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Spanish is language used in Spain, Mexico and some other countries.

In addition to the Latin letters (which are ascii characters), the additional letter ñ (equivalent of the Russian "нь") is used, and the vowels with accents.

The use of the "Spanish keyboard" layout is not convenient, because many ascii characters change their keys at the transfer from the "English keyboard" to the "Apanish keyboard".

For the easy type, one may either ignore all the accents (typing "n" instead of ñ), or copypast them from the line below.


At some macintosh layout,

(alt-e)a makes á
(alt-e)e makes é
(alt-e)u makes ú
(alt-e)i makes í
(alt-e)o makes ó
(alt-e)u makes ú
(alt-n)n makes ñ

At Latex,

 \' a makes á
\~n (or \tilde n in the math mode) makes  ñ

¿ ? ¡ !

In Spanish, the characters ¿ .. ? are used to indicate the question, and ¡ ! are used to indicate the exlamination.

At Macintosh,

(alt-1) makes ¡

(alt-?) makes ¿

(alt-\) makes «

(alt-|) makes »

In LaTeX documents, the "¿" is written as ?` (question mark, backtick), and "¡" as !` (exclamation point, backtick).
