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Зато мы делаем ракеты... 23:01 Сентябрь, 26, 2013. <i>[[Королев Сергей Павлович]], арестован арестован 27 июня 1938 года по обвинению во вредительстве, ..//
Зато мы делаем ракеты... 23:01 Сентябрь, 26, 2013. <i>[[Королев Сергей Павлович]], арестован арестован 27 июня 1938 года по обвинению во вредительстве, ..//
Глушко Валентин Петрович - инженер, крупный советский учёный в области ракетно-космической техники; один из пионеров ракетно-космической техники; основоположник отечественного жидкостного ракетного двигателестроения. Арестован в марте 1938 года.. //
[[Глушко Валентин Петрович]] - инженер, крупный советский учёный в области ракетно-космической техники; один из пионеров ракетно-космической техники; основоположник отечественного жидкостного ракетного двигателестроения. Арестован в марте 1938 года.. //
Лангемак Георгий Эрихович, советский ученый, один из пионеров ракетной техники и один из основных создателей реактивного миномета «Катюша», военинженер 1-го ранга. Герой Социалистического Труда (1991, посмертно). Арестован 2 ноября 1937 ..//
[[Лангемак Георгий Эрихович]], советский ученый, один из пионеров ракетной техники и один из основных создателей реактивного миномета «Катюша», военинженер 1-го ранга. Герой Социалистического Труда (1991, посмертно). Арестован 2 ноября 1937 ..//

Revision as of 07:32, 27 September 2013

Propaganda of the Red Terror in the USSR by [1]

Terror (террор) is any politics, tactics and style of some individuals, groups, parties (sometimes including the ruling party), accompanied with the killing, capturing, kidnapping of opponents, political enemies or just innocent citizen.

Often, it is assumed that the victims of terror are civilians [2]. There are many various definitions of the term "terror"; Wikipedia offers the collection of such definitions [3].

Similar terms

Justification of terror with any religion, philosophy or ideology is called terrorism. Terror is often justified as an appropriate instrument in various kinds of fascism. The same activity without attempts of the justification can be qualified qualified as banditry or gangsterism.

The event of application of terror is called terroristic act.

Persons who perform the terroristic acts are called terrorists.

Often, the developers or propagandists of the philosophy of terrorism are also called terrorists (or extremists).

"Vasily Pupkin" from the detective "Pupkin revolutioner" (In Russian: Пупкин революционер) [4] can be qualified as terrorist, because the innocent civilians may happen among the passengers of the nomenclature mafia cars, that are supposed to be destroyed together with drivers and passengers.

Goals of terror

In the human history, various pretty different ideas and reasons are used to justify Terror; however, the realizations (and the results) are often pretty similar.

Often terror is declared as way to revolution and liberation of the people [5].

Terror may have aim also to show the people, that everything may be "much worse". Vladimir Burmatov, justifying the election fraud and repressions of journalists, asks a rhetoric question: what for do you need the publicity and honest election – do you want bolsheviks to get power again?

Need of terror may appears also as a method agains another terror.

There are video records of terror avaialble:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L88NFj2Za4M Покушение на болгарского политика в прямом эфире. Jan 19, 2013. (COURTESY APTN/bTV) Полиция Болгарии задержала 25-летнего мужчину, который угрожал газовым пистолетом лидеру партии "Движение за права и свободы", выступавшему на съезде. Выстрела не произошло, и охрана скрутила нападавшего.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7NsBynZ5Ls Савельев против Жириновского. Драка в Госдуме. Dec 3, 2010

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPSnDetyKNw Драка Жириновского. Zirinovsky draka.mov. Uploaded on Jan 9, 2010.

http://clipiki.ru/video/58901/ZHirinovskiy-1-ya-draka-v-Dume-Jirinovskiy-fights-in-Duma 03-01-2010


The terror can be aimed to some specific person, who, from the point of view of terrorists, have committed horrible crimes; in this case, it is assumed that the official legal institutes are corrupted, and for this reason cannot stop the criminal activity of the victim. In this case, the activity of terrorist(s) is qualified as individual terror.

Attempts of Alexander Ulianov to kill the Russian tsar, then the attempt of Fanya Kaplan to kill Vladimir Lenin [6], the murdering of Leon Trotsky [7] can be qualified as acts of individual terror. These examples show, that the terrorists, in their turn, are not protected against terror and may be killed in the same way as they used to kill their opponents. The secrecy around the soviet archives indicates that Lenin was killed by Stalin and Stalin, in his turn, was also killed (Perhapd, by Lavrentiy Beria). Such hypotheses are considered in the article National hero.

