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[[Miftakhov Azat Fanisovich]] ([[Мифтахов Азат Фанисович]]) Is Russian mathematician.
[[Miftakhov Azat Fanisovich]]<ref name="mem">
[[Мифтахов Азат Фанисович]] родился 22 марта 1993 года, последние годы жил в Москве, аспирант мехмата МГУ, придерживается анархистских взглядов. По утверждениям сотрудников правоохранительных органов, Мифтахов участвует в либертарном общественно-политическом движении «Народная самооборона» и в антирейдерском движении. По двум уголовным делам обвиняется по ч. 2 ст. 213 («Хулиганство группой лиц по предварительному сговору», до 7 лет лишения свободы) и подозревается по ч. 1 ст. 223.1 («Незаконное изготовление взрывчатых веществ и взрывных устройств», до 6 лет лишения свободы) УК РФ в нападении на офис «Единой России» и в изготовлении СВУ соответственно. По уголовному делу по ч. 2 ст. 213 УК РФ 12 февраля 2019 года взят под стражу решением суда, фактически лишён свободы с 1 февраля 2019 года.
[[File:F2EE8773-1EBE-4187-AC14-6F713364C80C cx0 cy4 cw0 w1023 r1 s.jpg|210px]]
[[Miftakhov Azat Fanisovich]] <ref name="pic">
https://www.svoboda.org/a/30338935.html В Москве математики провели акцию в поддержку Азата Мифтахова. 22 декабря 2019. "Новая газета" цитирует одного из пикетчиков, выпускника математического факультета Высшей школы экономики, который, изучив дело Мифтахова, пришёл к выводу, что "единственным доказательством является заявление засекреченного человека в маске, который через год опознал обвиняемого по выразительным бровям, а до этого не шёл в полицию, потому что его телефон был разряжен".// Аспирант мехмата МГУ Азат Мифтахов был задержан 1 февраля в Подмосковье. Его заподозрили в изготовлении самодельной бомбы и арестовали. В изоляторе Мифтахов жаловался на пытки. 7 февраля его отпустили без предъявления обвинений, но почти сразу задержали снова, уже по другому делу – о хулиганстве. По нему аспиранту грозит до семи лет лишения свободы.// По версии следствия, в ночь на 31 января 2018 года Мифтахов разбил окно в офисе "Единой России" в московском Ховрине и кинул внутрь дымовую шашку. Сам математик вину не признаёт и считает дело против него сфабрикованным.// В декабре суд продлил Мифтахову содержание под стражей до 7 февраля 2020 года.
[[Miftakhov Azat Fanisovich]] ([[Мифтахов Азат Фанисович]], 1993.03.22, Nizhnekamsk) Is Russian mathematician.
==Random processes==
Miftakhov investigates [[random processes]]
Miftakhov, Azat Fanisovich
Miftakhov, Azat Fanisovich
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Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
Theory of Stochastic Processes Vol. 21 (37), no. 1, 2016, pp. 1–11
Theory of Stochastic Processes Vol. 21 (37), no. 1, 2016, pp. 1–11
Since year 2018, Miftakhov is attacked by the Russian [[offie]]s;
the research activity of Miftakhov is interrupted by persecution, he becomes the [[political prisoner]].
==The Case of Azat Miftakhov Websites==
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Several sites are dedicated especially to Miftakhov:
The case of Azat Miftakhov
Take action
Videos of the Azat Miftakhov Day
The International Mathematical Union must support Azat Miftakhov
Open letter of Russian mathematicians to IMU
The Case of Azat Miftakhov Website
Information on that site seems to be more detailed and accurate than the interpretation below.
In addition, there is article at Wikipedia
That provides even more links.
The consideration below refers to the analysis of the historical content of the case of Miftakhov.
==[[State terror]]==
Since year 2018, Miftakhov becomes a victim of the political terror from side of [[pahanat]], totally [[corruption|corrupted]] Russian administration and courts.
Аспирант факультета МГУ задержан по делу о самодельной бомбе. 01 февраля 2019.
Аспирант факультета МГУ задержан по делу о самодельной бомбе. 01 февраля 2019.
В Москве задержан аспирант механико-математического факультета МГУ, подозреваемый в изготовлении взрывчатки в общежитии, сообщает "Интерфакс". Азамат Мифтахов задержан в ходе расследования уголовного дела о неразорвавшейся самодельной бомбе, найденной в Балашихе 11 января.
В Москве задержан аспирант механико-математического факультета МГУ, подозреваемый в изготовлении взрывчатки в общежитии, сообщает "Интерфакс". Азамат Мифтахов задержан в ходе расследования уголовного дела о неразорвавшейся самодельной бомбе, найденной в Балашихе 11 января.
https://www.svoboda.org/a/30305834.html Суд вновь продлил срок содержания Азата Мифтахова под стражей. 03 декабря 2019. оловинский районный суд Москвы продлил до 7 февраля арест аспиранту МГУ Азату Мифтахову. К окончанию этого срока общее время его пребывания под стражей по делу о разбитом окне офиса "Единой России" достигнет одного года. Адвокат Светлана Сидоркина просила перевести своего подзащитного под домашний арест, сообщает телеграм-канал студенческого издания DOXA.// Мифтахов был задержан 1 февраля в Подмосковье. Его заподозрили в изготовлении самодельной бомбы и арестовали. В изоляторе Мифтахов жаловался на пытки. 7 февраля его отпустили без предъявления обвинений, но почти сразу задержали вновь, уже по новому делу – о хулиганстве.// По версии следствия, в ночь на 31 января 2018 года Азат Мифтахов разбил окно в офисе "Единой России" в московском Ховрине и кинул внутрь дымовую шашку. Ему грозит до семи лет лишения свободы. Сам математик вину не признаёт и считает дело против него сфабрикованным.
Russia Jails Math Grad Student for Attack on Ruling Party. Jan. 18, 2021
Russian math graduate student and self-described anarchist Azat Miftakhov was sentenced to six years in prison Monday after almost two years in detention on hooliganism charges his supporters say are politically motivated.
Miftakhov, 27, was initially detained in February 2019 on accusations of bomb-making, but was later held for breaking the office window of Russia’s ruling political party. The Moscow State University postgraduate student says he was tortured in custody and prominent human rights group Memorial — which Russia has designated a “foreign agent” — declared Miftakhov a political prisoner.
Moscow’s Golovinsky district court found Miftakhov guilty of hooliganism and sentenced him to six years in a penal colony, the OVD-Info police monitoring website reported Monday.
The sentence fully meets a state prosecution request last month to jail Miftakhov for six years and hand the two other defendants suspended sentences.
Authorities accuse Miftakhov of handing a smoke bomb to a fourth suspect who hurled it inside the United Russia political party’s office window in northern Moscow on the evening of Jan. 30, 2018. That suspect fled Russia in 2019.
Miftakhov has denied the charges but investigators said a secret witness who died from a cardiac incident last fall had identified the activist by his “expressive eyebrows,” according to OVD-Info.
The anarchist activist’s defense team, which has said it will appeal the court ruling, has voiced concerns that he may also be prosecuted under the initial bomb-making charges.
Prominent academics, including linguist Noam Chomsky, have expressed concern over allegations of Miftakhov’s torture, which fellow detainees said was so gruesome that “he didn’t look like a human being.”
More than 2,500 mathematicians from around the world signed a petition ahead of the verdict demanding that Russia release Miftakhov and threatening to boycott the 2022 International Congress of Mathematicians, the first that Moscow is set to host since 1966. Dozens of Russian Academy of Sciences members have also written a letter in Miftakhov’s support, while a petition demanding his release gathered almost 90,000 signatures.
A number of Miftakhov’s supporters were detained outside a courthouse last Monday, when the judge was initially due to deliver a verdict.
The police officers are reported to apply sadistic torture to Mivtakhov in order to fore him to accept the accusations
[[Мосгорсуд]] есть российская организация, занимающаяся, как считают, политическими репрессиями.
<ref>https://ovdinfo.org/articles/2019/02/22/v-chem-obvinyayut-miftahova-delo-o-razbitom-okne-hronologiya Лора Фиш. В чем обвиняют Мифтахова: дело о разбитом окне. Хронология. 22.02.2019, Москва.//
2018 год 31 января Неизвестные разбили окно офиса «Единой России» в районе Ховрино и бросили внутрь дымовую шашку. Видео акции опубликовало анархистское движение «Народная самооборона».//
13 февраля Телеграм-канал «Кремлевская прачка» опубликовал видео, в описании которого говорилось: «К анархистам, участвовавшим в субботней акции под названием: „Государство главный враг“ на Мясницкой, рано утром постучали в дверь».//
Позже стало известно, что в этот день в квартире московской зоозащитницы Елены Горбань прошел обыск. Девушку доставили в Главное управление МВД Москвы, где допросили. Сначала Горбань была в статусе свидетеля по делу о вандализме (ч. 1 ст. 214 УК), которое возбудили после акции у отделения «Единой России». Адвоката в течение четырех часов не пускали к Горбань. Когда ей наконец разрешили пройти, девушка уже была согласна признать вину и дать показания.//
Вечером полицейские пришли к активисту «Левого блока» Алексею Кобаидзе. Он отказался открывать дверь, и долгое время полицейские не могли проникнуть в квартиру. После обыска Кобаидзе тоже доставили в ГУ МВД и допросили.//
Активистов задержали на 48 часов как подозреваемых. Горбань признала вину, а Кобаидзе отказался давать показания, сославшись на 51 статью Конституции. После очной ставки их выпустили из ИВС под подписку о невыезде.//
14 марта У активистов «Левого блока» и в штабе объединения прошли обыски. Силовики задержали не менее девяти человек по делу о разбитом окне.//
Одна из задержанных в тот день рассказывала ОВД-Инфо, как происходил обыск://
Они с силой открыли дверь в нашу комнату. Кричали «Мордой в пол». Слава (Святослав Речкалов — ОВД-Инфо) лежал, я сидела у стены. Я пыталась смотреть, что они будут делать, на меня орали, чтобы я смотрела в стену, иначе буду лежать, как Слава, лицом в пол. Мне кинули на голову футболку, чтобы я не могла видеть, что они делают. Кричали на меня и спрашивали, есть ли дома еще кто-то. Я сказала, что не знаю. Они стали еще больше орать. В итоге к соседу ворвались в комнату, под дулом автомата ввели к нам и заставили лечь лицом в пол, руки за голову. По словам девушки, от задержанных пытались получить показания против анархиста Святослава Речкалова. Почти всех активистов в тот же день отпустили. Под стражей остался Речкалов, позднее сообщивший о пытках.//
«14 марта я проснулся от того, что вооруженный бронированный спецназ вышибает дверь в мою квартиру. <…> Закончилось для меня все пытками током с мешком на голове в микрофургоне, в ходе которых мне объясняли, что бороться с рейдерами нужно под флагом прокремлевских движений, требовали признать себя лидером анархистов всея Руси, организатором всех анархистских акций и кампаний в этой стране <…> Приближались выборы президента 2018, силовики пытались спасти их от анархистов, как могли», — рассказывал Речкалов ОВД-Инфо.//
16 марта Речкалова отпустили из ИВС под подписку о невыезде. В начале лета 2018 года он покинул Россию.
Подозреваемыми по делу, помимо Речкалова, стали Елена Горбань, Андрей Ейкин и Алексей Кобаидзе.//
2019 год 16 января В телеграм-канале «Опер слил» появилась фотография анархиста, аспиранта механико-математического факультета МГУ Азата Мифтахова с оскорблениями в его адрес и подписью «Мы же тебя предупреждали — прекращай заниматься ерундой».Ранее Мифтахова уже упоминали в канале. В июле 2018 года там опубликовали фотографии задержанных анархистов с подписью: «А ещё одному мудню, который убегал дворами с пакетом, в котором лежал баннер для „социального активизма“, передаём отдельный привет! Азат Мифтахов, жди нас в гости».//
18 января Мифтахов сообщил ОВД-Инфо, что к нему в общежитие МГУ приходили с обыском. Активиста в тот момент дома не было. У него изъяли телефоны, ноутбук, книги и крупную сумму денег.//
1 февраля Утром обыски прошли по нескольким адресам в Москве и Подмосковье — в квартирах, где находились активисты антирейдерского движения, а также активисты «Народной самообороны». Позже стало известно, что обыски прошли в рамках дела об изготовлении взрывного устройства (ч. 1 ст. 223.1 УК), которое нашли в Балашихе 11 января 2018 года. После обысков задержали по меньшей мере 12 человек, среди которых — Елена Горбань, Даниил Галкин и Азат Мифтахов. Всех, кроме Мифтахова, отпустили в тот же день.//
