. The mercy cannot be forced - as I said to Dr. Ahmadi. Mercy is the desire to take care of and to protect, not to obey and endure. When fourteen years ago, the government intended to pave the way through Leal Imo - what was it?
- Leal Imo is Hill of Ancestors on the island Votalevu? - Sekar said.
- Yes. Then, as you remember, utafoa monuments were not yet protected by the government, and the protection of personal rights utafoa had problems ...

Sekar smiled:
- You bet I do not remember! My father and older brother were in the living chains ...
- And none of this did not force, right?
- More like the other way around. Mom was afraid that it would be a fight with the police ...
- We met in this chain - Laishui Graendal pushed to the side - remember?
- Well, still, - he winked to his wife, - you even said "it looks like we are to be beaten". - Aha! And you said, "I bet a beer, that the cops funk."
- That's interesting! - The reporter said, - Can you say more?

Laishui snorted:
- Nothing special. We stayed almost daily face to face with the cops. They shouted in a megaphone, "you render illegal resistance to the police! We will be compelled to use force!". And we shouted into his megaphone, "read your contracts while not pushed off from work! This nobody's land, and we will stand here until the court decision!". By the evening of the second day, the bailiff came with papers, the cops got into the boat, and piled up. That's how I lost the bet, and had to buy beer to this guy.
- But appetizer was at my expense - recalled Graendal.
- In the pub - for yours and my home after you ate all that was in the refrigerator.
- Oh, how many were there? Lean chicken and a slice of cheese.
- A fried eggs from four eggs for breakfast?
- Well ... I found them together with chicken, for short. And all thing of the past.
- Do you remember how you found these warehouses? - I remember, you called them "coffins for the dinosaurs". - What are the warehouses? - Reporter asked.

Laishui laughed:
- You did not notice? The house is built around a warehouse. Nearby houses - too. Many atolls have military bases and warehouses, and after the revolution all foreign military kicked out of here. Those, of course, took with them everything they could. Only the bare concrete box remained, and the government began to gradually sell them. Gren And we just decided to live together, and were looking for cheaper housing. With the money we had, so to speak …
- So to say there was no money, - he interrupted Graendal, - and here I found an ad about these warehouses. They costed £2,000, close to free.
- They were not worth it, - said Laisha - Four walls with holes and without a roof.
- The roof I made in a week, - he reminded.
- Yeah, "I made". You know what he did? Plotted with two neighbors, Wang Ming and Rohan Vijay, they then had the same boobies, like him; they searched in the surrounding area. They found a broken plane from the World War II, dragged it with a tractor to the ashore, and divided it. So, instead a roof, we had a half-wing and a piece of the fuselage. Like a loft with a balcony. And the stairs instead of a ladder.
- Well, but it happened fine, - said Graendal.
- Well yes. By the first storm, we were almost blown out into the ocean, and in general – normal.
- Almost is not count. And what windmill I made of a propeller, do you remember?
- Still would! Sometimes he hummed so that the fish in the lagoon frightened.
- But we save on fuel for the generator. And in general, was that bad?
- Are you I am well, Gren, - she said simply, - it was good that time and it is good now.
- Why didn't you tell me about this? - Resentfully said Jiri.
- Because you did not ask, - Laishui smiled - and, by the way, now definitely is time to bathe and to sleep.
- Uhu.. Only I will go up to level 9 and ...
- Ten minutes, okay? - She interrupted.
- Fifteen.
- Okay, but not a minute more ... Sen Sekar, but do you plan to publish this? I mean, what about we hast had talking.
- Well, actually ... - reporter hesitated, - ... I think, and your participation in the defense of Hill ancestors and the history of your life here, with neighbors of different ethnic origin, and probably a different religion, right?
- Well, different, - she said, - But it is not a big deal.

Sekar nodded vigorously. - About that speech. This is a very important detail. So, if you do not mind much.
- I do not mind - Laishui shrugged, - what's wrong with that.
- I do not mind - Graendal said, - though not understand why this is important.
- It is important, that's why: On the charge of intolerance towards other people's views, you Vlkov Sen, said to the Speaker of the European Commission: "your tolerance - it's just a coward." Your words have been interpreted as an apology for the rigid ideological unification.
- You may tell straight: apology of fascism.
- In general, yes. And after all your stories about it.. It sounds funny.
- Okay, you - the press, you know better.
The reporter smiled and nodded again.
- To clarify your position, I'll ask another question: talking about pig boom, you mentioned, that the father of the child was not enough polite presenting his claim. And what does it mean, and how could do it a polite way?
- He said something like this: Islam teaches that pig - unclean animal, it should be considered, you do not have the right to insult my faith. He began to dictate to free people, to which they are entitled, and that - no. Should he said that his son is suffering because of this pig, and if the picture is not essential for you, if you can not ask your children to use a pen with other picture - probably, the reaction would be different.
- Mercy? - Reporter asked.
- Sort of - Graendal shrugged, - At the beginning, no one thought to terrorise the boy with these piglets. The moral terror began only in response to coercion attempt.
When a nice lady, vegetarian, visit us, we do not put meat on the table. It is not because of a respect for the vegetarian philosophy, but simply for not to make her suffer.
- So, - Sekar said - if vegetarians are required to stop using meat in public places ...
- ... I would defiantly ate hot dogs in Central Park - finished Graendal.
- And if they are not required, and asked?
- Then I would not have paid attention to it. Everyone has the right to campaign for what he wants, within the permissible Great Charter, but this agitation does not cause me the response.
- In other words, you are ready to go to the onerous assignment for an individual, but not a community group?
- Right. Because each individual characteristic of any strangeness, but in the social activities, they are out of place.
- But in the case of Hill of Ancestors you, however, have made concessions odds Aboriginal religion. Graendal made a vigorous movement of his hand, as if repelled by an obstacle.
- Nothing of the sort, Sen Sekar. We stood in a human chain to protect the objective rights of people who, for objective reasons, the same could not do it themselves. The right to preserve their sanctuaries have everyone what oddities here? Religion Inu-and-Tano and her sanctuary Leal Imo - is no exception. Magna Carta is one for all.
- And if the government decided to pave the highway at the site of a Muslim mosque, you Vlkov September, would rise in a human chain, what then?
- No. But if I, as a judge, filed a complaint, I would have banned destroy the mosque.
- I am sure, would have been so, - said Sekar - but you would not personally defend Islam sanctuary is protected sanctuary Inu-and-Tano. Do not you think these religions are equal?
- They are not equal, - confirmed Graendal.
- And what about the Charter?
- Why Charter? The Charter requires the direct action of the citizen in three cases: if a person is in danger, if justice is trampled and if the power is usurped. Erroneous destruction of someone's sanctuaries here does not apply. A citizen may intervene in such a situation at your own risk, but it is not obliged to do so.
- But does the Charter does not oblige us to believe all religions are equal?
- No. It speaks only of equal religious rights. Everyone can practice any religion, and no one can stop him, if this practice does not violate anyone's rights. But one can be sympathetic to one religions and disgust - to others. Therefore, during the 'pig boom', the court ruled to remove the posters "Muslims out of the country", but do not touch signs "Islam is shit, Muslims are pigs".
- Anyway, it's cruel. Most Muslims are not involved in the riots. They are something for that so?
- I understand, they hurt, - Graendal said thoughtfully, - I think their problem is, that they did not convicted their radicals. Should they act as our Hindu in an incident with the shlager "Krishna avatar", or as our Roman Catholics in the history of the papal encyclical "on the satanic nature of eugenics", - there would be no problems.
- But our Catholics were excommunicated for this, - recalled Sekar, - I do not think they were nice.
- Yes, probably, - I agreed Graendal, - but here it is necessary to make a choice: to be citizens of Meganesia or servants of the church authorities. I think they made the right choice. Now they have their own Catholic Church, with the statutes, approved by the Resolution of the Supreme Court, and I did not notice that our Catholics suffered greatly from this situation.
- Hmm, - said the reporter, - Neither Vatican nor the World Council of Churches did recognise this decision and got the United Nations resolution on the arbitrariness with the church property.
- Just think, the UN.. during 20 years, these clowns did not fulfilled any of their resolutions.
- I can bring these your words in a report in Sen Vlkov?
- Of course! What a ceremony? While the cocaine traffickers, the sex maniacs, fanatics, terrorists and cannibals have the right to vote in the UN, they can not claim to be an international authority. I had said this directly to their envoy.
- I can imagine what it was - said Sekar, splashing through the keyboard - as you know, the chairman of the World Council of Churches called the Great Charter "new dangerous and aggressive religion."
- Really? - Graendal asked - although, I'm not surprised. When announced the deportation of their mission, their representative shouted that the Confederation dominated by Satanists. Satanists - it seems to be the same religion. You do not know?
- I do not know, September Vlkov. Probably, yes, in fact about Satan appears to be written in the Bible.
- That's what I do not know ... Sep Sekar, it is certainly up to you, but you will not be late for a meeting with Jelly? You have a powerful machine, no doubt, but to Akorera nearly a thousand kilometers.
- Phew! I'll try not to be late. I still have one last question: you yourself religious?
- I? Well, it seems to me that something is, but what it can be - I have no idea.
- May I write it so?
- Yes, you may. Wy not?

