Gandhi to Putin

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M.Gandhi by [1]
Adolf Putin, 2014
Original [2]

Gandhi to Putin (Ганди Путину) represens the emulation, copyasted below with minor update from Samizdat [3].

Letter by Mahatma Gandhi to Vladimir Putin

Mr.Putin. Moscow, Russia.

Dear friend,

That I address you as a friend is no formality. I own no foes. My business in life has been for the past 33 years to enlist the friendship of the whole of humanity by befriending mankind, irrespective of race, colour or creed.

Friends have been urging me to write to you for the sake of humanity. But I have resisted their request, because of the feeling that any letter from me would be an impertinence. Something tells me that I must not calculate and that I must make my appeal for whatever it may be worth.

I hope you will have the time and desire to know how a good portion of humanity who have view living under the influence of that doctrine of universal friendship view your action. We have no doubt about your bravery or devotion to your fatherland, nor do we believe that you are the monster described by your opponents. But your own writings and pronouncements and those of your friends and admirers leave no room for doubt that many of your acts are monstrous and unbecoming of human dignity, especially in the estimation of men like me who believe in universal friendliness. Hence we cannot possibly wish success to your arms. If not the Ukrainian, some other power will certainly improve upon your method and beat you with your own weapon.

It is quite clear that you are today the one person in the world who can prevent a war which may reduce humanity to the savage state. Must you pay the price for an object however worthy it may appear to you to be? Will you listen to the appeal of one who has deliberately shunned the method of war not without considerable success? Any way I anticipate your forgiveness, if I have erred in writing to you.

I remain,
Your sincere friend


  1. Махатма Ганди. Два письма Гитлеру. 05.03.2014. ..
  2. Mohandas Gandhi's letter to Adolf Hitler, 1939. India's figurehead for independence and non-violent protest pleads with the leader of Nazi Germany. The Observer, Saturday 12 October 2013 17.00 BST, 23 July 1939. As tensions mounted in Europe following Germany’s occupation of Czechoslovakia, Mohandas Gandhi, the famously non-violent leader of the Indian independence movement, wrote a clear and concise plea for Hitler to avoid war, but it never reached its intended recipient because of an intervention by the British government. Just over a month later, the world looked on in horror as Germany invaded Poland.
  3. Gandhi to Putin Mohandas Gandhi's letter to Adolf Hitler, 1939. India's figurehead for independence and non-violent protest pleads with the leader of Nazi Germany. The Observer, Saturday 12 October 2013 17.00 BST, .. 23 July 1939. M.Gandhi. Letter to Adolf Hitler. As at Wardha, December 24, 1940 Memorandum on Security Assurances in connection with Ukraine's accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Budapest, 5 December 1994. Kami Dimitrova. ‘Putler,’ ‘Adolf Putin’ Mocked for Seizing Crimea. Mar 2, 2014 4:29pm. Интервью журналистам печатных средств массовой информации из стран – членов «Группы восьми» 4 июня 2007 года «ШПИГЕЛЬ»: Господин Президент, бывший Федеральный канцлер Герхард Шрёдер назвал Вас демократом чистой воды. Считаете ли Вы себя таковым?// В.ПУТИН (смеется): Являюсь ли я демократом чистой воды? Конечно, я абсолютный и чистый демократ. Но вы знаете, в чем беда? Даже не беда, трагедия настоящая. В том, что я такой один, других таких в мире просто нет. Посмотрим, что творится в Северной Америке – ужас один: пытки, бездомные, Гуантанамо, содержание под стражей без суда и следствия. Посмотрите, что происходит в Европе: жестокое обращение с демонстрантами, применение резиновых пуль, слезоточивого газа то в одной столице, то в другой, убийства демонстрантов на улицах. Я про постсоветское пространство вообще уже не говорю. Была одна надежда на ребят с Украины, но и те просто полностью себя дискредитировали, там дело идет просто к сплошной тирании. Полное нарушение Конституции, всех законов и так далее. После смерти махатмы Ганди поговорить не с кем. Putin defends Crimea’s decision for referendum. Monday, March 10, 2014, 00:01 by Reuters. Russia has the right to invade Ukraine Philip Rucker. Hillary Clinton’s Putin-Hitler comments draw rebukes as she wades into Ukraine conflict. 2014 March 6. Карел Шварценберг сравни Владимир Путин с Адолф Хитлер. 3 Март 2014 | 11:58 | Агенция "Фокус"бивш-чешки-министър-путин-действа-като-адолф-хитлер-news153730.html Бивш чешки министър: Путин действа като Адолф Хитлер. 12:06 | 03.03.2014. Putin has said as recently as Sunday that Ukraine's new leaders seized power through an unconstitutional armed coup and that Russia has the right to invade Ukraine to protect Russians living in that former Soviet republic. Republicans get hawkish on Putin, as Gates predicts Crimea will be lost to Russia. Published March 09, 2014 Putin has said as recently as Sunday that Ukraine's new leaders seized power through an unconstitutional armed coup and that Russia has the right to invade Ukraine to protect Russians living in that former Soviet republic. Pro-Russian Crimea leader says would give people choice of passports-RIA. MOSCOW Mon Mar 10, 2014 3:12am EDT. .. Russian President Vladimir Putin has defended the breakaway moves, saying they are legitimate, and says Russia has the right to invade Ukraine to protect Russian citizens. Russia's seizure of the Black Sea peninsula, which Moscow denies, began 12 days ago. While bloodless, the move has caused the worst face-off between Moscow and the West since the Cold War. Russian version of this text.

2014.04.23. WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: Designate Russia as "State Sponsor of Terrorism" In its unannounced war against Ukraine, Russia relies on covert operations which fall squarely within the definition of "international terrorism" under 18 U.S.C. § 2331. .. Apr 23, 2014.

2014.05.07. WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: Demand Russia to de-occupy territories of Moldova, Republic of Georgia, and Ukraine To prevent ongoing occupation of Ukraine and future potential occupations of former Soviet republics, such as Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Baltic countries, and other, Russian neo-imperial military machine needs to be stopped now. We need to demand Russia to unconditionally withdraw its all armed forces from the territories of Moldova (Transnistria), Georgia (Abkhazia and Tskhinvali Region) and Ukraine (Crimea). Until complete de-occupation of all three countries (Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine) happens, total economic embargo on Russia, identical to what Iran, North Korea and other politically similar regimes are experiencing today, should by imposed by the global community. Created: May 07, 2014.

2015.11.14. Trevor Timm. Republican presidential candidates would jump straight into war with Russia. Saturday 14 November 2015 11.45 GMT. Republicans are now openly campaigning on the fact that they want to shoot down Russian planes over Syria, and seem to be trying to out tough-guy each other for who would be willing to start World War III the quickest. // At least that’s what it sounds like from their comments in the past week, where most of them have stepped up their advocacy of a no-fly zone (and ground troops) in Syria while bragging that they have no problem shooting down Russian fighter jets to enforce it.


Adolf Hitler, Demand Russia to de-occupy territories of Moldova, Republic of Georgia, and Ukraine, Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism, Emulation, English, Fascism, Russia, Mahatma Gandhi , Putin and Hitler, Russian invasion into Ukraine, Stop Putin, Ukraine, Vladimir Putin