Позже Галкин рассказал «Медиазоне» о том, что его пытали электрошокером и склоняли к сотрудничеству. «Меня кидают на пол, под сиденье, сверху садятся оперативники, кладут на меня ноги. Один положил свой кроссовок мне на лицо. Ехали минут пять. Один сказал: „Ну, я тебе обещал“. И они наносят мне удары электрошоком. Били не быстро — один держал мою ногу, а второй секунды три или четыре прикладывал электрошокер к ногам, икрам, ближе к паховой части. А в это время другой оперативник тянул мои руки — то есть они были у меня за спиной, и они всю дорогу, где-то два с половиной часа, мне тянули руки. То есть как ласточка» — вспоминал он.//
2 февраля Ночью следователь сообщила адвокату Светлане Сидоркиной, что Азат Мифтахов находится в ИВС Балашихи. От адвоката больше суток скрывали местонахождение подзащитного. Как выяснилось, в это время анархиста пытали. Мифтахов рассказал Сидоркиной, что к его груди приставляли включенный шуруповерт, от чего на его теле остался след. Затем Мифтахову угрожали вставить инструмент в анальное отверстие. После этого молодого человека били ладонью по лицу, кулаком по груди, пинали по ногам и груди, вырывали волосы. Члены ОНК подтвердили, что на теле Мифтахова обнаружили следы пыток. ..
Personal of the [[Мосгорсуд]] are reported to organize the repression
В Москве суд в очередной раз продлил арест аспиранту МГУ Азату Мифтахову.
Азат Мифтахов, которого обвиняют в хулиганстве по делу о разбитом окне в офисе «Единой России», провёл в СИЗО уже год. Его оставили под стражей до 7 апреля.
4 февраля Московский городской суд оставил аспиранта МГУ Азата Мифтахова под стражей до 7 апреля 2020 года. Об этом сообщает «Новая газета».
The detailed explanations of the case are provided by mother of Azat Miftakhov,
[[Hisainova Gilnur Fanzamanovna]] ([[Хусаинова Гульнур Фанзамановна]])
halidahamid August 25 2019, 14:22
Обращение к президенту Республики Татарстан Гульнур Хусаиновой, мамы Азата Мифтахова.
«Я ему говорила: “⁠Азат, будь осторожнее”»
Гульнур Хусаинова, мать Азата Мифтахова, — об уголовном деле и обвинениях, выдвинутых против ее сына
</ref> (in Russian). In particular, she addresses to
[[Minninhanov Rustam Nurgalievich]] ([[Минниханов Рустам Нургалиевич]]), president of [[Tatarstan]]. No reply is observed, her petition seem to be just ignored.
The most of information about Miftakhov is provided by volunteers.
The sites of the courts provide neither video records of the sessions, nor the stenogramms, nor text versions of the related documents.
This observation confirms the public opinion about innocence of Miftackhov.
News about Miftakhov and their interpretation show good agreement with general concept, that [[corruption]] in Russia of century 21 not only got the large scale, but become common, usual phenomenon, that characterizes the entire life of the society of the Russian officials <ref>
http://kremlin.ru/transcripts/1566 Д.Медведев. Вступительное слово на заседании Совета по противодействию коррупции. 30 сентября 2008 года, 16:25 Москва, Кремль. Д.Медведев: Коррупция в нашей стране приобрела не просто масштабный характер, она стала привычным, обыденным явлением, которое характеризует саму жизнь в нашем обществе...</ref>
Miftakhov’s case The death of a secret witness marks the latest twist in the trial of a Russian graduate student and anarchist activist
3:04 am, October 15, 2020
Source: Meduza
The trial of graduate student and anarchist activist Azat Miftakhov is ongoing at Moscow’s Golovinsky District Court. He stands accused of attacking a United Russia office in 2018. Miftakhov, who has pleaded not guilty, has received support from world-famous academics, including linguist Noam Chomsky. During the latest hearing on Monday, October 13, one of the prosecution’s key witnesses was supposed to testify — he allegedly saw Miftakhov at the United Russia office on the night in question and later recognized him by his “expressive eyebrows.” But the secret witness wasn’t able to appear before the court — during the hearing, state prosecutors announced that he had died. “Meduza” breaks down the latest developments in Azat Miftakhov’s case.
Multiple arrests and torture allegations
The criminal prosecution of Azat Miftakhov, an anarchist activist and graduate student in mechanics and mathematics at Moscow State University, began in the winter of 2019. In the early morning of February 1, law enforcement searched the 25-year-old graduate student’s dorm room — afterwards, they took him to the police department. Miftakhov was accused of building an explosive device that had been found in Balashikha (a city on the outskirts of Moscow) a year earlier. Miftakhov’s whereabouts were unknown until the international human rights group Agora informed his lawyer Svetlana Sidorkina of his arrest on February 2 — according to police officials, he wasn’t arrested until then.
After a day and a half at the police department, Miftakhov cut himself — as he explained, he opened his veins to avoid torture. However, as he later told his lawyer, police officers beat him and tortured him with a screwdriver, demanding a confession. Miftakhov’s lawyer and members of the Public Monitoring Commission later recorded a screwdriver mark on his chest and a bruise on his ear. But the Investigative Committee didn’t open a criminal case over the use of violence.
Daniil Galkin, another anarchist activist who was arrested alongside Miftakhov on February 1, also spoke about the illegal use of force by law enforcement officials — he claims he was electrocuted. Under torture, Galkin testified that Miftakhov could have been involved in fabricating explosives.
Russian graduate student and anarchist activist faces closed hearing after alleged torture, intimidation, searches
Police officials wanted to jail Miftakhov in connection with the Balashikha case, but the court ruled that there wasn’t enough evidence twice. As a result, Azat Miftakhov was released from temporary detention on February 7, only to be arrested once again that very same day. This time, his arrest was in connection with another criminal case — over an attack on a United Russia office in Moscow. On the night of January 31, 2018, unidentified figures broke a window at the ruling party’s office on Onezhskaya Street and threw a smoke grenade inside. The smoke grenade melted a section of the office’s linoleum flooring, which cost 48,000 rubles to replace (about $620). Police officials opened a case for vandalism. Initially, four people were suspected in the case — anarchist activists Elena Gorban and Alexey Kobaidze, who pleaded guilty right away and were released on their own recognizance, as well as anti-fascist activist Andrey Eykin and anarchist Svyatoslav Rechkalov.
The “broken window” investigation was suspended in September 2018 and resumed on February 7, 2019 — immediately after the arrest of Azat Miftakhov. At this point, it became known that the investigation had been reclassified under a more serious offense: hooliganism, which is punishable by up to seven years in prison. The grounds for Miftakhov’s arrest was the testimony of a secret witness under the pseudonym “Andrey Petrov” — he allegedly saw the graduate student near the United Russia office.
In February 2020, the prosecutor’s office issued an indictment against three suspects in the case — Elena Gorban, Andrey Eykin, and Azat Miftakhov. The other suspects — Svyatoslav Rechkalov and Alexey Kobaidze — fled Russia. According to state investigators, they all belonged to an anarchist movement called People’s Self-Defense, which is associated with the 2018 terrorist attack on the FSB building in Arkhangelsk. Svyatoslav Rechkalov said that during his interrogation in 2018, law enforcement officers tortured him, forcing him to confess to being the leader of this movement.
Azat Miftakhov remained in custody all this time, denying any affiliation with People’s Self Defense and pleading not guilty of involvement in the attack on the United Russia office. Human rights defenders from the organization Memorial declared him a political prisoner. Immediately after his first arrest and the reports of torture, hundreds of academics from around the world, including well-known philosopher and linguist Noam Chomsky, signed an open letter supporting Miftakhov.
During her interrogation, Miftakhov’s acquaintance Elena Gorban said that she had been in communication with members of the group, but wasn’t a member herself. After the case was reclassified under hooliganism charges, she withdrew her confession, because, in her words, she wasn’t motivated by political hatred or a desire to harm others. Andrey Eykin pleaded guilty and made a deal with state investigators.
Moscow State University student officially detained after repeated arrests and alleged torture
Moscow students petition rector to defend classmate repeatedly arrested as part of crackdown on anarchists
Moscow State University activists put giant poster under rector’s office window urging him to support jailed student
Secret witnesses
According to the investigation, a secret witness under the pseudonym “Karaulny” (the Russian word for sentry or watchman) testified to the fact that Azat Miftakhov was not only a member of the People’s Self-Defense, but also an active participant in the movement’s activities. This witness was first interrogated after Miftakhov’s arrest. During the interrogation, “Karaulny” said that he met the graduate student at one of the movement’s protest actions in 2015 — he claimed that Miftakhov had joined the People’s Self-Defense the year prior.
“Karaulny” claimed that at People’s Self-Defense meetings, Miftakhov “urged like-minded people not to limit themselves to putting up promotional materials, gradually raising the bar up to carrying out radical actions, which involved using Molotov cocktails, smoke grenades, etc., on government buildings.” According to the witness, the graduate student was also involved “in anarchist training activities,” including “combat training, knife fighting, and training where they practiced techniques [to use] against police officers.”
When communication with other members of the movement via messenger apps, Miftakhov used the screen name “Grothendieck,” “Karaulny” claims; allegedly, the graduate student told him that this was a reference to a French mathematician — presumably Alexander Grothendieck, who is considered one of the leading mathematicians of the twentieth century. According to the prosecution, Miftakhov’s laptop, which was seized during the search in February 2019, had documents containing quotes from this correspondence — in it, users with the screen names “Grothendieck” and “Rakcsha” discuss “some sort of device.” Investigators, like the witness “Karaulny,” believe that Miftakhov was the one using the nickname Grothendieck and that allegedly, his interlocutor was Gorban.
During the hearing at the Golovinsky Court on October 13, “Karaulny” participated by video link from the courtroom of the Second Western District Military Court — the hearing itself was closed to journalists and the public due to the coronavirus. The defense insisted on declassifying the witness, but the court refused.
“Karaulny” testified against Azat Miftakhov once again. However, in conversation with Meduza, Elena Gorban’s lawyer, Nikita Taranishchenko, noted that the witness’s statements differed significantly from the information given during the investigation. For example, “Karaulny” previously claimed that he knew all of the accused by their last names, but in court he stated that he only knew Miftakhov. In addition, “Karaulny” admitted during the hearing that much of his testimony about Miftakhov was only speculation. The witness also told investigators that he saw Gorban at People’s Self-Defense rallies many times, but during the hearing he refused to confirm her involvement in the movement.
In conversation with Meduza, Taranishchenko emphasized his plans to request that the judge exclude “Karaulny’s” testimony given during the investigation from the evidence in the case.
The death of ‘Andrey Petrov’
