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(X4E94) is Unicode character number 20116, KanjiLiberal.

In Japanese, can be pronounced as "go" and mean 5, five.

At Nihongomaster [1], this character has number 814.


Encodinfg of character 五 can be revealed with PHP program du.t:

php du.t 五

The output is:

The array has 3 bytes; here is its splitting:
e4 ba 94
array(1) {
  string(3) "五"

Unicode character number 20116 id est, X4E94
Picture:  ; uses 3 bytes. These bytes are:
XE4 XBA X94 in the hexadecimal representation and
228 186 148 in the decimal representation


looks as underlined (X2F45), that mean geographic direction.

appears as component of more complicated kanjiLiberal (X8A9E);
also can be pronounced also as "go" and refers to a language or a word.


  1.五 五 4 Strokes Radicals: 一 JLPT Level 5 Definition of 五 five Readings On'Yomi (音読み) Kun'yomi (訓読み) ゴ いつ いつつ Popular Words With This Kanji 五月, 5月, ごがつ May 五輪, ごりん the Olympics 五, 5, ご, いつ, い five 五分, ごぶ half, 50%, tie, evenness, 5 parts, 5% 五つ, 5つ, いつつ five 煩い, 五月蝿い, 五月蠅い, うるさい noisy, loud, fussy, annoying, troublesome, tiresome, importunate, bossy 煩い, 五月蝿い, 五月蠅い, うるさい noisy, loud, fussy, annoying, troublesome, tiresome, importunate, bossy 五感, ごかん the five senses 五十音, ごじゅうおん the Japanese syllabary 五味, ごみ five flavors (sweet, salty, spicy, sour, bitter), five palates, five tastes, five flavors (milk at various stages of making ghee: fresh milk, cream, curdled milk, butter, and ghee), the five periods of the Buddha's teachings


5, Japanese, Jisho, Kanji, KanjiConfudal, KanjiLiberal, KanjiRadical, Nihongomaster, Unicode, X4E94, , ,