When the terrorists have the superior power, they may use the juridical institutes (which are supposed to protect the citizen) for the terror. For example, the killing of Vsevolod Meyerhold and his family [8] or his followers [9] can be qualified as terror, although the soviet veterans tend defend the Soviet terrorists, qualifying their crimes as "errors". for such cases, the term red terror [10][11] is also used.

Sometimes the terror is aimed against a wide group of population specified with their ethnic, ideological, territorial, religious or any other criteria. Such cases are qualified as mass terror. For example, the notices of the meetings, dedicated to the Nevsky Express bombing (2009) were submitted few days before the bombing; this can be considered as evidence that that crash was not an accident, but terroristic act planned by the ruling party.

Some terrorists explicitly declare their intents and declare terror as some appropriate instrument in their politics [12][13]. Soon after the Lenin's order to apply the mass terror in 1918 August 9 [12], V.Lenin by himself happened to be victim of terror in 1918 August 30 (although had survived that time). In such a way, the terror is reciprocal; the politician who had declared that he will kill the terrorists in the toilet (In dirty Russian slang:"мочить в сортире"), by himself can be qualified as terrorist and treated namely in this way.

In many cases, the euphemisms are used; instead of to say "commit the political murder", the terrorists say "eliminate", "neutralize" (Russian equivalents: "обезвредить", "убрать", "замочить в сортире"). Often, the victims are qualified as "terrorists", and attempts to ask for the proof of their terroristic activity get the "reply" in form of new political murders. In such a way, many journalists are killed in the post–soviet Russia. Having no possibility to organize the show trails as during the USSR, the KGBsts eliminate their political opponents with terror [14]. For the justification of the mass murders, the code sentence "You cannot make revolution in white gloves" is used (In Russian, "революцию не делажт в белых перчатках") since the beginning of century 20.

The terror, and especially the Russian terror, have the long history and in certain sense became the Russian tradition. For the beginning of century 21, Russia can be considered as the most terroristic country; the total corruption gives no hopes to stop the terror. The terroristic acts are not investigated well by the professionals: important questions about the murders of Anna Politkovskaya, Nastasia Baburova, Stanislav Markelov, Natalia Estemirova and many other cases are not revealed. The key questions about the catastrophe Katyn–2 (2010) and about the Nevsky Express bombing (2009) seem to be intentionally hidden by the authorities who were supposed to investigate the cases.

Most terroristic countries

One may expect, that the terrorism diffuses from the countries that have no legal institutes for the efficient investigation of the cases. The examples of such an interpretation are presented in the texts Mikhail Golovatov, Nine angry women in the pool, План_Путина-Даллеса (In Russian), Russia used the nuclear weapon in 2011. (Kouznetsov). The KGB's terrorists dare to attack even the American Embassies [15].

Also, some small countries (Afghanista, Iran, Iraq, Lybia, North Coreq, Sudan, Syria, Cuba) are considered as "terroristic" in the Thinkquest review [16]. The terroristic acts happen in other countries too, even in such a relatively safe country as Norway [17][18].


