Maximov Space Systems Research Institute

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Maximov Space Systems Research Institute (Научно-исследовательский институт космических систем имени А.А.Максимова, or "Maximov institute") is branch of the Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center (Государственный космический научно-производственный центр имени М.В.Хруничева, or "Khrunichev Center"), dedicated to the development of inertioids.

The "Maximov institute" is widely known due to the perpetual motion machine Gravitsapa that was launched into the Earth orbit in 2008 and advertised in mass media as a great achievement of Russian science and technology.

The director of the "Maximov institute", Valerii Menshikov considers it as one of the most efficient branches [1].

The "Maximov Institute", the Khrunichev Center and personally Valerii Menshikov become world-wide known after to launch the satellite Yubileiny with four various inertioids on board. One of them is called Gravitsapa and considered as a perpetual motion machine [2]. (Although, due to the principle of relativity of motion, any intertioid is equivalent of the perpetual motion [3]).

Several researchers had indicated that the activity of the "Maximov institute" is fraud [4][5], but the huge funds are trashed for the development of inertioids [6] and up to year 2011, no sanctions with respect to this institute (nor to its director) seem to be applied.


  1. V.A.Menshikov. Space systems research institute in Space and Earth exploration. A.A.Maximov Space Systems Research Institute has been one of the most effective branches of FSUE Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center for more than 13 years.
  2. Russian scientists test perpetual motion machine in space. "Pravda", 14.04.2009. Specialists of the Institute for Space Systems conducted successful tests of the perpetual motion machine in space. Valery Menshikov, the director of the institute, said that the machine was installed at Yubileiny satellite which was launched into orbit almost a year ago. The satellite can now move from one orbit to another with the help of the engine, which discharges no reaction mass.// The first tests were conducted in June and July of 2008. The tests revealed some problems that need further developments of the machine, but the orbital experiment was conducted successfully in general.
  3. D.Kouznetsov. Support of non-traditional concepts. Far East Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Physics, v.1, Issue 1, p.1-6 (March 2010)
  4. Владислав Сорокин. Российские ученые нарушили законы физики. 02.04.2006, 10:54. В подмосковном НИИ Космических систем изобрели «гравицапу» — так там называют двигатель, который, по словам создателей, может разгоняться до бесконечности. Для полноценных испытаний его хотят отправить в космос. В Российской Академии наук это изобретение не признают, как и теорию лежащую в основе его создания. (in Russian)
  5. На орбите началось тестирование лжедвигателя. 04.02.2010, 11:22:48. (in Russian)
  6. Anna Smolchenko. State Seals Strategy for Space Industry. 07 July 2006 Valery Menshikov, director of a research institute at the Khrunichev center, welcomed the new strategy.//"It's clear that [the enterprises] would be better inside a holding," said Menshikov, a former chiefengineer at Baikonur.// He added that the 21 percent production target was only achievable if the government tripled financing to the sector. Russia can meet that target if it starts producing Angara, a next generation rocket, but it needs 20 billion rubles ($740 million) to finish the project. EARTH OBSERVATION LOW-SIZED SATELLITE “SOYUZ-SAT-O” FOR MULTIFUNCTIONAL SPACE SYSTEM by Valery Menshikov, PhD Tech., Head of the IGMAS Project from the IAA, Designer General of the Multifunctional Space System of the Union State, Maximov Space Systems Research Institute - Branch of Khrunichev Federal Space Center,, phone: +007 (495) 785 79 29 et all. V.A.Menshikov. ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF AVIATION AND AEROSPACE SYSTEMS. Kazan State University, 2008.