Solar electric plant

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Solar electric plant is installation of devices converting the energy of solar light to electricity.

Solar electric plants are wanted to be alternative to the nuclear power plants while the humanity is not yet ready for the civilized use of the nuclear energy.

The building of powerful solar plants is considered as indication of prosperity an important element of the image making for the governments. Representatives of various countries pretend to have the "biggest in the world" solar electric plant in their countries [1][2][3]. The criterion to consider various installations as one combined solar nuclear plant, or to consider them as separated plants, affects on qualification of an electric solar plant as "biggest in the world".

In the most of cases, either the vapor generation by heat (and the use of the steam power with turbines and generators) or the direct photovoltaic elements are used.

As Sun delivers power of order of kW/m^2, the area occupied by the solar electric plant is roughly proportional to the power it generates. The nuclear power plants in this sense are more compact. However, the solar electric plants become more compact at the consideration of a 100km zone around the nuclear plant that becomes contaminated and not suitable for agriculture at the core meltdown and evaporation of the nuclear fuel into the atmosphere. The construction of powerful solar plants was boosted in 2011 by the Fukushima disaster.


  1. Алла Добровольская. Янукович посетил крупнейшую в мире солнечную электростанцию. Симферополь, Апрель 27, 2012. (In Russian. English translation of the title: Alla Dobrovolskayq. Yanukovich visited the biggest in the world solar plant. 2012 April 27.
  2. World's biggest solar electric plant opens in Germany. Sep 1, 2006, 16:51 GMT
  3. Trough systems predominate among today’s commercial solar power plants. All together, nine trough power plants, also called Solar Energy Generating Systems (SEGS), were built in the 1980s in the Mojave Desert near Barstow, California. These plants have a combined capacity of 354 megawatts (MW) and today generate enough electricity to meet the needs of approximately 500,000 people. Trough systems convert the heat. .. (No data is specified; cited for the state of 2012 April 28.)