Another secret witness was supposed to be questioned during the hearing on October 13; one given the pseudonym “Andrey Petrov.” But he never had the chance to testify in court. According to the death certificate, which the judge confirmed as an authentic document in court, “Petrov” died of “cardiac trauma” on January 15, 2020. On that same day (or, according to other reports, on January 1) a key witness for the prosecution in another high-profile case died after being “stabbed in the heart” — 40-year-old Dmitry Murmalyov, who testified against the defendants accused in the terrorism case against “Artpodgotovka” — a movement banned in Russia. Igor Gukovsky, who works for the Memorial human rights group, suggested that Murmalyov and “Andrey Petrov” could be the same person. This hasn’t been confirmed.
Miftakhov’s lawyer, Svetlana Sidorkina, told Meduza that the court refused to declassify the identity of the witness in Miftakhov’s case. “The court [attributed] this to the fact that he has relatives who could be harmed by, shall we say, Maltsev’s colleagues and associates, other defendants, and by the actions of the defendants themselves. There were no legal grounds for not disclosing the personal data,” Sidorkina maintains. Gorban’s attorney, Nikita Taranishcheko, is also convinced that the refusal wasn’t justified, and as such, considers the court’s decision “a substantive violation of the right to defense.”
Like “Karaulny,” “Andrey Petrov” first gave testimony after Azat Miftakhov’s arrest — the witness explained that he saw the anarchist activist at the United Russia office, but he couldn’t call the police at the time because his phone was dead. He remembered the incident only after he saw the news of a MGU graduate student’s arrest in connection with the case in February 2019.
During questioning, “Andrey Petrov” said that on the night of January 30, 2018, he was in one of the courtyards on Flotskaya Street (although he lives in another part of Moscow) when he noticed a group of six young people. Since they seemed “suspicious” to him, “Andrey Petrov” decided to watch them.
“A girl went up to a window on the first floor, she broke the glass with some object in her hand. After that, a guy — the tallest one among them — threw an object into the window, which started a fire,” “Petrov” told investigators. At this point, according to the witness, two guys remained in the courtyard, watching the entrances and footpaths. Miftakhov, “Petrov” claimed, “showed and explained to the others what to do near the office.” Despite the fact that this took place in January 2018, at night, and the fact that he testified more than a year after the incident, “Petrov” was allegedly able to pick Miftakhov out of a line up by his “expressive eyebrows.”
In conversation with Meduza, Miftakhov’s attorney Svetlana Sidorkina stressed that she plans to request the exclusion of “Petrov’s” testimony — as well as “Karaulny’s” testimony — from the evidence in the case. “The right to an adversary proceeding was violated due to the fact that the personal data wasn’t released during the court hearing. The defense doesn’t have an opportunity to identify the identities of these people and objectively assess the reliability of the testimonies that they gave,” she underscores.
The prosecution concluded its presentation of the evidence in the case with the testimony of the two secret witnesses. The defense is set to speak at the next court hearing, scheduled for October 30.
==Mathematic community==
Publiée le 19.01.2021
Le 18 janvier 2021 la cour de Moscou a déclaré coupable Azat Miftakhov d'avoir cassé une vitre dans un bureau du parti politique au pouvoir et l'a condamné à 6 ans de prison. La lettre qui suit, émise par Ahmed Abbes (Directeur de Recherches, CNRS) est à diffuser le plus largement possible.
The international mathematical community is gravely concerned about the situation of Azat Miftakhov, the graduate student from Moscow State University who has been detained by Russian state authorities for nearly two years.
We are appalled and horrified by the verdict of the Golovinsky District Court of Moscow announced today. "To find Miftakhov, Azat Fanisovich, guilty of hooliganism by a group of persons by prior conspiracy based on political hatred with the use of an object used as a weapon and to condemn him to 6 years in prison with serving a sentence in a general regime colony," the judge announced the verdict. "The correction of Miftakhov is possible only in conditions of isolation from society in a general regime colony," the court decided.
The defense of Azat Miftakhov announced that it will appeal the verdict. "Of course, we will appeal. We insisted on an acquittal," lawyer Svetlana Sidorkina told Tass.
We have been following his case since October 2020 and we have come to believe that the charges against him are a pure invention of the Russian authorities.
On January 4, 2021, we sent a letter concerning the case of Azat Miftakhov, signed by 47 mathematicians, to the members of the Executive Organizing Committee and Local Organizing Committee of the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) that will be held in Saint- Petersburg in 2022. We also alerted the International Mathematical Union.
A recent petition in support of Azat Miftakhov has been signed by more than 3000 mathematicians from more than 15 countries.
More than 50 academicians, corresponding members and professors of the Russian Academy of Sciences published an open letter dedicated to the case of Azat Miftakhov. “The punishment already borne by Azat does not appear to be commensurate with the crime he is alleged to have committed, and the sentence of six years in a penal colony requested for him by the state prosecutor provokes our indignation. We urge the court to release Azat Miftakhov ” wrote, in particular, the Russian academicians.
Professor Anatoly Vershik, the former president of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society, a member of the European Academy of Sciences, a Humboldt Prize laureate, chief researcher of the St. Petersburg section of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, told Novaya Gazeta on January 10, 2021: "We mathematicians are meticulous people, we need proofs. Gradually, even the most conservative skeptics became aware of the absurdity of the situation around Azat Miftakhov."
A fact sheet about The Case of Azat Miftakhov can be found here. A French version is available here.
We will continue to monitor Azat Miftakhov's case and provide our support until he is released and his rights are fully restored. We hold the Russian authorities directly responsible for the safety and physical and moral integrity of our colleague.
Ahmed Abbes, mathematician, Director of research at CNRS, Paris
Michel Broué, Professor emeritus of mathematics at the University of Paris
Chandler Davis, Professor emeritus of mathematics, University of Toronto.
Fabien Durand, Président de la Société Mathématique de France, Professor of mathematics, Université de Picardie Jules Verne
Ivar Ekeland, FRSC, Professor emeritus of mathematics and former President, University of Paris-Dauphine
Dennis Gaitsgory, Professor of mathematics, Harvard University
Michael Harris, Professor of mathematics, Columbia University
Ilya Kapovich, Professor of mathematics, Hunter College of CUNY, Chair, Committee on the Human Rights of Mathematicians, American Mathematical Society
Raphael Rouquier, Professor of mathematics, University of California, Los Angeles
Masha Vlasenko, professor at the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences
==More letter==
An open letter in support of Azat Miftakhov, a mathematician
Multiple sources confirm that on February 1, 2019 Azat Miftakhov, a graduate student of the Moscow State University Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, was detained on suspicion of manufacturing explosives. He was tortured by the police and the Federal Security Service — according to another detainee Daniil Galkin, by the time he got a hold of Azat, he “didn’t look like a human being” anymore. The police used torture to force a testimony out of Miftakhov. Security forces are concealing his location from his lawyer Svetlana Sidorkina; she hasn’t been able to contact him for the time being. According to the lawyer and other detainees, Azat may have tried to cut his veins as a result.
Detailed information on this case is given by the Russian media such as Meduza (http:
//alturl.com/nq53k) and OVD-Info (http:
Azat Miftakhov has just started his mathematical career: his first mathematical paper
On weak convergence of finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional distributions of random processes was published in 2016.
We, the representatives of the mathematical community and ones in solidarity with them, are extremely concerned about the current situation. We demand to know the location and health status of Azat immediately, and that he is granted access to his lawyer. We also demand instantaneous cessation of torture of Miftakhov and other detainees, as well as a transparent and fair trial.
Update: Azat Mivtakhov has been found in the Balashikha police station in Moscow. The investigator claims he was arrested at 19:10 on February, 2. Azat and his lawyer confirmed the use of torture, as reported by Mediazona (https://zona.media/article/2019/02/03/azat, in Russian). English version is available at The Russian Reader website: https://therussianreader.com/2019/02/04/azat-miftakhov https://therussianreader.com/2019/02/04/azat-miftakhov-2.
Letter originators: Balaram Usov, Roman Krutowski, Ilya Dumansky, Rodion D ́eev, Kon- stantin Loginov, Dmitry Korshunov, Bogdan Zavyalov, Ann Dmitrieva.
This list contains only selected signatures. For a complete list which includes more than 300 signatures of math researchers, students and alumni of math departments, see the webpage of the open letter: http://doxajournal.ru/uni/mathfac (in Russian).
Sergey Konyagin, principal researcher at Steklov Mathematical Institute, full member of the RAS, fellow of the AMS
Victor Vassiliev, principal researcher at Steklov Mathematical Institute, President of the Moscow Math Society, full member of RAS, fellow of the AMS
Anatoly Vershik, principal researcher at St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathamat- ical Institute, professor, fellow of the AMS
Michael Finkelberg, professor at Skoltech Center for Advanced Studies, IITP RAS, HSE Alexander Braverman, professor at University of Toronto, Skoltech
Alexander Belavin, principal researcher at Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, corresponding member of RAS, professor
Ilya Shkredov, principal researcher at Steklov Mathematical Institute, professor of the RAS, corresponding member of the RAS
Vladimir Protasov, professor of the RAS, professor at Moscow State University and HSE, corresponding member of RAS
Efim Khazanov, Institute of Applied Physics of the RAS, corresponding member of RAS
Elizaveta Bonch-Osmolovskaya, principal researcher at Winogradsky Institute of Micro- biology, corresponding member of RAS
Elena Berezovich, professor at the department of Russian language and general lin- guistics, Ural Federal University, professor of the RAS, corresponding member of the RAS
Askold Ivanchik, fellow at the Institute of World History of the RAS, corresponding member of the RAS
Noam Chomsky, Institute Professor, Professor of Linguistics Emeritus at MIT
Mikhail S. Gelfand, professor of bioinformatics, IITP, HSE, Skoltech, fellow of the Academia Europaea
Konstantin Sonin, professor at Harris School of Public Policy, Univresity of Chicago, HSE
Yulij Ilyashenko, professor at HSE
Sergei Yakovenko, full professor, Gershon Kekst Professor of Mathematics, The Weiz- mann Institute of Science
Vladimir Lin, Technion, professor emeritus
Roman Bezrukavnikov, professor at MIT
Misha Verbitsky, Pesquisador Titular (full professor) at IMPA
Mikhail Belolipetsky, professor at IMPA
Alexandre Ananin, professor at Universidade de S ̃ao Paulo
Sem ̈en Kutateladze, principal researcher at Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, professor, fellow of the AMS
Evgeny Vdovin, principal researcher at Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, professor of the RAS
Leonid Bokut’, leading researcher at Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, professor, hon- orary citizen of Guangzhou
Roman Karasev, principal researcher at MIPT, federal professor 2
Alexandre Eremenko, Distinguished professor at Purdue University, fellow of the AMS
