Time (время) is one of fundamental concepts of the human civilization that allows the classification of events in terms of past, present and future.
Greenwich time
Roughly, time is the things indicated at the clock of the Greenwich time service.
The Greenwich time is used in TORI, as it seems to correspond the smooth processes in Physics, while other, so called "conventional" times suffer sudden jumps every year, making the measurements of time of event pretty approximate.
Fortunately, the inventors of the "conventional" time did not yet realize that they could order to measure the temperature in Fahrenheit scale during the winter and in Celsius one while summer. An additional invention of such a kind would be season-dependent relation between gram and kilogram; for the similar reasons, as in the case of time, one could declare that one kg is 1024 g during winter, and just 1000 g during the summer..
Time in Physics
Time is scientific concept, one of four coordinates in the Minkovsky space, that is principal in the classical physics.
In the non–relativistic mechanics, time appears as universal parameter; the state of any system is supposed to be function of time.
In quantum topology, that takes into strong deformation of space-time, the time losses its usual meaning of c-number, and appears as a mean value of some operator(s). Then, it cannot be considered as parameter. Asymptocically (Large scale, weak deformations of space-time), it is supposed to reproduce properties of "classical" time used in the models with flat space-time, see Lesson of quantum topology.
Time in PHP
The possible command, extracting time in PHP is
date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Tokyo"); $d=date("Y.m.d,H:i:s");
It extracts the data with leading zeros [1].
- ↑ https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/working-with-date-and-time-in-php--cms-31768 Formatting the Current Date and Time in PHP by Monty Shokeen 26 Feb 2021.
http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/ GMT: Greenwich Mean Time
http://www.time.gov/about.html The US time service
http://www.time.gov/timezone.cgi?Eastern/d/-5/java The Official US time
http://tycho.usno.navy.mil/cgi-bin/timer.pl US Naval Observatory Master Clock Time
http://zhurnal.lib.ru/k/kuznecow_d_j/time.shtml Time
Russian version of this article: Время