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Line 59: Line 59:
Bavovna as just image, as genre, does not assume citing any source to information.
Bavovna as just image, as genre, does not assume citing any source to information.
The creators do not indicate, why do they think that the appropriate military target i solvated at t
The creators do not indicate, why do they think that the appropriate military target is located at at the place with indicated coordinated. This assumes, that other authors (or partizans, or some militaries
of the [[anti-Putin coalition]], who have an appropriate instrument) check the place, at least at the satellite map, before to attack the target indicated.
at the place with indicated coordinated. This assumes, that other authors (or partizans, or some militaries
of the [[anti-Putin coalition]], who have an appropriate instrument) check the place, at least at the satellite map, before to attack the target indicated.
It seems that the most of authors, copying the coordinates, do not check the place indicated.
It seems that the most of authors, copying the coordinates, do not check the place indicated.
This mau cause errors.
This may cause errors.
In the image by operativnoZSU <ref>https://t.me/s/operativnoZSU/66810
In the image by operativnoZSU <ref>https://t.me/s/operativnoZSU/66810
Line 72: Line 71:
The google map finds the object mentioned ([[Следком РФ]]) in some tens km away, at point
The google map finds the object mentioned ([[Следком РФ]]) in some tens km away, at point
55.7439, 37.5514 .
55.7439, 37.5514 .
In sich a way, only 4 significant figures seem to be correct, thile the source suggests 15 decimal digits.
In suich a way, only 4 significant figures seem to be correct, while the source suggests 15 decimal digits.
This can be interpreted as an error, misprint.<br>
This can be interpreted as an error, misprint.<br>
Line 78: Line 77:
the position of the object is measured with small error of order of a nanometer); so, such bavovnas are difficult to consider seriously.
the position of the object is measured with small error of order of a nanometer); so, such bavovnas are difficult to consider seriously.
However, there still exist a little bit phantasmic hypothesis, that someone (human or robot)
However, there still exist a little bit fantastic hypothesis, that someone (human or robot)
has a powerful instrument to destroy military targets, and has some insider information, that
has a powerful instrument to destroy military targets, and has some insider information, that
at some place, invisible at the satellite map, some very secret bunker is located, and the bavovna printed and posted
at some place, invisible at the satellite map, some very secret bunker is located, and the bavovna printed and posted

Revision as of 10:10, 7 September 2023




          Вч 11105


Term Bavovna (Бавовна) has 3 baisic meanings:

1. Cotton, хлопок

2. Аn explosion (хлопок) at some object used for the aggressive war.

3. Poster, banner with a guess, where the next Bavovna (in the second meaning) may happen.

Examples Bavovna is shown in figures at right.

Since year 2022, terming Bavovna is used as symbol of resistance against the Russian aggression in Ukraine.
It is assumed, that Bavovna in the second meaning comes to all Russian occupants.



Вч 11105

Вч 11105

Some browsers do not show character 💥 at the black background; so, the roster version of the same bavovna is suggested at right.

More examples of bavovna are shown below:

KBA.jpg 2022.10.17.EyskBomerChute.jpg JankoyBoom.jpg

Oktiabrskoe768x1024.jpg Gvardejskoe1-768x1024.jpg BavovnaVh85388.jpg BavovnaVh25624.png 2022.12.31.bavovnaGRU.jpg
Авиабаза Октябрьское ; Аэродром Гвардейское:45.1126,33.98009 ; Вч 85388:45.01009,35.39888 ; Вч 25624:50.5682,35.7420 ;   ГРУ:55.7824,37.5250


Bavovna with doubtful coordinates [1]

Bavovna as just image, as genre, does not assume citing any source to information.

The creators do not indicate, why do they think that the appropriate military target is located at at the place with indicated coordinated. This assumes, that other authors (or partizans, or some militaries of the anti-Putin coalition, who have an appropriate instrument) check the place, at least at the satellite map, before to attack the target indicated.

It seems that the most of authors, copying the coordinates, do not check the place indicated. This may cause errors.

In the image by operativnoZSU [2] at right, the bavovna is shown. No any military object is seen at the satellite maps in the point 55.7457,37.5661 .
The google map finds the object mentioned (Следком РФ) in some tens km away, at point 55.7439, 37.5514 . In suich a way, only 4 significant figures seem to be correct, while the source suggests 15 decimal digits.

This can be interpreted as an error, misprint.
The amount of decimal digits indicated greatly exceeds the expected precision (it is difficult to believe that the position of the object is measured with small error of order of a nanometer); so, such bavovnas are difficult to consider seriously.

However, there still exist a little bit fantastic hypothesis, that someone (human or robot) has a powerful instrument to destroy military targets, and has some insider information, that at some place, invisible at the satellite map, some very secret bunker is located, and the bavovna printed and posted may help the civilian to stay away from the target, while it is attacked.
At least for year 2022, it is difficult to check this hypothesis, while not so many bavovnas (poster, banner) are observed and only few bavovnas (explosions, wild fires) match the advertisement reported previously. In such a way, it is difficult to collect the sufficient statistics, to estimate the efficiency of alerting of civil population with the bavovna posters. If the Russia-Ukraine war continues during some tens of years, then, one may expect to collect the significant number of of cases.


