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(Created page with "%SmallTemplate.tex is small sample of article for Mizugadro <poem><nomathjax><nowiki> </nowiki></nomathjax></poem> Category:Latex Category:Mizugadro")
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\topmargin -90pt
\oddsidemargin -60pt
\textwidth 590pt
\textheight 730pt
\usepackage{parskip} % АБВГДЕ абвгде проверка кодировки
\newcommand \be {\begin{eqnarray}}
\newcommand \ee {\end{eqnarray}}
\newcommand \rot {\begin{rotate}}
\newcommand \ero {\end{rotate}}
\newcommand {\np}{\newpage}
\newcommand \sx {\scalebox}
\newcommand \ds {\displaystyle}
\newcommand \ing {\includegraphics}
\put(0,0){\Large Put your pic here}
\caption{ Ощий вид\cite{metka}}
\sx{2}{{\bf Заголовок Title}}
Written at {2018.12.31} by {Перечислите авторов здесь}
%\sx{1.2}{\bf Author(s). List the authors here}
%\newcommand{\leadingzero}[1]{\ifnum #1<10 0\the#1\else\the#1\fi}
Compiled: \today
\vskip 9pt
{\bf Abstract}
Describe, what is done in the research you suggest.
This description should help the reader to guess, that the content is NOT that he or she is looking for (if it is the case).
If the title is not in English, supply the English version of the title; preferably, the English translation of the original title.
If the original Abstract is not in English, supply the English version of the Abstract.
Do not reduce font of the Abstract, think about readers: the most of them read only title and the abstract.
Indicate here, why do you write your article, why you consider your article to be important.\\
Try to answer the following questions:
Why do you think that it is important for Mizugadro?
What is matter of your research? Why it is interesting?
Did other researcher do anything similar before you?
Did they publish their results?
Are their publications good or bad?
Which articles should be read in order to understand your article?
Which articles have no need to be red, because you describe the things better?
How did you perform the research, described in the article? Which methods did you use?
What is main goal of your research?
What results, described in the article, you consider to be the most important?
For whom this result can be useful?
What use of your result is expected?
Describe the formalism you use.
It is deserable, that the reader can get it without to read any other publication about the topic.
Usually, it is impossible; so, try to approach this, citing the publications you use in your research.
If the result you use can be formulated as simple theorem or formula, consider to copypast it here.
Describe the method you use, in such a way, that the colleagues may repeat your research and come to the same result.
\section{How to choose the titles and filenames}
Try to make title of of your article short, to fit one line, but informative.
Try to help the readers and the robots to reveal, if your article is not that they are looking for.
Better, if it can be done even without to read the Abstract.
Then, your article will not fall into the pool of many other pretentious articles and will not be lost there.
The filename should begin with date of submission, followed by the first word of the title or one of names of one of authors. The Editor is not yet skillful writing robots; if the name has no spacebars, not special characters - this simplifies the job and boosts the publication. Dots are ok. I know, how to handle then.
Examples appropriate filenames:\begin{verbatim}
Examples of inappropriate filenames:\begin{verbatim}
Everybody must know this.txt
2018.13.12.Сколько можно терпеть.rt?
It is preferable, that the pictures are already loaded somewhere; especially, if the same picture is used in several articles.
If not, the pics should be sent to the Editor together with the article.
The filename of the picture should begin with the same characters, as the filename of the main source of the article, but, instead of .txt , there should be .FigN.ext
where N is number of figure, and ext specifies the type.
The ~cc~ indicates, that it is C++ generator of figure; \\
it is assumed, that, after compilation of \\
2018.12.13.Pupkin.Fig03.cc \\
and the execution, it generates file\\
\put(40,40){example of figure}
\caption{test figure}
Here are examples of the figures. See, for example, Fig.1 or Fig. 2.
After description of your work, some questions may still remain.
What is still not clear?
Who of your colleague made a mistake considering the same topic?
What else should be done in this area?
In the Conclusion, try to answer the questions below.
0. What are main results of your work?
Is it possible to shorten your article, dropping out some deduction, that is not used for the concludion?
1. What is area of its applicability?
2. Which non-trivial result of which experiment should be considered as confirmation, ferification of your concept?
3. Which non-trivial result of which experiment should be considered as negation, refutation of your concept?
4. Are your result self-consistent? Which tests did you perfomm trying to find internal contradictions?
5. Which previous results are confirmed with your concept?
6. What other concept give the same results as your concept?<br>
Is your concept simpler than other concepts that give the same result?
7. How can one use your results, without to reproduce your deduction/measurement/search?
The questions 1-6 above are based on the TORI axioms \cite{axioms}.
\section{About references}
Preferable format for the bibliography: complete URL author. title. date. [{\em short but important quote, that confirms the relevance of the cite}]
If the date is not specified in the cited publication, indicate the date, when you have observed this publication.
You may indicate two dates: when you have observed this publication first time, and when you have observed it last time (preferably, the day of submission, to be sure, that the link is still active).
It the link is no longer active, indicate date, when you found that the link is already invalid
The two modes of ordering of references can be used:
1. In order of appearance. The earlier publications appear at the top of the list.
2. In order of citing. The references appear in the same order, in which they appear in the text.
After the list of numbered references, some additional links to relevant publications can be added ("more links") and, especially, to articles at Mizugadro (Keywords).
\bibitem{metka} Откуда у Вас такая фигура?
\url{https://file.scirp.org/Html/1-7501430_36560.htm} D.Kouznetsov. TORI axioms and the application in Physics. Journal of Modern Physics, 2013, v 4, 1159-1164
http://www.mil.ru/info/1068/uios/19347/index.shtml?id=49328 Результатом спланированных и осуществлённых грузинским руководством варварских действий стали многочисленные - счёт идёт на тысячи - человеческие жертвы: "Принципиальные оценки ситуации в Южной Осетии Президент РФ Дмитрий Медведев изложил в телефонном разговоре с Президентом США Джорджем Бушем". Управление пресс-службы и информации МО РФ, 9.08.2008 года.
(по крайней мере с 2011 года, страница удалена.)
http://www.mil.ru/info/1069/details/index.shtml?id=49353 Жертвами грузинского нападения на Южную Осетию стали более 2 тыс. человек. Среди них большинство являются гражданами России. Управление пресс-службы и информации МО РФ, 10.08.2008 года.
(по крайней мере с 2011 года, страница удалена.)
Preferable format: complete URL, author, title, date [{\em important quote if you like}]
You may list some relevant articles that appear at Mizugadro here. Example:

