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Russian missile system Buk[1]
Russian military vehicles loaded with shipping containers for missiles of BUK-M1 air defense missile system drive along the road outside Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov Region, August 16, 2014.[2]
Google map at 47.97399, 38.76416 , 2017.03.03
BUK missile part found at MH17 crash site [3]
Ivan Krasnoproshin, believed to use buk to shut down flight MH17 [4]
Terrorists used buk to shut-down liner MH17 and distribute the harvest, 2014.07.17. [5]
Buk by [6]

Buk (Бук) Is the Russian missile complex used to shut down the passenger liners.

The most known application of Buk is shutting down of the Malasian flight MH17 2014.07.17. It is believed that the Buk missile complex had been transferred to terrorists by the order of Vladimir Putin and Sergei Shoigu. As the Russian invasion into Ukraine in 2014 had been approved by the Duma and Soviet of Federation, the dumaks can be qualified as military crime and terrorists. Many of them had been included in to the sanctions lists soon after the use of buk for shut–down the MH17 jet.

The goal of terrorists could be plundering of belongings of the drew and the passengers. [7].

Ivan Krasnoproshin is suspected to shut down the flight MH17 2014.07.17 with the buk missile [4].




  1. http://antikor.com.ua/articles/41526-gibelj_rejsa_mh17_sverim_traektorii._otkuda_streljal_buk_m1 Гибель рейса MH17: Сверим траектории. Откуда стрелял «Бук М1»? 14 мая 2015 г., 19:25
  2. http://uk.reuters.com/news/pictures/slideshow?articleId=UKKBN0GG06M20140816&slide=1#a=1 Russian military vehicles loaded with shipping containers for missiles of BUK-M1 air defense missile system drive along the road outside Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov Region, August 16, 2014. If Russia and Ukraine slide into outright war, the United States and allies will face tough choices on how to support a friendly state they have no intention of making a full NATO member. REUTERS/Maxim Shemetov
  3. http://www.nltimes.nl/2016/06/06/large-buk-missile-part-found-at-mh17-crash-site/ Large BUK missile part found at MH17 crash site. Posted on Jun 6, 2016
  4. 4.0 4.1 http://stopputler.org/index.php/analytics/194-buk-kurskaya-brigada Малазийский «Боинг» сбил «Бук» с экипажем из состава 53-й Курской бригады российских войск. Tuesday, 09 September 2014 08:25
  5. http://rusjev.net/2015/10/14/sovbez-niderlandov-boing-sbili-s-territorii-boevikov/ Совбез Нидерландов – Боинг сбили с территории боевиков. Жовтень 14th, 2015,
  6. http://olegpanfilov2.livejournal.com/3284311.html ДОНБУРАС. Jul. 20th, 2014 at 1:34 AM.
  7. 2014.07.23. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/flight-mh17-victims-phones-being-3902749 Alex Paterson. Flight MH17 victims' phones 'being answered by looters' at crash site say relatives. Jul 23, 2014 19:56.

2014.07.20. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2698169/Dog-breeder-father-two-Surrey-eighth-Briton-named-victim-shooting-MH17.html Two British families killed by 'Putin the terrorist'. 10:59 GMT, 20 July 2014.

2014.07.24. http://osce.usmission.gov/jul_24_14_ror_rf.html Response to Russian Federation on Crash of MH17 in Ukraine. As delivered by Ambassador Daniel B. Baer to the Permanent Council, Vienna. July 24, 2014. .. I will not sit here and listen to the self-righteous and sanctimonious statements by the Russian Federation that somehow they are uniquely committed to an international investigation. Their proxies, the Russian-supported fighters, were literally walking over the remains of the crash. When the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission showed up on the scene, they found a drunken horde. ..

2014.07.25. http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2014/07/25/press-briefing-press-secretary-josh-earnest-072514 James S. Brady. Press Briefing by Press Secretary Josh Earnest, 07/25/14. .. Q Can I just -- on Ukraine -- it’s a little over a week obviously since MH17. Does the administration have any doubt that that plane was brought down by separatists by an SA-11 system? Is there any doubt about that now at this point? // MR. EARNEST: Well, what we have seen is we’ve seen that there were heavy weapons moved from Russia to Ukraine, that they have moved into the hands of separatist leaders, and that those separatists who are backed by the Russians were trained by the Russians to use those systems. Those systems include anti-aircraft weapons systems. And according to social media reports, those weapons include the SA-11 system. // What we also know is that the Malaysia Airlines jet was brought down by a missile that was fired from the ground. It was fired from the ground in an area that was controlled by separatists and in an area where the Ukrainians themselves were not actually operating anti-aircraft weapons at that time. // So that is why we have concluded that Vladimir Putin and the Russians are culpable to this tragedy. And I guess the other thing I would point out -- let me look for my notes here -- that I noticed a recent comment from Senator Chambliss, who is the vice-chair of the Senate Intel Committee. He’s a Republican and somebody who doesn’t often agree with the White House. But he did say, whether it was -- this is a quote here -- “whether it was the Russians themselves that pulled the trigger or Russian separatists trained by Russians, it’s all the same, and it all goes back ultimately to Vladimir Putin.” // So that is an indication that, based on somebody who has reviewed the classified intelligence assessments, that President Putin is responsible. ..

