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Uma, Horse by L.London, K.Pledger[1]


Nerima city, 練馬区 [2]

X2FBA is Unicode character number 12218, KanjiRadical, Uma.

As other Uma characters, X2FBA can be pronounced as "uma"
and denote a horse.

X2FBA is easy to confuse with character X99AC that has similar pronunciations and similar meanings.

Characters X2FBA and/or X99AC denote the state Nerima near Tokyo and appear at the vehicle license plates.


Character X2FBA (as well as KanjiLiberal X99AC ) looks similar to character Tori X2FC3 or X9CE5 . The deviations are:
In the upper pats of X2FBA , the second vertical stick is a little bit extended sown, touching the long horizontal line below.
Also, of X2FBA , the three horizontal lines at the top are a little bit extended to right hand side.


Several Unicode characters are interpreted as Uma.
These characters are

  1. 12002, id est, X2EE2 [3] ; not supported as some computers
  2. 12218 id est, X2FBA [4], KanjiRadical
  3. 39340 id est, X99AC [5], KanjiLiberal
  4. 39532 id est, X9A6C [6], KanjiLiberal

Each of these characters may be read as "uma" and denote a horse.

The Utf8 encoding or these characters can be calculated with PHP program ud.t, activated by command

php ud.t 2EE2 2FBA 99AC 9A6C

The output is

2EE2 12002
Unicode character number 12002 id est, X2EE2
Picture:  ; uses 3 bytes. These bytes are:
XE2 XBB XA2 in the hexadecimal representation and
226 187 162 in the decimal representation

2FBA 12218
Unicode character number 12218 id est, X2FBA
Picture:  ; uses 3 bytes. These bytes are:
XE2 XBE XBA in the hexadecimal representation and
226 190 186 in the decimal representation

99AC 39340
Unicode character number 39340 id est, X99AC
Picture:  ; uses 3 bytes. These bytes are:
XE9 XA6 XAC in the hexadecimal representation and
233 166 172 in the decimal representation

9A6C 39532
Unicode character number 39532 id est, X9A6C
Picture:  ; uses 3 bytes. These bytes are:
XE9 XA9 XAC in the hexadecimal representation and
233 169 172 in the decimal representation


Among the Uma characters,
the KanjiRadical X2FBA seems to be less popular than
the KanjiLiberal X99AC , that is described both at Jisho [7] and Nihongomaster [8]

No discussion of any deviation in pronunciation nor meaning between characters X2FBA and X99AC is found in the literature mentioned.


Characters of Uma are highly confusive.

In the case of confusion, it is better to refer to character X2FBA by its number X2FBA rather than by its picture .

If it is not clear, namely which of the Uma character is printed, the character may be referred with short word Uma insted of complicated construction

X2FBA or X99AC .


  1. Home / Drawing tutorials / Animals / How to draw an Arabian horse How to draw an Arabian horse (2021) Categories: AnimalsTags: HorsesKeywords: how to draw an arabian horse step by step, how to draw a realistic arabian horse, how to draw an arabian horse head, how to draw an arab horse, how to draw a black arabian horse, how to draw an arabian horse head step by stepAuthor: Lena London This drawing tutorials is a derivative work (tacing copy of photography work). Original image credit: Grey Arabian horse photo by Kent Pledger Permission: Some rights reserved. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License. You are free to share or adapt it for any purpose, even commercially under the following terms: you must give a link to this page and indicate the author's name and the license.
  3. 2EE2 CJK RADICAL C-SIMPLIFIED HORSE Han Script id: allowed confuse:
  4. 2FBA KANGXI RADICAL HORSE Han Script id: allowed confuse:
  5. 99AC CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-99AC Han Script id: restricted confuse:
  6. 9A6C CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-9A6C Han Script id: restricted confuse:
  7.馬 10 strokes Radical: horse Parts: horse Kun: うま、 うま-、 ま On: バ Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 2 JLPT level N3 639 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers .. On reading compounds 馬車 【バシャ】 coach (horse-drawn), carriage, wagon, cart 馬券 【バケン】 (horse racing) betting ticket 白馬 【ハクバ】 white horse, unrefined sake 騎馬 【キバ】 horse riding, horseback riding, horseback rider Kun reading compounds 馬 【うま】 horse, horse racing, promoted bishop 馬車 【ばしゃ】 coach (horse-drawn), carriage, wagon, cart 白馬 【はくば】 white horse, unrefined sake 竹馬 【たけうま】 stilts (for walking), hobby horse 馬克 【マルク】 mark (currency) 馬尼剌 【マニラ】 Manila (Philippines) 白馬 【はくば】 white horse, unrefined sake 竹馬 【たけうま】 stilts (for walking), hobby horse
  8.馬 Definition of 馬 horse Readings On'Yomi (音読み) Kun'yomi (訓読み) バ うま うま- ま Popular Words With This Kanji 出馬, しゅつば going on horseback, going in person, running for election 馬, うま horse, promoted bishop (shogi) 玖馬, きゅーば, キューバ Cuba 羅馬, ローマ Rome 馬克, マルク, まるく mark 競馬, けいば horse racing 馬場, ばば horse-riding ground 競馬場, けいばじょう racecourse, race track 馬鹿, 莫迦, 破家, ばか, バカ fool, idiot, trivial matter, folly, absurdity, foolish, stupid, dull, absurd, ridiculous, surf clam 巴奈馬, ぱなま, パナマ Panama