6. Jelly Argenti, Chief Justice by rating

After Sonfao atoll, island Akorera seemed great, even though there was only eighty kilometers in length and thirty in width. Club Rock Sport, designed by Hyun Tuan genius a few years ago, is located on the narrow northern tip of the island. The two gothic towers, rising, seemed, straight out of the ocean, and in the middle - half embedded in rocky slope, the three-tiered pagoda made of glass and concrete. The composition was supposed to symbolise a postmodern synthesis of Western and Eastern cultures, but the local youth for some reason, used names from the "Odyssey" by Homer: Pagoda was named Ithaca and tower - Scylla and Charybdis. Malik called Jelle asking where to look, and heard in response: "upper tier Ithaca from Charybdis."

The middle of tier is occupied by the huge cylindrical aquarium with colorful fish. Near, there was the lobby bar, and in the rest of the room looked as a materialized fantasy of Salvador Dali: Curved intricately delicate design, which served as seats and tables. Malik went to the left, nearest to Charybdis, half and started fumbling glance visitors. The audience, dressed in a variety of models of light, bright sports or swimwear or simply wrapped in pieces of cloth, positioned at different heights, like a flock of exotic birds on the branches of a baobab tree.

- Hey, bro, you are looking for someone? - Phlegmatic asked the bartender.
- Yes, Jelly Argenti.
- Well, then you have come in time. She just finish the game, but still no one glued. Half-turn to the left. You see a quarter of the priests in the lilac scarf diagonally?
- Uhu! - reporter confirmed.
- Aha! - satisfied the bartender.

After going to the middle of something like the curve of the bridge and climb the half turn of the spiral stairs, Malik was face to face with the object of their search. Strong low girl of about twenty-seven, dressed only in a thin rectangle of fabric, passed under the left armpit and fastened on the right shoulder by a fibula in the form of dark red octopus.

At the open left shoulder and right hip adorned with two icons Rongorongo "boom" and "fish", respectively, applied a bright green luminous paint. Portrait complement direct dark coarse hair, high cheekbones, a small upturned nose and huge eyes almost black. In general, looked Jelly Argenti effectively.
- Hence, - she said - if there are no objections, without these ceremonies. Yo?
- Yo, - he agreed.
- Then. fall at a table and plug your machine. Drink sake?
- Just to support the company, - he said.

She took a ceramic jug and splashed the smelling drink into two cups.
- Come on, start.
- Uh ... - Malik took a sip of sake, - what is your profession?
- Conflictologist. I work in the naval aviation. There are such clashes!.. this court for me, as a vacation.
- And how wan the competition to enter the thriade of professionals at the Supreme Court?
- As usually. Rated performances. The point is, I know how to speak simply about the complex. In the Navy, it is unavoidable. Got?

- A little, - said Sekar, - Can you explain, how did you come to that decision?
- Decision to deport? - She asked, - not a bulk. You've heart about politics did you?
- Probably, not at the level to ...
- It is clear, - cut in Jelly - Begin with Adam and Eve. Draw a scheme ...

She quickly scribbled on a napkin several squares, circles and arrows and began to comment on:
- the circle - any citizen. Employed or own a business, no matter. Earns some, buys some. Except food, cottage, car, he buys the social order. The order - is also a good, got?
- Order is business of the Government, - the reporter said.
- Exactly! And the thing is that it is - the only monopolist. The order should be the same for everyone, right? Hence, what?
- So, there should be only one government - Sekar blurted.

Jelly waved.
- It is clear. But the main thing - it must sell, what citizens need, but not – the excess garbage, and the price must be fair, not pumped. Keep this?
- Yes.
- ... so, we come to the applications, requests and the tender, - she continued, - a form of selective application is defined in the Charter. You filled out ballot applications?
- Of course.
- Here. Applications of citizens are averaged and obtained a map of public inquiry. The government is not allowed to do anything beyond this request.
- Well, I suppose, I know this, - Sekar felt offended..
- Yo! Next - a competition of teams of bidders. Coordinators - one, funds - two, army - three, police - four, Praetorians - five..
For each of the five, the team, that comitts to satisfy the request for cheaper, gets the general contract. Team of coordinators become new government. It gets right to collect the fees from the citizens equal to the amount received in the price of all the five contracts.
- That also I do know.
- Next, the courts at three levels: the municipality, the county, the confederation. Six people, three of them chosen by lot, three professionals by rating. Above the Supreme Court of the Confederation - only the Magna Carta. If someone does not understand - Praetorians, by their rules, will take him by his gills. If someone outside tries to impose a different order - the army must shit him dorm without any rules. Guess, why?
- Because in the war at all with complex rules - suggested Sekar.
- Because without rules cheaper, - Jelly corrected, - although I like your point. А la guerre comme а la guerre. Here, in rough, and the policy. Yo? - Well, yes. Approximately so I imagined. Nothing too complicated, right? - Yap, Malik. According to Charter, the political system should be so simple, that every citizen with minimal education gets it. Otherwise, the people will not be able to handle the government, nor country.

Sekar sipped sake and asked:
- Jello, but what does all this have to do with the deportation decree?
- Direct, bro. These bad guys tried to push government to unlawful things.
- So, - he said, - we come to the difference between the government and the state?
- That's it.
- What is the difference?
- The government serves the people. The state controls them.
- Perhaps it is too short.
- That's right, - Jelly smiled, - way, I explain on fingers. When you order the house cleaning, you want som epeople, for certain fee, to remove the dust and dirt from your home. If it is done well, you do not care, who does this. Now count up, if you ordered, who will do it, but you did not specify exactly what to do and how much. You come home and you see: cleanliness is so-so, but the books on the shelves and pictures on the wallsare replaced; the box with your correspondence is open; some letters disappeared, and your clothes are replaced to some that is not of your size. The cost of all these arts included in the bill and at the bottom of postscript: we decided that it would be better for you..
- Why?
- Because the state does in this way. State appears as a caste, that prescribes to the society all sorts of laws and charge people with all sorts of taxes. Oriental despotism makes it explicitly. The Western democracy mask it with some kind of the elections, but the sense is the same. The state force you to report all your income and to pay into the budget any portion of it. State may impose on you such business rules that you will remain poor. The state can fine you and your girlfriend because you drink wine and sleep together without a special permit.
- But how?
- Yo! Some five hundred of this caste make plot, they punched a special law - and all.
- But there are elections. Why not to choose other people?

Jelly said, a characteristic gesture, slamming the palm of his left hand on the right bend of the elbow, and then explained:
- You've got a damn, this will not work. Caste control the management structures and the channels of media. Elections are arranged so, that there is a chance only for the caste members. I know only one proven way to change that.
- Aluminium Revolution?
- Exactly.
- So, - said the reporter, - the meaning of the Aluminum Revolution was the fact, that none can decide for the people, how will it be better for them?
- Yeah. And for those, who try to decide for the people - either shot or deportation, depending on situation.
- Got it. I think we got the essence, huh?
- Yo - Jelly nodded vigorously.
- I have question about the rights of citizens. Citizens may come to the street actions, if their rights are violated?
- Easily, - she said. - Here, - continued Sekar, - a group of citizens coming out to the street demanding to stop the discrimination based on their religious and moral convictions. What's wrong?
- To specify their requirements. What is written on the banners?
- It seems so: Stop the humiliation of faith. Down with the cult of depravity.
- Well, what's the discrimination? - Jelly asked, - if they dislike someone's opinion about their faith, that is their problem, and depravity does not touch the Charter.
- Their statement explains, that they are subjected to humiliation, as a social group. - Rubbish, - she snapped, - none of these badguys had been discriminated. None of them was restricted in his or her rights.
- Ase you sure? - Reporter asked.
- Absolutely. The social form do not contains column "religion." This is so private, as digestion.
- Speaking of digestion, - he said - how to deal with schoolwork?
- What are you talking about?
- The lessons of human biology. In some religions it is considered unacceptable.

