Appeasing aggression

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Appeasing aggression («Indulge the aggressor», Умиротворение агрессора) is concept or relationship characterized in that, that, in order to provoke the aggressor to new attacks, it is suggested to allow the aggressor to brake international Law, to seize new territories and/or to keep that he already has plundered, seized.

Appeasing aggression assumes, that the aggressor has no plans to repeat the aggression and/or no hopes that the next aggression in future causes new similar Appeasing aggression.

Term «Appeasing aggression» may apply to relations between a bully, sadist, racketeer at a school or at a military unit and his victims: for each of victims, it seems to be more profitable to obey the sadist or even to help the sadist to attack the colleagues than to resist.

Term «Appeasing aggression» may also apply to relations between countries.

The Appeasing aggression seems to be important mechanism of history that causes the unfolding of a local conflict to a world war: The aggressor gets the Appeasing aggression and begins the new aggression with hope for the new and new acts of the Appeasing aggression, until the establishment of the New World Order.

In the Human civilization, there exist mechanisms of history that provide some heavy punishment for the people of both the country-aggressor and the country that perform the Appeasing aggression.

World War II

1938.09.30, in order to boost the World War II, Neville Chamberlain, Édouard Daladier, Adolf Hitler, and Benito Mussolini sign the agreement that allow the the German annexation of part of Czechoslovakia called the Sudetenland.

The involved personages are shown in figure at tight,

At the moment of signing of the agreement, all the participants pretend, that the Appeasing aggression has the opposite goal: not to provoke a new world war, but to prevent it.

In the simplest approach, the bad will of all the participants is assumed.

Putin world war

2022.08.15, Stian Jenssen suggests that Ukraine administration recognize the Ukrainian territories occupied by the Russian nazis as part of Russia. The hypothesis is suggested that such an Appeasing aggression may stop the war. [2]

Mechanisms of History


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  1.,_M%C3%BCnchener_Abkommen,_Staatschefs.jpg From left to right: Chamberlain, Daladier, Hitler, Mussolini, and Ciano pictured before signing the Munich Agreement, which gave the Sudetenland to Germany. Zentralbild Das Münchner Abkommen vom 29.9.1938.
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 Åpner for at Ukraina avgir territorium i bytte mot Nato-medlemskap ARENDAL (VG) Stabssjef i Nato, Stian Jenssen, antyder at Ukraina kan få et Nato-medlemskap i bytte mot å gi opp noe territorium til Russland, og at det kan være en del av slutten på krigen i Ukraina. Alf Bjarne Johnsen Publisert: Oppdatert for mindre enn 30 minutter siden (2023.08.16)