Andrei Lugovoi

Andrei Lugovoi (Луговой Андрей Константинович, September 19, 1966, Baku, Azerbaijan SSR) is reported to be Russian terrorist, agent of KGB, murderer, killed Aleksandr Litvinenko in London 2006.11.06 with nuclear weapon (Po–210).

Terroristic act 2006.11.01
According to reports, in 2006, Vladimir Putin and Nikolai Patrushev had planned the terroristic act against the UK and, in particular, against the UK citizen Aleksandr Litvinenko. The attack had been performed by Andrei Lugovoi and Dmitri Kovtun. [4].
The nuclear weapon, namely, isotope Po–210 had been used for the attack. This weapon had been manufactured and sold to the terrorists by the administration of the Avangard Sarov (Авангард Саров) nuclear facility.
The KGB agents Andrei Lugovoi and Dmitri Kovtun had performed the attack 2006.11.01, poisoning Aleksandr Litvinenko and contaminating with the same isotope many places.
It is believed, that Vladimir Putin and Nikolai Patrushev did inform neither Andrei Lugovoi nor Dmitrii Kovtun about the kind of weapon they use; both Lugovoi and Kovtun could think, that this is ordinary murder with ordinary poison. Perhaps, Putin and Patrushev had expected that both, Lugovoi and Kovtun die of the same isotope, as the amount user exceeded the legal dose for many orders of magnitude. In particular, is is reported, that Andrei Lugovoi still had significant amount of that isotope on his body and his staff, when he visited the UK Embassy at Moscow, where he came to negate his participation in that murder. [5].
Motives of terrorists
It is believed, that Litvinenko used to work for KGB in century 20, but then realised the anti–Russian, terroristic profile of activity of that organisation and stopped the collaboration with KGBists.
Then, the murder of Litvinenko appears as continuation of tradition of KGBists to kill their ex–employees.
In addition, the terrorists could afraid of publications of new documents about criminal activity of KGB.
Concept that Vladimir Putin, Nikolai Patrushev, Andrei Lugovoi and Dmitri Kovtun had used the nuclear weapon against the UK citizen Aleksandr Litvinenko is in good agreement with more general concepts about terror as main profile of activity of the KGB and total corruption of the Russian administration.
- ↑ Andrei Lugovoi// 18 September 2007// Source Voice of America// Author P. Fedynsky
- ↑ Esther Addley and Luke Harding. Key findings: who killed Alexander Litvinenko, how and why. Thursday 21 January 2016 19.19 GMT. CCTV footage of Dmitry Kovtun at the Millennium hotel, where he and Andrei Lugovoi met Litvinenko on 1 November 2006. Photograph: PA.
- ↑ Виталий Портников. Путин и Патрушев: вердикт британского суда. 21 января, 2016, 14:54
- ↑ Report into the death of Alexander Litvinenko. Chairman: Sir Robert Owen January 2016
- ↑ Robert Mendick, Chief Reporter Litvinenko killers left trail of radiation after visit to British embassy to plead innocence. 9:00PM GMT 23 Jan 2016. Senior diplomat reveals he carried out radioactive sweep of embassy that found polonium after bizarre visit by assassins of Alexander Litvinenko. .. “We found traces of radiation on the chairs the suspects had sat in and on the table where Lugovoi had placed his hands. There was even a trace in the slot in the security officers’ room where Lugovoi had been required to deposit his mobile phone.” Paul Knott, senior diplomat ..