Alexander Bufetov, directeur de recherche at CNRS, leading researchet at Steklov Math- ematical Institute, professor of the RAS
Yuri Prokhorov, leading researcher at Steklov Mathematical Institute, professor Ekaterina Amerik, professor at Universit ́e de Paris-Sud, HSE
Marat Rovinsky, professor at HSE, IITP
Ivan Losev, professor at University of Toronto, HSE
Alexander Kolesnikov, professor at HSE
Vadim Vologodsky, leading researcher at HSE, professor
Dmitry Kaledin, leading researcher at Steklov Mathamatical Institute, professor of the RAS
Sergey Khoroshkin, professor at HSE
Vladimir Roubtsov, professor at Universit ́e d’Angers
Alexander Shen, directeur de recherche at CNRS, LIRMM Montpellier
Valentin Schechtman, leading researcher at IITP, professor at HSE
Alexander Kirillov Jr., professor at SUNY Stony Brook
Senya Shlosman, leading researcher at IITP, professor at Skoltech, directeur de recherche at CPT
Alexander I. Efimov, senior researcher at Steklov Mathamatical Institute
Andrej A. Kon’kov, professor at Moscow State University
Victor Ostrik, professor at University of Oregon
Vladimir Fok, professor at Universit ́e de Strasbourg, Dept. de Math-Info
Sergei Maslov, professor at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Alexander L. Smirnov, leading researcher at St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathamatical Institute
Kirill Oseledets, professor at City Colleges of Chicago Alexander Guterman, professor at Moscow State University
Denis Krotov, leading researcher at Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, professor of the RAS
Edward A. Hirsch, leading researcher at St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathamat- ical Institute
Victor Turchin, professor at Kansas State University Jacob Greenstein, professor at UC Riverside
Leonid Prigozhin, professor at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Alexander Leibman, professor at Ohio State University
Rasul Shafikov, professor at University of Western Ontario
Sergey Kryzhevich, professor at St. Petersburg State University Elena Kudryavtseva, professor at Moscow State University
Artem Pyatkin, leading researcher at Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, professor of the RAS
Anton Baranov, professor at St. Petersburg State University Alexey Tuzhilin, professor at Moscow State University
Oleg Anshakov, professor of the chair of mathematics, logic, and intellectual systems at Russian State University for the Humanities
Dmitri Piontkovski, professor at HSE
Alexei Savvateev, professor at MIPT
Alexey Ustinov, federal professor at Pacific National University
Vladimir Shlyk, professor at Belarussian State University
Basil Louri ́e, professor at the Department of Humanities, HSE Campus in Perm, Scrinium (Leiden)
Andrei Desnitsky, leading researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies, professor of the RAS
Sergey Tsirel, principal researcher at Saint Petersburg Mining University
Alexander V. Markov, professor at the faculty of biology, Moscow State University, professor of the RAS
Yaroslav Leontiev, professor at the faculty of public administration, Moscow State Uni- versity
Alexander Venger, professor of psycholofy at Dubna University
Galina Zykova, professor at the faculty of philology, Moscow State University
Viktor Kelner, professor, Department of History, European University at St. Petersburg
Zhanna Reznikova, professor, head of the Laboratory of behavioural ecology of animal communities, Institute of Systematics and
Ecology of Animals, Siberian Branch of the RAS
Natalya T. Pakhsaryan, professor at the faculty of philology, Moscow State University Ivan Kurilla, professor at European University at St. Petersburg
Adrian A. Selin, professor at the department of history, HSE Campus in St. Petersburg Igor Lysenok, leading researcher at Steklov Mathamatical Institute
Anna Frid, maˆıtre de conf ́erences at Aix-Marseille Universit ́e
Dimitri Zvonkine, Laboratoire Math ́ematiques de Versailles, CNRS
Petr E. Pushkar, associate professor at HSE
Nikita Kalinin, leading researcher at the Laboratory of Game Theory and Decision Making, associate professor at HSE
Leonid Positselski, researcher at the Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, IITP
Yulia Fridman, reseacher at Kourchatov Institute
Alexei Gorinov, associate professor at HSE
Arseniy Akopyan, senior researcher at IITP
Alexey Muranov, maˆıtre de conf ́erences at Aix-Marseille Universit ́e Vladimir Lebedev, senior researcher at Moscow State
University Leonid Rybnikov, associate professor at HSE
Ilya Schurov, associate professor at the department of higher mathematics at HSE
Evgeny Smirnov, associate professor at HSE
Alexey Elagin, research fellow at Laboratory of Algebraic Geometry and its Applications
Fedor Bakharev, senior researcher at Chebyshev Laboratory at St. Petersburg State University
Alexander Shtern, associate professor at Department of Mathematical Education, HSE Dmitrii Tereshin, associate professor at MIPT
Viktor Prasolov, author, MCCME
Leonid Petrov, assistant professor at University of Virginia
Alexandra Skripchenko, assistant professor at HSE
Yury Kudryashov, visiting assistant Professor at Cornell University
Rina Anno, assistant professor at Kansas State University
Pedro Frejlich, assistant professor at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Sergey Suchalkin, assistant professor at SUNY Stony Brook
Olga Maslova, assistant professor of costume design, Department of Theatre, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Panos Kompatsiaris, assistant professor at the School of Media, HSE
Grigory Bazhenov, junior researcher at faculty of economics, Moscow State University Leonid Volkov, alumnus of the Ural State University, PhD in Mathematics
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==Suspected persons==
On the base of publications citer, the preliminary list is constructed of the Russian
officials, who seem to organize the [[state terror]] against [[Miftakhov Azat Fanisovich]]:
[[Bulgakova Elena Mikhailovna]] ([[Булгакова Елена Михайловна]]), judge, [[Тверской райсуд]] <ref>
[[Булгакова Елена Михайловна]]
[[Тверской районный суд]] (Город Москва) · +7 (495) 694-04-95 · 129090, г. Москва, ул. Каланчевская, д. 43А
[[Bazarov Sergei Nikolaevich]] ([[Базаров Сергей Николаевич]]), judge, [[Головинский райсуд]] <ref>
Главная Головинский районный суд О суде Структура суда Судьи //
[[Мохов Андрей Валерьевич]]
Назначен Указом Президента РФ № 111 от 11 марта 2016 года 501 +7 (495) 450-28-14
Жилкина Татьяна Геннадьевна
Назначена Указом Президента РФ № 583 от 29 мая 2003 года 401 +7 (495) 450-10-68
[[Кирюхина Мария Владимировна]]
Назначена Указом Президента РФ № 506537 от 23 октября 2017 года 403 +7 (495) 450-25-09
[[Булычева Наталья Викторовна]]
Назначена Указом Президента РФ № 1421 от 18 декабря 2006 года
423 +7 (495) 450-45-53
Иванова Ольга Михайловна
Назначена Указом Президента РФ № 208 от 23 апреля 2015 года
[[Сальков Антон Олегович]]
Назначен Указом Президента РФ № 895 от 06 июля 2011 года 522 +7 (495) 450-81-47
[[Арнаут Дмитрий Юрьевич]]
Назначен Указом Президента РФ № 146 от 03 февраля 2011 года 515 +7 (495) 450-17-59
[[Кострюкова Кристина Петровна]]
Назначена Указом Президента РФ № 711 от 31 мая 2004 года 425 8-495-450-44-46
[[Винедиктова Лилия Михайловна]]
Назначена Указом Президента РФ № 147 от 03 февраля 2011 года 511 8-495-450-78-33
[[Базаров Сергей Николаевич]]
Назначен Указом Президента РФ № 617 от 02 июня 2009 года 407 +7 (495) 450-44-42
[[Астахова Елена Сергеевна]]
Назначена Указом Президента РФ № 1028 от 01 июля 2008 года
521 +7 (495) 450-08-17
[[Александрова Маргарита Владимировна]]
Назначена Указом Президента РФ № 246 от 31 мая 2017 года 420 8-495-450-64-01
[[Королева Анна Александровна]]
Назначена Указом Президента РФ № 225 от 18 мая 2019 года
419 8-495-459-39-14
[[Яковлева Виктория Сергеевна]]
Назначена Указом Президента РФ № 496 от 14 октября 2019 года
503 8-495-450-80-47
[[Толоконенко Сергей Сергеевич]]
Назначен Указом Президента РФ № 496 от 14 октября 2019 года
103 8-495-450-42-49
[[Назарова Наталья Николаевна]]
Назначен Указом Президента РФ № 211 от 12 апреля 2021 года
509 8-499-156-26-00
[[Bortnikov Aleksandr Vasilievich]] ([[Бортников Александр Васильевич]]), agent of [[KGB]]
[[Minninhanov Rustam Nurgalievich]] ([[Минниханов Рустам Нургалиевич]]), [[edro]]s, president of [[Tatarstan]] since 2010.03.25
[[Putin Vladimir Vladimirovih]], Russian [[usurpation|usurper]]
[[Chaika Yuri Yakovlevich]] ([[Чайка Юрий Яковлевич]]), "general procurer" of Russia.
==Historic context==
The state attack on Miftakhov developed at the background of growing Russian tyranny,
usurpation of total power by the agent of [[KGB]], "president" [[Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich]] (or a fraudster who pretends to be Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich).
The Putin's tyranny, [[fascism]] is dangerous for the Russian civil society.
Miftakhov is not only victim of the regime. Many researchers and writers are enprisoned or just killed by the Putins junta (See [[Putin killed Litvinenko]], [[Putin lille Nemtsov]]).
The Russian [[fascism]] promoted by Putin put in danger not only the Russian citizen, bur also the neibour countries. The state terrorists attack even the passenger airplanes, murdering the passenger and the crew, and plundering their belongings (See [[Katyn-2]], [[MH17]]). In century 21, the terror becomes the main instrument of the Putin's policy, as it takes place during the USSR, see [[Back in the USSR]]:
the history of Russia appears as series of the terroristic acts and invasions to other countries, see [[Putin world war]].
Several authors expect, that such a policy leads to destruction of Russia, [[collapse of RF]] in century 21, analogy of the collapse or the USSR at the end of century 20.
Various estimate of year of the [[collapse of RF]] are observed, the are collected in article [[Предсказания революций]], in Russian. For year 2022m some of such forecasts happened to be just wrong.<br>
It is a challenging task, to produce a formalism for generation of more accurate forecasts of the historical events. One attempt to construct such a formalism is presented in article [[Kestus]], the primitive statistic estimate is described, based on observation of elimination of [[separation of power]] from the Federal Law.
Observations of events of the [[state terror]], such as the case of Miftakhov,
can be used to elaborate more accurate estimate.
Any science should suggest the [[scientific concept]]s, that satisfy the [[TORI asioms]].
No exception for the historic science is assumed.
Here the historic events, such as the state persecution of Miftakhov,
are examined in the search of parameters, that could be useful for the historic forecasts.
In this sense, the case of Miftakhov has scientific interest.
Publications about [[Miftakhov Azat Fanisovich]] are collected and analyzed in [[TORI]] with scientific goals.
The struggle against the [[state terror]]ism is not element of set of these goals.
In particular, the evidences collected in the cited literature, should not be interpreted as an appeal of the extra-judical persecution of the persons, suspecter in organization of the state attack against Miftakhov.
More civilized methods to deal with the state terrorists are considered in articles
[[Hague]] and [[Nuremberg-2]]. Estimates, when these methods can be applied to the Russian state terrorists are mentioned in article "[[Collapse of RF]]".
Howerver, the Editor keeps the right to [[call things with their proper names]].
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Azat Fanisovich Miftakhov (Tatar: Азат Фәнис улы Мифтахов, Russian: Азат Фанисович Мифтахов; b. 1993) is a Tatar-Russian mathematician, convicted for acts of hooliganism against the United Russia ruling party.
[[Мосгорсуд]] оставил под арестом аспиранта МГУ Азата Мифтахова до декабря. Сентябрь 26, 2019.
Miftakhov’s case The death of a secret witness marks the latest twist in the trial of a Russian graduate student and anarchist activist //
[[Вертикаль власти]],
3:04 am, October 15, 2020
[[Miftakhov Azat Fanisovich]],
Moscow court sentences grad student Azat Miftakhov to six years in prison
12:53 am, January 19, 2021
Source: Meduza
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Latest revision as of 10:48, 12 February 2022