Revision as of 20:20, 10 December 2018

%SmallTemplate.tex is small sample of article for Mizugadro

\topmargin -90pt
\oddsidemargin -60pt
\textwidth 590pt
\textheight 730pt
\usepackage{parskip} % АБВГДЕ абвгде проверка кодировки
\newcommand \be {\begin{eqnarray}}
\newcommand \ee {\end{eqnarray}}
\newcommand \rot {\begin{rotate}}
\newcommand \ero {\end{rotate}}
\newcommand {\np}{\newpage}
\newcommand \sx {\scalebox}
\newcommand \ds {\displaystyle}
\newcommand \ing {\includegraphics}


\put(0,0){\Large Put your pic here}
\caption{ Ощий вид\cite{metka}}

\sx{2}{{\bf Заголовок Title}}


Written at {2018.12.31} by {Перечислите авторов здесь}

%\sx{1.2}{\bf Author(s). List the authors here}
%\newcommand{\leadingzero}[1]{\ifnum #1<10 0\the#1\else\the#1\fi}

Compiled: \today
\vskip 9pt

{\bf Abstract}

Describe, what is done in the research you suggest.
This description should help the reader to guess, that the content is NOT that he or she is looking for (if it is the case).

If the title is not in English, supply the English version of the title; preferably, the English translation of the original title.

If the original Abstract is not in English, supply the English version of the Abstract.

Do not reduce font of the Abstract, think about readers: the most of them read only title and the abstract.


Indicate here, why do you write your article, why you consider your article to be important.\\
Try to answer the following questions:

Why do you think that it is important for Mizugadro?

What is matter of your research? Why it is interesting?

Did other researcher do anything similar before you?

Did they publish their results?

Are their publications good or bad?

Which articles should be read in order to understand your article?

Which articles have no need to be red, because you describe the things better?

How did you perform the research, described in the article? Which methods did you use?

What is main goal of your research?

What results, described in the article, you consider to be the most important?

For whom this result can be useful?

What use of your result is expected?


Describe the formalism you use.

It is deserable, that the reader can get it without to read any other publication about the topic.
Usually, it is impossible; so, try to approach this, citing the publications you use in your research.

