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Оккупендум в Донецке 2014.05.11 проводится под дулами автоматов [1]
Fake ballots (already filled) confiscated 2014.05.10, that had been scheduled for the 2014.05.11 okkupendum in East Ukraine. Snapshot from video [2]
Occupendum by [3]
Крымский референдум[4]
Arm up those who want the Crimea to re-unite with Russia.. [5]
"Referendum" in Crimea: No option to keep it as Ukrainian in the ballot. [6]
Only 97%? What ameteours! [7]

Occupendum (or okkupendum) is transliteration of the Russian and Ukrainian word оккупендум, denoting imitation of referendum performed by the occupational troops with a goal to make a pretext, justification of the occupation and annexation of the territory.

Soldiers, who seise the buildings, blocks and cities to organise occupendums, do not wear signs indicating their belonging to the Russia army; to they are qualified as terrorists.

The term is used since the Russian invasion into Ukraine, 2014. It is believed that occupendums in Ukraine in March and May 2014 are organised and supported by the administration of Russia. Organisation of these

As the organisers of occupendum have no goal to investigate the public opinion, they have no need to provide any alternative to the people of invaded territory: the unilateral propaganda (with physical elimination of opponents), fussy questions in the ballots, and other attributes of the Election fraud are typical for occupendums. In particular, \(10^5\) already filled "ballots" were reported to be arrested one day prior to the occupendum.

The menaces to the people who do not participate in the occupendum are reported.

Organisation of occupendums in Ukraine in 2014 is one of reasons to Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism [8].


  1. http://www.unian.net/politics/916596-na-donetchine-nachalis-chetyire-referenduma-odnovremenno.html На Донетчине начались четыре "референдума" одновременно. 11.05.2014 | 08:55 . .. Накануне данного опроса директора общеобразовательных учреждений Донецкой области сообщали журналистам "Новости Донбасса", что их заставляют под угрозой смерти организовать избирательные участки в помещениях школ, там же где открыты избирательные комиссии выборов президента, запланированные на 25 мая. ..
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imcyNGvbPGw#t=20 Обозреватель. Задержана группа террористов перевозивших 100 тыс "проголосовавших" бюллетеней. Published on May 10, 2014. В ходе проведения антитерористической операции, 10 мая на подступах к Славянску Донецкой области была задержана группа вооруженных террористов.
  3. http://durdom.in.ua/ru/main/photo/photo_id/47435.phtml Оккупендум - однозначно! 03/17/2014
  4. http://olegpanfilov2.livejournal.com/2970434.html КРЫМСКИЙ РЕФЕРЕНДУМ. Mar. 13th, 2014 at 1:38 AM
  5. http://fedoschuk.livejournal.com/119627.html Карикатуры. Обложки. Путин. Крым. Украина. Россия. 2014, 14 марта, 10:00
  6. http://www.thewire.com/global/2014/03/50000-people-gather-moscow-protest-russian-intervention-ukraine/359210/ ADAM CHANDLER. As Crimea Votes to Join Russia, Ukrainian and Russian Troops Head Toward Border. MAR 15, 2014 9:57AM ET / RUSSIANS IN UKRAINE. Voters in Crimea went to the polls today to vote on a referendum the outcome of which was never in doubt. As Crimea chose to split from Ukraine and join Russia, officials in Kiev vowed not to accept the results and accused Russia of invading mainland Ukraine. Here are the other major developments: Russia and Ukraine have agreed to a military truce, which will last until March 21. Meanwhile, troops from both countries are heading toward the border between the two countries.
    Acting Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk has called up 20,000 men for a new national guard to tighten the borders and stem the influx of separatists seeking to undermine Ukrainian sovereignty "under the cover of Russian troops."
    Russian citizens and children were seen casting ballots in what was characterized as a valid vote with a high turnout by Russian news sources. The referendum was assailed and boycotted by the West, pro-Ukrainian groups, and the Tatar community in Crimea.
    Pro-Russia crowds mobbed a government building in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk, igniting fears that south and east Ukraine could be the next targets to fall under Russian sway.
    In a phone call with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed concern over the so-called plight of ethnic Russians in east and south Ukraine. Both the EU and American officials reiterated that they do not accept the outcome of the referendum. For more of our ongoing coverage, see our live blog below:
    12:49 p.m.: U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, in a phone call with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov, denounced the referendum. The EU has also issued a statement saying that it will not recognize the vote.
    10:42 a.m.: Both Russian and Ukrainian troops seem to be wending their way toward to the border between the two countries.
    Here is some footage of Russian tanks heading to a railway station in southwest Russia, presumably to be loaded up and sent west.
    Across the border in Ukraine, there were similar reports of troop movements in the direction of the Russian-Ukrainian border:
    10:16 a.m.: Senior Obama administration official Dan Pfeiffer appeared on Meet the Press this morning. He offered up this chestnut on behalf of the White House about Russian President Vladimir Putin and Crimea:
    "Is he going to continue to further isolate himself, further hurt his economy, further diminish Russian influence in the world, or is he going to do the right thing?"
    He added: "You can expect sanctions designations in the coming days."
    9:47 a.m.: Fears that the Russian encroachment may extend further into Ukraine are not without merit. In a phone call with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Russian President Vladimir Putin not only defended the referendum's compliance with international law, but also added this:
    Meanwhile, other ethnically Russian parts of Ukraine seem to be clamoring for the Crimea treatment:
    9:28 a.m.: There needs to be a Tumblr devoted to the exasperated facial expressions of Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin. Here he is yesterday with American Ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power after Russia issued the lone veto on a Security Council resolution that would have invalidated the Crimean referendum.
    9:07 a.m.: The Russian and Ukrainian defense ministers have reportedly agreed on a truce in Crimea. Acting Ukrainian Defense Minister Ihor Tenyukh made the announcement today
    "An agreement has been reached with (Russia's) Black Sea Fleet and the Russian Defense Ministry on a truce in Crimea until March 21. No measures will be taken against our military facilities in Crimea during that time. Our military sites are therefore proceeding with a replenishment of reserves."
    8:41 a.m.: In case you were wondering who is allowed to vote in Crimea today:
    8:31 a.m.: The caricature and the reality don't seem very different:
  7. http://theweek.com/cartoons/index/258224/political-cartoon-referendum-russia-north-korea DANA SUMMERS. Copyright 2014 Tribune Media Services.
  8. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/designate-russia-state-sponsor-terrorism/XMjbTltM WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: Designate Russia as "State Sponsor of Terrorism" In its unannounced war against Ukraine, Russia relies on covert operations which fall squarely within the definition of "international terrorism" under 18 U.S.C. § 2331. Specifically, armed operatives of Russia, acting under disguise, attempt to influence the policy of Ukrainian government by intimidation or coercion. They also try to affect the conduct of a government by assassinations and kidnapping, taking by force government buildings, police posts and military bases of Ukraine. This activity is being conducted on large scale and over prolonged time period, despite condemnation by the USA, G-7, NATO, EU and UN. Accordingly, Russia must be officially designated as "State sponsor of terrorism", per http://www.state.gov/j/ct/list/c14151.htm Created: Apr 23, 2014