2014.07.25. http://m.apnews.com/ap/db_306481/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=x7Ey1Jcn URAS KARMANAU and PETER LEONARD. What happened? The day Flight 17 was downed. Jul 25, 2014. SNIZHNE, Ukraine (AP) - It was lunchtime when a tracked launcher with four SA-11 surface-to-air missiles rolled into town and parked on Karapetyan Street. Fifteen hundred miles (2,400 kilometers) to the west, passengers were checking in for Malaysia Airlines Flight 17. It had been a noisy day in this eastern Ukrainian town, residents recounted. Plenty of military equipment was moving through. But still it was hard to miss the bulky missile system, also known as a Buk M-1. It left deep tread marks in the asphalt as it rumbled by in a small convoy.

2014.07.26. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/ukraine/10993470/Putin-facing-multi-million-pound-legal-action-over-alleged-role-in-MH17-crash.html By Robert Mendick, Ben Farmer and Tim Ross. Vladimir Putin is facing a multi-million-pound legal action for his alleged role in the shooting down of a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet over eastern Ukraine, The Sunday Telegraph can disclose. British lawyers are preparing a class action against the Russian president through the American courts. Senior Russian military commanders and politicians close to Mr Putin are also likely to become embroiled in the legal claim. 9:00PM BST 26 Jul 2014

2014.07.26. http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-the-papers-28508009 Andy Sully. The papers: Call to sue Putin, and the rubble of Gaza.

2014.07.26. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/ukraine/10993470/Putin-facing-multi-million-pound-legal-action-over-alleged-role-in-MH17-crash.html Robert Mendick, Ben Farmer and Tim Ross. Putin facing multi-million pound legal action over alleged role in MH17 crash. 9:00PM BST 26 Jul 2014.

2014.07.28 http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/29/world/europe/malaysian-plane-ukraine.html ALAN COWELL. Downing of Malaysian Plane May Be a ‘War Crime,’ U.N. Rights Official Says. JULY 28, 2014.

2014.07.30. http://blogs.reuters.com/great-debate/2014/07/30/need-to-fire-a-buk-missile-look-online/ Robert Beckhusen. Need to learn to launch a BUK missile quick? Look online. JULY 30, 2014.

2014.07.31. http://www.stockandland.com.au/news/agriculture/sheep/general-news/mh17-fallout-may-hurt-australian-lamb/2706882.aspx ANNABELLE BEALE. MH17 fallout may hurt Australian lamb. 31 Jul, 2014 04:00 AM. AUSTRALIAN Lamb Group's (ALG) decision to indefinitely suspend trade to Russia has been met with caution, with some fearing the decision could set a dangerous precedent for Victoria's export industry. The Colac-based abattoir's decision to cease trade with Russian clients was made in the wake of the Malaysia Airlines MH17 jet tragedy that killed all 298 passengers and crew, including up to 39 Australian citizens and residents.

2014.08.05. http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2014/08/05/national/politics-diplomacy/japan-imposes-additional-sanctions-on-russia-over-ukraine Japan imposes additional sanctions on Russia over Ukraine. AUG 5, 2014. Japan on Tuesday imposed additional sanctions against Russia for failing to defuse the crisis in Ukraine following the downing of a Malaysia Airlines jet last month. The United States and the European Union have also stepped up pressure on Russia with widened sanctions. The decision by the Abe administration froze assets held in the country by 40 individuals, including former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, and two groups directly involved in Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the instability in eastern Ukraine.

2014.08.07. http://ukraineatwar.blogspot.nl/2014/08/ukrainian-sbu-comes-with-conspiracy.html Ukrainian SBU comes with conspiracy theory about MH17? Thursday, August 7, 2014. The Ukrainian SBU comes with a new theory about why MH17 was shot down: it was the wrong plane, because the BUK was send to the wrong Pervomaisk. The intention was to shoot down a Russian civilian plane so it would be 'undeniably caused by Ukraine'. That would have been the right motive to fully and openly invade.

