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11:59, 15 October 2024 Sanita720x972b.png (file) 132 KB T   1
04:25, 15 October 2024 Sanita720x972a.png (file) 137 KB T {{oP}} <div class="thumb tright" style="float:right; margin:-270px -180px -264px -174px; transform:scale(0.5)"> {{picx|Sanita720x972a.png|972px}} {{put|260|940|14|<b>Баренцево море</b>}} {{put|199|880|10|*}} {{put|195|895|11|Severomorsk-1}} {{put|204|884|13|SeveromorskAirbase}} {{put|197|877|10|*}} {{put|203|874|11|Severomorsk-3}} {{put|192|844|10|*}} {{put|201|845|15|Авиабаза_Оленья}} {{put|224|740|12|<b>Белое море</b>}} {{p... 1
08:25, 14 October 2024 L58.0354z33.3230goo.jpg (file) 606 KB T == Summary == {{oq|L58.0354z33.3230goo.jpg|}} L58.0354z33.3230, missile launch cluster near the Valdai Putin Residence (Валдайская Резиденция Путина). View of L58.0354z33.3230 by google <ref>°02'02.4%22N+33°19'23.5%22E/@58.0353447,33.3177363,428m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d58.034!4d33.3232?hl=ru&entry=ttu 58°02'02.4"N 33°19'23.5"E 58.034000, 33.323200 </ref> The red mark refers to L58.0340z33.3232 with coordinates 58.0340, 33.3232... 1
08:24, 14 October 2024 L58.0354z33.3230earth.jpg (file) 346 KB T == Summary == {{oq|L58.0354z33.3230earth.jpg|}} L58.0354z33.3230 as it is shown by the Earthexporer ==References== {{ref}} {{fer}} ==Keywords== «Annexation of Crimea», «Budapest memorandum», «Demilitarization», «Denazification», «Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism», «Designate Russia as terrorist state», «Earthexporer», «L58.0354z33.3230», «Luostari», «Moscovia», «Putin world war», «[[Russian invasi... 1
08:19, 14 October 2024 PutinPalaceAirSystems.jpg (file) 100 KB T == Summary == {{oq|PutinPalaceAirSystems.jpg|}} Collage of pictures related to the ValdaiCluster, year 2024 Image by Jesus Mesa <ref> Satellite Images Show Putin's Forest Hideaway Fortified with Air Defense Systems Published Jul 17, 2024 at 1:13 PM EDT Updated Jul 17, 2024 at 1:57 PM EDT By Jesus Mesa Live News Reporter </ref> Original filename: 1
08:18, 14 October 2024 MissileLauncher1199x800.jpg (file) 387 KB T == Summary == {{oq|MissileLauncher1199x800.jpg|}} Russian missile launch vehicle at field, 2024. <ref><small> </small> Украина передала США и Британии цели для ударов по России. Какие объекты попали в список? 19:37, 14 сентября 2024 Мир. .. Фото: Russian Defense Ministry Press Service via AP .. </ref>: Фото: Russian Defense Ministry Press Service... 1
06:31, 14 October 2024 MissileCarrierAngar2024.jpg (file) 113 KB T {{oq|MissileCarrierAngar2024.jpg|}} Missile carrier in the hangar, 2024. Image by Lenta <ref><small> </small> Украина передала США и Британии цели для ударов по России. Какие объекты попали в список? 19:37, 14 сентября 2024 Мир. .. Фото: Russian Defense Ministry Press Service via AP .. </ref>: Фото: Russian Defense Ministry Press Service via AP... 1
05:55, 14 October 2024 KhanskayaAirbaseGateView.jpg (file) 164 KB T == Summary == {{oq|KhanskayaAirbaseGateView.jpg|}} «Кроме транспорта МО РФ». Khanskaya Airbase (Maykop Airbase) gate, view by Google <ref>,40.016931,3a,75y,314.84h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sGHNt5UjosIVkGt1maQujSA!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656?hl=ru&coh=... 1
