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may refer to any of the two Unicode characters:
X5442 [1], KanjiLiberal and
XF980 [2], KanjiConfudal.

These characters have similar pictures, similar pronunciations and similar meanings.

In particular, can be pronounced as "ro" or "riou" and denote the spinal column.

However, character bas also many other meanings; it seems to be used as a surname rather than to specify an object, its state or an action [3].

X5442m22.png   X5442L02.png  X5442kelly02.png

Versions of X5442


Unicode characters X5442 and XF980 cause confusions: at some computers, they look similar.

Even a native Japanese speaker, watching , is unlikely to answer:
Which of them is X5442?
Which of them is XF980?

The software also confuse these characters. In particular, a the default setting of MediaWiki, it is not possible to create two separate articles entitled and : attempts to assess lead to . For this reason, the hexadecimal presentations (for example, XF980) are used as names of the articles.

The redirects indicate, that characters
XF980 and
are synonyms; at least the phonetical and semantical parts of description of character X5442 apply also to character XF980 .

In order to distinguish these characters, some programming is necessary. The Utf8 encoding of X5442 and XF980 can be calculated with PHP program ud.t, activated with command

php ud.t 5442 F980

It does

5442 21570
Unicode character number 21570 id est, X5442
Picture:  ; uses 3 bytes. These bytes are:
XE5 X91 X82 in the hexadecimal representation and
229 145 130 in the decimal representation

F980 63872
Unicode character number 63872 id est, XF980
Picture:  ; uses 3 bytes. These bytes are:
XEF XA6 X80 in the hexadecimal representation and
239 166 128 in the decimal representation


View of character X5442 depends on the software used.

Default view (your computer):

View at Macintosh computer : X5442m22.png

View at the Linux computer : X5442L02.png

View by Charles Kelly site [4] : X5442kelly02.png

Charles Kelly

    Charles Kelly [5]

Charles Kelly [4] suggests:


spine; backbone ロ、リョ

Strokes: 7, Indexing radical: 口

風呂 ふろ bath (n)

風呂敷 ふろしき wrapping cloth; cloth wrapper (n)

内風呂 うちぶろ indoor bath; bath for family (not public) use (n)

語呂 ごろ the sound; euphony (n)

風呂屋 ふろや public bath (n)



jisho [6] suggests:

7 strokes. JLPT N1. Jōyō kanji, taught in junior high. spine, backbone

Kun: せぼね

On: ロ、 リョ りょ

Noun 1. bass range (in Japanese music)​Music, Abbreviation

Noun 2. six even-numbered notes of the ancient chromatic scale​See also 十二律, See also 律

Noun 3. Japanese seven-tone gagaku scale similar to Mixolydian mode (corresp. to: re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do)​See also 呂旋




Nihongomaster [7] suggests:

Definition of 呂 spine backbone Readings

On'Yomi (音読み) ロ リョ Kun'yomi (訓読み) せぼね

Popular Words With This Kanji

語呂, 語路, ごろ sound (of a sentence), euphony

風呂, ふろ bath, bathtub, bathroom, bathhouse, room for drying lacquerware, base (wooden joint connecting the blade of a hoe, spade, etc., to the handle)

風呂敷, ふろしき wrapping cloth, cloth wrapper

呂, りょ bass range (in Japanese music), six even-numbered notes of the ancient chromatic scale, Japanese seven-tone gagaku scaleimilar to Mixolydian mode (corresponding to: re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do)

麿, 麻呂, まろ I, (person having) thin or shaved eyebrows, affectionate suffix for names of young men or pets

呂律, ろれつ articulation

風呂場, ふろば bathroom

内風呂, うちぶろ indoor bath, bath for family (not public) use

真秀呂場, まほろば great and splendid land (of Yamato), spiritual center of the land, one's spiritual home, excellent location, splendid place

風呂屋, ふろや public bathhouse, bathhouse proprietorsuggests:



kotobank [8] suggests:

呂(読み)りょ ブリタニカ国際大百科事典 小項目事典「呂」の解説

呂 りょ

中国,日本の音楽理論用語。中国では,十二律のうち,偶数番目にあって陰性をもつと考えられていた6個の律をいう。陽性の律に対する。日本では雅楽や声明 (しょうみょう) の音階の1つを意味し,本来は,三分損益法によって生じる標準的な五声もしくは七声の音階をいったが,現在の雅楽では,かつて半呂半律ともいったものを呂旋といい,律旋と対置する。また声明では呂の音階でできているとされている曲を呂曲といい,律曲や中曲と対置した。近世邦楽では,オクターブ関係にある2音の低いほうを呂という。この呂は乙ともいい,この場合の対語は,甲 (かん。または干) であって,律ではない。また漫然と低い音域を呂という。甲 (干) に対する。

出典 ブリタニカ国際大百科事典 小項目事典ブリタニカ国際大百科事典 小項目事典について 情報

精選版 日本国語大辞典「呂」の解説



① 雅楽で十二律のうち陰に属する音。断金(たんぎん)、勝絶(しょうせつ)、双調(そうじょう)、黄鐘(おうしき)、盤渉(ばんしき)、上無(かみむ)の六音をいう。六呂(りくりょ)。ろ。


② 呂旋(りょせん)のこと。ろ。 ※源氏(1001‐14頃)竹河「女のことにて、りょのうたはかうしも合はせぬをいたしと思ひて」

③ 甲(かん)に対して一段と低い音や調子。たとえば一オクターブ下の音。また、一般に、低い声。乙(おつ)。 ※申楽談儀(1430)祝言の音曲「祝言は、りょの声にて謡ひ出べし、深き習ひ有べし」

④ 謡曲の音階で最も低い音。 出典 精選版 日本国語大辞典精選版 日本国語大辞典について 情報 ..