If the result you use can be formulated as simple theorem or formula, consider to copypast it here.

Describe the method you use, in such a way, that the colleagues may repeat your research and come to the same result.

\section{How to choose the titles and filenames}

Try to make title of of your article short, to fit one line, but informative.

Try to help the readers and the robots to reveal, if your article is not that they are looking for.
Better, if it can be done even without to read the Abstract.
Then, your article will not fall into the pool of many other pretentious articles and will not be lost there.

The filename should begin with date of submission, followed by the first word of the title or one of names of one of authors. The Editor is not yet skillful writing robots; if the name has no spacebars, not special characters - this simplifies the job and boosts the publication. Dots are ok. I know, how to handle then.

Examples appropriate filenames:\begin{verbatim}
Examples of inappropriate filenames:\begin{verbatim}
Everybody must know this.txt
2018.13.12.Сколько можно терпеть.rt?

It is preferable, that the pictures are already loaded somewhere; especially, if the same picture is used in several articles.

If not, the pics should be sent to the Editor together with the article.
The filename of the picture should begin with the same characters, as the filename of the main source of the article, but, instead of .txt , there should be .FigN.ext

where N is number of figure, and ext specifies the type.


The ~cc~ indicates, that it is C++ generator of figure; \\
it is assumed, that, after compilation of \\
2018.12.13.Pupkin.Fig03.cc \\
and the execution, it generates file\\

\put(40,40){example of figure}
\caption{test figure}

Here are examples of the figures. See, for example, Fig.1 or Fig. 2.


After description of your work, some questions may still remain.

What is still not clear?

Who of your colleague made a mistake considering the same topic?

What else should be done in this area?


In the Conclusion, try to answer the questions below.

0. What are main results of your work?
Is it possible to shorten your article, dropping out some deduction, that is not used for the concludion?

1. What is area of its applicability?

2. Which non-trivial result of which experiment should be considered as confirmation, ferification of your concept?

3. Which non-trivial result of which experiment should be considered as negation, refutation of your concept?

4. Are your result self-consistent? Which tests did you perfomm trying to find internal contradictions?

5. Which previous results are confirmed with your concept?

6. What other concept give the same results as your concept?<br>
Is your concept simpler than other concepts that give the same result?

7. How can one use your results, without to reproduce your deduction/measurement/search?

The questions 1-6 above are based on the TORI axioms \cite{axioms}.

\section{About references}

Preferable format for the bibliography: complete URL author. title. date. [{\em short but important quote, that confirms the relevance of the cite}]

If the date is not specified in the cited publication, indicate the date, when you have observed this publication.
You may indicate two dates: when you have observed this publication first time, and when you have observed it last time (preferably, the day of submission, to be sure, that the link is still active).
It the link is no longer active, indicate date, when you found that the link is already invalid

The two modes of ordering of references can be used:

1. In order of appearance. The earlier publications appear at the top of the list.

2. In order of citing. The references appear in the same order, in which they appear in the text.

After the list of numbered references, some additional links to relevant publications can be added ("more links") and, especially, to articles at Mizugadro (Keywords).

\bibitem{metka} Откуда у Вас такая фигура?

\url{https://file.scirp.org/Html/1-7501430_36560.htm} D.Kouznetsov. TORI axioms and the application in Physics. Journal of Modern Physics, 2013, v 4, 1159-1164

http://www.mil.ru/info/1068/uios/19347/index.shtml?id=49328 Результатом спланированных и осуществлённых грузинским руководством варварских действий стали многочисленные - счёт идёт на тысячи - человеческие жертвы: "Принципиальные оценки ситуации в Южной Осетии Президент РФ Дмитрий Медведев изложил в телефонном разговоре с Президентом США Джорджем Бушем". Управление пресс-службы и информации МО РФ, 9.08.2008 года.
(по крайней мере с 2011 года, страница удалена.)

http://www.mil.ru/info/1069/details/index.shtml?id=49353 Жертвами грузинского нападения на Южную Осетию стали более 2 тыс. человек. Среди них большинство являются гражданами России. Управление пресс-службы и информации МО РФ, 10.08.2008 года.
(по крайней мере с 2011 года, страница удалена.)

Preferable format: complete URL, author, title, date [{\em important quote if you like}]
You may list some relevant articles that appear at Mizugadro here. Example:


