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X96E8 is Unicode character number 38632, KanjiLiberal.
uses 3 bytes: %e9%9b%a8 ; 233 155 168 in the decimal representation.

can be pronounced Ame or あめ and denote Rain.

X96E8 is easy to confuse with other Unicode characters [1][2].


The computer support of Japanese characters is underdeveloped.
Up to year 2021, there is no united standard for the default font, that would allow each character to look the same at various computers, but different from other characters.

In certain sense, the opposite case is realized:
the character may look similar to other character(s) at the same computer, but the view of the character is not the same at the default font of various operational systems.

In particular, this confusion takes place with character .

Characters X2ED7 , X2FAC , X96E8 are related to rain, and they look in different at various computers.
Here are the views:

⻗,⾬,雨 at your computer

RainL.png at Linux

RainM.png at Macintosh

This confusion is recognized [1][2].

Character X96E8 seems to be more popular thanX2FAC ; most of the descriptions refer to X96E8 . On the other side, no indications on phonetic nor semantic differences is detected for characters X2FAC and X96E8 . For this reason, descriptions below can be applied also to character X2FAC ; These descriptions are not repeated there.



Jisho [3] suggests:

あめ Noun

1. rain​ Noun

2. rainy day; rainy weather​ Noun

3. the November suit (in hanafuda)​See also 花札 Wikipedia definition

4. Rain is liquid water in the form of droplets. ..



Nihongomaster [4] suggests:

Definition of rain

Readings On'Yomi (音読み) ウ

Kun'yomi (訓読み) あめ あま- -さめ

Popular Words With This Kanji

, あめ rain

大雨, おおあめ heavy rain

梅雨, 黴雨, つゆ, ばいう rainy season, rain during the rainy season

梅雨, 黴雨, つゆ, ばいう rainy season, rain during the rainy season

雨水, あまみず, うすい rain water, "rain water" solar term (approx. Feb 19)

雨量, うりょう rainfall

降雨, こうう rainfall, rain

豪雨, ごうう] torrential rain, heavy rain, cloudburst, downpour

雨期, 雨季, うき rainy season

梅雨明け, つゆあけ the end of the rainy season

Charles Kelly


Charles Kelly [5] suggests:



Strokes: 8, Indexing radical:

あめ rain
雨量 うりょう precipitation
梅雨 つゆ rainy season
雨雲 あまぐも rain cloud



Kotobank [6] suggests:

読みあめ 日本大百科全書(ニッポニカ)「」の解説


大気中の水蒸気が水滴となり地上に落下するもの、あるいはその現象をいう。大気中の水蒸気はこのほか雪や雹(ひょう)などの形をとって地上に達するので、これらを総称して降水とよび、降雨はそのなかに含まれる。 [礒野謙治] ..


JapanRain3784.jpg Rain1331417428-612x612.jpg 2021.07.21.ChinaRain.jpg Traffic-jam 53876-42983.jpg DanceUnderRain16693373.jpg UnderRain16899529.jpg LightRain641328main Anjoziantopofsmoky1 full-1.jpg RainOnRiver235.jpeg Part-of-Ukraine-Today-Again-with-Rains1.jpg


At some operational systems (Macintosh), characters X2FAC and X96E8 look similar.

For this reason, none of this characters is used Tarja language.

Character can be translated into Tarja in the following ways:

1. Ame

2. あめ

3. X96E8

4. Rain

Each of the four words looks similar at various computers, but different from view of other words; so, such a translation should not cause any confusion.


  1. 1.0 1.1 2FAC KANGXI RADICAL RAIN Han Script id: allowed confuse: ..
  2. 2.0 2.1 96E8 CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-96E8 Han Script id: restricted confuse: ..
  3.雨 あめ common word jlpt n5 wanikani level 5 Play audio Show 2 collocations Links Noun 1. rain​ Noun 2. rainy day; rainy weather​ Noun 3. the November suit (in hanafuda)​See also 花札 Wikipedia definition 4. Rain​Rain is liquid water in the form of droplets ..
  4.雨 Definition of 雨 rain Readings On'Yomi (音読み) Kun'yomi (訓読み) ウ あめ あま- -さめ Popular Words With This Kanji 雨, あめ rain 大雨, おおあめ heavy rain 梅雨, 黴雨, つゆ, ばいう rainy season, rain during the rainy season 梅雨, 黴雨, つゆ, ばいう rainy season, rain during the rainy season 雨水, あまみず, うすい rain water, "rain water" solar term (approx. Feb 19) 雨量, うりょう rainfall 降雨, こうう rainfall, rain 豪雨, ごうう torrential rain, heavy rain, cloudburst, downpour 雨期, 雨季, うき rainy season 梅雨明け, つゆあけ the end of the rainy season
  5. rain rain ウ あめあま Strokes: 8, Indexing radical: External Links: Breen | Ryner | Rudick | Ishida | Komori | Meiko | Hotta | Blum | Danni Selected Good Words to Memorize 雨 あめ rain 雨量 うりょう precipitation 梅雨 つゆ rainy season 雨雲 あまぐも rain cloud
  6.雨-27399 雨(読み)あめ 日本大百科全書(ニッポニカ)「雨」の解説 あめ 大気中の水蒸気が水滴となり地上に落下するもの、あるいはその現象をいう。大気中の水蒸気はこのほか雪や雹(ひょう)などの形をとって地上に達するので、これらを総称して降水とよび、降雨はそのなかに含まれる。 [礒野謙治] ..