Jelly snorted.
- Bro, this issue had been clarified 8 years ago in the "Oscar Case". According to Charter, the school should give young people the skills and relevant knowledge about nature, human and society. To do this, you need to show the properties of the human body. If some religious taboo on it ...
- Then, what should do the representatives of this religion? - Sekar interrupted.
- These are their problems. Maybe someone considers the multiplication table as obscene.
- But you agree, it is religious discrimination?
- No. If someone's certificate has many dashes instead of qualifications, that person is in the worst conditions, not because of religion, but because of lack of knowledge. Oscar's family referred to the practice of the countries that do not teach what is considered unacceptable in their religion, but the court explained, that this contradicts the Charter. - Why? - Because, - said Jelly, - that they did not required to increase their rights, but reduce the rights of the other students. They did not want to get something for themselves, but only take away something from others. Obviously destructive requirement. Got?

Sekar scratched his head.
- Not sure. A possible example of a reverse on the same topic?
- Easily. Chinese and school swimming pools. When we signed with China an agreement on friendship, half a million families came to Meganesia. Suddenly, a surprise: most of their children can not swim, and yet here the ocean for kids - it's ... well, you know.
- Wah! - Agreed to the reporter - no school picnic is complete without it.
- The Chinese have established parent committees, and threw all the complaints - she continued, - why physical education is not taught to swim? Observe the Charter! nobody had payed attention, that usually children swim earlier than walk, and then - the fact: Swimming - important skill, so the school must teach it.
- It turns out that the pools were due to Chinese immigrants?
- Yep!
- So, - he concluded Sekar - they wanted something for myself; was that constructive? - Yo!
- Got it. Now let me tell this in my way, and you will correct.
- Go ahead, - she said, sipping sake.

7. Procedure - for man, not man - for order

The reporter followed her example, and then issued:
- A son comes from a communists rally. Father asks: what do they want? The son replies, that it was not riches.
Father was surprised: why they do not want, that it was not the poors?
- Well ... - mused Jelly - Yeah, something like that. Idea-fix about order for order.
- That I did not understand, - he said.
- It's elementary, Malik! Take the same school pools. The committee "Our Family" demanded not to let go there at recess. Teenagers reluctant to tinker with wet rags, and many swimming naked. The Committee argued that it is immoral, and human rights should be limited to just requirements of morality. The court said that even if there is such a requirement of morality, it is unprudent.
- How did they determined, is prudent or not?
- The Court has taken the thesis of Plato: prudence is a social consciousness that makes a person self-consistent and good; - Procedure - for a person, not person - for the order? - Sekar said.

Jelly clapped his hands in approval.
- Yo! Any other interpretation would contradict the Charter.
- Clearly, - he nodded Sekar. - Another question. Do you handle the case of the police negligence?
- Yes. And?
- I understand, before the decision of the court ...
- Rubbish, - she interrupted, - I can report to the press my personal opinion, . Ready?
- Of course. I'm all ears.
- So, listen. Ideally, any riot should be stopped immediately; but ideal costs more, than the police funds. The police should eliminate the usual threats to citizens and to report unusual facts of social tension. They informed the society about the risk of riots around the "Children troglodytes". All can take action, but did nothing. 7 facilities were destroyed in 10 minutes; then the group of extreme reaction came and stopped pogroms. 10 minutes is standard specified in the contract.
- But at Gandhi Square, where there was a rally against the "troglodytes Children" were three police officers - said the reporter, - they had ...
- What are obliged to? - Interrupted Jelly - to shoot at the crowd? And the results are presented?
- But "extremals" had opened fire immediately.
- Then, they are extremals. They are taught how and whom to shoot at the riots. Why, do you think, there were so few casualties?

Sekar thought for a few seconds and said:
- You want to say that if those three police officers opened fire ...
- Would chopper, meat grinder, - again interrupted Jelly, - Few seconds of fire from the machine guns to the dense crowd means several killed or seriously injured.
- That is to say, the police acted correctly?
- Let's just say, satisfactory. Of course, in hindsight, you can think of a lot of things, but no one expected that these crazies dare to pogroms. Indeed, during the 'swine boom', it became clear: here is not Europe; no ceremonies with fanatics.
- And what will be a damage? - Sekar said.
- Probably, we will bill the police for the damaged property. Anyway, they have insurance on it. But I will be against recovery of lost profits from customer losses. Scandals act as an advertisement. Clubs have increased their clientele.
- The logic is clear, - he said, - and even the issue of deportation. Jello, and why you have deported namely these 19 people? World public opinion is, that they were repressed on ideological motives.
- It's bullshit, bro. They incited against public safety and the Charter.
- How?
- In a usual manner. For example, the pastor, who was shouting into a megaphone ...
- Jeremy Vudbrok, - he prompted.
- Yes, Vudbrok. The video shows, he encourages to crush and to set fire. After that, the glass facade of the movie-theater was broken, and the hooligans thrown inside several bottles with gasoline.
- He says that simply read from the Bible, - said Sekar, - and I checked it, it is truth. Deuteronomy, Chapter 7: This is what you are to do to them: Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones, cut down their groves and burn their idols in the fire.

Jelly snorted: - Pig ail find a mud. Even in the Bible, even in a texbook. Court do not care, what was he reading from.
- But for someone, the Bible is the holy book, in which every word is true.
- This is their problem.
- This is their right, - said the reporter, - there is freedom of religion in the Charter.
- Freedom of religion does not mean freedom to do on the street all written in a holy book, - she snapped, - feel difference?
- This refers to Vudbroku, - Sekar said, - but other members of the World Council of Churches in street riots are not seen. But human rights activists from the Committee-48 ...
- It is clear, - cut in Jelly - wait ...

She leaned over, pulled out from under the table a sports bag and began to rummage in it. Some time flashed different subjects, such as: tennis racket, shaped cap Air Meganesia magazine "spearfishing", a mobile phone, a mask for diving ... Finally, the electronic notebook appeared in her hands.
- Uff, found! Why always do I such a mess?
- One says, mess in woman'd purse is a sign of femininity, - Sekar blurted.
- Yes? Well, then does not hurt. Okay, let's start with the World Council of Churches. They issued a statement of "Faith and the Law", which literally states: "The so-called Great Charter protects the right to sin, and sin must not have protection, it is necessary to fight and eradicate it. Testimony of faith requires deeds. Society must be free of such laws that justify immorality, giving faith and morals to be mocked." Then - signatures. This is a public call for the destruction of the Charter, it is punishable by the highest humanitarian self-defense measure.
- They say they are repressed for their faith, - put a reporter, - and refer to the experience of other countries where they are not persecuted for the criticism of moral relativism.
- No problem, - calmly replied Jelly, - we sent them to other countries. Now, on human rights defenders. They are more complicated. Sick issue of family rights.

Sekar nodded, continuing typing: - Sen Vlkov already told me. Limitation of rights of the family to choose education of children?
- Yo! - She said, - explain on fingers: the conflict children's rights with rights of parents. Parents want to raise a child in some traditions, and happen in asshole, because the modern society is not constituted according to the traditions.
- It is obvious, - the reporter agreed.
- Not very. The Human Rights Committee-48 insisted, that the Government must seek for a compromise. But the Charter states, that it is, first, not in the government's competence, and second, hildren's rights a priority; it is not subject for compromises.
- Is it written in the Charter?
- It reads: "Any person from the moment of birth is under the unconditional protection of the government, which provides the basic right of every citizen of the country."
- But parents also have rights, - said Sekar, - this is their child.
- The Charter says, "no one has any rights of another person, except in the case of compulsory civil restrictions and compensation."
- So, you're saying that my child appears as not a my child?
- Is yours. But not in the sense as your stool. You have right to cut off a leg of your stool; as for the child …
- Brrr ... Jelly, you examples are ...
- This is for clarity, - she cut, - brought up in traditions of, say, Puritanism or Parseeism, - is injury. It objectively deprives a person to normally communicate with their peers, to receive a full education, to participate in social and cultural life, to find a decent job. Children are not their parents property but people. They are protected by the government. The government is obliged to intervene in the affairs of the family, if it is necessary for the protection of individual rights, as the Charter says.
- But ... - reporter tried to insert. Jelly stopped him warning gesture.

- Do not interrupt, Malik. Yes, the government acts hardly, but we have almost no violence in the family. Humanitarian organisations are even suspected us of cheating; they collected independent statistics. Then they admitted: Yes, here we are far ahead of the entire civilised world. Then they suspected as for the excessive government pressure on family, but it turned out that that we have much less of such a pressure, than other countries. Finally, we were accused in a total suppression of cultural communities. In response, coordinator Nakamura published the government communique, I'll read a piece from there.