Not popular

In addition to the confusion with similar characters X5442 and XF980 , character has many meanings. In particular, it may indicate the hot bath.

Due to so fuzzy range of meaning, term should be supplied with the definition before any using; that definition should indicate, namely which of meanings is used in the specific text.

If used in sense of backbone, term can be replaced to more specific word 脊椎.


  1. 5442 CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-5442 Han Script id: restricted confuse: ..
  2. F980 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F980 Han Script id: allowed confuse: ..
  3.呂 呂(りょ、ろ)は、漢姓の一つ。
  4. 4.0 4.1 呂 spine spine; backbone ロ、リョ
    Strokes: 7, Indexing radical: 口 External Links: Breen | Ryner | Rudick Selected Words with Definitions from WWWJDIC 風呂 ふろ bath (n) 風呂敷 ふろしき wrapping cloth; cloth wrapper (n) 内風呂 うちぶろ indoor bath; bath for family (not public) use (n) 語呂 ごろ the sound; euphony (n) 風呂屋 ふろや public bath (n)
  5. Charles Kelly チャールズ・ケリー Contact You don't need to contact me for the following. I don't put advertising on my websites. I'm not interested in selling any of my websites. I don't do link exchanges. Send a message to Charles Kelly. Websites In addition to teaching at AIT, I maintain websites related to studying English as a Second Language (ESL) and English as a Foreign Language (EFL). ケリー兄弟のインターネット上の英語教材 Interesting Things for ESL Students Activities for ESL Students The Internet TESL Journal Japanese Language Study = Charles Kelly One Man Band My Projects Using the Tatoeba Corpus is not my website, but I help out there and use sentences from their corpus.
  6.呂 Kanji — 1 found 7 strokes. JLPT N1. Jōyō kanji, taught in junior high. spine, backbone Kun: せぼね On: ロ、 リョ りょ 呂 Links Noun 1. bass range (in Japanese music)​Music, Abbreviation Noun 2. six even-numbered notes of the ancient chromatic scale​See also 十二律, See also 律 Noun 3. Japanese seven-tone gagaku scale similar to Mixolydian mode (corresp. to: re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do)​See also 呂旋
  7.呂 Definition of spine backbone Readings On'Yomi (音読み) Kun'yomi (訓読み) ロ リョ せぼね Popular Words With This Kanji 語呂, 語路, ごろ sound (of a sentence), euphony 風呂, ふろ bath, bathtub, bathroom, bathhouse, room for drying lacquerware, base (wooden joint connecting the blade of a hoe, spade, etc., to the handle) 風呂敷, ふろしき wrapping cloth, cloth wrapper 呂, りょ bass range (in Japanese music), six even-numbered notes of the ancient chromatic scale, Japanese seven-tone gagaku scaleimilar to Mixolydian mode (corresponding to: re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do) 麿, 麻呂, まろ I, (person having) thin or shaved eyebrows, affectionate suffix for names of young men or pets 呂律, ろれつ articulation 風呂場, ふろば bathroom 内風呂, うちぶろ indoor bath, bath for family (not public) use 真秀呂場, まほろば great and splendid land (of Yamato), spiritual center of the land, one's spiritual home, excellent location, splendid place 風呂屋, ふろや public bathhouse, bathhouse proprietor
  8.呂-149890 呂(読み)りょ ブリタニカ国際大百科事典 小項目事典「呂」の解説 呂 りょ 中国,日本の音楽理論用語。中国では,十二律のうち,偶数番目にあって陰性をもつと考えられていた6個の律をいう。陽性の律に対する。日本では雅楽や声明 (しょうみょう) の音階の1つを意味し,本来は,三分損益法によって生じる標準的な五声もしくは七声の音階をいったが,現在の雅楽では,かつて半呂半律ともいったものを呂旋といい,律旋と対置する。また声明では呂の音階でできているとされている曲を呂曲といい,律曲や中曲と対置した。近世邦楽では,オクターブ関係にある2音の低いほうを呂という。この呂は乙ともいい,この場合の対語は,甲 (かん。または干) であって,律ではない。また漫然と低い音域を呂という。甲 (干) に対する。 出典 ブリタニカ国際大百科事典 小項目事典ブリタニカ国際大百科事典 小項目事典について 情報 精選版 日本国語大辞典「呂」の解説 りょ【呂】 〘名〙 ① 雅楽で十二律のうち陰に属する音。断金(たんぎん)、勝絶(しょうせつ)、双調(そうじょう)、黄鐘(おうしき)、盤渉(ばんしき)、上無(かみむ)の六音をいう。六呂(りくりょ)。ろ。 ※菅家文草(900頃)一・賦得詠青「寄レ書仙鳥止、干レ呂瑞雲低」 ② 呂旋(りょせん)のこと。ろ。 ※源氏(1001‐14頃)竹河「女のことにて、りょのうたはかうしも合はせぬをいたしと思ひて」 ③ 甲(かん)に対して一段と低い音や調子。たとえば一オクターブ下の音。また、一般に、低い声。乙(おつ)。 ※申楽談儀(1430)祝言の音曲「祝言は、りょの声にて謡ひ出べし、深き習ひ有べし」 ④ 謡曲の音階で最も低い音。 出典 精選版 日本国語大辞典精選版 日本国語大辞典について 情報 ..