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Miftakhov Azat Fanisovich [2]

Miftakhov Azat Fanisovich (Мифтахов Азат Фанисович, 1993.03.22, Nizhnekamsk) Is Russian mathematician.

Random processes

Miftakhov investigates random processes [3][4].

Since year 2018, Miftakhov is attacked by the Russian offies; the research activity of Miftakhov is interrupted by persecution, he becomes the political prisoner.

The Case of Azat Miftakhov Websites

Several sites are dedicated especially to Miftakhov:

1. https://caseazatmiftakhov.org The case of Azat Miftakhov Take action Facts Mathematics News About Contact Search Videos of the Azat Miftakhov Day The International Mathematical Union must support Azat Miftakhov Open letter of Russian mathematicians to IMU

2. https://miftakhov.org The Case of Azat Miftakhov Website

Information on that site seems to be more detailed and accurate than the interpretation below.

In addition, there is article at Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azat_Miftakhov

That provides even more links.

The consideration below refers to the analysis of the historical content of the case of Miftakhov.

State terror

Since year 2018, Miftakhov becomes a victim of the political terror from side of pahanat, totally corrupted Russian administration and courts. [5][6][7]

The police officers are reported to apply sadistic torture to Mivtakhov in order to fore him to accept the accusations [8]

Personal of the Мосгорсуд are reported to organize the repression [9].

The detailed explanations of the case are provided by mother of Azat Miftakhov, Hisainova Gilnur Fanzamanovna (Хусаинова Гульнур Фанзамановна) [10][11] (in Russian). In particular, she addresses to Minninhanov Rustam Nurgalievich (Минниханов Рустам Нургалиевич), president of Tatarstan. No reply is observed, her petition seem to be just ignored.

The most of information about Miftakhov is provided by volunteers. The sites of the courts provide neither video records of the sessions, nor the stenogramms, nor text versions of the related documents. This observation confirms the public opinion about innocence of Miftackhov.

News about Miftakhov and their interpretation show good agreement with general concept, that corruption in Russia of century 21 not only got the large scale, but become common, usual phenomenon, that characterizes the entire life of the society of the Russian officials [12]



Miftakhov’s case The death of a secret witness marks the latest twist in the trial of a Russian graduate student and anarchist activist

3:04 am, October 15, 2020 Source: Meduza

The trial of graduate student and anarchist activist Azat Miftakhov is ongoing at Moscow’s Golovinsky District Court. He stands accused of attacking a United Russia office in 2018. Miftakhov, who has pleaded not guilty, has received support from world-famous academics, including linguist Noam Chomsky. During the latest hearing on Monday, October 13, one of the prosecution’s key witnesses was supposed to testify — he allegedly saw Miftakhov at the United Russia office on the night in question and later recognized him by his “expressive eyebrows.” But the secret witness wasn’t able to appear before the court — during the hearing, state prosecutors announced that he had died. “Meduza” breaks down the latest developments in Azat Miftakhov’s case.

Multiple arrests and torture allegations

The criminal prosecution of Azat Miftakhov, an anarchist activist and graduate student in mechanics and mathematics at Moscow State University, began in the winter of 2019. In the early morning of February 1, law enforcement searched the 25-year-old graduate student’s dorm room — afterwards, they took him to the police department. Miftakhov was accused of building an explosive device that had been found in Balashikha (a city on the outskirts of Moscow) a year earlier. Miftakhov’s whereabouts were unknown until the international human rights group Agora informed his lawyer Svetlana Sidorkina of his arrest on February 2 — according to police officials, he wasn’t arrested until then.

After a day and a half at the police department, Miftakhov cut himself — as he explained, he opened his veins to avoid torture. However, as he later told his lawyer, police officers beat him and tortured him with a screwdriver, demanding a confession. Miftakhov’s lawyer and members of the Public Monitoring Commission later recorded a screwdriver mark on his chest and a bruise on his ear. But the Investigative Committee didn’t open a criminal case over the use of violence.

Daniil Galkin, another anarchist activist who was arrested alongside Miftakhov on February 1, also spoke about the illegal use of force by law enforcement officials — he claims he was electrocuted. Under torture, Galkin testified that Miftakhov could have been involved in fabricating explosives.


Russian graduate student and anarchist activist faces closed hearing after alleged torture, intimidation, searches Police officials wanted to jail Miftakhov in connection with the Balashikha case, but the court ruled that there wasn’t enough evidence twice. As a result, Azat Miftakhov was released from temporary detention on February 7, only to be arrested once again that very same day. This time, his arrest was in connection with another criminal case — over an attack on a United Russia office in Moscow. On the night of January 31, 2018, unidentified figures broke a window at the ruling party’s office on Onezhskaya Street and threw a smoke grenade inside. The smoke grenade melted a section of the office’s linoleum flooring, which cost 48,000 rubles to replace (about $620). Police officials opened a case for vandalism. Initially, four people were suspected in the case — anarchist activists Elena Gorban and Alexey Kobaidze, who pleaded guilty right away and were released on their own recognizance, as well as anti-fascist activist Andrey Eykin and anarchist Svyatoslav Rechkalov.

The “broken window” investigation was suspended in September 2018 and resumed on February 7, 2019 — immediately after the arrest of Azat Miftakhov. At this point, it became known that the investigation had been reclassified under a more serious offense: hooliganism, which is punishable by up to seven years in prison. The grounds for Miftakhov’s arrest was the testimony of a secret witness under the pseudonym “Andrey Petrov” — he allegedly saw the graduate student near the United Russia office.

In February 2020, the prosecutor’s office issued an indictment against three suspects in the case — Elena Gorban, Andrey Eykin, and Azat Miftakhov. The other suspects — Svyatoslav Rechkalov and Alexey Kobaidze — fled Russia. According to state investigators, they all belonged to an anarchist movement called People’s Self-Defense, which is associated with the 2018 terrorist attack on the FSB building in Arkhangelsk. Svyatoslav Rechkalov said that during his interrogation in 2018, law enforcement officers tortured him, forcing him to confess to being the leader of this movement.

Azat Miftakhov remained in custody all this time, denying any affiliation with People’s Self Defense and pleading not guilty of involvement in the attack on the United Russia office. Human rights defenders from the organization Memorial declared him a political prisoner. Immediately after his first arrest and the reports of torture, hundreds of academics from around the world, including well-known philosopher and linguist Noam Chomsky, signed an open letter supporting Miftakhov.

During her interrogation, Miftakhov’s acquaintance Elena Gorban said that she had been in communication with members of the group, but wasn’t a member herself. After the case was reclassified under hooliganism charges, she withdrew her confession, because, in her words, she wasn’t motivated by political hatred or a desire to harm others. Andrey Eykin pleaded guilty and made a deal with state investigators.


Moscow State University student officially detained after repeated arrests and alleged torture Moscow students petition rector to defend classmate repeatedly arrested as part of crackdown on anarchists Moscow State University activists put giant poster under rector’s office window urging him to support jailed student Secret witnesses

According to the investigation, a secret witness under the pseudonym “Karaulny” (the Russian word for sentry or watchman) testified to the fact that Azat Miftakhov was not only a member of the People’s Self-Defense, but also an active participant in the movement’s activities. This witness was first interrogated after Miftakhov’s arrest. During the interrogation, “Karaulny” said that he met the graduate student at one of the movement’s protest actions in 2015 — he claimed that Miftakhov had joined the People’s Self-Defense the year prior.

“Karaulny” claimed that at People’s Self-Defense meetings, Miftakhov “urged like-minded people not to limit themselves to putting up promotional materials, gradually raising the bar up to carrying out radical actions, which involved using Molotov cocktails, smoke grenades, etc., on government buildings.” According to the witness, the graduate student was also involved “in anarchist training activities,” including “combat training, knife fighting, and training where they practiced techniques [to use] against police officers.”

When communication with other members of the movement via messenger apps, Miftakhov used the screen name “Grothendieck,” “Karaulny” claims; allegedly, the graduate student told him that this was a reference to a French mathematician — presumably Alexander Grothendieck, who is considered one of the leading mathematicians of the twentieth century. According to the prosecution, Miftakhov’s laptop, which was seized during the search in February 2019, had documents containing quotes from this correspondence — in it, users with the screen names “Grothendieck” and “Rakcsha” discuss “some sort of device.” Investigators, like the witness “Karaulny,” believe that Miftakhov was the one using the nickname Grothendieck and that allegedly, his interlocutor was Gorban.

During the hearing at the Golovinsky Court on October 13, “Karaulny” participated by video link from the courtroom of the Second Western District Military Court — the hearing itself was closed to journalists and the public due to the coronavirus. The defense insisted on declassifying the witness, but the court refused.

“Karaulny” testified against Azat Miftakhov once again. However, in conversation with Meduza, Elena Gorban’s lawyer, Nikita Taranishchenko, noted that the witness’s statements differed significantly from the information given during the investigation. For example, “Karaulny” previously claimed that he knew all of the accused by their last names, but in court he stated that he only knew Miftakhov. In addition, “Karaulny” admitted during the hearing that much of his testimony about Miftakhov was only speculation. The witness also told investigators that he saw Gorban at People’s Self-Defense rallies many times, but during the hearing he refused to confirm her involvement in the movement.

In conversation with Meduza, Taranishchenko emphasized his plans to request that the judge exclude “Karaulny’s” testimony given during the investigation from the evidence in the case.

The death of ‘Andrey Petrov’

Another secret witness was supposed to be questioned during the hearing on October 13; one given the pseudonym “Andrey Petrov.” But he never had the chance to testify in court. According to the death certificate, which the judge confirmed as an authentic document in court, “Petrov” died of “cardiac trauma” on January 15, 2020. On that same day (or, according to other reports, on January 1) a key witness for the prosecution in another high-profile case died after being “stabbed in the heart” — 40-year-old Dmitry Murmalyov, who testified against the defendants accused in the terrorism case against “Artpodgotovka” — a movement banned in Russia. Igor Gukovsky, who works for the Memorial human rights group, suggested that Murmalyov and “Andrey Petrov” could be the same person. This hasn’t been confirmed.

Miftakhov’s lawyer, Svetlana Sidorkina, told Meduza that the court refused to declassify the identity of the witness in Miftakhov’s case. “The court [attributed] this to the fact that he has relatives who could be harmed by, shall we say, Maltsev’s colleagues and associates, other defendants, and by the actions of the defendants themselves. There were no legal grounds for not disclosing the personal data,” Sidorkina maintains. Gorban’s attorney, Nikita Taranishcheko, is also convinced that the refusal wasn’t justified, and as such, considers the court’s decision “a substantive violation of the right to defense.”

Like “Karaulny,” “Andrey Petrov” first gave testimony after Azat Miftakhov’s arrest — the witness explained that he saw the anarchist activist at the United Russia office, but he couldn’t call the police at the time because his phone was dead. He remembered the incident only after he saw the news of a MGU graduate student’s arrest in connection with the case in February 2019.

During questioning, “Andrey Petrov” said that on the night of January 30, 2018, he was in one of the courtyards on Flotskaya Street (although he lives in another part of Moscow) when he noticed a group of six young people. Since they seemed “suspicious” to him, “Andrey Petrov” decided to watch them.


