Maple and tea

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Maple and tea is poem about version 10 of the Maple software, that happened to be horribly slow in compared to the previous versions; and quality of graphics happened to be poor. The poem is dated with year 2007.

Maple and tea

Here is the company C of computers; they master:
Per each two years, their PCs run twice faster.
Here is company S of the soft; they work hard as plowers,
So, each new release runs 0.7 times slower;
The soft is to run at the user's PC,
Which is made, of course, by the company C.
Here is user U, buys from C and from S,
the newest model and the latest release.
U presses some key, say, key number K;
The soft S responds, with some delay,
during some time, say, during time t,
to let user U to have some tea.

How many releases per year does sell S to U
to let him have tea, while he has nothing to do,
just waiting response by the soft to key K,
keeping the same time t of delay,
neutralizing the efforts of company C
to run faster U's task at his modern PC?
This problem above is not correct, because
The tea-concern, together with C, of course,
support the efforts of the company S
to make even bigger the newest release,
To force U buy more tea and a newest PC,
to boost business of C and the concern of tea.
