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(Created page with "X5DE5 is Unicode character number 24037, KanjiLiberal, JapanE can be pronoiunced as "kou" and "ke" and refer to some craft work, construction...")
Line 80: Line 80:
<div style="float:right;margin:-14px 0px 0px 0px; background-color:#ffFFff">
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[File:X5DE5L1.png|60px]]&nbsp;[[File:X5DE5kL1.png|50px]]&nbsp;[[File:X5DE5km1.png|50px]]<small><center>&nbsp;&nbsp;versions of [[工]]</center>
The specific view of character [[工]]
The specific view of character [[工]]
depends on the software.
depends on the software. The three examples are shown in figure at tight.
Up to year 2021, no standard default font seems to be established, that would show character
Up to year 2021, no standard default font seems to be established, that would show character
[[工]] in teh same way at various computers.
[[工]] in the same way at various computers.
In general, character [[工]] looks as ascii character I with exagerated serifs at the top and at the bottom,
In general, character [[工]] looks as ascii character I with exaggerated serifs at the top and at the bottom,
or as ascii H rotated for 90 degrees.
or as ascii H rotated for 90 degrees.
However, dependently on the software, this "I" may happebed to be deformed, as if the default font designer had been a little bit drunk
However, dependently on the software, this "I" may happebed to be deformed, as if the default font designer had been a little bit drunk
while drawing it.
while drawing it.

Latest revision as of 07:40, 20 August 2021

X5DE5 is Unicode character number 24037, KanjiLiberal, JapanE

can be pronoiunced as "kou" and "ke" and refer to some craft work, construction, reparation.

is easy to confuse with other Unucode characters from set JapanE.


is highly confusive characeter.

Up to year 2021, yet, no standard default font seem to be elaborated such that would provide different picture for different pictures for different Unicode characters.

In particular, the confusion can be caused by the folowing characters:

X2F2F [1], KanjiRadical

X30A8 [2], KatakanaE

X5DE5 [3], KanjiLiberal, sound: コウ、ク; menaing: fraft. [4]

In various computers, at the defualt font setting, these characters look similar.

Even a native Japanese speaker, watching , , , is unlikely to answer:
Which of them is X2F2F?
Which of them is X30A8?
Which of them is X5DE5?

Before the identification, the correct specification of such a character is

"X2F2F or X30A8 or X5DE5 "

Term JapanE is defined as substitute of this (long and complicated) construction.

Characters of JapanE can be identified with PHP program du.t; here is example of the activation:

php du.t ⼯エ工

X5DE5 seems to be more popular, usual, than other JapanE characters.


   X5DE5L1.png X5DE5kL1.png X5DE5km1.png
  versions of

The specific view of character depends on the software. The three examples are shown in figure at tight.

Up to year 2021, no standard default font seems to be established, that would show character in the same way at various computers.

In general, character looks as ascii character I with exaggerated serifs at the top and at the bottom, or as ascii H rotated for 90 degrees.

However, dependently on the software, this "I" may happebed to be deformed, as if the default font designer had been a little bit drunk while drawing it.



Jisho [5][6]


3 strokes. JLPT N4. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 2.

craft, construction, katakana e radical (no. 48)

On: コウ、 ク、 グ




Nihongomaster [7] suggests:

3 Strokes JLPT Level 4

Definition of 工 craft construction katakana e radical (no. 48)

Readings On'Yomi (音読み) コウ ク グ

Popular Words With This Kanji

工場, こうじょう, こうば factory, plant, mill, workshop

工事, こうじ construction work, construction, work (related to construction, e.g. painting, concrete-pouring, etc.)

工業, こうぎょう (manufacturing) industry

匠, 工, たくみ, しょう workman, artisan, mechanic, carpenter, craft, skill, means, idea

工夫, 功夫, くふう scheme, device, scheming, devising, figuring out, coming up with, solving ingeniously, dedication to spiritual improvement (esp. through Zen meditation)

工作, こうさく work, construction, handicraft, maneuvering, manoeuvering

加工, かこう manufacturing, processing, treatment, machining

人工, じんこう artificial, man-made, human work, human skill, artificiality

着工, ちゃっこう start of (construction) work

工学, こうがく engineering

Charles Kelly


Charles Kelly [8] suggests:


craft; construction; skill コウ、ク

Strokes: 3, Indexing radical: 工

大工 だいく carpenter
工場 こうじょう factory
工夫 くふう device; scheme

Selected Words with Definitions from WWWJDIC

工場 こうじょう factory; plant; mill; workshop (n) ***
工事 こうじ construction work (n) ***
工業 こうぎょう (manufacturing) industry (n) **
工夫 くふう device; scheme (n,vs) **
工作 こうさく work; construction; handicraft; maneuvering (n) **
加工 かこう manufacturing; processing; treatment (n) **
人工 じんこう artificial; manmade; human work; human skill; artificiality (n) **
着工 ちゃっこう start of (construction) work (n) **
工学 こうがく engineering (n) *
商工会議所 しょうこうかいぎしょ Chamber of Commerce and Industry (n,vs) *



Kotobank [9] suggests:


精選版 日本国語大辞典「工」の解説



① 道具を使って物を造り出すこと。また、それを業とする者。細工をする人。工匠。職人。職工。たくみ。〔文明本節用集(室町中)〕

※交易問答(1869)〈加藤弘之〉下「農工商といふ者は三鼎の様なもので」 〔論語‐衛霊公〕

② いろいろと工夫すること。


③ 雅楽の管楽器、篳篥(ひちりき)の上から八番目の穴の名。音は盤渉(ばんしき)(ロ音)。



Kanjipedia [10] suggests:


