RAS reform

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Suicide attack on the buildings of Presirium of RAN, July, 2013, cartoon by [1].
Protest 2013.07.02 by [2]. Letters at the coffin:"SCIENCE of RUSSIA"

RAN reform (реформа РАН, 2013) is suggestion by Dmitrii Medvedev about reorganisation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN) that includes expropriation of properties of RAN and the submission of RAN to the president of Russia. The project of this reform is under consideration in Russian Duma since July, 2013. Firstly, the government wants to merge three existing major academies (The Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences) into one “public-state organization.” Three more academies – of Education, of Architecture and Construction and of Arts – would be passed under the control of federal ministries. // Secondly, the academies would be stripped of their property rights, transferring the property managing functions to a federal agency that would be specially created for this purpose. [3][4][5].

The illness and problems of development of Science in Russia are widely discussed [6]. However, many colleagues consider the RAN reform suggested not as way to cure the science in Russia, but a way to kill, to destruct it. Many protest actions are reported. 70 top respected academicians of RAN had declared, that if the project is accepted, they do not consider the new RAN as succeeder of RAN, and will not enter the new "academy" as memners. The Russian version of their letter is loaded as Неприятие реформы РАН.

Many colleagues consider the project of the RAN reform as form of plundering of properties of the Russian academic society and final destruction of science in Russia [7][8][9]. The reform of RAN is considered as its destruction. Many academicians of RAN do not recognise the new organisation (that is expected to be created instead of RAN and is supposed to use the same name, Russian Academy of Sciences) as succeeder of RAN [10] (See Against the RAN reform). In such a way, both, the property and the name of RAN are planned to be plundered.


Yulya Latynina indicates "The Decay of the Academy of Sciences" [11]

Boris Kagarlitsky qualifies the reform of RAN as "Death Sentence for Russian Science" [12].

Yulia Ponomareva qualifies the RAN reform as "controversial" [13].

Categoric rejection of the reform of RAN is expressed by the academicians of RAN [14]. The English translation of their letter is loaded to TORI, see Against the RAN reform.