“A girl went up to a window on the first floor, she broke the glass with some object in her hand. After that, a guy — the tallest one among them — threw an object into the window, which started a fire,” “Petrov” told investigators. At this point, according to the witness, two guys remained in the courtyard, watching the entrances and footpaths. Miftakhov, “Petrov” claimed, “showed and explained to the others what to do near the office.” Despite the fact that this took place in January 2018, at night, and the fact that he testified more than a year after the incident, “Petrov” was allegedly able to pick Miftakhov out of a line up by his “expressive eyebrows.”

In conversation with Meduza, Miftakhov’s attorney Svetlana Sidorkina stressed that she plans to request the exclusion of “Petrov’s” testimony — as well as “Karaulny’s” testimony — from the evidence in the case. “The right to an adversary proceeding was violated due to the fact that the personal data wasn’t released during the court hearing. The defense doesn’t have an opportunity to identify the identities of these people and objectively assess the reliability of the testimonies that they gave,” she underscores.

The prosecution concluded its presentation of the evidence in the case with the testimony of the two secret witnesses. The defense is set to speak at the next court hearing, scheduled for October 30.

Mathematic community



Publiée le 19.01.2021 Le 18 janvier 2021 la cour de Moscou a déclaré coupable Azat Miftakhov d'avoir cassé une vitre dans un bureau du parti politique au pouvoir et l'a condamné à 6 ans de prison. La lettre qui suit, émise par Ahmed Abbes (Directeur de Recherches, CNRS) est à diffuser le plus largement possible. The international mathematical community is gravely concerned about the situation of Azat Miftakhov, the graduate student from Moscow State University who has been detained by Russian state authorities for nearly two years.

We are appalled and horrified by the verdict of the Golovinsky District Court of Moscow announced today. "To find Miftakhov, Azat Fanisovich, guilty of hooliganism by a group of persons by prior conspiracy based on political hatred with the use of an object used as a weapon and to condemn him to 6 years in prison with serving a sentence in a general regime colony," the judge announced the verdict. "The correction of Miftakhov is possible only in conditions of isolation from society in a general regime colony," the court decided.

The defense of Azat Miftakhov announced that it will appeal the verdict. "Of course, we will appeal. We insisted on an acquittal," lawyer Svetlana Sidorkina told Tass.

We have been following his case since October 2020 and we have come to believe that the charges against him are a pure invention of the Russian authorities.

On January 4, 2021, we sent a letter concerning the case of Azat Miftakhov, signed by 47 mathematicians, to the members of the Executive Organizing Committee and Local Organizing Committee of the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) that will be held in Saint- Petersburg in 2022. We also alerted the International Mathematical Union.

A recent petition in support of Azat Miftakhov has been signed by more than 3000 mathematicians from more than 15 countries.

More than 50 academicians, corresponding members and professors of the Russian Academy of Sciences published an open letter dedicated to the case of Azat Miftakhov. “The punishment already borne by Azat does not appear to be commensurate with the crime he is alleged to have committed, and the sentence of six years in a penal colony requested for him by the state prosecutor provokes our indignation. We urge the court to release Azat Miftakhov ” wrote, in particular, the Russian academicians.

Professor Anatoly Vershik, the former president of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society, a member of the European Academy of Sciences, a Humboldt Prize laureate, chief researcher of the St. Petersburg section of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, told Novaya Gazeta on January 10, 2021: "We mathematicians are meticulous people, we need proofs. Gradually, even the most conservative skeptics became aware of the absurdity of the situation around Azat Miftakhov."

A fact sheet about The Case of Azat Miftakhov can be found here. A French version is available here.

We will continue to monitor Azat Miftakhov's case and provide our support until he is released and his rights are fully restored. We hold the Russian authorities directly responsible for the safety and physical and moral integrity of our colleague.

Ahmed Abbes, mathematician, Director of research at CNRS, Paris
Michel Broué, Professor emeritus of mathematics at the University of Paris
Chandler Davis, Professor emeritus of mathematics, University of Toronto.
Fabien Durand, Président de la Société Mathématique de France, Professor of mathematics, Université de Picardie Jules Verne
Ivar Ekeland, FRSC, Professor emeritus of mathematics and former President, University of Paris-Dauphine
Dennis Gaitsgory, Professor of mathematics, Harvard University
Michael Harris, Professor of mathematics, Columbia University
Ilya Kapovich, Professor of mathematics, Hunter College of CUNY, Chair, Committee on the Human Rights of Mathematicians, American Mathematical Society
Raphael Rouquier, Professor of mathematics, University of California, Los Angeles
Masha Vlasenko, professor at the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences

More letter



An open letter in support of Azat Miftakhov, a mathematician

Multiple sources confirm that on February 1, 2019 Azat Miftakhov, a graduate student of the Moscow State University Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, was detained on suspicion of manufacturing explosives. He was tortured by the police and the Federal Security Service — according to another detainee Daniil Galkin, by the time he got a hold of Azat, he “didn’t look like a human being” anymore. The police used torture to force a testimony out of Miftakhov. Security forces are concealing his location from his lawyer Svetlana Sidorkina; she hasn’t been able to contact him for the time being. According to the lawyer and other detainees, Azat may have tried to cut his veins as a result.

Detailed information on this case is given by the Russian media such as Meduza (http: //alturl.com/nq53k) and OVD-Info (http: //alturl.com/ycuai).

Azat Miftakhov has just started his mathematical career: his first mathematical paper On weak convergence of finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional distributions of random processes was published in 2016. We, the representatives of the mathematical community and ones in solidarity with them, are extremely concerned about the current situation. We demand to know the location and health status of Azat immediately, and that he is granted access to his lawyer. We also demand instantaneous cessation of torture of Miftakhov and other detainees, as well as a transparent and fair trial.

Update: Azat Mivtakhov has been found in the Balashikha police station in Moscow. The investigator claims he was arrested at 19:10 on February, 2. Azat and his lawyer confirmed the use of torture, as reported by Mediazona (https://zona.media/article/2019/02/03/azat, in Russian). English version is available at The Russian Reader website: https://therussianreader.com/2019/02/04/azat-miftakhov https://therussianreader.com/2019/02/04/azat-miftakhov-2. Letter originators: Balaram Usov, Roman Krutowski, Ilya Dumansky, Rodion D ́eev, Kon- stantin Loginov, Dmitry Korshunov, Bogdan Zavyalov, Ann Dmitrieva.


This list contains only selected signatures. For a complete list which includes more than 300 signatures of math researchers, students and alumni of math departments, see the webpage of the open letter: http://doxajournal.ru/uni/mathfac (in Russian).

Sergey Konyagin, principal researcher at Steklov Mathematical Institute, full member of the RAS, fellow of the AMS

Victor Vassiliev, principal researcher at Steklov Mathematical Institute, President of the Moscow Math Society, full member of RAS, fellow of the AMS

Anatoly Vershik, principal researcher at St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathamat- ical Institute, professor, fellow of the AMS


Michael Finkelberg, professor at Skoltech Center for Advanced Studies, IITP RAS, HSE Alexander Braverman, professor at University of Toronto, Skoltech

Alexander Belavin, principal researcher at Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, corresponding member of RAS, professor

Ilya Shkredov, principal researcher at Steklov Mathematical Institute, professor of the RAS, corresponding member of the RAS

Vladimir Protasov, professor of the RAS, professor at Moscow State University and HSE, corresponding member of RAS

Efim Khazanov, Institute of Applied Physics of the RAS, corresponding member of RAS

Elizaveta Bonch-Osmolovskaya, principal researcher at Winogradsky Institute of Micro- biology, corresponding member of RAS

Elena Berezovich, professor at the department of Russian language and general lin- guistics, Ural Federal University, professor of the RAS, corresponding member of the RAS

Askold Ivanchik, fellow at the Institute of World History of the RAS, corresponding member of the RAS

Noam Chomsky, Institute Professor, Professor of Linguistics Emeritus at MIT

Mikhail S. Gelfand, professor of bioinformatics, IITP, HSE, Skoltech, fellow of the Academia Europaea

Konstantin Sonin, professor at Harris School of Public Policy, Univresity of Chicago, HSE

Yulij Ilyashenko, professor at HSE

Sergei Yakovenko, full professor, Gershon Kekst Professor of Mathematics, The Weiz- mann Institute of Science

Vladimir Lin, Technion, professor emeritus

Roman Bezrukavnikov, professor at MIT

Misha Verbitsky, Pesquisador Titular (full professor) at IMPA

Mikhail Belolipetsky, professor at IMPA

Alexandre Ananin, professor at Universidade de S ̃ao Paulo

Sem ̈en Kutateladze, principal researcher at Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, professor, fellow of the AMS

Evgeny Vdovin, principal researcher at Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, professor of the RAS

Leonid Bokut’, leading researcher at Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, professor, hon- orary citizen of Guangzhou

Roman Karasev, principal researcher at MIPT, federal professor 2

Alexandre Eremenko, Distinguished professor at Purdue University, fellow of the AMS

Alexander Bufetov, directeur de recherche at CNRS, leading researchet at Steklov Math- ematical Institute, professor of the RAS

Yuri Prokhorov, leading researcher at Steklov Mathematical Institute, professor Ekaterina Amerik, professor at Universit ́e de Paris-Sud, HSE

Marat Rovinsky, professor at HSE, IITP

Ivan Losev, professor at University of Toronto, HSE

Alexander Kolesnikov, professor at HSE

Vadim Vologodsky, leading researcher at HSE, professor

Dmitry Kaledin, leading researcher at Steklov Mathamatical Institute, professor of the RAS

Sergey Khoroshkin, professor at HSE

Vladimir Roubtsov, professor at Universit ́e d’Angers

Alexander Shen, directeur de recherche at CNRS, LIRMM Montpellier

Valentin Schechtman, leading researcher at IITP, professor at HSE

Alexander Kirillov Jr., professor at SUNY Stony Brook

Senya Shlosman, leading researcher at IITP, professor at Skoltech, directeur de recherche at CPT

Alexander I. Efimov, senior researcher at Steklov Mathamatical Institute

Andrej A. Kon’kov, professor at Moscow State University

Victor Ostrik, professor at University of Oregon

Vladimir Fok, professor at Universit ́e de Strasbourg, Dept. de Math-Info

Sergei Maslov, professor at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Alexander L. Smirnov, leading researcher at St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathamatical Institute

Kirill Oseledets, professor at City Colleges of Chicago Alexander Guterman, professor at Moscow State University

Denis Krotov, leading researcher at Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, professor of the RAS

Edward A. Hirsch, leading researcher at St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathamat- ical Institute

Victor Turchin, professor at Kansas State University Jacob Greenstein, professor at UC Riverside


Leonid Prigozhin, professor at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Alexander Leibman, professor at Ohio State University

Rasul Shafikov, professor at University of Western Ontario

Sergey Kryzhevich, professor at St. Petersburg State University Elena Kudryavtseva, professor at Moscow State University

Artem Pyatkin, leading researcher at Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, professor of the RAS

Anton Baranov, professor at St. Petersburg State University Alexey Tuzhilin, professor at Moscow State University

Oleg Anshakov, professor of the chair of mathematics, logic, and intellectual systems at Russian State University for the Humanities

Dmitri Piontkovski, professor at HSE

Alexei Savvateev, professor at MIPT

Alexey Ustinov, federal professor at Pacific National University

Vladimir Shlyk, professor at Belarussian State University

Basil Louri ́e, professor at the Department of Humanities, HSE Campus in Perm, Scrinium (Leiden)

Andrei Desnitsky, leading researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies, professor of the RAS

Sergey Tsirel, principal researcher at Saint Petersburg Mining University

Alexander V. Markov, professor at the faculty of biology, Moscow State University, professor of the RAS

