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北西 北東
西 RoVe100.png
南西 南東



Fig.2. Draw of by Jisho [1]

( X5357) is Unicode character number 21335.
In Japanese, many be pronounced as みなみ ("Minami) and refers to South.
The four main geographic directions (,西,,) are shown in Fig.1.
Drawing of is shown in Fig.2.


Some Kanjis denoting the geographic directions () are confusing.
In order to distinguish then, some programming is necessary.

The Utf8 encoding of 西 and related kanjis can be be reveled by program ud.t with command

php ud.t F963 5317 5357 897F 6771

For the execution, files ud.t and uni.t should be loaded.
Then, the command above returns the following output:

K= 6

F963 63843
Unicode character number 63843 id est, XF963
Picture:  ; uses 3 bytes. These bytes are:
XEF XA5 XA3 in the hexadecimal representation and
239 165 163 in the decimal representation

5317 21271
Unicode character number 21271 id est, X5317
Picture:  ; uses 3 bytes. These bytes are:
XE5 X8C X97 in the hexadecimal representation and
229 140 151 in the decimal representation

5357 21335
Unicode character number 21335 id est, X5357
Picture:  ; uses 3 bytes. These bytes are:
XE5 X8D X97 in the hexadecimal representation and
229 141 151 in the decimal representation

897F 35199 西 西
Unicode character number 35199 id est, X897F
Picture: 西 ; uses 3 bytes. These bytes are:
XE8 XA5 XBF in the hexadecimal representation and
232 165 191 in the decimal representation

6771 26481
Unicode character number 26481 id est, X6771
Picture:  ; uses 3 bytes. These bytes are:
XE6 X9D XB1 in the hexadecimal representation and
230 157 177 in the decimal representation


The image of looks as combination of the following Unicode characters:

+ (X002B) or (X5341: 10), ± (X00B1), (X2F1F), (X2F20), (X571F) or (X58EB), (plus , plus-minus, soldier, ground)

(X5182) [2] or Greek letter \( \Pi \) ,

(X2f9f) or (X7F8A) (Hitsuji, sheep)

Such a combination may mean, that at South, there are both, pluses and minuses: many soldiers happen to be buried In ground, fighting each other for the land there; but there are many delicious sheep at South.


Jisho [1] suggests the fiollowing examples:

【ナン】 south wind tile, winning hand with a pung (or kong) of south wind tiles
南海 【ナンカイ】 southern sea
東南 【トウナン】 south-east
西南 【セイナン】 south-west
南 【ナン】 south wind tile, winning hand with a pung (or kong) of south wind tiles
南海 【ナンカイ】 southern sea
Kun reading compounds
南 【みなみ】 south
南アフリカ 【みなみアフリカ】 South Africa
東南 【とうなん】 south-east
西南 【せいなん】 south-west

At Nihongomaster [3], character , みなみ appears as kanji number 44177 (not 21335, its standard unicode decimal number); that may cause confusions.


  1. 1.0 1.1南 南 9 strokes Radical: ten, complete 十 Parts: 并 冂 十 干 south Kun: みなみ On: ナン、 ナ Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 2 JLPT level N5 341 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers Words starting with 南 Words ending with 南 Words containing 南 External links Stroke order On reading compounds 南 【ナン】 south wind tile, winning hand with a pung (or kong) of south wind tiles 南海 【ナンカイ】 southern sea 東南 【トウナン】 south-east 西南 【セイナン】 south-west 南 【ナン】 south wind tile, winning hand with a pung (or kong) of south wind tiles 南海 【ナンカイ】 southern sea Kun reading compounds 南 【みなみ】 south 南アフリカ 【みなみアフリカ】 South Africa 東南 【とうなん】 south-east 西南 【せいなん】 south-west Readings Japanese names: なみ、 は、 みな、 みまみ Chinese: nan2, na1 Korean: nam
  2.冂 冂 2 Strokes Definition of 冂 upside-down box radical (no. 13) Readings On'Yomi (音読み) Kun'yomi (訓読み) キョウ ケイ
  3. 南, みなみ minami Examples of 南,みなみ in a Sentence フランスは英国の南にある。 France is to the south of England. 潮の流れは南の方向に向かっている。 The drift of the current is to the south. 一夏のアバンチュールを求めて南の島へ行きました。 I went to the South Pacific for a summer of romantic adventure. 春が来ると日は長くなり暖かくなり、小さいおうちは南の国から最初の鳥が帰ってくるのを待っていました。 In the spring, when the days grew longer and the sun warmer, she waited for the first robin to return from the south. 風は南へ吹く。 The wind blows south. 首都キガリで戦闘が続く中、ルワンダの反政府勢力は南に向かって攻勢を強めています。 Rwandan rebels are pushing their offensive south as fighting continues in the capital Kigali. 北にはスコットランド、南にイングランド、西にウェールズ、そして、さらに西には北アイルランド。 In the north, there's Scotland; in the south, England; in the west, Wales; and further west, Northern Ireland. あの鳥たちは夏に巣を作り、冬に南へ渡る。 Those birds build their nests in the summer and fly to the south in the winter. まもなくツバメが南からやってくる。 Soon, swallows will come from the south. 若者が南カリフォルニアに集まった。 Young people flocked to southern California.


Japanese, Japanese, Kanji, KanjiLiberal, PHP, ud.t, Unicode, Utf8, , 西, , , , ,