05:54, 14 October 2024 KhanskayaAirbaseYandex01.jpg (file) 362 KB T == Summary == {{oq|KhanskayaAirbaseYandex01.jpg|}} Khanskaya Airbase (Aerodrom Khanskaya, Авиабаза Ханская) Screenshot of the Yandex maps, 2024 Address: Майкоп Республика Адыгея, Россия Coordinates: 44.6845,40.0379 ==References== {{ref}} Khanskaya (ICAO: URKH) is a Russian Aerospace Forces air base l... 1
05:50, 14 October 2024 KhanskayaAirbase720x972.png (file) 136 KB T == Summary == Khanskaya Airbase (Aerodrom Khanskaya, Авиабаза Ханская), ref mark at the map of Санитатная Зона. The URL of the contour map is generated from the spisok below. The example of the use is shown in figure at right. At small screen, the map is supposed to overlap with the spisok. ==spisol.txt and the Full scale pic== <div class="thumb tright" style="float:right; margin:-2px 0px 0px -40px;"> {{picx|KhanskayaAirbase720x972.png|972px}} {{put|260|940|14|<b>[[Баренцев... 1
20:32, 13 October 2024 LeoTolstoy5.jpg (file) 198 KB T {{oq|LeoTolstoy5.jpg|}} Толстой Лев Николаевич. Leo Tolstoy Image by <ref> Leo Tolstoy Archive Hadji Murad Chapter 17 Written: 1904 Source: Original Text from Transcription/Markup: Andy Carloff Online Source:; 2021 </ref> Original picture: ==Original description== 1
13:12, 8 October 2024 Korsun16575.png (file) 59 KB T   1
11:24, 4 October 2024 GorinDenisVladimirovichIndeendent.jpg (file) 63 KB T == Summary == {{oq|GorinDenisVladimirovichIndeendent.jpg|}} Gorin Denis Vladimirovich, Russian cannibal, friend of putin, 2023. Image by Independent <ref> 1
11:21, 4 October 2024 1970.06.07.RomanovBokassaAnropov.jpg (file) 106 KB T {{oq|1970.06.07.RomanovBokassaAnropov.jpg|}} Cannibals of century 20, Leningrad, 1970.04.06 In the First row: Romanov Grigory Vasilyevich, Jean-Bedel Bokassa, Andropov Yuri Vladimirovich Image bt sputnik <ref> https://sp... 1
02:48, 4 October 2024 VotkinskZaArMapcarta.jpg (file) 302 KB T {{oq|VotkinskZaArMapcarta.jpg|}} Воткинский завод (слева) и Воткинский Арсенал (справа) на карте <ref> </ref>. На карте, [[Воткинский заво... 1
03:26, 3 October 2024 VotkinskSan720x972.png (file) 138 KB T {{to}} VotkinskiArsenal (Воткинский Арсенал) (Red mark) in the map of the Buffer Zone at Russia (Санитарная Зона). ==Spisok and example== {{op}} <div class="thumb tright" style="float:right; margin:-36px... 1
03:25, 3 October 2024 VotkinskiArsenalMapia8.png (file) 67 KB T {{oq|VotkinskiArsenalMapia8.png|}} VotkinskiArsenal (Воткинский Арсенал) by Wikimapia <ref> </ref> ==References== {{ref}} {{fe... 1
03:24, 3 October 2024 VotkinskiArsenalGoo.jpg (file) 356 KB T {{oq|VotkinskiArsenalGoo.jpg|}} VotkinskiArsenal (Воткинский Арсенал) at the Google map <ref>,18/71,22/69.0308,33.4223/68.8584,33.7242/68.1603,33.4637/62.9821,40.7771/62.7217,40.4872/59.1914,... 1
19:00, 28 September 2024 Molkino720x972.png (file) 119 KB T ==Keywords== «Annexation of Crimes», «Budapest memorandum», «Demilitarization», «Denazification», «Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism», «Designate Russia as terrorist state», «Molkino», «[[Moscovia... 1
18:52, 28 September 2024 KolskiMap1308x984.png (file) 175 KB T {{oP}} KolskiMap1308x984.png есть контурная карта Кольского полуострова. Черные кружочки обозначают российские стратегические и/или военные объек... 1
18:46, 28 September 2024 2023.08.15.StianJenssen1024x514.jpg (file) 74 KB T   1
07:19, 26 September 2024 Demi720x972.png (file) 127 KB T {{oq|Demi720x972.png|}} Contour map of the Buffer Zone at Russia. Temporally, the description is at SeveromorskAirbase ==References== 2024.08.28. 1
