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or (bonfire) at snow
or (wildfire) at mounts [1]


or (badfire) at city [2]

, X706B is unicode character number 12117, KanjiLiberal.

can be pronounced as "hi" and mean fire.
can be pronounced as "ka" (かようび ) and mean Tuesday.

KanjiLiberal X706B [3] is easy to confuse with
KanjiRadical X2F55 [4].


php du.t ⽕火

The array has 6 bytes; here is its splitting:
e2 bd 95 e7 81 ab
array(2) {
  string(3) "⽕"
  string(3) "火"

Unicode character number 12117 id est, X2F55
Picture:  ; uses 3 bytes. These bytes are:
XE2 XBD X95 in the hexadecimal representation and
226 189 149 in the decimal representation

Unicode character number 28779 id est, X706B
Picture:  ; uses 3 bytes. These bytes are:
XE7 X81 XAB in the hexadecimal representation and
231 129 171 in the decimal representation


大火 big, uncontrolled fire; wildfire.


At Nihongomaster, appears as kanji number 236 [5].

The following reading is suggested: カ, ひ, -び, ほ-.

The following examples are suggested:

火, ひ fire, flame, blaze

火山, かざん volcano

火災, かさい conflagration, fire

噴火, ふんか eruption

出火, しゅっか outbreak of fire

火砕流, 火災流, かさいりゅう pyroclastic flow (type of volcanic eruption), stone wind

放火, ほうか arson, set fire to

灯, 灯火, 灯し火, 燭, 燈火, ともし火, ひ, とうか, ともしび light, lamp, torch


Jisjo [6] indicates, that 火 can be read as ひ (hi) and indicate the fire,
but also can be pronounced as か (ka) and indicate the day of week, Tuesday. In the last case, sound よび ("jobi", "ёби") is added in order to distinguish it from the first case.

ひ 火
1. fire; flame; blaze​
Wikipedia definition
2. Fire is the rapid oxidation of a material in the exotherm...

か 火
1. Tuesday​Abbreviation, See also 火曜 Noun
2. fire (second of the five elements)​See also 五行

かようび 火曜日


  1. The mountain forest fire in Tochigi Prefecture, Japan, prolonged the burning of 10 hectares. The local government issued asylum advice. February 23, 2021.
  2. 糸魚川市駅北大記録映像(一般向け) 17,230 viewsOct 9, 2020 ITOIGAWAbroadcast 1.44K subscribers SUBSCRIBE 糸魚川市では、平成28年12月22日に発生した「糸魚川市駅北大」を次世代に伝承していくための記録映像として、また、防災教育への活用を図るための教材として、取材した内容および発災当時からの映像等を活用した記録映像を制作しました。こちらは一般向けの内容となっています。
  3. 706B CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-706B Han Script id: restricted confuse:
  4. 2F55 KANGXI RADICAL FIRE Han Script id: allowed confuse:
  5.火 火 4 Strokes JLPT Level 5 Definition of 火 fire Readings On'Yomi (音読み) Kun'yomi (訓読み) カ ひ -び ほ-
  6.火 ひ 火 Noun, Noun - used as a suffix 1. fire; flame; blaze​ Wikipedia definition 2. Fire is the rapid oxidation of a material in the exotherm... か 火 Links Noun 1. Tuesday​Abbreviation, See also 火曜 Noun 2. fire (second of the five elements)​See also 五行 Details ▸ かようび 火曜日


du.t Japanese, Kanji, KanjiLiberal, KanjiRadical, PHP, Unicode, Utf8, X2F55 , X706B , , , , ( X71DE), , ( X8CE7)