She poked into his electronic notebook, and it said:
- "The Charter recognises only a person as subject of rights. If any group of people wish to assert their collective rights, they creates a corporation, representing only those who entered into it, and only on issues, that the member has delegated to it. Ethnic or religious affiliation is not a membership in the corporation. This means that no one can claim the rights of the ethnic group or religion nor speak on behalf of all persons belonging to them. Statements of this kind will be ignored by the government."

Jelly dropped her notebook on the table and continued:
– The Supreme Court found the relevant communiques to correspond both, the Charter and the government contract.

Sekar shook his head:
- That's really really tough.
- Yo! - Agreed Jelly, - but the approach paid off. The government openly spit on requirements emanating allegedly from all Hindus, all Christians and all Europeans. It turned out, that the so-called "all" - a bunch of political impostors. Their views are not shared by the majority cultural community. All great simplified. Take, for example the case with the papal encyclical on eugenics.
- Yes, September Vlkov mention it.

Jelly nodded and continued:
- Then the illusions about "all" get rid of most of the individuals belonging to cultural communities. There are studies of the field opinions. Teenagers are increasingly talking about the general Meganesian culture in which there is a contribution of Europeans and Africans, Chinese and Indians, all set ethnic groups, cultures and religions, which were mixing during many centuries.

- Yes, probably - agreed Sekar - when I blurted out about a separate Aboriginal culture, Jr. Vlkov looked at me like I was a moron, and cursed in the language utafoa.
- Did you expect anything else? - Jelly asked, - You could say also, say that Shakespeare's sonnets belong to a separate British culture. The result would be similar.
- You got me confused, - he said, - we say, that our culture is not protected here at all, and, also, that it is protected here better, than anywhere else.
- Аnker to asshole, what a defense! - she exploded. - Culture - this is LIFE of society, it can not be separated from society. While society is alive, nothing can happen with culture! Try to touch the culture - society immediately unscrew your head..
- Why, then came up with acts on the protection of cultural rights? - Reporter asked.
- Then, some States are dissatisfied with the culture, which society produces and consumes in a natural way. You see what is protected under the guise of culture! Not Homer, not Shakespeare, nor even Mickey Mouse.
- But really, what is protected?
- That's the right question, bro, - approved Jelly, - things are protected, that society do not need, but the knives need, those, who like to say "for all". We solved this problem firmly. The Western politicians folded in front of a bunch of crooks and the mentally handicapped scum. They capitulated and call it "tolerance". They pretend, that we do not see their mental illness. To avoid conflicts, we indulge in all these freaks. Let us avoid things what could hurt them. The inevitable result: normal people have to behave as if they were mutilated too. A tolerant society is built for the freaks. The right is announced as "injury" and deformity - a social norm. You know, bro, what's the reason for the scandal around the "troglodytes children"?
- Not sure. Tell me.
- Okay, I will. There, - Jelly waved at the sunset, - freaks are accustomed to, that all is constructed for them in the post-industrial society. No fucking fundamentalist would dare to do this in Vietnam. There Marxist industrial technocracy, there for it ... - she took aim forefinger interlocutor forehead, - pif–puf and fin. Here, they expected us to build all for their idiotism.. Their stupid dreams…
- How is it related to Committee-48? - he asked.
- Directly! They published a report: in the Charter, they found 16 contradictions with the UN regulations on family and cultural rights. So, they suggested a project for the General Assembly about economic sanctions against Meganesia, to force us to eliminate these contradictions. Would this be without the project - they would not be brought to trial, we have freedom of speech. But the project appears as a public call for the destruction of the Charter.
- Can that project be accepted by the UN?

Jelly thoughtfully move the cup on the table.
- God knows, I was not specialist. I think, they have not enough gunpowder.
- Clear. A few questions about yourself, can you answer?
- Easily. What are you interested in?
- In general. Family, hobbies, religion.
- It depends on what is called a family. At least, that's me and my three year old son. But because I'm a mobile girl , he spends much time with my mother and her third husband, or with my dad and his second wife, or with my ex-boyfriend, his technical father. However, Andy (this is a guy with whom I basically live) would prefers, that we are more concerned with my son. He has reason, because if we get more child (and why not?), then, the experience ...
- Stop, stop, - Sekar helplessly raised his hands. - I'm confused.
- Not a big deal; I sometimes get confused myself.
- Um ... Can I write this: living in a large family, has a son?
- Normally, - she said, - what else? Hobby - diving. Religion - Catholicism.
- Catholic? - surprised a reporter, - you are a Catholic believer?
- So what? After all, why shouldm't be there, - Jelly jabbed a finger up, - someone, who has created this cool Universe.
- no, the only ... you do not look as a ...
- Bullshit. The Catholic Church teaches that he - she again pointed up - foes not care. He has a sense of humor.
- The Catholic Church teaches so? - He asked. - I never would have thought. Oh yes, you are separated from the Vatican.
- More precisely, we drove them away. Our consultant, doctor of theology at Oxford, scientifically proved that popes are impostors, and wrote a good clear catechism in 5000 bytes. Its easy to read on a mobile phone or elnote - Jelly knocked the nail on the electronic notebook, - they are not only here, but also in South America, India and Australia. On our website can be accessed from anywhere, both the text and the audio. - I'll see, - said the reporter - or listen too.


8. Hernando Torres, coordinator of the Government

In the edition of «Pacific social news», there was the usual rage, accompanying finishing of the morning issue, Shen Sekar appeared. The chief of department of political news met him with the Northern slang, saying "tibia tolko za smertiu posulat"; %"you are fast as a snail", the chef snatched from Secar's hands the flash card and the folder with printed copies, then disappeared in the elevator.

Only this moment, Sekar realised, that he was not too late, bringing the material.
- Neither "hello" nor you "how are you" - muttered Sekar into space and looked at the clock.

The time was a quarter past four. So, Helena is supposed had long sleeps without hind legs, and hurry home does not make sense. Having come to this inference, he decided to go for an hour in the cafe, to learn the latest news and chat with colleagues. Actually, it was common among the gaseters, so did most of the "hot shift", and a half dozen people already dangled in a cafe. Hearing the loud clapping, stomping and whistling, Sekar thought, they are watching football. It turned out - nothing of that. In TV, there was a round table under the emblem of the ABC-online, and, according to the gestures the participants, it was approaching the boiling point.

In safe, the emotions also were fountaining, the bzz seemed to be centred at Inaori Atairoa from the software department. She was dressed as usual, in faded denim shorts and a dazzling white shirt with short sleeves. The shirt was unbuttoned and knotted around the navel area, so it was possible to describe the figure of a girl almost completely. But the trick was not in shape, and in that elusive plastics, specific for utafoa (what Inaori fall into this race, it was seen per kilometer). As a rule, around five or six men buzz around her, but now, in the morning, they had only two.
One: always smiling Ernst Oakwood, an electrical engineer, managimg to wear overalls as if it would be a frachnyh steam for 5 thousand pounds. He moved to Meganesia relatively recently, in his own words: "because there is much more fun than in Glasgow." Apparently, this was indeed the case, since the last two years at home he spent in a barred room due to the fact that alarm worked with one banking office in a way that the laws of the United Kingdom called the "complicity in the burglary." He was caught purely by chance, so, his skills caused no doubt.
Other: a tall, athletic Sikh (not to be confused with the Hindu, over-vice, he would be offended) with deceptively dreamy expression on his face. His name was Lal Singh, in a past life he was a lieutenant Rapid Reaction Corps Meganesia fleet. 2 years ago, during an operation in the Emirate of Al-Shana, a splinter mine damages his knee, puting the fat cross on his military career. He could live on a pension insurance, but that he found bored. He tried to work in the police. He was bored there too, and perhaps because of this, reports written by him appeared like a literary miniatures. Soon, pushed by his colleagues, he tried his luck in the journalism contest and got the post of «Pacific social news» military observer.

At the moment, these three created so much noise that drowned out the speakers. So, it was impossible to understand the meaning of action happening on the screen.

The couple at the table in the middle of the cafe, on the contrary, ignored the foreign policy. They played International draughts considering it much more meaningful than any TV talk show. In all, besides the opinion mentioned, the pair presented an example of limiting contrasts. Vikskef Engvarstrom, criminal news reporter, was a typical Norwegian, fair-haired, gray-eyed, nearly two meters tall. Chez Joey of the news department of science, on the contrary, was tiny and totally uncertain ethnic type. It could equally well be taken as the Malayan, Chinese woman, Spanish woman, Latina or a native of North Africa. The knowledge of five languages ​​and a natural talent for the most reckless flirtation allowed her to ingratiate herself to anyone, and the two higher education - physics and philology - allowed her to dispose well almost any information received.

