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(X2F20) is unicode character number 12064, KanjiRadical.


Wiktionary [1] suggests the following pronunciation

シ (tsu), さむらい (samurai).


Wiktionary [2] suggests the following meanings: 漢字の部首の一つ。男性に関する意味の漢字を表し、士部を構成。常用漢字では三画。

Kobun [3] suggests more meanings:

① 男子。 出典枕草子 職の御曹司の西面の 「しは己を知る者のために死ぬ」 [訳] 男子は自分をよく理解してくれる人のために死ぬ。

② 学徳の備わったりっぱな人。 出典徒然草 一四三 「博学のしもはかるべからず」 [訳] 学徳の備わったりっぱな人も(臨終について)推測することはできそうにない。

③ 武士。


the [] [4] suggests the following encodings for character (X2F20):

Encoding hex dec (bytes) dec binary
UTF-8 E2 BC A0 226 188 160 14859424 11100010 10111100 10100000
UTF-16BE 2F 20 47 32 12064 00101111 00100000
UTF-16LE 20 2F 32 47 8239 00100000 00101111
UTF-32BE 00 00 2F 20 0 0 47 32 12064 00000000 00000000 00101111 00100000
UTF-32LE 20 2F 00 00 32 47 0 0 539951104 00100000 00101111 00000000 00000000

The Utf8 Encoding of (X2F20) and similar characters can be revealed with command

php du.t ±⼟⼠土士

However, file du.t should be loaded for the execution. The output is:

The array has 14 bytes; here is its splitting:
c2 b1 e2 bc 9f e2 bc a0 e5 9c 9f e5 a3 ab
array(5) {
  string(2) "±"
  string(3) "⼟"
  string(3) "⼠"
  string(3) "土"
  string(3) "士"

Unicode character number 00177 id est, X00B1
Picture: ± ; uses 2 bytes. These bytes are:
XC2 XB1 in the hexadecimal representation and
194 177 in the decimal representation

Unicode character number 12063 id est, X2F1F
Picture:  ; uses 3 bytes. These bytes are:
XE2 XBC X9F in the hexadecimal representation and
226 188 159 in the decimal representation

Unicode character number 12064 id est, X2F20
Picture:  ; uses 3 bytes. These bytes are:
XE2 XBC XA0 in the hexadecimal representation and
226 188 160 in the decimal representation

Unicode character number 22303 id est, X571F
Picture:  ; uses 3 bytes. These bytes are:
XE5 X9C X9F in the hexadecimal representation and
229 156 159 in the decimal representation

Unicode character number 22763 id est, X58EB
Picture:  ; uses 3 bytes. These bytes are:
XE5 XA3 XAB in the hexadecimal representation and
229 163 171 in the decimal representation

(here is end of the output)

The KanjiRadical (X2F1F) and the KanjiLiberal (X571F) can be considered as synonyms; their meaning and their pronunciation is similar.

the same refers fo characters X2F20 and (X58EB).

Due to the graphical semihance, the characters mentioned may cause confusion. This confusion is recognized [5][6].

Even a Japanese native speaker, looking at characters ±
cannot guess,
which of them is X00B1,
which of them is X2F1F,
which of them is X571F,
which of them is X2F20 and
which of them is X58EB.


  1.⼠ ⼠ .. フリー百科事典ウィキペディアに 士部 の記事があります。 士(シ、さむらい、(冠である場合)さむらいかんむり) 漢字の部首の一つ。男性に関する意味の漢字を表し、士部を構成。常用漢字では三画。
  2.⼠ ⼠ .. フリー百科事典ウィキペディアに 士部 の記事があります。 士(シ、さむらい、(冠である場合)さむらいかんむり) 漢字の部首の一つ。男性に関する意味の漢字を表し、士部を構成。常用漢字では三画。
  3.⼠ し 【士】 (2021) 名詞 ① 男子。 出典枕草子 職の御曹司の西面の 「しは己を知る者のために死ぬ」 [訳] 男子は自分をよく理解してくれる人のために死ぬ。 ② 学徳の備わったりっぱな人。 出典徒然草 一四三 「博学のしもはかるべからず」 [訳] 学徳の備わったりっぱな人も(臨終について)推測することはできそうにない。 ③ 武士。
  4. ⼠ Kangxi Radical Scholar U+2F20 Click to copy and paste symbol Technical information Name Kangxi Radical Scholar Unicode number U+2F20 HTML-code ⼠ CSS-code \2F20 Block Kangxi Radicals Unicode version: 3.0 (1999) Symbol meaning Kangxi Radical Scholar. Kangxi Radicals.
  5. 2F1F KANGXI RADICAL EARTH Han Script id: allowed confuse: , ,
  6. 58EB CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-58EB Han Script id: restricted confuse: , ,


du.t, Japanese, Kanji, KanjiRadical, PHP, SomeU, Unicode, Utf8, X00B1, X2F1F, X2F20, X571F, X58EB, X7537

±, , , , ,