Letter by Churchill to Andreeva

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Letter by Churchill to Andreeva (Черчилль Андреевой) is emulation from samizdat, http://budclub.ru/k/kuznecow_d_j/ninae.shtml

The emulation represents the letter by Winston Churchill (British leader who won the World War 2) to Nina Andreeva (Soviet Veteran, who used to distribute one part of that letter)


During long time, I tried to understand, where could Nina Andreeva get the paragraph, glorifying Joseph Stalin [1]. This seemed to me unresolvable problem; I even thought, that Andreeva had invented it by herself; but recently I found the answer [2-9]: Andreeva got that paragraph from the private message by Winston Churchill. I copypast that message below. As the text is supposed to be written a half-century ago, the free use is allowed. Comparison of the test below with that published by Nina [1] shows, that she could not even rewrite the short paragraph without grammar errors. This agrees with general concept about poor education of the soviet veterans. Hope, we'll get more information about that romantic story, when the KGBsts and other soviet veterans will be arrested, interrogated, judged, sentenced, and the archives of KGB and KPSS will be released.


My dear Nina.

I become old, and perhaps, I'll never be able to see you again. However, the memory of the time we got together warms me until now, and I am sure it will be with me until my death. Thank you very much.

I feel that I should warn You and all your friends about the things that are happening with your country. I make all arrangements that this message will be delivered to You as soon as it becomes save for you. Perhaps, that time I'll already pass away.. I do not consider you as part of Russians. I try to explain..

Actions by Russians are not predictable. But the general trend is clear and allows simple forecast. Bolsheviks killed their farmers with hunger. They flooded the fertile lands, to make the hydroelectric power plants. Regions of agriculture are polluted with the nuclear industry. Russians have low density of population, but they contaminated their fields so heavily, that they have to buy grain. I thought that I will die of old age, but now I know that I will die of laughter. Stalin grabbed the agrarian country and turned it into a concentration camp and nuclear dump. Lenin could derived Russians from the swamp, where he brought them. But they successfully poisoned Lenin. After a couple of generations, Russians will degrade even more; they will not be able to explore even the mineral deposits; they'll have to invite workers from China for this. People will die, and the "nomenclature" and their servants will buy from us the luxury and other goods, selling the concessions. For the communist leaders, this is most profitable business. We can prevent new military aggression from Russia. So, in the interests of the UK (and other Western countries) is to preserve the USSR as long as possible: it is source of cheap raw materials and a good market to dump the poor quality products. Russians destroy cybernetics and genetics - this is good for us; we'll sell to the USSR the seeds and the electronic devices. In addition, for a symbolic fee, we'll deposit at Russia the nuclear waste. As we stop the Soviet expansion, the Soviets will destroy themselves without any effort from our side. We'll buy the leaders of the Soviet veterans, and they'll buy from us the rope to hung each other.

My dear Nina, I hope, you are not part of that bloody stupid barbarians. Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery. You cannot do anything with this, you have to accept this as is. Please, when the USSR collapses, do not think that it is the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.

My dear Nina, I hope, you'll get to the top of the bolshevick's hierarchy, and you are well intelligent to escape in time from this sinking ship. In order to help you with this, I suggest below the text that you may use. Keep in mind, that I cannot reveal myself as author of such a text. Hope this is not a big problem for you: the Soviet slaves will not ask any proof from you; as for the Western researchers, they'll never consider it seriously, even if you attribute to me the authorship of the following opinion about Stalin:

He was an outstanding personality who left his mark on our cruel time during his lifetime. Stalin was a man of exceptional energy, erudition, and unbending willpower, harsh, tough, and ruthless in both action and conversation, and even I, brought up in the English Parliament, could not oppose him in any way....A gignatic force resounded in his words. This force was so great in Stalin that he seemed unique among the leaders of all times and all peoples. His effect on people was irresistible. Whenever he entered the Yalta conference hall, we all rose as if by command. And strangely, we all stood to attention. Stalin possessed a profound, totally unflappable, logical, and sensible wisdom. He was a past master at finding a way out of the most hopeless situation at a difficult time....He was a man who used his enemies to destroy his enemy, forcing us - whom he openly called imperialists - to fight the imperialists....He took over a Russia still using the wooden plow, and left it equipped with atomic weapons.

Hope, the sentence above will help you to trick the orthodox bolsheviks, and bring them to the final death - these barbarians deserve this, and this should work. When you finish with the Russian bolsheviks, try to do the same with China. Perhaps, you may use again the same text. Let them glorify their leader, and this will bring them to the end. I hope, you understand the things. Be happy, my dear Nina; I wish you and your friends to escape in time from the agonizing country, to the UK or other civilized place, and live here the honest and civilized life. With all my heart - Winston. London, 1965.


[1] http://www.sadcom.com/pins/about/andreeva.htm "I Cannot Waive Principles," by Nina Andreeva. Sovetskaia Rossiia, March 13, 1988. "He was an oustanding personality who left his mark on our cruel time during his lifetime. Stlain was a man of exceptional energy, erudition, and unbending willpower, harsh, tough, and ruthless in both action and conversation, and even I, brought up in the English Parliament, could not oppose him in any way....A gignatic force resounded in his words. This force was so great in Stalin that he seemed unique among the leaders of all times and all peoples. His effect on people was irresistible. Whenever he entered the Yalta conference hall, we all rose as if by command. And strangely, we all stood to attention. Stalin possessed a profound, totally unflappable, logical, and sensible wisdom. He was a past master at finding a way out of the most hopeless situation at a difficult time....He was a man who used his enemeies to destory his enemy, forcing us - whome he openly called imperialists - to fight the imperialists....He took over a Russia still using the wooden plow, and left it equipped with atomic weapons." (Copypasted as is, the "grammar" is preserved)

[2] http://forummsk.info/english/material/eng_kompromat/9703447.html Delyagin Michael 17.12.2012 When Khrushchev started buying grain abroad, Churchill told: "I thought that I will die of old age, but now I know that I will die of laughter". As a whole this situation remains the same in relation to agriculture.

[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nina_Andreeva

[4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winston_Churchill

[5] http://budclub.ru/k/kuznecow_d_j/winston.shtml Черчилль о России. (2010-2013, in Russian).

More references

https://books.google.com.au/books?id=apP4-vjizsYC&pg=PA119&lpg=PA119&dq=nina+andreeva+and+winston+churchill&source=bl&ots=RtD6d3dRGA&sig=Ib3-CNT_Tn5FZ5oHL8UeqN4GGP4&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CCQQ6AEwAmoVChMIsaqE2L_dyAIVI1GmCh2gxQ_S#v=onepage&q=nina%20andreeva%20and%20winston%20churchill&f=false Kevin O'Connor. Intellectuals and Apparatchiks: Russian Nationalism and the Gorbachev Revolution. Lexington Books, 2005, 2008. .. Andreeve defended Stalin – a "controversed and complex figure: .. quoting Winston Churchil, Andreeva concluded hed discussion of Stalin by nothing that "He tool over Russia still usinf athe wooden plow, nd left it equipped with atomic weapons" ..



Bolshevism, Emulation, Gandhi to Putin, Nina Andreeva, Fascism, Joseph Stalin, Soviet veteran, Terror, USSR, Vladimir Lenin, Winston Churchill,

Черчилль о России