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L58.0354z33.3230 by Google [2] , 2024
L58.0340z33.3232 by Google

L58.0354z33.3230 is Russian military object near the Valdai Putin Residence (Валдайская Резиденция Путина).

L58.0354z33.3230 is element of the ValdaiCluster (Валдайский Кластер).

The view by the Earthexplorer [1] and the view by the Google maps [2] are shown in figure at right.

About the name

The Google maps do not provide any specified name for the object shown in the top picture.

For this reason, the name L58.0354z33.3230 is generated to denote it and to distinguish it from other similar objects.

The First letter and the following number refers to the geographic Latitude measured in degrees and rounded with four figures after the decimal dot.

Letter z as «half of swastika» idicates the the object seems to be related with Russian fascism and the Putin world war. The following digits refer to the geographic longitude measured in degrees and rounded with four figures after the decimal dot.

Value of the Latitude and Longitude are chosen for some «метацентер» of the missile launching systems observed in the cluster.

The important element of L58.0354z33.3230 is observed at its south part. This element is denoted with term «L58.0340z33.3232»; the zooming of map at this place is shown in figure at right.

Construction at the south part

Perhaps, the more interesting object of L58.0354z33.3230 seen at the picture is construction al coordinates

58.03407, 33.3232

It is seen in year 2024 at the Google maps [2] (and labeled with the red mark) but seems to be absent at the picture by Earthexplorer observed in the same year year.

Many similar constructions are observed in vicinity of the Valdai Putin Residence (Валдайская Резиденция Путина at the Google maps. Some of them are listed below:

Putin world war


PutinPalaceAirSystems.jpg MissileLauncher1199x800.jpg


Maps and pics about the L58.0354z33.3230 are


  1. 1.0 1.1 https://earthexplorer.usgs.gov // 58.0354, 33.3230 // 58.0356, 33.3230 (Captured in year 2024)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 https://www.google.co.jp/maps/place/58°02'02.4%22N+33°19'23.5%22E/@58.0353447,33.3177363,428m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d58.034!4d33.3232?hl=ru&entry=ttu // 58°02'02.4"N 33°19'23.5"E // 58.034000, 33.323200