Revision history of "File:00.png"

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Legend: (cur) = difference with latest revision, (prev) = difference with preceding revision, m = minor edit.

  • (cur | prev) 21:46, 30 July 2019T (talk | contribs). . (387 bytes) (+19)
  • (cur | prev) 21:46, 30 July 2019T (talk | contribs). . (368 bytes) (+368). . (\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{geometry} \paperwidth 135pt \paperheight 135pt \topmargin -100pt \oddsidemargin -70pt \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \Large \parindent 0pt $f(x)=\sqrt{\exp}(x)$ \vskip 9pt $f=\sqrt{\exp}$ \vski...)