Sekar headed to the table in the corner, where Zhang Zhang sat. Sekar new from experience, that this Chinese guys have a remarkable property: he hears everything that goes on, and intelligently expresses the essence of any business.Zhang Zhang has ucertain age, somewhere between fifty and sixty. In his biography, in general, everything was undefined. He arrived in Meganesia (more precisely - even the British Oceania) two years before the Aluminum revolution, as one says, for ideological reasons, was directly involved in mine warfare against the colonial administration of Tintung island, and then there was the doyen of mercenaries in the suppression of coup of the Batak nationalists. However, they were all rumours; questions about his past caused meaningful quotes from Lao Tzu ( "The one who talks a lot - often fails" or "Who knows - does not say, who say - do not know"). Now he headed the department of ecology, but one come to consult with him from all floors, in all matters - from stock prices to treatments for cats.

- Noisy - stated Zhang smiled and poured a half cup of flower to colleague.
- Yeah ... - agreed Sekar - but what is the matter?

The Chinese shrugged.
- The woman.

It is clear that he was talking about Atairoa, which is typical of a young islander, could a half-turn to have any number of men, trapped in a radius of 7 feet from her.

- I mean, the show. - Said Sekar.
- Coordinator Torres in Montreal bounces from the pack of dogs, - succinctly said Zhang.
- How long?
- 27 minutes approximately.
- Oh, that's like ... Is he bitten badly?
- Not really. They are stupid. Interfere with each other.
- The nervous grandfather in canary-yellow tie, why does he shakes his pen?
- This is some kind of a lawyer from the Sorbonne, - informed the Chinese - I think, it's his way of such public discussion. He argues that the current system of the social tenure in Meganesia had been created in uncivilized way.
- It turns out?
Zhang smiled and shook his head.
- He stumbled on the question of the bases of private property rights on the local land. He tried to deduce these rights from the declaration of Transmalayan islands to be Islands British crown possession and the transfer of the East India Company.. But he forgot that utafoa already lived there a thousand years. Torres explained that the Aluminum Revolution restored the law utafoa on the equal right of all citizens to the lands and fishing waters.
- Judging by the reaction of a professor, this is not taught at Sorbonne, - said Sekar.

Hernando Torres was about fifty. Moving, dark-skinned, of medium height with a neat belly, the coordinator was dressed very informally. Free gray trousers, a bright Hawaiian motley-shirt, and tied to the cowboy-style scarf in the form of Meganesian flag - black, white and yellow Shamrock on an azure field. In the opinion of the revolutionary Symbolists, it meant the union of three races inhabiting the atolls, but meganezian called it simply "our propeller." With trained reporter's eye, Malik Sekar identified: Torres does not seek to win the debate, it does not interest opponents, he is "working on camera", trying to impress the viewers, and uses the opponents as a background for his presentation.

Meanwhile, a noisy trio calmed down a bit, and Malik could hear the Torres talk:
"... Somewhat lost. What do I respond to those who accuse the government of Meganesia economic anarchism, or, conversely, those who claim that we are muzzled businesses total control and abused the right of ownership. Maybe, leading me to tell you where to start ... ".

The coordinator shacked, laughing; smiled with 32 porcelain tooth and said:
"You know, Mr. Torres, hypocrisy is not new, it has come up with Goebbels. That is, the shopkeepers freely sell beer, but the land and subsoil belong to the German nation, which is above all else, that is, the Reich, because the Reich is the nation ... ".
"Wait a minute - interrupted coordinator - in Meganesia no Reich, and what you call, belong to our nation directly, without intermediaries."
"The Communists in Russia, too, so said, - shouted someone from the place, - say, all belong to the people, and even a cook can run the state. Actually, the people were poor and powerless, while all belonged to the tooling party."
"I have to admit, - Torres threw up his hands, - that neither cook nor any party, not any "state" can handle Meganesia as a belonging. No ruling party is allowed. Any the state and any party are banned the Great Charter. So, the land, subsoil and water area are owned by the citizens directly. Each resident owns an equal share, which it can use itself or pass to someone else."
"Empty words! - He shouted the same speaker. - What does it mean? Any cook can sell me a piece Meganesian waters? " "Sell can not, I've already explained. But lease for a period up to 5 years old - welcome! For this, it is enough to sign a contract with you and to send a copy to the Fund or Economy and Nature. So, I land my part of the aqiuatoru to the firm Snailbot and I have good dividends of it. This is some risk of income loss, but in a good scenario, I get even more, than in the fund gets. If you offer even more - I am ready to sign a contract with you and ... ".
The end of the coordinator's phrase again got lost in the hubbub trio. Sekar thought that the excitement of them is no less than at a football - at least when measured by the level of noise. When they finally calmed down, Torres was asked by someone who looked like a Professor of the Victorian era:
"... To develop their own private business, - he said, - suddenly come to me, and social observers say: Give us a half shares. If this is not robbery, - then what is robbery?"
"Robbery, - said Torres, - is, when something is taken, without giving anything in return. For example, taxes in Western countries - this is a robbery. And when your stocks can be changed to any of the investment fund, of your choice, - it's antitrust policy. Company takes preventive measures against economic violence by some individuals. It is so in any country; but in Meganesia, this policy is implemented fairly and openly. You have to say something?"
"Of course I have! Still would! - The professor said sarcastically. - Competition authorities only control the entrepreneur, so it does not create artificial scarcity, monopoly overcharges and has not committed similar abuses. And your monitors are selected from people property, forcibly changing it to something." "You create a verbal confusion, - Coordinator said, - ownership is an opportunity to dispose of the property of your choice, regardless of the will of a third party, in any way, not dangerous to others. If some official behind me orders me, how I should dispose of, then it means, that I'm not the owner, not a player, but a dummy; another player plays with my cards."
"Wow - I snorted his opponent. - Well the big businessmen do not complain?"
"Elementary - Torres smiled - because officials can be bribed, and then fool would have the whole of society. This is the case in most developed countries. "
"You think we do not fight corruption?" - Protested the professor.
"Not just a think, I know. In your countries, the lobbying is not prohibited. Large companies not just make huge donations to political parties. Investments in the power is a very profitable investment. As the Russian saying, "Who dines a woman, that dances her." Your supposedly democratic government politicians are danced by their sponsors."
"Do you want to say, that in Meganesia, Parliament candidates pay for their election campaignr from their own pockets?"
Torres smiled again: "You just do not know. There is no parliament in Meganesia."
"There is no Parliament? In which sense? "
"In any sense. In any meaning", - said the coordinator of courtesy.

9. Short Debate on Political Economics

Inaori, Ernst and Lal laughed loudly, so, it was impossible to heat the beginning of talk of the next speaker - stately gentleman in an expensive suit.
"... Injustice. With a simple worker tear off as much tax as a millionaire."
"There are no taxes in Meganesia, - gently reminded Torres, - there are contributions to the production of public goods. They do not depend on how much money and goods does the person have. Nor on that, how much he consumes. Usually, a millionaire pays much more than a non-qualified worker, but not because he has more income, but because he has more facilities, served by the police, environmental services, emergency services, etcetera."

Imposing gentleman shook his finger: "Don't trick me! Hyun Tuan, one of the most fashionable architects of the world, lives at Meganesia. It gets 4 million pounds a year, and his family pays tax only 10 thousand. Just as much as the family handyman."
"You have inaccurate information. An average handyman family pays about 12 thousand pounds, because they have about 150 square meters of housing, verandas, garage, two cars and boat. All these require some care. Roads. Firestation. Police protection. Dr. Tuan family pay less because they have a small house, and also because of transport - just a scooter. Dr. Tuan has no office, he works at home, and that's his business, is not it?"

Here, the moderator intervened. Again the smile in all 32 teeth, he asked:
"Mr. Torres, and you do not find some unfair that wealthy architect pays 0.25 percent of earnings taxes, and poor working - 30 percent?"
"I do not find. In your country, the worker pays 70 percent, that's not fair."

The smile became even wider lead.
"You have something to confuse. We have employee income tax is only 16 percent."
"I'm not confusing anything, - said the coordinator of the dry - I summed it income tax and its share in the amount of corporate taxes."
"I do not understand your logic. What does the corporate tax?"
"Elementary logic. Do you know what is "surplus value"? Corporate taxes are paid at the expense of surplus value, id est, at the expense of workers."
"Are you a Marxist?" - Asked the presenter. "Is it necessary to be a Marxist, to know, that the goods are produced by professionals, and do not appear at the waveing of a magic wand"? - Torres asked. "You did not answer, - said the imposing gentleman, - quarter percent and thirty." "I was distracted. Now I answer you. When you dine at the restaurant, when repairing your car, when you rent a hotel room, - you pay for the service. The price is expressed in amount of money, but not as a percentage of your annual income, do you agree?".
"Once again you go away ..."
"Nothing of the sort, - interrupted coordinator, - I reply your question. Do not you find it unfair, that lunch in a restaurant will cost for some interior cleaner the same price, as for you, although one pin at your tie costs more than the monthly salary of a cleaner?"