  1. http://allin777.livejournal.com/154481.html "Да здравствует красный террор!" 2012-07-10 01:48:00.
  2. http://en.citizendium.org/wiki/Terrorism
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Definitions_of_terrorism
  4. http://zhurnal.lib.ru/k/kuznecow_d_j/pupkin.shtml D.Kouznetsov. Pupkin revolutioner. (2010, in Russian.
  5. http://www.mbc.edu/faculty/gbowen/russianRevo.htm Gordon L.Bowen. Russian Revolutionary Theory. Part IV. Russian Revolutionary Terrorism. (2011). Alexander Ulyanov, has just been hanged for having been involved in a terrorist plot on the life of the Czar.
  6. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/RUSkaplan.htm Fanya kaplan. .. I had resolved to kill Lenin long ago. I consider him a traitor to the Revolution..
  7. http://www.mexconnect.com/articles/720-the-leon-trotsky-museum-murder-and-marxism-in-mexico-city John Mitchell. The Leon Trotsky Museum - murder and Marxism in Mexico City. January 1, 2001.
  8. http://www.curtainup.com/deathofmeyerhold Rich See. The Death of Meyerhold. (2005)
  9. http://www.grani.ru/Events/Crime/m.34513.html Убит директор Центра имени Мейерхольда. 04.06.2003
  10. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/RUSterror.htm
  11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Terror
  12. 12.0 12.1 http://zhurnal.lib.ru/k/kuznecow_d_j/lenin50p142n257.shtml V.Lenin to G.F.Fedorov, 9. VIII. 1918 г.Bring immediately the mass terror,.." (In Russian: В.Ленин – Г.Ф.ФЕДОРОВУ, 9. VIII. 1918 г. ..навести тотчас массовый террор,.. - В.Ленин, ПСС т.50, с.142) Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "leninfed" defined multiple times with different content
  13. http://zhurnal.lib.ru/k/kuznecow_d_j/lenin45p090.shtml V.Lenin. Letter to Kursky. 7 V 1922. The court should not eliminate the terror, it would be self-deception or fraud, but to hastily it and legalize it as a principle. (In Russian: Суд должен не устранить террор; обещать это было бы самообманом или обманом, а обосновать и узаконить его принципиально... - В.Ленин, ПСС т.45, с.90 )
  14. http://www.inosmi.ru/politic/20091029/156453468.html Политические убийства в России. 29/10/2009.
  15. http://www.bafl.com/page/newsArticle/1245 Vladimir Socor. GRU Responsible For Bomb Incident At US Embassy In Tbilisi. JULY 29, 2011.
  16. http://library.thinkquest.org/CR0212088/tercoun.htm Projects by Students for Students. Terrorist countries.
  17. Oslo: Bomb blast near Norway prime minister's office. 22 July 2011.
  18. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-14254705 Anna Jones, Matthew Danzico, Vanessa Barford and Susannah Cullinane. As it happened: Norway attacks. 2011 July 23.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLQSCnTT5-c "ПОКУШЕНИЕ НА РОССИЮ" (Полная Версия) Thesovietstory666 on Feb 11, 2011.

http://terror99.ru/ "ТЕРРОР-99" (In Russian)

http://ru-nsn.livejournal.com/166305.html Война и террор в России. Обзор 21-27 августа 2011 (In Russian)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EFdC1tSibg psixonavt1 on Sep 13, 2011. Виктор Суворов о США и СССР. (In Russian) ...Но никто в России не удивится, если когда-нибудь станет известно, что Виктор Суворов уже давным давно дважды герой Советского Союза и заместитель начальника Главного Разведывательного Управления...

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/russia/8802732/Leaked-document-reveals-plans-to-eliminate-Russias-enemies-overseas.html Duncan Gardham. Russia 'gave agents licence to kill' enemies of the state. 10:23PM BST 02 Oct 2011.

http://lenta.ru/news/2011/10/03/fake1/ Бывший глава ФСБ назвал подделкой приказ о создании спецотрядов убийц. вторник, 04.10.2011, 15:09:51 Глава комитета Госдумы РФ по делам ветеранов Николай Ковалев, руководивший ФСБ в 1996-98 годах, назвал подделкой секретный приказ, о котором 3 октября написала британская газета The Daily Telegraph. По словам Ковалева, которого цитирует "Интерфакс", такой приказ в принципе не мог появиться. "Я отдал не один десяток лет этой работе и уверен: ни один человек такую ерунду не мог подписать, поскольку это противоречит закону", - заявил Ковалев.

http://www.terror99.ru/ Сентябрь 1999 года - время террора в городах России.

http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/23/world/europe/medvedev-honors-ali-ukla-ursan-a-controversial-syrian-writer.html DAVID M. HERSZENHORN. Russian Cultural Honor For a Controversial Syrian. February 22, 2012 .. In honoring Mr. Ursan, the Russian president lauded a writer who has displayed a tolerance for terrorism — when aimed at the United States. On Sept. 25, 2001, Mr. Ursan described his reaction to the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings two weeks earlier. “My lungs filled with air, and I breathed in relief as I had never breathed before,” he wrote in Al Usbu Al Udabi a Damascus literary magazine.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eC1IMLG5DZk Failed Assassination Attempt on bulgarian politician Ahmed Dogan. Jan 19, 2013.

http://mgsupgs.livejournal.com/1295699.html Зато мы делаем ракеты... 23:01 Сентябрь, 26, 2013. Королев Сергей Павлович, арестован арестован 27 июня 1938 года по обвинению во вредительстве, ..// Глушко Валентин Петрович - инженер, крупный советский учёный в области ракетно-космической техники; один из пионеров ракетно-космической техники; основоположник отечественного жидкостного ракетного двигателестроения. Арестован в марте 1938 года.. // Лангемак Георгий Эрихович, советский ученый, один из пионеров ракетной техники и один из основных создателей реактивного миномета «Катюша», военинженер 1-го ранга. Герой Социалистического Труда (1991, посмертно). Арестован 2 ноября 1937 ..//