Election fraud

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Election fraud ( Fraudulent Elections, Мошенничество на выборах) is phenomenon of significant and intentional deviation of the official results of the election from the opinions, wishes and will of the people. Usually this term refers to the parliamentary or presidential election in Russia and other countries that suffered the influence of the USSR, but the same term may refer to other countries too.

The election fraud may include the reject of registration of come candidates, the bribing of electors, illegal injection of ballots to the box during the election, robbery of ballots, tricks at the counting of votes and fake final protocols.

The election fraud (Fraudulent Elections) is considered as characteristics of fascism [1]. In civilized countries, the Election fraud is considered as serious crime [2].

58.99 + 32.96 + 23.74 + 19.41 + 9.32 + 1.46 + 0.59 = 146.47, by [3]

The election fraud seems to be important mechanism used by edro to keep the superior power in Russia at the beginning of century 21.

Statistical analysis of the official results

Some part of the fake ballots counted by the Electoral committee can be detected with the statistical analysis of the official data.

In 2011, the efficiency of such analysis had been indicated by Sergei Spilkin [4]. It is shown, that the hypothesis of the honest election in Russia can be rejected at high significance level. The assumption of the huge election fraud is necessary for the description of the experimental data.

The model of the election fraud had been suggested by Peter Klimek, Yuri Yegorov, Rudolf Hanel, and Stefan Thurner in 2012 [5]. The three parameters are introduced: for incremental fraud $f_{\mathrm i}$, the extreme fraud $f_{\mathrm e}$ and the deliberate wrong-counting $\alpha$. With these parameters, the good agreement of the model with the observed statistical properties is reported. Data for elections in Austria, Canada, Czech Republic, Finland, Spain, Switzerland, Poland, France, Romania, Russia, and Uganda have been analyzed. For the two last countries, the modeling of the election fraud is essential for the description of the announced results; the model shows good agreement with the observed data.

Ruben Enikolopov, Vasily Korovkin, Maria Petrova, Konstantin Sonin and Alexei Zakharov have evaluated the lower estimate of amount of the fake votes at the 2011.12.04.Election to be at least 11 percentage points lower than the official count (36% instead of 47%) [6].

Up to year 2012, no alternative description (without the election fraud) of the observed peculiarities in the distribution of votes has been suggested. In this sense, the massive election fraud in Uganda and Russia can be considered as scientific fact.

Bribery of electors

The gobernment-dependent electors are informed, that they will get good governmental support if certain candidate gets sufficient support at the election on their institute.

Menaces of electors and gubernators

The electors may be notified that they will have serious problems, if the result of election does not satisfy the bosses.

The governers who did not support the fraud, are dismissed [7].

Injection and robbery of ballots

The injection of ballots implied either fake protocols with non–existing electors, or robbery of the "true" protocols at the stage of the counting. If failure with robbery of protocols, the number of votes may greatly exceed the number of electors. This excess gives the estimate that or order of 46% of all ballots, finally counted at the election in Russia, are injected by the corruptioners.

Resistance to the election fraud

It is believed, that the careful observers reduce the ability of occupants to get illusion of high support of population with the election fraud. See, for erxample, the article Татьяна Фетисова. Отчет о работе на пользу отечеству (In Russian).

Fake election committees

Some local election commissions exist as closed clubs; neither observers, nor even electors take part in the election. The member of the fake election committees get the ballots, fill them by themselves and submit to the Central Election committee as if the real election took place [8][9].

Alteration of final protocols

If the result of the election at some local election committee looks too sad for the occupants, they may just re-write the resulting protocols. Many observations of such alteration are reported [8][9]; often, the final protocol has nothing to do with the protocol of the local election commission (See, for example, Ruelect). .

Efficienty of the election fraud

The appropriate combination of bribery of electors, the injection and robbery of ballots and the alteration of the final protocols may provide any result of the eleciton requested by the corruptioners.

At the election fraud, the criminal candidate may collect almost 100% of votes.

Punishment of the crimes

In civilized countries, the crimes committed the election fraud may be seriously punished [2].


  1. http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/fasci14chars.html Lawrence Britt. The 14 Characteristics of Fascism. Spring 2003. Copyright © 2003 Free Inquiry magazine. Reprinted for Fair Use Only.
  2. 2.0 2.1 http://lincolnjournalinc.com/hearings-for-bowman-whitten-p8003-1.htm SE�N O�DONOGHUE. Five weeks since federal authorities announced an ongoing election fraud probe in Lincoln County, two Lincoln County men were due to appear in federal court this morning (Wednesday, March 7, 2012) to enter their plea agreements. Thu, 15 Mar, 2012.
  3. http://www.kommersant.ru/doc/1831646 Победа единовбросов. Журнал "Коммерсантъ Власть", №49 (953), 12.12.2011. (in Russian)
  4. http://www.gazeta.ru/science/2011/12/10_a_3922390.shtml СЕРГЕЙ ШПИЛЬКИН. Статистика исследовала выборы. 10.12.11 14:57.
  5. http://www.pnas.org/content/109/41/16469.abstract Peter Klimek, Yuri Yegorov, Rudolf Hanel, and Stefan Thurner. Statistical detection of systematic election irregularities. Proceeding of the Natinal Academy of Sciences of the USA, vol. 109 no. 41, 16469–16473 (2012)
  6. http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2012/12/19/1206770110.full.pdf Ruben Enikolopov, Vasily Korovkin, Maria Petrova, Konstantin Sonin and Alexei Zakharov. Field experiment estimate of electoral fraud in Russian parliamentary elections. PNAS Early Edition. (2012)
  7. http://korrespondent.net/russia/1309207-v-rossii-uvolen-gubernator-oblasti-gde-er-nabrala-menshe-30 В России уволен губернатор области, где ЕР набрала меньше 30%. 2012, 17 января, 23:59 Русская служба Би-би-си.
  8. 8.0 8.1 http://www.novayagazeta.ru/news/52340.html Артур Асафьев. Предварительные итоги выборов в Башкирии. 05.12.2011. .. колоссальные размеры приобрела фальсификация итогов голосования в территориальных избирательных комиссиях. В них, вопреки избирательному законодательству происходило массовое переписывание протоколов об итогах подсчета голосов на участках. Как сообщили в штабах партий «ЯБЛОКО» и «Справедливая Россия», на многих участках подсчет голосов начался, вопреки закону, лишь спустя два-три часа после закрытия участков. После подсчета председатели участковых комиссий, выдав наблюдателям заверенную копию протокола, уезжали в ТИК и там либо заполняли совершенно новый протокол другими цифрами, либо переделывали старый. Об изменениях первичных протоколов наблюдателям от партий никто не сообщал. Массовая переделка участковых протоколов в ТИКах серьезно задержала итоговый подсчет результатов голосования по республике.
  9. 9.0 9.1 http://www.fontanka.ru/2011/12/05/234/ ГАС "Выборы" проявила искусственный интеллект. Тысячи голосов избирателей на выборах депутатов ЗС Петербурга чудесным образом перераспределились в пользу преимущественно одной партии при переносе данных из бумажных протоколов участковых комиссий (УИК) в систему ГАС "Выборы".


2011.12.04.Election 2012.03.04.Election