The cafe filled with roar of approval: the guys saluted the coordinator as if he was a boxer and sent the opponent in the knockdoun. Even Vikskef and Joy for the occasion briefly came off their checkers.
- Writing haiku develops speaking skills, - quietly remarked Chang.
- What are you about? - Sekar surprised.
- Torres writes good haikus - said a Chinese, - it is a serious hobby.

Meanwhile, the moderator re-took the initiative in the studio:
"... But let's say your citizen is just not enough money to pay taxes or contributions ... as you say. What then, Mr. Torres? Police no longer protects him?"
"Why can he have not enough money?" - Said the coordinator.
"It does not matter. Just not enough - and all. For example, it has low-paid jobs."

Torres shook his head: "In any way possible. Magna Carta prohibits conditions of employment with a salary of less than four times the social minimum".
"And if the corporation can not pay such a salary?"
"So its Directorate are muddle. Let them learn the management or look for another business. No one normal company can be arranged so, that the revenue does not cover the cost of labor, that is, ordinary life needs of employees and their families. In Meganesia, we have enough businessmen, able to effectively handle business."
"And if one person can not find work?"
"Then this person goes to the economy agency gets retraining. He will be paid scholarship. The amount on conversion costs will be paid by a new epmployer. This is a fair deal, everyone will benefit from it."
"And if he can not work, if it is disabled?"
"Then he gets insurance. It is common practice in our country, and in other countries too."
"Is it so?" - Doubtfully asked presenter. - "And how can get insurance a child, who was left without parents?"
"This is question from a completely different area," - Torres said.
"So what? Cannot this happen?"
"It happens. Is your question about healthy children or about children with disabilities?"
"About all, - moderator said, - as well as for children from poor families with many children."
"Then, step by step. There are very few children that are both orphans and the disabled. the society keeps them from contributions. This is a modest amount, no one has ever objected against it. Normal children without parents snapped up by relatives and families who have no children or have only one child. We've got the archaic manners compared with the West. It is believed that it is better, when the family have two or three children; own or adopted - is not so important. This solves the problem of children in poor families."
"I did not understand the last sentence," - said the presenter.
"It's elementary, - said the coordinator, - a child is removed from the family, where it can not adequately maintained, educated. Then, the same as in the case of children without parents. " "How withdrawn? - shouted thin middle-aged woman, sitting on the other side of the table, - The law can remove a child from the mother?.."
"You are well aware, namely in this way, - cut Torres, - your budge indicates, you are from the family protection league. Your organisation has been deported from Meganesia for activities, incompatible with the Magna Charta. Your question is written in the verdict of the cort, is not it?"
"You afraid to repeat the answer", - She asked.
"From what? I can repeat and and repeat. According to the Charter, every person at birth is protected by the government, which provides the basic law. If those who are young, do not create conditions for realisation of these rights, the juvenile is transferred to other persons who are ready to ensure the well-being of the child. Any third party, preventing this, is Persecuted by the self-defense of the humanitarian society."
"Self-defense? - Outraged the woman repeated. - Certainly not! We had defended the rights of the mother. A police broke into her home, arrested her husband, and pulled out one year old child from her hands. It was barbarianism! It was…"
"... Fully justified, - interrupted Torres, - like the withdrawal of the other two children of the woman, aged two and a half and three and a half years, who begged on the beach. Madame remind that we are talking about a family of Somalis living in an construction trailer, and not in the house, please note. Her husband basically did not work, and his wife could not work because it was all the time, or pregnant, or nursing. They lived in petty theft, begging and digging in the trash. Leave your children in such a family - that would be really ... ".
- Oh shit! - Said Lal Singh - I know this story! Remember the disco on the northern shore, well, that keeps the guy Tanzanian wife?
- Exactly - supported Inaori - I could not understand how they had one child, and then bang, and became four. Here it means a ...
- They could get even twelve, - voiced Vikskef, - weekends, half of the port com ego them to play carouse. Only manage to rake away the coin.
- Their Whiskey is bad, - said Ernst. - In my opinion, it's all moonshine.
- In the menu it is written, "home-made", - Joy noted .

Vikskef shrugged: - Whiskey as whiskey. Regular..

Ernst sarcastically chuckled: - For a Norwegian, even a kerosene is whiskey.

Norseman gave him a scornful look: - Dude. As if you know..

10. Cold War, pirates and convicts

- Guys, let us hear! - shouted Inaori, - there Warren Dixon.
- Who is that? - Asked Vikskef.
- He is the most serious adviser of governments on both sides of the Atlantic.
- Oh, uhum...
"... Poorly disguised international robbery, - said the adviser, - compared to which even offshore look harmless. Offshore satisfied dumping tax on the market and suck from developed countries financial resources. But finance can operate in the real economy only, they have to return home. And you have made their de-facto tax-free zone for hi-tech low-resource, you sucks-out the most advanced production technology and the most effective developers. Your economy sets of huge investments in developed countries in science and education. That's where the fantastic growth of your economy and your grown from scratch welfare. This is - the pirate business. Do you think you can get away with it?"
"How nice, - said Torres. - In the end of the last century, the West took out the brains of the countries of the Eastern bloc, it is somehow not called piracy. Your government has talked about free enterprise, economic competition and globalization. Why about these fine words now, are are forgotten? Hottentot morality? If I stole a cow, it's good, and if one have stolen it from me, it is bad?"
"So, you admit that I'm right?" - Dixon said.
"No. Contrary, it is , tho admits that you are the position of the Soviet Union during the Cold War. You lose the economic competition, because you have an inefficient bureaucratic management, and private initiative crushed by taxes and prohibitions. Your politicians today look as Nikita Khrushchev in the last century, knocking his shoe at the UN podium and shout that they bury us."
Dixon smiled: "You overestimate the role of any backyard in world politics."
"Maybe - said Torres and rubbed his nose. - Although, you know, at the end of the XVI century, the Netherlands seemed to be a backyard sacred Habsburg Empire. But it took 50 years, and the Netherlands became a prosperous Republic, possession of which are expanded by three oceans and backyard was just Empire. History sometimes repeats itself."
"You are authorised to make such statements? - Dixon asked. - Or do you want to provoke another international scandal at the personal initiative"?
"Statement? - Coordinator asked - no, I just recalled something from history."
"You're just trying to use the show to advertise your country." "Of course. This is one of my responsibilities as a member of Meganesia government."
"Well, - Dixon said - at least, here you honestly answer the question."

Torres nodded. "Honestly answer the questions - it is also my duty."

A strict elderly gentleman with badge of International Bureau for Human Rights rose: "Are you willing to honestly admit that your government ignores all international humanitarian acts?".
"To be honest - I do not know all the international instruments on this subject. I'm actually not a lawyer. Announce the entire list of what we are, in your opinion, violated."
"I'll start with the methods of warfare. They violate the Convention of 1907, 1929, 1936, 1949, 1977 and 2005. Your armed forces are engaged in sabotage on civilian objects on land and at sea and terror against the civilian population."
"Never heard of such a disgrace, - said Torres, - can be specifically?"
"Very well. Operation of your armed forces in the emirate El Shana 2 years ago. Killed 17 civilians, destroyed power plant, the central water supply of the capital unit, civil airport runway and two interchanges on the main national highway. "
"Wait a minute. What are these civilians were in the residence Farhad Sheikh? If you mean his guard, she was armed with ... "
"And his wife, five children, the staff?" - Interrupted the representative office.

