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A.A.Maximov Space Systems Research Institute, or "Maximov's institute", is the branch of the Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center, Russia, dedicated to the development of inertioids and the launching to the Earth's orbit.

The head of the institute is Valerii Menshikov.

The institute become famous after the launching to the orbit of the satellite "Jubileiny" with the perpetual motion machine Gravitsapa on board in 2008 and the the multitude of publications that characterized such a device as a top achievement of the Russian science and technology.

The official site of the Institute is at


http://www.kcn.ru/tat_en/science/ans/journals/rasj_cnt/11_1_6.html V.A.Menshikov. ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF AVIATION AND AEROSPACE SYSTEMS. Kazan University, 2008. Institute for Space Systems conducted successful tests of the perpetual motion machine in space," wrote 'Pravda' in Moscow. "Valery Menshikov, the director of the institute, said that the machine was installed at Yubileiny satellite which was launched into orbit almost a year ago. The satellite can now move from one orbit to another with the help of the engine, which discharges no reaction mass.// Menshikov continued, in a claim not verified by any Western space source: "The first tests were conducted in June and July of 2008. The tests revealed some problems that need further developments of the machine, but the orbital experiment was conducted successfully in general. (state for March 2, 2010)

http://english.pravda.ru/science/tech/14-04-2009/107399-Russian_scientists-0 Russian scientists test perpetual motion machine in space. "Pravda", 14.04.2009

http://www.defesanet.com.br/space/russia_share.htm Anna Smolchenko. Strategy for Space Industry. Moscow Times 07 Julho 2006: ..He added that the 21 percent production target was only achievable if the government tripled financing to the sector. Russia can meet that target if it starts producing Angara, a next generation rocket, but it needs 20 billion rubles ($740 million) to finish the project.

http://english.pravda.ru/science/tech/14-04-2009/107399-Russian_scientists-0 Russian scientists test perpetual motion machine in space. "Pravda", 14.04.2009 pecialists of the Institute for Space Systems conducted successful tests of the perpetual motion machine in space. Valery Menshikov, the director of the institute, said that the machine was installed at Yubileiny satellite which was launched into orbit almost a year ago. The satellite can now move from one orbit to another with the help of the engine, which discharges no reaction mass.// The first tests were conducted in June and July of 2008. The tests revealed some problems that need further developments of the machine, but the orbital experiment was conducted successfully in general.

http://artishev.com/texnologii/rossiya-vyvela-na-orbitu-sputnik-s-“vechnym”-dvigatelem.html А.Б.Артищев. Россия вывела на орбиту спутник с “вечным” двигателем. Запущенная 23 мая 2008 года с космодрома “Плесецк” РН “Рокот” вывела в космос 4 российских спутника: 3 спутника военного назначения и КА “Юбилейный” – в честь 50-летия запуска первого искусственного спутника Земли. Каждые 4 минуты “Юбилейный” передаёт сигналы в международном диапазоне радиолюбительской связи 435 МГц, имитирующие позывные “бип-бип” спутника 1957 года, а также звуковую, фото- и видеоинформацию об истории освоения космоса. Эти сигналы должны быть доступны в любой точке Земли...// Но, прежде всего, аппарат “Юбилейный” примечателен тем, что на нём установлен небывалый двигатель для коррекции орбиты, который его создатели окрестили “вечным”. Это 1-й космический двигатель, работающий не на реактивном принципе, а за счёт движения внутри него жидкого рабочего тела по определённой траектории, напоминающей торнадо. Энергию двигателю дают солнечные батареи спутника. Агрегат, ранее испытанный на Земле, рассчитан на 300 тысяч включений и 15 лет работы. Если реальные испытания пройдут успешно, его можно будет применять для коррекции орбит малых спутников и перемещения космонавтов в скафандрах при выходе в открытый космос.(in Russian)

http://lenta.ru/news/2010/02/04/nanosat/ Прорыв в науке. Гравицапа в действии. posted 4-2-2010 17:02