2014.03.05. http://maidantranslations.com/2014/05/05/the-crimean-occupendum-mustafa-jemilev-was-right-the-decision-about-crimeas-anschluss-is-legally-fraught/ The Crimean “Occupendum” – Mustafa Jemilev was right: the decision about Crimea’s anschluss is legally fraught. Posted on May 5, 2014 by chervonaruta. According to the report of the Presidential Council on Civil Society and Human Rights of the Russian Federation, the Crimean referendum is assessed as follows: SYNOPSIS • the overwhelming majority of citizens in Sevastopol have voted for joining to Russia on the referendum (50-80% of voters); in Crimea 50-60% of voters voted for joining Russia whereas the general voter turnout was only 30-50%. • Crimea’s inhabitants have voted not so much for joining Russia, as for the termination of, as they say, “corruption and lawlessness of the thieves of the dominant Donetsk henchmen.” Inhabitants of Sevastopol particularly voted for annexation to Russia. Fears of illegal armed groups in Sevastopol were higher than in other regions of Crimea. ..

2014.03.17. http://en.itar-tass.com/world/723866 Japan will not recognize Crimean referendum — chief cabinet secretary. March 17, 10:32

2014.03.23. http://prophecyportal.com/opinion-referendum-or-occupendum/ Opinion: Referendum or Occupendum. Published March 23, 2014.

2014.04.13. http://www.lithuaniatribune.com/tag/eu-foreign-ministers/ Lithuania condemns separatist activities in Ukraine. Sunday, April 13, 2014 4:22 pm, .. Ukraine's refferendum turning "occupendum"..

2014.05.11. http://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/hollande-condemns-ukraine-referendums-as-null-and-void/article1-1218140.aspx Hollande condemns Ukraine referendums as 'null and void'. Baku, May 11, 2014. Francois Hollande on Sunday denounced separatist votes by pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine as "null and void". On a visit to the ex-Soviet republic of Azerbaijan, Hollande said the votes taking place in Donetsk and Lugansk made "no sense" and that only Ukraine's presidential vote on May 25 mattered. "I don't want to call them referendums," Hollande said, adding they "had no legitimacy and no legality". "What will count in my eyes, the only election that matters, is the one on May 25, the election that will allow for the naming of a president for all of Ukraine," Hollande said. "It is with that president -- who will be the only legitimate one -- that it will be possible to consult with all stakeholders and then allow for a revision of the Ukrainian Constitution, the treatment of minorities, decentralisation." He reiterated that if the presidential election does not take place "it will be necessary to move on to another level of sanctions". "But today I would bet that this election on May 25 will take place."

2014.05.11. http://zeenews.india.com/news/world/francois-hollande-condemns-ukraine-referendums-as-null-and-void_931436.html Francois Hollande condemns Ukraine referendums as 'null and void'. Last Updated: Sunday, May 11, 2014, 21:40

2014.05.12. http://www.themoscowtimes.com/business/article/new-eu-sanctions-target-companies-in-crimea/499954.html New EU Sanctions Target Companies in Crimea. ReutersMay. 12 2014 15:58 Last edited 18:18. .. several ministers denounced as illegal Sunday's separatist referendums organized by pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine. "These attempts at referendums have zero credibility in the eyes of the world, they are illegal by anybody's standards," British Foreign Secretary William Hague told reporters.

2015.04.17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_DlrQkINeo Inspecting the Ceasefire in Shyrokyne: Russian Roulette (Dispatch 105) Apr 17, 2015. .. How can we choose under a machine gun, please tell me? (Как мы можем выбирать, под дулом автомата?)


Aggression, Election fraud, Fraud, Russian invasion into Ukraine, Terror