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X2F14 is Unicode character number 12052, KanjiRadical, Jspoon.

In Japanese, X2F14 can be pronpnounced as "hi", "Saji"., sajinoji and denote a spoon.

is easy to confuse with other characters of Jspoon.

Dessert Spoon.jpg


Jspoon is set of the three Unicode characters:
X2F14 [1], KanjiRadical
X30D2 [2], KatakanaHi
X5315 [3], KanjiLiberal
They have similar graphical representation (slighly deformed right angle with corner at down-left side and almost horizontal bar, slightly inclined as a slash),
similar pronunciations ("hi" or "saji" of both: "sahinohi") and similar meaning, denoting a spoon. [4][5]

Characters of Jspoon are highly concussive. Even a native Japanese speaker, looking at characters is unlikely to answer:
Which of them is X2F14?
Which of them is X30D2?
Which of them is X5315?

In such a case, the correct specification of a character is


Term [Jspoon]] is defined as short notation for this (long and complicated) construction.

Softwares by itself do not confuse these characters. Their Utf8 encoding can be revealed with PHP program du.t activated with command

php du.t ⼔ヒ匕


Dictionaries do not mention any semantic difference between characters of Jspoon. [6][7]. For this reason, descriptions of character [[匕] (except the encoding) is applied also to character .


Up to year 2021, the standard software the support of Japanese characters is still underdeveloped.

No united default font is established, that at different computers would provide the same picture for each character, but clearly different pictures for different characters.

While this fault is not yet fixed, there is sense to give Romanji name to each group of confusing characters.

In particular, this applies to Unicode character X2F14 . When there is no need to distinguish it from other Jspoon characters, term Jspoon can be used.

when it is necessary to refer namely to X2F14 , it can be denoted with its hexadecimal number X2F14, or long expression "KanjiRadical ".


  1. 2F14 KANGXI RADICAL SPOON Han Script id: allowed confuse: ..
  2. 30D2 KATAKANA LETTER HI Katakana Script id: restricted confuse: none ..
  3. 5315 CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-5315 Han Script id: restricted confuse: ..
  4. (読み) 精選版 日本国語大辞典「匕」の解説 】 〘名〙 =さじ(匙)
  5. 〘名〙 (「茶(さ)匙(じ)」の字音による語か) ① 液体や粉末などをすくい取る道具。皿状のものに柄がついた形をする。金属、木、竹、陶器などで作る。「かい(匙)」よりも小さいものをいうか。 ※宇津保(970‐999頃)国譲下「しろかねの鉢・金椀・箸・匙(かひ)・さじ・銚子・水瓶など」 ② 特に、医者が薬を調合するのに用いるものをさしていう。〔羅葡日辞書(1595)〕 ※俳諧・父の終焉日記(1801)五月三日「迅碩は、おのれ匕にて薬も得とどかざるむね告たりけるに」 ③ (薬をさじで調合するところから) 薬の調合。また、薬。 ※俳諧・西鶴五百韻(1679)早何「月の都供も連ずに出しかど〈西六〉 剤(サジ)がきいては乗物にのる〈西吟〉」 ④ (転じて) 医者をいう。 ※歌舞伎・早苗鳥伊達聞書(実録先代萩)(1876)序幕「今は御本家のお匙(サジ)同様、御扶持を頂戴なして」 [語誌](1)「さ」は「茶」の漢音で、「さじ」は「茶匙」の字音語であるという説が広く受け入れられている。中世の茶道、香道では「香匙(キャウジ)」のように同様の語構成の語が見られる。 (2)中国の茶における「匕」は、抹茶をすくって器に入れ激しくかきまわすのに用いる。ただしこれは食事に匙(匕)を常用する文化の一端に位置づけられる。 (3)日本の「サジ」は、茶の湯の普及以前から存在しており、「カヒ(匙)」に対して俗語的に常用されていた「サジ」が、ふさわしい漢字表記を獲得したのが、「茶匙」であるという可能性もある。
  6.⼔ 匕(ヒ、さじ、さじのひ) 漢字の部首の一つ、「匙」や「化」などさじや変化に関する意味を表す。人の死体などに関する漢字の意味を表し、匕部を構成。常用漢字では二画。 参照[編集] Wiktionary:漢字索引 部首 匕。
  7. . The 214 traditional kanji radicals and their variants .. つくり Radical on the right spoon さじ ..


Confusion, Japanese, Katakana, Kanji, KanjiConfudal, KanjiLiberal, KanjiRadical, Kotobank, Unicode, X2F14 , X30D2 , X5315