Coordinator shrugged: "Well, you know, it's still a war. Our army, at least, do not throw bombs residential neighborhoods, as is customary in the military practice of so-called civilized countries. None, but the immediate surroundings of Sheikh physically hurt. Residents, of course, suffered the inconvenience of transport, water and electricity, but in a war such things are inevitable."
"But Mr. Torres, to declare war, to physically destroy the family of senior officials of the state and threaten the total destruction of the country's infrastructure because of a slight misunderstanding with some citizens …".
"This was not a minor misunderstanding, - he snapped, - the authorities of the Emirate El Shana captured civilian airliner, took hostage a group of tourists, among whom were our citizens, and ignored our demand to return them to freedom."
"But there are diplomatic methods ..."
"There is a Magna Carta, - Torres interrupted. - Every citizen Meganesia is under the unconditional protection of the government. This protection does not depend on any policy from any diplomacy, and carried out by any means, without exception."
"Do not play with words! - Cried the lady from the Family Protection League. - What kind of protection of the citizens may indicate the government legalizes slavery? Slavery violates all conceivable norms of civilized!"
"Slave trade? Slavery? - He asked, - are you talking about?"
"On your practice trading convicts."
"You probably mean the rental of convicts to the companies for work at the residential complexes inside the protected perimeter, - said Torres - and what it is broken? Why society should bear the costs of the prison? " "What about the guards with whips?" - I asked the lady.
"About the guards with whips, you are misinformed," - said the coordinator.
"But the prisoners are forced to work, you will not deny that?"
"I will deny, because it is a lie. We have the principle of informed consent. One can refuse and sit behind bars in a single box though the whole period. But it's uncomfortable. Among the approximately 8,000 prisoners in the country, less than 50 people have chosen this."
"And hard labor - is, in your opinion, comfortable."
Torres scratched his head: "There's not a resort, but no international commission on the rights of prisoners found no violations. According to them, the conditions on the closed plants Meganesia about the level of Swedish prisons. Nutrition, lifestyle and health care is almost the same. Equipment sports fields have better, more humane but we resolved the question of sex. We have a mixed contingent, without any restrictions on the voluntary sex. The Swedes do not have this."
"What? As you said? - The lady blushed. - You want to say that there ... this prison ... your men and women are to each other ... it's a mierde!"
Coordinator shrugged: "I do not understand what you mean. The court sentenced them to restriction of freedom, not to restriction of the sexual life. According to experts, we received the order, and promotes corrective socialisation of offenders."

11. The problem of having sex with a collar

- It looks like la femme is over, - said Inaori and nasty giggled.
- Yes, - I agreed Ernst, - even at freedom, the the sexual life of this lady seem to have problems.
- She is scary as a nuclear war, - said Lal Singh.
- But this, by the way, is nothing. Very - said Vikskef. His remark belonged to a young woman, dressed in a "military" style, with a sign on his chest: "Jeanne Ronero. Green world press".

"The report of the Human Rights Office has been said that your inmates wear collars! Collars - on people. Try to have sex in the collar!"
"Well, I agree, we may try," - Torres got up, untied the scarf and threw it carelessly on the table. In the studio, there was a noise, all eyes were turned to the coordinator of the neck, which encompasses a translucent ring 2 centimeters wide. – "Come here, Miss Ronero. Do not be afraid, I will not eat you."
- It is vain, - muttered Lal Singh, - she will not let him do it.. At least not in the public..
- How do you know? - Retorted Inaori.
- It is seen..
- Fie, Sigmund Freud.
"What makes you think I'm afraid?" - Defiantly he replied Jeanne, beating the table, was at arm's length from the coordinator. - "Well, I'm here, now what?"
"As you can see, I have a tracking collar. You can explore it and make sure it is the same as our prisoners. I put him on the security requirement, in accordance with paragraph of my contract on the measures in high-risk environments."
"Big deal! - She snorted, - You can always take it off."
"It is not so, - said Torres, - unless I learn to unscrew his head. To remove this thing, you need to work 4 hours with a diamond saw."
"Or just to know where is the clip", - added the Joan sarcastically.
"There is no clip, Miss Ronero, it is a continuous ring, you can check." "And I really check", - she said defiantly, and put forth his hand, he began to feel the collar. The studio was very quiet. A few minutes later the journalist got out of the sleeve pocket nail file and looked at the coordinator. "Go ahead," - he allowed.
Once the saw blade comes into contact with a collar, the cell phone rang in the pocket of Torres'. He took the phone and said, "OK, do not worry" and put it back.
Jeanne, meanwhile, tried to catch something on the collar. At the next attempt, the saw blade slid off the smooth surface and thrust a few millimeters into the coordinator's neck.
"Oh, God!" - She said.
"Plase, be careful there, - he muttered - I'm alive after all." At this point, his cell phone rang again. He sighed and said into the phone: "that's okay ... I told you, do not worry ... yes, under my responsibility ... well, I take this into account. Bye."

Droplets of blood felt down his neck, forming a growing red spot at his shirt. Photographers excitedly clicked their equipment.

"Mr. Torres, I'll call the doctor and the police", - said the host.
"Leave that nonsense - said coordinator, setting at his neck a napkin around taken off the table - it is only a scratch. But the charming Miss Ronero now just got the big oisition at the front pages of newspapers and magazines. Do you understand this, Miss?"
"I'm sorry, - murmured Joan - I accidentally. Can I somehow ..."
"Can you, - he interrupted, - dinner with a bottle of red. I was going to try the local Vineland. In advertising, write that this wine is made according to ancient recipes Vikings. Exotics. We agreed? .. Excellent. Then let's continue."

Inaori giggled and shown her land to Lal Singh:
- Yeeaah, Dr. Freud!! What do you say now?
- Now, another thing, - he muttered reluctantly, - who knew, that she will injure him?
- She could do it intentionally, - Joy suggested - we, the women, the insidious creatures.
- Oh! - Shouted Inaori - look, well, the spitting image of Uncle Penguin!

"... Johnsen - said the uncle, who looked similar to a penguin. - I ... uh ... from ocean carriers association. We are interested in the question of the safety of navigation, in connection with the ... uh ... "
"Piracy" - helped him to Torres.
"Yeah, right. Exactly".
"This is a problem - agreed coordinator. - Piracy exists in these waters for more than 300 years. We do not yet completely destroyed it. But our government offers to all ship owners to install satellite tracking support system. Figuratively speaking, it is the same collar, only at the ship. In the event of an attack, we guarantee the arrival of maritime attack aircraft in a quarter of an hour. Any pirate ship will be destroyed, together with the crew, immediately and unconditionally. Pirates know this, so they keep 10 miles away vessels which emit at frequencies of our support system. "
"We know that, sir."
"Is that so? - Torres surprised. - What's stopping you to enter into contracts with the armed forces Meganesia? Price three times lower than the average price of shipping insurance. What is the problem?"
"Our government is prohibited to enter into a relationship with ... - hesitated Johnsen - with organisations like your armed forces. For this, we deprive marine license."
"Ah, that's it. In my opinion, this prohibition smells directly aiding piracy."
"I do not know, sir Torres. We're just doing business. Policy - not our business. I wanted to ask, perhaps, this can be arranged in some diplomatic way...".
"This is achieved without any diplomacy, - Torres snapped, - you simply hire a boat team consisting in Meganesian union of seafarers, and fail to notice that they will take on board the tracking support unit. All. The rest - not your business."
"Really? - Johnsen was surprised - why we did not know before?"
"This is certainly not my question. I recommend that you establish regular contacts with our governmental marine agency. Informal, if your state prohibits to do it in the official way. We unlike some governments, we support business, rather than put a spoke in wheels of business for political reasons."
"I'm sorry, - nervously remarked lead - we running out of time ..."
"The government is determined to ensure that human use of its natural and inalienable rights, - continued Torres. - These rights are equality, liberty, security, property. That's what the revolutionary French Constitution of 1793, and the Magna Carta Meganesia. We adhere to these guidelines and do not depart from them ever, under any circumstances, and under any pressure."
"Yes, of course, - even more nervously said lead, - thank you, Mr. Torres, you have agreed to this meeting in the ABC-online studio, and I hope that ...

The trio broke into laughter at the TV.
- Gave up, - stated Ernst.
- Exactly, - he supported Lal Singh.

12. Humanitarian self-defense and a good advertisement

... Appearing home at six o'clock in the morning, Malik slept until noon. Helena, of course, long gone to work, leaving a note, sticky magnet to the fridge.

"You're reading this - then opened his eyes. I hope you have the strength to crawl to 5 pm on the beach at the rock python, there will be a party and so on. I love-kiss. "

Instead of wearing the signature bright-purple lip imprint. Helena basically did not use lipstick normal human color. Such is the style of ...

Malik smiled, scratched his head and habitual movement poked two buttons, including a coffee machine and a computer - the main tools of professional journalists. A minute later the robot threw on the screen a fresh top list article titles.

The top ten was "an interview with the governor in a collar», Green world press. Malik whistled. Jeanne Ronero skillfully took advantage of the fruits of their negligence in handling a nail file. The episode with the sawing was presented at the photo. Next was subtitled: "Our business - to serve the collective needs of citizens on a solid estimate" (Hernando Torres, coordinator of the Confederation government Meganesia).

The article began with an incident in the studio: "... Torres pointedly refused a doctor and as if nothing had happened, continued the conference. I thought he played a guy from the people. Then, when we were sitting in a small cafe and drinking wine, like a couple of clerks after work, and he told me how he got into government, I realised: this is not a game."