2014.08.11. http://www.regjeringen.no/nb/dep/ud/pressesenter/pressemeldinger/2014/Norge-vil-innfore-nye-restriktive-tiltak-mot-Russland.html?id=765675 Norge vil innføre nye restriktive tiltak mot Russland. 11.08.2014. - Regjeringen vil slutte opp om EUs nye restriktive tiltak mot Russland. Norge har siden starten på krisen i Ukraina stått sammen med EU og nærstående land i våre reaksjoner på Russlands folkerettsbrudd. Dette vil vi gjøre også denne gangen, sier utenriksminister Børge Brende. .. - Selv ikke etter tragedien med nedskytingen av det malaysiske flyet 17. juli har Russland endret sin opptreden, men fortsatt destabiliseringen av de østlige delene av Ukraina. Dette har resultert i at blant annet EU og USA har innført omfattende tiltak mot Russland, slik de hadde varslet om at de ville gjøre ved en ytterligere destabilisering, sier Brende. .. - Norge vil innføre de samme tiltakene som EU innførte fra 31. juli. Tiltakene er en reaksjon på Russlands brudd på grunnleggende prinsipper i FN-pakten. Til tross for et stort internasjonalt press har Russland ikke vist vilje til å endre sin folkerettsstridige handlemåte i Ukraina, sier utenriksministeren. ..

2014.11.19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=045-hHcniwg Хронология сбития малазийского Боинга российским БУКом 3`2. Nov 19, 2014. .. Иван Краснопрошин ..

2014.01.10. http://www.spiegel.de/static/happ/panorama/2015/mh17/v0/pub/index.html TODESFLUG MH-17 WER WARUM SCHOSS.

2015.03.07. http://nos.nl/artikel/2022540 Robert Bas. Vijf vragen over het MH17-onderzoek. 2015.03.07. .. De onderzoeksresultaten wijzen in één richting. De MH17 is neergehaald door een Buk-raket, die vanaf een Russische installatie is afgevuurd door zeer waarschijnlijk Russische militairen. De Buk-installatie is kort voor de ramp van Rusland naar Oekraïne vervoerd. Dat blijkt onder meer uit verschillende filmpjes die op internet zijn opgedoken. Maar Nederlandse rechercheurs hebben in Oekraïne ook met ooggetuigen gesproken. ..

2015.03.09. http://www.rtlnieuws.nl/nieuws/binnenland/buk-raket-bewezen-fotos-videos-en-analyses Bewijs voor raketaanval MH17. BUK-raket bewezen: foto's, video's en analyses. 9 maart 2015 15:57. Er is fysiek bewijs dat een BUK-raket vlucht MH17 heeft neergehaald. Experts uit Duitsland, Engeland en Polen bekeken in opdracht van RTL Nieuws fragmenten uit de wrakstukken en zeggen dat het hier gaat om delen van de Russische BUK-raket. Hieronder foto's, video's en analyses die dat aantonen.

2015.03.12. http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/03/12/us-ukraine-crisis-airliner-idUSKBN0M81XF20150312 ANTON ZVEREV. Exclusive: From 'Red October' village, new evidence on downing of Malaysian plane over Ukraine. Thu Mar 12, 2015 11:34am EDT. .. (Additional reporting by Maria Tsvetkova in Moscow, Natalia Zinets in Kiev, Thomas Escritt in Amsterdam and Mark Hosenball in Washington; Editing by Mark Trevelyan)

2015.03.19. http://www.rtlnieuws.nl/nieuws/binnenland/mh17-shot-down-buk-missile-definitive-proof MH17 shot down by BUK missile: The definitive proof. 19 maart 2015 16:14. Flight MH17 was shot down by a Russian-made BUK missile. So far there were only strong indications, but RTL Nieuws in The Netherlands had international forensic experts in three different countries research pieces of ammunition found by correspondent Jeroen Akkermans, now there is proof.

2015.03.20. http://www.rtlnieuws.nl/nieuws/buitenland/evidence-proving-flight-mh-17-was-taken-down-buk-missile Jeroen Akkermans. Evidence proving that flight MH-17 was taken down by a BUK missile. (Perhaps, 2015.03.20; no date is specified in the source.)

2015.03.30. https://www.politie.nl/themas/flight-mh17.html Flight MH17. Ниже указана информация касательно обращения о поиске свидетелей/очевидцев для международного расследования трагедии рейса МН17 и идентификации жертв / Тут ви знайдете інформацію про звернення щодо пошуку свідків/очевидців для міжнародного розслідування трагедії рейсу МН17 та ідентифікації жертв / Here you will find information about the witness call for the international investigation into the crash of flight MH17 and about the identification of the victims / Hier treft u informatie over de getuigenoproep voor het internationale onderzoek naar de ramp met toestel MH17 en over de identificatie van de slachtoffers.

