
Revision as of 19:58, 13 March 2020 by T (talk | contribs) (Daily outside China mainland)
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CoronavirusWorldometers is table of values of new daily cases of the Coronavirus confirmed outside of mainland of China in 2020.

Values are by Worldometers [1].

Daily outside China mainland

1.21 0
1.22 9
1.23 6
1.24 15
1.25 10
1.26 16
1.27 10
1.28 18
1.29 18
1.30 29
1.31 28
2.01 14
2.02 13
2.03 4
2.04 31
2.05 27
2.06 30
2.07 52
2.08 24
2.09 28
2.10 79
2.11 20
2.12 45
2.13 61
2.14 21
2.15 89
2.16 84
2.17 115
2.18 103
2.19 125
2.20 88
2.21 173
2.22 330
2.23 340
2.24 374
2.25 335
2.26 568
2.27 956
2.28 1085
2.29 1416
3.01 1775
3.02 1733
3.03 2454
3.04 2159
3.05 2966
3.06 3526
3.07 4005
3.08 3847
3.09 4371
3.10 4542
3.11 7251
3.12 8342


  1. COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS / CASES UPDATES - Cases - Deaths - Countries - Death Rate - Incubation - Age - Symptoms - Opinions Last updated: March 10, 2020, 08:12 GMT


C++, Coronavirus, Worldometers