  1. http://www.novayagazeta.ru/politics/58915.html Александр Рубцов. No pasaРАН. Академический погром как симптоматика медленной агонии. 05.07.2013 .. Да, Академия погрязла в проблемах, но те, кто берется ее якобы лечить, сами куда более проблемны. .. Взорвался «Протон» с тремя спутниками, говорят, освященный, говорят, за 50 тыс. руб. (интересно, из какого бюджета). Давайте освободим от всей движимости и недвижимости РПЦ, чтобы попы не тратили время и силы на управление гигантским имуществом, но могли сосредоточиться на молитве и духовном окормлении паствы духовными секретами. .. Бывший директор ЦЕРНа заявил, что он в шоке, и напомнил об уникальном опыте расформирования академии при Муссолини. ..
  2. http://www.mk.ru/politics/article/2013/07/02/877911-v-dume-sravnili-reformu-ran-s-sobyitiyami-v-natsistskoy-germanii.html Марина Лемуткина, Наталья Мущинкина. В Думе сравнили реформу РАН с событиями в нацистской Германии. Московский Комсомолец № 26270 от 3 июля 2013 г. .. нечто подобное, напомнила депутат, произошло в Германии, откуда с приходом к власти фашистов уехало большинство ведущих ученых. .. итальянский классик современной алгебры Катанезе заявил, что за все 400 лет своего существования Академия наук его страны реформировалась подобным образом лишь однажды – по приказу Муссолини.
  3. http://rt.com/politics/outraged-suggested-reform-academy-483/ Scientists, Communists blast planned Academy of Sciences reform as fraud Get short URL Published time: July 01, 2013 14:51
  4. http://en.ria.ru/russia/20130705/182067268/Parliament-Committee-Approves-Academy-of-Sciences-Reform.html Parliament Committee Approves Academy of Sciences Reform. 07:12 05/07/2013. .. The bill proposes handing control over the academy’s vast assets and 434 scholarly institutes to a new state agency. Under this bill, the academy would also be merged with two other state academies, for agriculture and medicine. ..
  5. http://www.themoscowtimes.com/news/article/contentious-science-reform-bill-passes-in-second-reading/482769.html Contentious Science Reform Bill Passes in Second Reading 05 July 2013.
  6. http://english.pravda.ru/russia/economics/08-07-2013/125060-russian_academy_sciences-0/ Anton Evseev. Who wants the Russian Academy of Sciences to collapse? 08.07.2013. It is clear that the Russian Academy of Sciences in its present form needs reforms. Not that long ago, the Russian government announced that the reform bill had been developed. However, it is not clear why the reforms of such an important science structure as the Russian Academy of Sciences, are being carried out in a rush, excluding expert consultations with academics?
  7. http://rt.com/politics/outraged-suggested-reform-academy-483/ Scientists, Communists blast planned Academy of Sciences reform as fraud. July 01, 2013 14:51 .. Firstly, the government wants to merge three existing major academies (The Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences) into one “public-state organization.” Three more academies – of Education, of Architecture and Construction and of Arts – would be passed under the control of federal ministries. // Secondly, the academies would be stripped of their property rights, transferring the property managing functions to a federal agency that would be specially created for this purpose. ..
  8. http://rt.com/politics/vote-reform-sciences-academy-593/ Hundreds protest across Russia as Duma gives first nod to Academy of Sciences reform. July 03, 2013 14:28. Pickets and rallies have taken place in major Russian cities and near the Lower House HQ, but the State Duma still decided to vote on the controversial bill drastically changing the financing and property schemes in Russian science.
  9. http://rbth.asia/news/2013/07/10/russian_parliament_postpones_contentious_science_reform_47851.html Yulia Ponomareva. Russian parliament postpones contentious science reform. 14:54 July 10, 2013. Under the bill, scientific organisations with the Academy will be supervised by an authorised executive agency. "They wish to have officials run the Academy. What do these officials know about science?" Yury Pivovarov, acclaimed historian and RAS academician, said when commenting why academics slam the bill.
  10. http://trv-science.ru/2013/07/02/zayavlyaem-ob-otkaze-vstupit-v-novuyu-ran/ Уважаемые члены РАН! .. (2013, July)
  11. http://www.themoscowtimes.com/opinion/article/the-decay-of-the-academy-of-sciences/482938.html Yulia Latynina. The Decay of the Academy of Sciences. 10 July 2013.
  12. http://www.themoscowtimes.com/opinion/article/death-sentence-for-russian-science/482987.html Boris Kagarlitsky. Death Sentence for Russian Science. 10 July 2013. Under the proposed law, a government ministry would appoint the directors of all research centers, and the associated buildings and properties would be managed by a specially created state agency. What happens next is easy to predict by considering the fate suffered by other institutions under government control: They are simply liquidated by combining institutions with similar names, dismissing hundreds of scientists in the process. Then the new entity is moved to a different building far from the city center so that the original, far more valuable real estate can be sold.
  13. http://rbth.ru/science_and_tech/2013/07/08/controversial_reform_of_russian_academy_of_sciences_postpone_27891.html Yulia Ponomareva. Controversial reform of Russian Academy of Sciences postponed. July 8, 2013.
  14. http://trv-science.ru/2013/07/02/zayavlyaem-ob-otkaze-vstupit-v-novuyu-ran/ Уважаемые члены РАН! .. (2013, July)

http://news.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2013/06/new-law-would-deal-a-blow-to-rus.html Vladimir Pokrovsky. New Law Would Deal a Blow to Russian Academy. 28 June 2013, 5:25 PM. .. Many scientists are too blinded by rage to focus on their work. The legislation is a "national tragedy," fumes Alexandr Spirin, an academician and former director of the Institute of Protein Research in Pushchino. "The academy will lose the independence it has enjoyed since the time of Peter the Great," the Russian czar who created RAS in 1724, he says. ..

http://www.themoscowtimes.com/news/article/scientists-slam-academy-reform/482637.html Scientists Slam Academy Reform. 03 July 2013. Prominent academic Alexei Yablokov, who works as an adviser to the Russian Academy of Sciences and coordinates the Green Russia faction of liberal opposition party Yabloko, said the reform plan did "not serve the interests of science" but is aimed at someone's "short-term enrichment."// "This was done to seize the property," Yablokov said by telephone Tuesday, referring to the academy's current right to lease its premises, which belong to the state.

http://en.ria.ru/russia/20130705/182076204/Police-Raid-Academy-of-Sciences-in-Illegal-Immigration-Sweep.html Police Raid Academy of Sciences in Illegal Immigration Sweep. 17:58 05/07/2013.