Yaroslav Leontiev, professor at the faculty of public administration, Moscow State Uni- versity

Alexander Venger, professor of psycholofy at Dubna University

Galina Zykova, professor at the faculty of philology, Moscow State University

Viktor Kelner, professor, Department of History, European University at St. Petersburg

Zhanna Reznikova, professor, head of the Laboratory of behavioural ecology of animal communities, Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals, Siberian Branch of the RAS

Natalya T. Pakhsaryan, professor at the faculty of philology, Moscow State University Ivan Kurilla, professor at European University at St. Petersburg

Adrian A. Selin, professor at the department of history, HSE Campus in St. Petersburg Igor Lysenok, leading researcher at Steklov Mathamatical Institute


Anna Frid, maˆıtre de conf ́erences at Aix-Marseille Universit ́e

Dimitri Zvonkine, Laboratoire Math ́ematiques de Versailles, CNRS

Petr E. Pushkar, associate professor at HSE

Nikita Kalinin, leading researcher at the Laboratory of Game Theory and Decision Making, associate professor at HSE

Leonid Positselski, researcher at the Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, IITP

Yulia Fridman, reseacher at Kourchatov Institute

Alexei Gorinov, associate professor at HSE

Arseniy Akopyan, senior researcher at IITP

Alexey Muranov, maˆıtre de conf ́erences at Aix-Marseille Universit ́e Vladimir Lebedev, senior researcher at Moscow State University Leonid Rybnikov, associate professor at HSE

Ilya Schurov, associate professor at the department of higher mathematics at HSE

Evgeny Smirnov, associate professor at HSE

Alexey Elagin, research fellow at Laboratory of Algebraic Geometry and its Applications

Fedor Bakharev, senior researcher at Chebyshev Laboratory at St. Petersburg State University

Alexander Shtern, associate professor at Department of Mathematical Education, HSE Dmitrii Tereshin, associate professor at MIPT

Viktor Prasolov, author, MCCME

Leonid Petrov, assistant professor at University of Virginia

Alexandra Skripchenko, assistant professor at HSE

Yury Kudryashov, visiting assistant Professor at Cornell University

Rina Anno, assistant professor at Kansas State University

Pedro Frejlich, assistant professor at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Sergey Suchalkin, assistant professor at SUNY Stony Brook

Olga Maslova, assistant professor of costume design, Department of Theatre, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Panos Kompatsiaris, assistant professor at the School of Media, HSE

Grigory Bazhenov, junior researcher at faculty of economics, Moscow State University Leonid Volkov, alumnus of the Ural State University, PhD in Mathematics


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Suspected persons

On the base of publications citer, the preliminary list is constructed of the Russian officials, who seem to organize the state terror against Miftakhov Azat Fanisovich:

Bulgakova Elena Mikhailovna (Булгакова Елена Михайловна), judge, Тверской райсуд [13]

Bazarov Sergei Nikolaevich (Базаров Сергей Николаевич), judge, Головинский райсуд [14]

Bortnikov Aleksandr Vasilievich (Бортников Александр Васильевич), agent of KGB

Minninhanov Rustam Nurgalievich (Минниханов Рустам Нургалиевич), edros, president of Tatarstan since 2010.03.25

Putin Vladimir Vladimirovih, Russian usurper

Chaika Yuri Yakovlevich (Чайка Юрий Яковлевич), "general procurer" of Russia.

Historic context

The state attack on Miftakhov developed at the background of growing Russian tyranny, usurpation of total power by the agent of KGB, "president" Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich (or a fraudster who pretends to be Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich).

The Putin's tyranny, fascism is dangerous for the Russian civil society. Miftakhov is not only victim of the regime. Many researchers and writers are enprisoned or just killed by the Putins junta (See Putin killed Litvinenko, Putin lille Nemtsov).

The Russian fascism promoted by Putin put in danger not only the Russian citizen, bur also the neibour countries. The state terrorists attack even the passenger airplanes, murdering the passenger and the crew, and plundering their belongings (See Katyn-2, MH17). In century 21, the terror becomes the main instrument of the Putin's policy, as it takes place during the USSR, see Back in the USSR: the history of Russia appears as series of the terroristic acts and invasions to other countries, see Putin world war.

Several authors expect, that such a policy leads to destruction of Russia, collapse of RF in century 21, analogy of the collapse or the USSR at the end of century 20. Various estimate of year of the collapse of RF are observed, the are collected in article Предсказания революций, in Russian. For year 2022m some of such forecasts happened to be just wrong.
It is a challenging task, to produce a formalism for generation of more accurate forecasts of the historical events. One attempt to construct such a formalism is presented in article Kestus, the primitive statistic estimate is described, based on observation of elimination of separation of power from the Federal Law.

Observations of events of the state terror, such as the case of Miftakhov, can be used to elaborate more accurate estimate.

Any science should suggest the scientific concepts, that satisfy the TORI asioms. No exception for the historic science is assumed. Here the historic events, such as the state persecution of Miftakhov, are examined in the search of parameters, that could be useful for the historic forecasts. In this sense, the case of Miftakhov has scientific interest.


Publications about Miftakhov Azat Fanisovich are collected and analyzed in TORI with scientific goals.

The struggle against the state terrorism is not element of set of these goals.

In particular, the evidences collected in the cited literature, should not be interpreted as an appeal of the extra-judical persecution of the persons, suspecter in organization of the state attack against Miftakhov.

More civilized methods to deal with the state terrorists are considered in articles Hague and Nuremberg-2. Estimates, when these methods can be applied to the Russian state terrorists are mentioned in article "Collapse of RF".

Howerver, the Editor keeps the right to call things with their proper names.