教育漢字 9級


部首: 音

コウ・ク 訓





  1. https://util.unicode.org/UnicodeJsps/character.jsp?a=2F2F 30A8 KATAKANA LETTER E Katakana Script id: restricted confuse: , ..
  2. https://util.unicode.org/UnicodeJsps/character.jsp?a=30A8 30A8 KATAKANA LETTER E Katakana Script id: restricted confuse: , ..
  3. https://util.unicode.org/UnicodeJsps/character.jsp?a=5DE5 5DE5 CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-5DE5 Han Script id: restricted confuse: , ..
  4. http://www.manythings.org/kanji/d/5de5.htm 工 craft craft; construction; skill コウ、ク
  5. https://jisho.org/search/%E5%B7%A5
    https://jisho.org/search/工 Kanji — 1 found 3 strokes. JLPT N4. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 2. 工 craft, construction, katakana e radical (no. 48) On: コウ、 ク、 グ Words — 148 found こう 工 Links Noun, used as a suffix 1. (factory) worker​ Details ▸
  6. https://jisho.org/word/%E5%B7%A5
    https://jisho.org/word/工 こう 工 Links Noun, used as a suffix 1. (factory) worker​ Discussions Log in to talk about this word. Kanji in this word 3 strokes. JLPT N4. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 2. 工 craft, construction, katakana e radical (no. 48)
  7. https://nihongomaster.com/dictionary/kanji/855/%E5%B7%A5
    https://nihongomaster.com/dictionary/kanji/855/工 工 3 Strokes JLPT Level 4 Definition of 工 craft construction katakana e radical (no. 48) Readings On'Yomi (音読み) Kun'yomi (訓読み) コウ ク グ Popular Words With This Kanji 工場, こうじょう, こうば factory, plant, mill, workshop 工事, こうじ construction work, construction, work (related to construction, e.g. painting, concrete-pouring, etc.) 工業, こうぎょう (manufacturing) industry 匠, 工, たくみ, しょう workman, artisan, mechanic, carpenter, craft, skill, means, idea 工夫, 功夫, くふう scheme, device, scheming, devising, figuring out, coming up with, solving ingeniously, dedication to spiritual improvement (esp. through Zen meditation) 工作, こうさく work, construction, handicraft, maneuvering, manoeuvering 加工, かこう manufacturing, processing, treatment, machining 人工, じんこう artificial, man-made, human work, human skill, artificiality 着工, ちゃっこう start of (construction) work 工学, こうがく engineering
  8. http://www.manythings.org/kanji/d/5de5.htm 工 craft craft; construction; skill コウ、ク
    Strokes: 3, Indexing radical: 工 External Links: Breen | Ryner | Rudick | Komori | Meiko | Hotta | Blum | Danni Selected Good Words to Memorize 大工 だいく carpenter 工場 こうじょう factory 工夫 くふう device; scheme Quiz and Flashcards A Quiz on 41 "Priority" Words from EDICT Using 工 Selected Words with Definitions from WWWJDIC 工場 こうじょう factory; plant; mill; workshop (n) *** 工事 こうじ construction work (n) *** 工業 こうぎょう (manufacturing) industry (n) ** 工夫 くふう device; scheme (n,vs) ** 工作 こうさく work; construction; handicraft; maneuvering (n) ** 加工 かこう manufacturing; processing; treatment (n) ** 人工 じんこう artificial; manmade; human work; human skill; artificiality (n) ** 着工 ちゃっこう start of (construction) work (n) ** 工学 こうがく engineering (n) * 商工会議所 しょうこうかいぎしょ Chamber of Commerce and Industry (n,vs) *
  9. https://kotobank.jp/word/%E5%B7%A5-493727
    https://kotobank.jp/word/工-493727 工(読み)こう 精選版 日本国語大辞典「工」の解説 こう【工】 〘名〙 ① 道具を使って物を造り出すこと。また、それを業とする者。細工をする人。工匠。職人。職工。たくみ。〔文明本節用集(室町中)〕 ※交易問答(1869)〈加藤弘之〉下「農工商といふ者は三鼎の様なもので」 〔論語‐衛霊公〕 ② いろいろと工夫すること。 ※芭蕉雑記(1923‐24)〈芥川龍之介〉一一「字眼とは一字の工(コウ)の為に一句を穎異(えいい)ならしめるものである」 ③ 雅楽の管楽器、篳篥(ひちりき)の上から八番目の穴の名。音は盤渉(ばんしき)(ロ音)。 ..
  10. https://www.kanjipedia.jp/kanji/0002125500 常用漢字 教育漢字 9級 画数:(3) 部首: 部首内画数0 2509 3929 音 コウ・ク 訓 外たくみ・たくむ・わざ 意味 ①物をつくる。たくむ。また、しごと。わざ。「工作」「細工」 ②物をつくる人。たくみ。「職工」「大工」 ③「工業」の略。「商工」 下つき 加工(カコウ)・画工(ガコウ)・起工(キコウ)・商工(ショウコウ)・職工(ショッコウ)・人工(ジンコウ)・図工(ズコウ)・石工(セッコウ)・(いしく)・大工(タイコウ)・(ダイク)・刀工(トウコウ)・陶工(トウコウ)・名工(メイコウ)・木工(モッコウ) なりたち 出典『角川新字源 改訂新版』(KADOKAWA) 象形。さしがねの形にかたどる。工作・工人の意を表す。