Institute for Laser Science

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The Institute for Laser Science is department of the University of Electro Communications, located near Tokyo, Japan.


The Institute for Laser Science is located at 1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu, Tokyo, 182-8585, Japan. The coordinates are (+35.657952,+139.54128). The official site is


  • By train: Keiō Line, Chofu station (about 20 min from Shinjuku by "express"); exit to North, 5 min walk North until road 20, cross road 20, walk left and enter the campus of University of Electro Communications tgrough the Sei-mon (main gate), walk North and West, pass through the "Naka-mon" (central gate) and walk East; the last building at the left hand side.
  • By car: Chuo highway, Exit "Chofu", (toward Shinjuku), one block East by road 20, then left (North) at the first traffic signal, then first right through "Nishi-mon" (West gate).
  • By walking: from Chofu Airport, walk East until Nogawa river and turn right. FOllow the rivet until road 12, and turn right (south). Continue South pass under the Chuo highway, look left for the "Nishi-mon"(West gate) and enter there. (25 min to walk)

History and achievements

Disk laser (active mirror).

Established in 1980, the Institute specializes mainly in improving the performance of gas lasers, especially excimer lasers. Between 1990 and 2005, the Institute developed fiber disk lasers, disk laser (active mirror)[1] and the concept of power scaling. Ultra-low loss mirror was developed [2] aiming application for high power lasers (1995).

Since 2000, its main research directions have been in the areas of solid state lasers, fiber lasers and ceramics. Since then, the Institute has carried out experiments with quantum reflection of cold excited neon atoms from silicon surfaces. [3] [4]

The institute has also performed the first experiments with quantum reflection [3] of cold atoms from Si surface and, in particular, ridged mirrors [5] for cold atoms and the interpretation as Zeno effect. [6]

Y. 2003. Development of fundamental concepts of propagation and scattering of waves. [6][7]

In 2004, the Institute developed the first microchip atomic trap. [8][9]

Current research

Coherent addition of 4 fiber lasers

See also

  • Google map; the institute is the large building in the center, just south of the tennis court:,138.55&ie=UTF8&om=1&z=19&ll=35.657952,139.54128&spn=0.001077,0.002942&t=h


  1. K. Ueda, N. Uehara. Laser-diode-pumped solid state lasers for gravitational wave antenna Proceedings of SPIE 1837 p.336–345 (1993) Template:Dead link
  2. N.Uehara, A.Ueda, K.Ueda, H.Sekiguchi, T.Mitake, K.Nakamura, N.Kitajima, and I.Kataoka.. Ultralow-loss mirror of the parts-in-106 level at 1064 nm Optics Letters 20 p.530–532 (1995)
  3. 3.0 3.1 F.Shimizu, . Specular Reflection of Very Slow Metastable Neon Atoms from a Solid Surface PRL 86 p.987–990 (2001)
  4. H.Oberst, Y.Tashiro, K.Shimizu, F.Shimizu. Quantum reflection of He* on silicon PRA 71 p.052901 (2005)
  5. F.Shimizu, J. Fujita. Giant Quantum Reflection of Neon Atoms from a Ridged Silicon Surface Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 71 p.5–8 (2002)
  6. 6.0 6.1 D.Kouznetsov, H.Oberst. Reflection of Waves from a Ridged Surface and the Zeno Effect Optical Review 12 p.1605–1623 (2005) Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "zeno" defined multiple times with different content
  7. D.Kouznetsov, H.Oberst. Scattering of waves at ridged mirrors. PRA 72 p.013617 (2005)
  8. "Atom Optics, Coherence and Ultra Cold Atoms" on the website of ILS.
  9. 9.0 9.1 M.Horikoshi, K.Nakagawa. Atom chip based fast production of Bose-Einstein condensat Applied Physics B 83 p.363–366 (2006)
  10. D. Kouznetsov, J.-F. Bisson, J. Dong, and K. Ueda. Surface loss limit of the power scaling of a thin-disk laser JOSAB 23 p.1074–1082 (2006)
  11. D.Kouznetsov, J.-F.Bisson, J.Dong, K.Ueda. Scaling laws of a thin disk lasers Preprint ILS-UEC p.0 (2007) Template:Dead link
  12. J.-F.Bisson, D.Kouznetsov, K.Ueda, T.Fredrich-Thornton, K.Petermann, and G.Huber. Switching of emissivity and photoconductivity in highly doped Yb3+:Y2O3 and Lu2O3 ceramics. Applied Physics Letters 90 p.201901 (2007)
  13. D.Kouznetsov, . Broadband laser materials and the McCumber relation Chinese Optics Letters 5 Supplement p.S240–S242 (2007) Template:Dead link
  14. D.Kouznetsov, . Efficient diode-pumped Yb:Gd2SiO5 laser: Comment. Applied Physics Letters 90 p.066101 (2007)
  15. D.Kouznetsov, J.F.Bisson. A.Shirakawa, K.Ueda. Limits of Coherent Addition of Lasers: Simple Estimate] Optical Review 12 p.445–­44 (2005)
  16. D.Kouznetsov, J.-F.Bisson, J.Li, K.Ueda. Self-pulsing laser as oscillator Toda: Approximation through elementary functions Journal of Physics A 40 p.1–18 (2007)
  17. J.Dong, A.Shirakawa, K.Ueda. Switchable pulses generation in passively Q-switched multilongitudinal-mode microchip laser Laser Physics Letters 4 p.109–116 (2007)
  18. D.Kouznetsov, H. Oberst, K. Shimizu, A. Neumann, Y. Kuznetsova, J.-F. Bisson, K. Ueda, S. R. J. Brueck. Ridged atomic mirrors and atomic nanoscope JOPB 39 p.1605–1623 (2006)
  19. L.P.Nayak, P.N.Melentiev, M.Morinaga*, F.L.Klein, V.I.Balykin, K.Hakuta.. Optical nanofiber as an efficient tool for manipulating and probing atomic fluorescence Optics Express 15 p.5431–5438 (2007)
  20. M.Sadgrove, M.Horikoshi, T.Sekimura and K.Nakagawa. Rectified Momentum Transport for a Kicked Bose-Einstein Condensate PRL 99 p.043002 (2007)