Examples of bavovna are presented above to clarify the meaning of the term, with scientific goals.

Venganza is not element of set of these goals.

Evidences presented in the cited literature, as their interpretation, should no t be considered as an appeal to perform bavovnas in the places indicated. The questions how to defeat the aggressors, when and tho to transfer of hostilities ot aggressor territory should be answered by the country-victim of the aggression and the countries that agreed to be guarantees of safeness of the country-victim. The Budapest memorandum does not limit the methods that may be used against the country, that signet that memorandum but violates its promises. In this sense, any kind of weapon may be used against the aggressor.

Philosophy TORI is about things that exist, not about things that should be. Questions about methods that should be used against the aggressors fall out of range of applicability of the TORI axioms and cannot get unique answers at side Mizugadro.
Some opinions on these questions are collected in articles «I bombed Dresden», «Апокал».

Nor the Editor can give an advice indicating the best place to perform a bavovna. The only, perhaps, to suggest, that the people stay away from the Russian military objects, where the next bavovna may happen, in order not to appear in wrong place at wrong time.

However, the Editor keeps his right (and even duty) to cal things with their proper names, to construct scientific models (see, for example, «Kestus», «Остов Крым») and compare their predictions with observations.


  1. https://t.me/operativnoZSU/66812?single Dec 31, 2022 at 19:25
  2. https://t.me/s/operativnoZSU/66810 На росії в москві з'явилися листівки з координатами військових об'єктів. 2022.12.31.

2022.04.17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNVenoS2cFA В Черном море украинском: Леся Никитюк перепела знаменитую песенку про "русский военный корабль" Думская Нет Apr 17, 2022 😊😍Украинская модель и телеведущая Леся Никитюк записала песню про "русский военный корабль", который идет по указанному адресу по мотивам старого армянского мультика "В синем море, в белой пене" режиссера Роберта Саакянца.

2022.06.01. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74ai4yLs_ao Три танкіста на Бандерівський лад, без мілітарі(Повна версія на цьому ж каналі) Веселого перегляду ! По Цимбалам Творче Об'єднання Jun 1, 2022 На прохання підписників продовжуємо піднімати настрій та бойовий дух,тролим ворога . Слава Україні 🇺🇦🤘🇺🇦 Автор адаптивного тексту - Ruslan Nota Студія звукозапису По Цимбалам м.Житомир.

2022.04.19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6L_CAopyzpc Вставай страна огромная война в Украине // Troyka // Apr 19, 2022 Пісня, яку ви зараз почуєте, добре знайома всім, Вона нібито народилася в один із перших днів після нападу гітлерівської Німеччини на Радянський Союз 1941 року. Текст її нібито написав російський поет Васілій Лєбєдєв-Кумач. І це справді так. Він написав ці слова. А от мелодію вкрадено. Мелодія народилася значно раніше – 1919 року у лавах криворізьких повстанців Української Народної Республіки. І називається ця пісня – “Повстань, народе мій”.

2022.08.11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoQiH2MCFLY Супер хит от Mihey Jalsomino Medvedev и Gonivo Records "Бавовна в Крыму" Victoriia Papers Aug 11, 2022

2022.10.08. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBCOm2KyaSU Что ж ты, путин, сдал назад? Фрэглы Стрим Oct 8, 2022 Сегодня 7 октября фанаты Испании и Бразилии отмечают день рождения своих заслуженных футболистов Дида и Диего Коста и мы дарим им нашу новую песню с надеждой и пожеланиями Музыка: Михаил Круг

2022.08.13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DSAnQrTELQ "Там за туманами" Песня о хлопках в Крыму!!! views Aug 13, 2022 Підтримайте батальон "Сонечко" Друг "Комендант" (Руслан Каганець)

2022.10.13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKD-iSB4xkM Весела пісня про Кримський міст, HImars та русню. Іван Ганзера. Прем'єра 2022 Кепскі справи у руzні Коза Мар'яна ТВ {Іван Ганзера} Oct 13, 2022 Прем'єра пісні до дня захисника України. Слава Олег Фурса та Іван Ганзера. Музика Іван Ганзера. Сподобалось пісня постав лайк та підпишіться на канал. Також Коза Мар'яна дуже радіє коли ви залишаєте свої коментарі. Тому ласкаво просимо.

2022.11.17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9D16NS-2Qmw У Орловській області на росії – БАВОВНА💥💥 Повідомляють про вибух на нафтобазі Телеканал Конкурент TV - новини Луцька та Волині. Premiered 22 hours ago На росії – знову бавовна. Губернатор Орловської області російської федерації Андрій Кличков заявив про підрив нафтобази у селищі Стальной Конь, яке розташоване за 175 км від кордону з Україною.