Insert: Photo Torres cafes - apparently filmed on a cellphone.

"Torres - Entrepreneur in the sphere of tourism - wrote Jeanne - he enthusiastically talked about the small hotel chain, he owns them together with his companion. According to Torres, there, he gained experience, that allowed him to win the social competition, ie, the process by which the government is appointed at Meganesia. When asked, why he wanted to this, Torres said, it is a good business practice and good advertising. This is according to him the usual motive for participation in tenders for the execution of government functions."

Inset: the color scheme of the squares - the devisions of the Meganesia government.

"I asked Torres 4 questions, which are always defined in the policy. Your biggest failure? The biggest achievement? Funniest accident? What are you dreaming about?
Here are his answers:

Failure: I'm not convinced Meganesian consortia dramatically increase investment in basic science. That increase, for which they have gone, is not enough. We need the most dynamic in the world of fundamental science to maintain our strong growth in nuclear power engineering, computer science and robotics.

Achievements: I will name two. First - the global system of police surveillance. Now, all the key parts of the territory of settlements and highways is monitored terrestrial and satellite web-cameras. The video stream is analyzed computer. The police received the alarm after a few seconds after the occurrence of any suspicious situation. About I have already told the marine security system, it was created by the previous government. The second - the creation VECOM, public system of higher education and distance training. This made it possible to double the number of students - primarily due to the fact that young women acquire a child, do not drop out of the educational process. "

Insert: screenshot of social advertising - a pretty woman with a baby at the laptop monitor. The baby stretches her fingers to the keyboard.

On the monitor, the words: «Virtual Education Center Of Meganesia. Join now! ».
Caption: "Hey, kid, you want to be a bachelor before you learn to walk?"

"The most ridiculous case, moto-ralli of international nudists. Police stopped them for driving without helmets. To solve the problem, I asked the security department to give them state-owned helmets. Well, did not realise that these helmets - uniform. Can you imagine? "

Insert: screenshot reportage CNN: on the street, twenty nude painted bikers ride in helmets with the logo of Road Police. Signature: «Nude patrols in Meganesia».

"What is my dream? Turn the travel business, devil take me! How? It's very simple! In Montreal, winter, want to warm sea. Where to fly? Florida. And if you were in Europe? Then Egypt. The trick in the price of the flight. A little further 3,000 kilometers away from home - and the flight is more expensive the hotel, besides a few hours in an airplane seat - enjoy below average. So: after two years you will fly in Meganesia, will be enough to reach all the seaside, there is a boat you take out 12 miles. Then take off from the sea surface, and in an hour you are on an island Meganesia. Return ticket 200 pounds. The hotel is no frills, but the price is just £ 30 per day and the first line from the ocean - do not hold other. Oh yes, I forgot: you'll be almost in space. Flying is 20 times the speed of sound at an altitude of 60 kilometers. It's real!"

Insert: photo unusual aircraft, letters: Meganezia Starcraft cancels distances. Europe - space - the atolls of the Pacific Ocean for 50 minutes. Details on the website.

"It turns out it's not just a bold publicity stunt - wrote Jeanne - Torres told the history of the project. Unmanned Interceptor cruise missiles was first transformed into a manned attack aircraft of the ocean. Then, based on it created a transport aircraft for rapid deployment of paratroopers. And then Torres came up with a partner to remake it in an airliner for 20 passengers. At one point, I even forgot that I talk to a politician and not a businessman. Then I realized: in Meganesia there are no political elite. Not even the concept of a political career. No sacred caste of statesmen, which we are accustomed to thinking in their granted. A man comes to work in the government for 3 years, and then returned to their normal business. For him, it is something like a responsible fellowships for advanced training in conjunction with the ability to look at the world more widely, to see what you're worth, and show the ability to solve real challenges.

Familiar to us character formation associated with the state as with a kind of idol in Meganesia disappeared from people's consciousness. We have a special Meganesian word "Offee" - it is used in speaking of officials or policies of any country. If you ask about the relationship with the Philippines Meganesia - in response to hear a lot of things about Filipino traditions, folk medicine and national cuisine - but not about politics. You ask about relations with Filipinos - you talk about the specific ethnic Filipinos, which many in Meganesia. You may ask: what about Caroline crisis over maritime boundary? You will say the crisis is not with the Philippines nor with the Filipinos but with the Philippine Offee. This is a huge difference. In Meganesian history textbook says, "1939.09.01, German Offee sent an army in Poland" and "1941.09.20, Japanese Offee sent aircraft to bomb Pearl Harbor." You will not find that one nation attacked another, and captured it, or that a country freed itself from colonial rule another. "In 1950 the British Offee lost control of India" - as it says. Reading this interesting tutorial, I stumbled upon the definition in the frame:

"The state - a system of open violence against the people, exercised in the interests of oligarchic clans. Oligarchic clans - a narrow group of people, force, bribery or fraud assigned the unlimited political power and exercise it, allegedly on behalf of the people. By way of assigning power oligarchic clans are divided into:
1. aristocratic or feudal (armed seizure of power)
2. plutocratic capitalist or (bribery crowd)
3. ochlocratic and theocratic (mass fraud)
Plutocratic and ochlocratic regimes often disguised as democratic. According to the laws of the Confederation Meganesia, any attempt to create a state, as a particularly dangerous crime, punishable by the supreme measure of humanitarian self-defence."

In search of the meaning of this mysterious phrase, I flipped through the book and find:
"After the proclamation of the Magna Carta of the so-called national Batak Party (NBP) has made an attempt to seize power by force, and to establish a state. This performance was prevented army Convention. 47 NBP leaders appeared before the Supreme Court and were sentenced to death Humanitarian self-defense - capital punishment."

After that, I realised, because of what our semi-official press so aggressive against Meganesia. "Fathers of the fatherland" must be uncomfortable at the thought that their habit of speaking on behalf of the nation in one day could end for them with "the highest humanitarian measure of self-defense." When you look at our clinging to the power of the political elite, this idea does not cause much protest.

Of course, I am not so naive as to believe in words by coordinator Torres and their textbook history. Some things should be checked on the spot. Now I have tickets, bright color booklet with photos of the atolls and the words Welcome to Meganezia and memo from the US government: "Meganesia, as a country with an extremist political regime, is recognised as particularly unfavorable for tourism. Going there, you are putting your life in danger."

Well, well, the risk - a noble cause. Read my next report - Meganesia of the capital, three days later."

Under Article Jeanne Ronero blinking banner: "the most discussed topics of the blogosphere planet. Meganesia - 2nd place."

Malik scratched his head and clicked the mouse. The screen fell out the top 10 headlines with announcements.

1. Memo - shit. A month ago, I was Meganesia. No problems with either the entrance or the police. Festivals - mortality. Beaches, girls, all the cases. Three times cheaper than Hawaii.
2. Meganeziytsy - fascists. You can shoot on the street without a trial. Or sold into slavery in the mines. Easily. And no one will help you.
3. In the past year, was the festival in Meganesia. Cool! Really a free country! And in Washington, too, it is time for someone to lean against the wall. Long live the Magna Carta!
4. Meganesia - the same as Cuba, the same commit, only worse. They have shared with the Chinese the entire Pacific Ocean. That way soon the white man will have no place on the planet.
5. Meganezians rob the civilised world, we take out our brains. They are worse than the pirates computer. Why the West has not teamed up against them?
6. Paris is terrorised by Islamists. The government is afraid of them. Police does close to nothing. Why don't we have such a charter, as in Meganesia? Enough to endure!
7. Meganesia - satanic country. Nursery pornography, prostitution, illicit sex and nudism. The churches are the black masses. The most horrible place in the world.
8. I'm from Edinburgh. Meganesia teach in higher mathematics through the Internet. I do not know what's up with fascism, but students are smarter than ours, and the job is payed better.
9. Hey People! After 3 days at noon in Frankfurt flash mob for Meganesian great charter for Europe. 4000 people are fit. Details on my website.
10. We have a shop, half of the income goes to taxes. Already it had enough to feed idlers workers. We sell a house in Stockholm and buy in Meganesia. ...

Malik chuckled and took a sip of coffee has had time to cool down.
"That is because this beetle Torres! - He thought. - Scratch made his shop such advertising at the public expense. And no one point of the contract is violated.. Should I buy the Meganesia Starcraft stocks? I feel it in my heart, they are now to grow up a lot.."


Meganesia, Erectus,

Чужая в чужом море, Созвездие Эректуса



Aleksandr Rozov, Collapse of RF, Meganesia, Utopia, Vestism,

[[]], Распад РФ, Религия, Созвездие Эректуса, Утопия