04:29, 22 September 2024 DangerStaffStoredAtGround.jpg (file) 25 KB T {{oq|DangerStaffStoredAtGround.jpg|400x352}} Dangerous objects stored at the ground. Coordinates: 45.8908,40.038 Time: 2024 September, before the bavovna. Rotated fragment from the Google map <ref>,40.0... 1
13:28, 21 September 2024 Demi720x900.png (file) 117 KB T Look at Demi for the description 1
00:55, 18 September 2024 TanksMoscow2024om.jpg (file) 58 KB T == Summary == {{oq|TanksMoscow2024om.jpg|}} Screenshot from movie <ref> Соловьев Пометыч и Ко готовят население РФ к новым поражениям // Om TV Sep 15, 2024... 1
00:53, 18 September 2024 Shago1080x900ma8.png (file) 180 KB T == Summary == {{oP}} Контурная карта центральной Евразии и Санитарная Зона на ней. <div class="thumb tright" style="float:right; margin:-2px 0px 8px 0px"><!-- {{picx|Sz720x900.png|900px}}!--> {{p... 1
00:50, 18 September 2024 Shago720x900ma8.png (file) 117 KB T {{oP}} Контурная карта центральной Евразии и Санитарная Зона на ней. <div class="thumb tright" style="float:right; margin:-2px 0px 8px 0px"><!-- {{picx|Sz720x900.png|900px}}!--> {{picx|Shago1080... 1
00:48, 18 September 2024 OpenStreetMoscovia8.png (file) 241 KB T == Summary == {{oP}} <div style="float:right; margin:6px 0px 0px 8px"> {{picx|OpenStreetMoscovia8.png|480px}} {{put|530|320|24|<b>Московия</b>}} {{put|303|223|15|Москва}} {{put|288|200|13|[[Санитарная Зона|Санит... 1
00:46, 18 September 2024 2024.07.09.Pozeza360.jpg (file) 24 KB T == Summary == {{oq|2024.07.09.Pozeza360.jpg|}} Огненное ЧП произошло в ночь на девятое июля в поселке Генеральское Ростовской области: Пожар на нефтебазе в [[... 1
00:43, 18 September 2024 2022.02.23.planScr.jpg (file) 129 KB T == Summary == {{oq|2022.02.23.planScr.jpg|}} 2022.02.23: путин объясняет подельникам Путинский план спецоперации: <poem><i> Итак, план такой: 1. Начинаем спецопера... 1
13:53, 14 September 2024 Sz720x900.png (file) 114 KB T {{oP}} <div style="float:right; margin:-8px 0px 8px 0px"> {{picx|Sz720x900.png|900px}} {{put|193|843|14|*}} {{put|201|846|17|Авиабаза_Оленья}} {{put|480|610|36|<b>Московия</b>}} {{put|130|570|24|<b>Карелия</b>}}... 1
13:14, 10 September 2024 Sanit8.png (file) 149 KB T {{oq|Sanit8.png|}} Sanit8.png есть контурная карта Московии с добавленными кружочками. Эти кружочки указывают на российские стратегические и воен... 1
13:15, 9 September 2024 NesterenkoANscr2014.jpg (file) 95 KB T == Summary == {{oq|NesterenkoANscr2014.jpg|}} Нестеренко А.Н.; 2014.08.07, Чертановский суд. По-видимому, изображён Нестеренко Александр Николаевич ([[Nesterenko Aleks... 1
13:14, 9 September 2024 ChertanovskiSudMa8.png (file) 126 KB T == Summary == {{oq|ChertanovskiSudMa8.png|}} Чертановский суд на карте Москвы, год 2024 ==References== {{ref}}Воркута/Чертановский+районный+суд+г.+М... 1
13:14, 9 September 2024 ChertanovskiSud23423445.jpg (file) 48 KB T == Summary == {{oq|ChertanovskiSud23423445.jpg|}} Чертановский суд, 2024 Image by <ref> В Москве арестован... 1
15:40, 6 September 2024 FedotovoAirbaseZoomi.jpg (file) 405 KB T == Summary == {{oq|FedotovoAirbaseZoomi.jpg|}} Google map of the Fedotovo Airbase, zoomin at 59.1914,39.1298 ==Description== План демилитаризации и денацификации России: 1. Хватит курить, гд... 1
15:36, 6 September 2024 FedotovoAirbaseMa8.png (file) 193 KB T {{oP}} Fedotovo Airbase and and some other targets of the Sanitary zone (Buffer zone, Санитарная зона) at the Google map of South-West Moscovia <ref> <small>Воркута/Валдай+Р... 1