  1. https://memohrc.org/ru/defendants/miftahov-azat-fanisovich Мифтахов Азат Фанисович родился 22 марта 1993 года, последние годы жил в Москве, аспирант мехмата МГУ, придерживается анархистских взглядов. По утверждениям сотрудников правоохранительных органов, Мифтахов участвует в либертарном общественно-политическом движении «Народная самооборона» и в антирейдерском движении. По двум уголовным делам обвиняется по ч. 2 ст. 213 («Хулиганство группой лиц по предварительному сговору», до 7 лет лишения свободы) и подозревается по ч. 1 ст. 223.1 («Незаконное изготовление взрывчатых веществ и взрывных устройств», до 6 лет лишения свободы) УК РФ в нападении на офис «Единой России» и в изготовлении СВУ соответственно. По уголовному делу по ч. 2 ст. 213 УК РФ 12 февраля 2019 года взят под стражу решением суда, фактически лишён свободы с 1 февраля 2019 года.
  2. https://www.svoboda.org/a/30338935.html В Москве математики провели акцию в поддержку Азата Мифтахова. 22 декабря 2019. "Новая газета" цитирует одного из пикетчиков, выпускника математического факультета Высшей школы экономики, который, изучив дело Мифтахова, пришёл к выводу, что "единственным доказательством является заявление засекреченного человека в маске, который через год опознал обвиняемого по выразительным бровям, а до этого не шёл в полицию, потому что его телефон был разряжен".// Аспирант мехмата МГУ Азат Мифтахов был задержан 1 февраля в Подмосковье. Его заподозрили в изготовлении самодельной бомбы и арестовали. В изоляторе Мифтахов жаловался на пытки. 7 февраля его отпустили без предъявления обвинений, но почти сразу задержали снова, уже по другому делу – о хулиганстве. По нему аспиранту грозит до семи лет лишения свободы.// По версии следствия, в ночь на 31 января 2018 года Мифтахов разбил окно в офисе "Единой России" в московском Ховрине и кинул внутрь дымовую шашку. Сам математик вину не признаёт и считает дело против него сфабрикованным.// В декабре суд продлил Мифтахову содержание под стражей до 7 февраля 2020 года.
  3. http://www.mathnet.ru/php/person.phtml?option_lang=eng&personid=122518 Miftakhov, Azat Fanisovich Statistics Math-Net.Ru 1. V. I. Bogachev, A. F. Miftakhov, “On weak convergence of finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional distributions of random processes”, Theory Stoch. Process., 21(37):1 (2016), 1–11 mathnet mathscinet zmath Organisations Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
  4. http://www.mathnet.ru/links/d88567a4033e5c9c69dfde4a8ec9f082/thsp115.pdf Theory of Stochastic Processes Vol. 21 (37), no. 1, 2016, pp. 1–11 V. I. BOGACHEV AND A. F. MIFTAKHOV ON WEAK CONVERGENCE OF FINITE-DIMENSIONAL AND INFINITE-DIMENSIONAL DISTRIBUTIONS OF RANDOM PROCESSES
  5. 2019.02.01. https://www.svoboda.org/a/29746339.html Аспирант факультета МГУ задержан по делу о самодельной бомбе. 01 февраля 2019. В Москве задержан аспирант механико-математического факультета МГУ, подозреваемый в изготовлении взрывчатки в общежитии, сообщает "Интерфакс". Азамат Мифтахов задержан в ходе расследования уголовного дела о неразорвавшейся самодельной бомбе, найденной в Балашихе 11 января.
  6. https://www.svoboda.org/a/30305834.html Суд вновь продлил срок содержания Азата Мифтахова под стражей. 03 декабря 2019. оловинский районный суд Москвы продлил до 7 февраля арест аспиранту МГУ Азату Мифтахову. К окончанию этого срока общее время его пребывания под стражей по делу о разбитом окне офиса "Единой России" достигнет одного года. Адвокат Светлана Сидоркина просила перевести своего подзащитного под домашний арест, сообщает телеграм-канал студенческого издания DOXA.// Мифтахов был задержан 1 февраля в Подмосковье. Его заподозрили в изготовлении самодельной бомбы и арестовали. В изоляторе Мифтахов жаловался на пытки. 7 февраля его отпустили без предъявления обвинений, но почти сразу задержали вновь, уже по новому делу – о хулиганстве.// По версии следствия, в ночь на 31 января 2018 года Азат Мифтахов разбил окно в офисе "Единой России" в московском Ховрине и кинул внутрь дымовую шашку. Ему грозит до семи лет лишения свободы. Сам математик вину не признаёт и считает дело против него сфабрикованным.
  7. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2021/01/18/russia-jails-math-grad-student-for-attack-on-ruling-party-a72563 Russia Jails Math Grad Student for Attack on Ruling Party. Jan. 18, 2021 Russian math graduate student and self-described anarchist Azat Miftakhov was sentenced to six years in prison Monday after almost two years in detention on hooliganism charges his supporters say are politically motivated. // Miftakhov, 27, was initially detained in February 2019 on accusations of bomb-making, but was later held for breaking the office window of Russia’s ruling political party. The Moscow State University postgraduate student says he was tortured in custody and prominent human rights group Memorial — which Russia has designated a “foreign agent” — declared Miftakhov a political prisoner. // Moscow’s Golovinsky district court found Miftakhov guilty of hooliganism and sentenced him to six years in a penal colony, the OVD-Info police monitoring website reported Monday. // The sentence fully meets a state prosecution request last month to jail Miftakhov for six years and hand the two other defendants suspended sentences. // Authorities accuse Miftakhov of handing a smoke bomb to a fourth suspect who hurled it inside the United Russia political party’s office window in northern Moscow on the evening of Jan. 30, 2018. That suspect fled Russia in 2019. // Miftakhov has denied the charges but investigators said a secret witness who died from a cardiac incident last fall had identified the activist by his “expressive eyebrows,” according to OVD-Info. // The anarchist activist’s defense team, which has said it will appeal the court ruling, has voiced concerns that he may also be prosecuted under the initial bomb-making charges. // Prominent academics, including linguist Noam Chomsky, have expressed concern over allegations of Miftakhov’s torture, which fellow detainees said was so gruesome that “he didn’t look like a human being.” // More than 2,500 mathematicians from around the world signed a petition ahead of the verdict demanding that Russia release Miftakhov and threatening to boycott the 2022 International Congress of Mathematicians, the first that Moscow is set to host since 1966. Dozens of Russian Academy of Sciences members have also written a letter in Miftakhov’s support, while a petition demanding his release gathered almost 90,000 signatures. // A number of Miftakhov’s supporters were detained outside a courthouse last Monday, when the judge was initially due to deliver a verdict.
  8. https://ovdinfo.org/articles/2019/02/22/v-chem-obvinyayut-miftahova-delo-o-razbitom-okne-hronologiya Лора Фиш. В чем обвиняют Мифтахова: дело о разбитом окне. Хронология. 22.02.2019, Москва.// 2018 год 31 января Неизвестные разбили окно офиса «Единой России» в районе Ховрино и бросили внутрь дымовую шашку. Видео акции опубликовало анархистское движение «Народная самооборона».// 13 февраля Телеграм-канал «Кремлевская прачка» опубликовал видео, в описании которого говорилось: «К анархистам, участвовавшим в субботней акции под названием: „Государство главный враг“ на Мясницкой, рано утром постучали в дверь».// Позже стало известно, что в этот день в квартире московской зоозащитницы Елены Горбань прошел обыск. Девушку доставили в Главное управление МВД Москвы, где допросили. Сначала Горбань была в статусе свидетеля по делу о вандализме (ч. 1 ст. 214 УК), которое возбудили после акции у отделения «Единой России». Адвоката в течение четырех часов не пускали к Горбань. Когда ей наконец разрешили пройти, девушка уже была согласна признать вину и дать показания.// Вечером полицейские пришли к активисту «Левого блока» Алексею Кобаидзе. Он отказался открывать дверь, и долгое время полицейские не могли проникнуть в квартиру. После обыска Кобаидзе тоже доставили в ГУ МВД и допросили.// Активистов задержали на 48 часов как подозреваемых. Горбань признала вину, а Кобаидзе отказался давать показания, сославшись на 51 статью Конституции. После очной ставки их выпустили из ИВС под подписку о невыезде.// 14 марта У активистов «Левого блока» и в штабе объединения прошли обыски. Силовики задержали не менее девяти человек по делу о разбитом окне.// Одна из задержанных в тот день рассказывала ОВД-Инфо, как происходил обыск:// Они с силой открыли дверь в нашу комнату. Кричали «Мордой в пол». Слава (Святослав Речкалов — ОВД-Инфо) лежал, я сидела у стены. Я пыталась смотреть, что они будут делать, на меня орали, чтобы я смотрела в стену, иначе буду лежать, как Слава, лицом в пол. Мне кинули на голову футболку, чтобы я не могла видеть, что они делают. Кричали на меня и спрашивали, есть ли дома еще кто-то. Я сказала, что не знаю. Они стали еще больше орать. В итоге к соседу ворвались в комнату, под дулом автомата ввели к нам и заставили лечь лицом в пол, руки за голову. По словам девушки, от задержанных пытались получить показания против анархиста Святослава Речкалова. Почти всех активистов в тот же день отпустили. Под стражей остался Речкалов, позднее сообщивший о пытках.// «14 марта я проснулся от того, что вооруженный бронированный спецназ вышибает дверь в мою квартиру. <…> Закончилось для меня все пытками током с мешком на голове в микрофургоне, в ходе которых мне объясняли, что бороться с рейдерами нужно под флагом прокремлевских движений, требовали признать себя лидером анархистов всея Руси, организатором всех анархистских акций и кампаний в этой стране <…> Приближались выборы президента 2018, силовики пытались спасти их от анархистов, как могли», — рассказывал Речкалов ОВД-Инфо.// 16 марта Речкалова отпустили из ИВС под подписку о невыезде. В начале лета 2018 года он покинул Россию. Подозреваемыми по делу, помимо Речкалова, стали Елена Горбань, Андрей Ейкин и Алексей Кобаидзе.// 2019 год 16 января В телеграм-канале «Опер слил» появилась фотография анархиста, аспиранта механико-математического факультета МГУ Азата Мифтахова с оскорблениями в его адрес и подписью «Мы же тебя предупреждали — прекращай заниматься ерундой».Ранее Мифтахова уже упоминали в канале. В июле 2018 года там опубликовали фотографии задержанных анархистов с подписью: «А ещё одному мудню, который убегал дворами с пакетом, в котором лежал баннер для „социального активизма“, передаём отдельный привет! Азат Мифтахов, жди нас в гости».// 18 января Мифтахов сообщил ОВД-Инфо, что к нему в общежитие МГУ приходили с обыском. Активиста в тот момент дома не было. У него изъяли телефоны, ноутбук, книги и крупную сумму денег.// 1 февраля Утром обыски прошли по нескольким адресам в Москве и Подмосковье — в квартирах, где находились активисты антирейдерского движения, а также активисты «Народной самообороны». Позже стало известно, что обыски прошли в рамках дела об изготовлении взрывного устройства (ч. 1 ст. 223.1 УК), которое нашли в Балашихе 11 января 2018 года. После обысков задержали по меньшей мере 12 человек, среди которых — Елена Горбань, Даниил Галкин и Азат Мифтахов. Всех, кроме Мифтахова, отпустили в тот же день.// Позже Галкин рассказал «Медиазоне» о том, что его пытали электрошокером и склоняли к сотрудничеству. «Меня кидают на пол, под сиденье, сверху садятся оперативники, кладут на меня ноги. Один положил свой кроссовок мне на лицо. Ехали минут пять. Один сказал: „Ну, я тебе обещал“. И они наносят мне удары электрошоком. Били не быстро — один держал мою ногу, а второй секунды три или четыре прикладывал электрошокер к ногам, икрам, ближе к паховой части. А в это время другой оперативник тянул мои руки — то есть они были у меня за спиной, и они всю дорогу, где-то два с половиной часа, мне тянули руки. То есть как ласточка» — вспоминал он.// 2 февраля Ночью следователь сообщила адвокату Светлане Сидоркиной, что Азат Мифтахов находится в ИВС Балашихи. От адвоката больше суток скрывали местонахождение подзащитного. Как выяснилось, в это время анархиста пытали. Мифтахов рассказал Сидоркиной, что к его груди приставляли включенный шуруповерт, от чего на его теле остался след. Затем Мифтахову угрожали вставить инструмент в анальное отверстие. После этого молодого человека били ладонью по лицу, кулаком по груди, пинали по ногам и груди, вырывали волосы. Члены ОНК подтвердили, что на теле Мифтахова обнаружили следы пыток. ..
  9. https://memohrc.org/ru/news_old/v-moskve-sud-v-ocherednoy-raz-prodlil-arest-aspirantu-mgu-azatu-miftahovu В Москве суд в очередной раз продлил арест аспиранту МГУ Азату Мифтахову. 05.02.2020. Азат Мифтахов, которого обвиняют в хулиганстве по делу о разбитом окне в офисе «Единой России», провёл в СИЗО уже год. Его оставили под стражей до 7 апреля. 4 февраля Московский городской суд оставил аспиранта МГУ Азата Мифтахова под стражей до 7 апреля 2020 года. Об этом сообщает «Новая газета».
  10. https://halidahamid.livejournal.com/231163.html halidahamid August 25 2019, 14:22 Обращение к президенту Республики Татарстан Гульнур Хусаиновой, мамы Азата Мифтахова.
  11. https://holod.media/2021/01/11/miftahov/ «Я ему говорила: “⁠Азат, будь осторожнее”» Гульнур Хусаинова, мать Азата Мифтахова, — об уголовном деле и обвинениях, выдвинутых против ее сына 11.01.2021
  12. http://kremlin.ru/transcripts/1566 Д.Медведев. Вступительное слово на заседании Совета по противодействию коррупции. 30 сентября 2008 года, 16:25 Москва, Кремль. Д.Медведев: Коррупция в нашей стране приобрела не просто масштабный характер, она стала привычным, обыденным явлением, которое характеризует саму жизнь в нашем обществе...
  13. https://sud.ru/id261498 Булгакова Елена Михайловна Тверской районный суд (Город Москва) · +7 (495) 694-04-95 · 129090, г. Москва, ул. Каланчевская, д. 43А
  14. https://mos-gorsud.ru/rs/golovinskij/info/structure/judges Главная Головинский районный суд О суде Структура суда Судьи // Мохов Андрей Валерьевич Назначен Указом Президента РФ № 111 от 11 марта 2016 года 501 +7 (495) 450-28-14 Жилкина Татьяна Геннадьевна Назначена Указом Президента РФ № 583 от 29 мая 2003 года 401 +7 (495) 450-10-68 Кирюхина Мария Владимировна Назначена Указом Президента РФ № 506537 от 23 октября 2017 года 403 +7 (495) 450-25-09 Булычева Наталья Викторовна Назначена Указом Президента РФ № 1421 от 18 декабря 2006 года 423 +7 (495) 450-45-53 Иванова Ольга Михайловна Назначена Указом Президента РФ № 208 от 23 апреля 2015 года Сальков Антон Олегович Назначен Указом Президента РФ № 895 от 06 июля 2011 года 522 +7 (495) 450-81-47 Арнаут Дмитрий Юрьевич Назначен Указом Президента РФ № 146 от 03 февраля 2011 года 515 +7 (495) 450-17-59 Кострюкова Кристина Петровна Назначена Указом Президента РФ № 711 от 31 мая 2004 года 425 8-495-450-44-46 Винедиктова Лилия Михайловна Назначена Указом Президента РФ № 147 от 03 февраля 2011 года 511 8-495-450-78-33 Базаров Сергей Николаевич Назначен Указом Президента РФ № 617 от 02 июня 2009 года 407 +7 (495) 450-44-42 Астахова Елена Сергеевна Назначена Указом Президента РФ № 1028 от 01 июля 2008 года 521 +7 (495) 450-08-17 Александрова Маргарита Владимировна Назначена Указом Президента РФ № 246 от 31 мая 2017 года 420 8-495-450-64-01 Королева Анна Александровна Назначена Указом Президента РФ № 225 от 18 мая 2019 года 419 8-495-459-39-14 Яковлева Виктория Сергеевна Назначена Указом Президента РФ № 496 от 14 октября 2019 года 503 8-495-450-80-47 Толоконенко Сергей Сергеевич Назначен Указом Президента РФ № 496 от 14 октября 2019 года 103 8-495-450-42-49 Назарова Наталья Николаевна Назначен Указом Президента РФ № 211 от 12 апреля 2021 года 509 8-499-156-26-00

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azat_Miftakhov Azat Fanisovich Miftakhov (Tatar: Азат Фәнис улы Мифтахов, Russian: Азат Фанисович Мифтахов; b. 1993) is a Tatar-Russian mathematician, convicted for acts of hooliganism against the United Russia ruling party.

2020.10.15. https://meduza.io/en/feature/2020/10/14/miftakhov-s-case Miftakhov’s case The death of a secret witness marks the latest twist in the trial of a Russian graduate student and anarchist activist // 3:04 am, October 15, 2020

2021.01.19. https://meduza.io/en/news/2021/01/18/moscow-court-sentences-grad-student-azat-miftakhov-to-six-years-in-prison Moscow court sentences grad student Azat Miftakhov to six years in prison 12:53 am, January 19, 2021 Source: Meduza