2015.05. https://www.bellingcat.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Routes-Destinations-and-Involvement-of-the-2nd-and-147th-Automobile-Battalions-in-the-June-and-July-2014-Convoys.pdf Routes, Destinations, and Involvement of the 2nd and 147th Automobile Battalions in the June and July 2014 Buk Convoys A bell¿ngcat Investigation.

2015.05.05. http://www.novayagazeta.ru/inquests/68332.html Это был «Бук-М1». Экспертная оценка российских военных инженеров: малайзийский «Боинг» над восточной Украиной сбит ракетой класса «земля — воздух». 05.05.2015.

2015.05.06. http://www.bild.de/politik/ausland/flug-mh-17/russische-beweise-gefaelscht-40861842.bild.html VON JULIAN RÖPCKE. BILD entlarvt falsche Satellitenaufnahme. 06.05.2015. An diesem angeblichen Beweisfoto ist etwas faul... Die kreml-kritische russische Zeitung „Novaya Gazeta“ hat einen „geheimen Bericht“ zum Absturz der Boeing 777 der Malaysia Airlines am 17. Juli 2014 über der Ostukraine veröffentlicht. Das Passagierflugzeug war mit 298 Menschen an Bord auf dem Weg von Amsterdam nach Kuala Lumpur über dem Krisengebiet Donbass von einer Rakete abgeschossen worden. Laut dem Expertenbericht von russischen Raketenbauingenieuren und Militärexperten war es aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach eine Boden-Luft-Rakete „Buk-M1“, die den Absturz von Flug MH17 verursacht hat. Internationale Experten haben dies längst vermutet.

2015.05.17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYj0DwsXKTs Австралийский репортаж о MH17, часть 1. Кирилл М. Published on May 17, 2015. Репортаж основан на расследованиях Bellingcat. С ними можно познакомиться здесь: Происхождение «Бука» — http://globeukraine.blogspot.com/2014... Место пуска — http://wp.me/p5oQzL-3W

2015.05.17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJGKMP29kyM Австралийский репортаж о MH17, часть 2. May 17, 2015. Репортаж основан на расследованиях Bellingcat. С ними можно познакомиться здесь: Происхождение «Бука» — http://globeukraine.blogspot.com/2014... Место пуска — http://wp.me/p5oQzL-3W

2015.06.23. http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/06/23/us-ukraine-crisis-mh-idUSKBN0P326E20150623 ANTHONY DEUTSCH, Kevin Liffey. International tribunal looks like best chance for MH17 justice - Dutch sources. Tue Jun 23, 2015 2:19pm EDT.

2015.06.28. http://www.bernama.com/bernama/v8/ge/newsgeneral.php?id=1148086 KUALA KUBU BHARU. Liow: Malaysia Supports Setting Up Of Tribunal To Speed Up MH17 Crash Investigations. June 28. .. "What we want is a tribunal which can help us speed up the investigations and obtain justice for the air crash victims," Liow told reporters after opening the Hulu Kelang MCA division's annual general meeting in Batang Kali, near here, Sunday.

2015.07.11. http://www.novayagazeta.ru/inquests/69181.html Рейс МН17. 11.07.2015. Почти год журналисты и эксперты, привлеченные «Новой газетой», исследовали обстоятельства гибели «Боинга-777», взорвавшегося в небе над Донбассом. На большинство вопросов мы нашли ответы.

2015.10.08. https://www.bellingcat.com/news/uk-and-europe/2015/10/08/mh17-the-open-source-evidence/ Eliot Higgins. MH17 – The Open Source Evidence. October 8, 2015.

2015.10.13. http://www.lepoint.fr/monde/vol-mh17-l-avion-a-ete-abattu-par-un-missile-buk-d-apres-les-conclusions-de-l-enquete-13-10-2015-1973031_24.php Vol MH17 : l'avion abattu par un missile tiré d'une zone pro-russe. Quinze mois après le crash du vol de la Malaysia Airlines, qui a coûté la vie à 298 personnes, l'enquête révèle qu'il a été abattu par un missile russe. 13/10/2015 à 10:14.

2015.10.13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGm00TdqirY MH17 Crash - Russian subtitles. Published on Oct 13, 2015. Video about the Dutch Safety Board’s investigation into the causes of the crash of flight MH17 on 17 July 2014 in the eastern part of Ukraine and the Board’s investigation into flying over conflict zones. The video was based on the Dutch Safety Board’s investigation reports, which were published on 13 October 2015.


Corruption, Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism Edro, Putin world war, Russia, Russian invasion into Ukraine Sanctions Stop Putin Terror, Vladimir Putin