15:30, 6 September 2024 FedotovoAirbaseLocalMap.jpg (file) 306 KB T {{oP}} Fedotovo Airbase and vicinities at the Google maps. The following objects are marked: <div class="thumb tright" style=float:right; margin:-40px 0px 0px 8px"> {{pic|FedotovoAirbaseLocalMap.jpg|600px}} <p style="margin:-12px 0px 12px 0px;"><s... 1
14:22, 4 September 2024 2024.09.03.UlanbaProtestScr.jpg (file) 218 KB T == Summary == {{oq|2024.09.03.UlanbaProtestScr.jpg|1920x1080}} {{fig|2024.09.03.UlanbaProtestSc.jpg|480|-144|0|4|Zoomin at the banner}} 2024.09.03.Protest at Ulaanbaator (Mongolia) against visit of war criminal Putin. Screenshot... 1
14:17, 4 September 2024 2024.09.03.UlanbaProtestSc.jpg (file) 267 KB T {{oq|2024.09.03.UlanbaProtestSc.jpg|1920x1080}} {{fig|2024.09.03.UlanbaProtestScr.jpg|480|-14|0|4|Zoomin at the banner}} 2024.09.03.Protest at Ulaanbaator (Mongolia) against visit of war criminal Putin. Screenshot from movie <ref... 1
14:16, 4 September 2024 2024.09.03.MongoliaProtestScr.jpg (file) 57 KB T {{oq|2024.09.03.MongoliaProtestScr.jpg|}} <big><b>GET WAR CRIMINAL<br> PUTIN<br> OUT OF HERE</b></big> (Get war criminal putin out of here) Protest of Mongolians agaist the putin trip to Mongolia. Screenshot from movie <ref> htt... 1
06:18, 4 September 2024 UkhnaagiinPutin1818x1212.jpg (file) 133 KB T == Summary == {{oq|UkhnaagiinPutin1818x1212.jpg|}} Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh and putin in Mongolia 2024.09.03. Image by <ref> 1
06:17, 4 September 2024 TumurbaatarSukhbold2023gov661x841.jpg (file) 106 KB T == Summary == {{oq|TumurbaatarSukhbold2023gov661x841.jpg|661x841}} Tumurbaatar Sukhbold (Төмөрбаатарын Сүхболд), Mongolian offee, 2022.09.14 Image by <ref> 1
06:17, 4 September 2024 Sukhbold1.jpg (file) 107 KB T == Summary == {{oq|Sukhbold1.jpg|}} Tumurbaatar Sukhbold (Төмөрбаатарын Сүхболд), Mongolian offee; for y.2024, chef of police («Commissioner-General, National Police Agency Commander, Internal Troops»). Image by... 1
06:15, 4 September 2024 HagueVorkutaUlanbatorMa8.png (file) 203 KB T {{oq|HagueVorkutaUlanbatorMa8.png|}} International Criminal CourtHague») and Mongolia, red marks at the google map. ==References== {{ref}}<small>,+Mongolia/Moscow,+Russia/Vorkuta,+Komi+Re... 1
13:09, 3 September 2024 PutinVheraNap640.jpg (file) 61 KB T {{oq|PutinVheraNap640.jpg|}} Ты что наплёл вчера, пьянь? Screenshot from movie <ref> ЕРПЕНИЕ ЛОПНУЛО! НЕНАВИСТЬ РОССИЯН ЗАКОНЧИТ ПРАВЛЕНИ... 1
13:04, 3 September 2024 2024dvoinikiDWscr.jpg (file) 145 KB T {{oq|2024dvoinikiDWscr.jpg|}} Путинские двойники: Оринтолог, Васильич, Бункерный, Удмурт. Screenshot from movie Zapovednik by DW<ref> Zapovednik 2024.07.... 1
12:36, 3 September 2024 PutInMol.jpg (file) 76 KB T {{oq|PutInMol.jpg|}} <div class="thumb tright" style="float:tight; margin:-4px 0px 0px 4px"> {{pic|PutInMol.jpg|240px}} <p style="margin:-97px 0px 97px 154px; line-height:0px">{{pic|PutInMolFragment.png|15px}}</p> <p style="margin:-98px 0px 98px 156px... 1
12:34, 3 September 2024 PutInMolFragment.png (file) 5 KB T {{oq|PutInMolFragment.png|}} Horizontally flipped fragment from picture {{pic|PutInMol.jpg|240px}} This fragment is used to change gender of the war crime in the emulation of his document. Category:Emulation Category:Fragment 1
12:29, 3 September 2024 2024.06.15.Dvoiniki.jpg (file) 159 KB T {{oq|2024.06.15.Dvoiniki.jpg|}} Путинские двойники «Вроде настоящий» ("главный"), «Банкетный», «Василич», «Удмурт» Поют на лагерном концер... 1
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