Collapse of the USSR

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Collapse of the USSR (Распад СССР) is historical event of conversion of big country USSR to 15 relatively independent countries:

Soviet Union Administrative Divisions 1989.jpg

The division follows the Soviet division on the "socialistic republics" shown at the map.

The collapse of the USSR is followed by the cascade of wars between countries released from the USSR.
The Chechen wars (Ichekria (Checnia) failed to defend its independence in the full scale war), then
the Russian invasion into Georgia (since 2008.08.08) and then
The Russian invasion into Ukraine, since 2014.02.14, and, especially, since 2022.02.24 (full-scale Russia-Ukraine war) seems to be biggest conflicts at the ex-Soviet space.

Soviet epoch


Post-Soviet development


The KGB agents did not like perestroika, because it reduced abilities of money laundering and reduced amount of bribes they can collect for the "Kryshevanie", governmental covering and support and protectionism of crime of all kind. So, the soviet offices become oriented to the collapse of the USSR and privatization, robbery or the governmental property.

Territorial pretensions and wars

References The dissolution of the Soviet Union[h] (1988–1991) was the process of internal political, economic and ethnic disintegration within the USSR which resulted in the end of its existence as a sovereign state. It was an unintended result of General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev's effort to reform the Soviet political and economic system, in an attempt to end the Era of Stagnation. In late 1991, the leaders of three of the Union's founding and largest republics (the Russian SFSR, the Ukrainian SSR and the Byelorussian SSR) declared that the Soviet Union no longer existed, and 11 more republics joined them shortly thereafter. Gorbachev had to resign his office as president and what was left of the parliament to formally acknowledge the Union's collapse as a fait accompli. ..

2006.11.11. The Collapse of The Soviet Union - A Documentary Film (2006) Nov 11, 2016. GLOBAL MIX - Juhan Aare TV channel.

2011.oo.oo. Sonja Luehrmann, « The spirit of late socialism and the value of transformation », Cahiers du monde russe, 54/3-4 | 2013, 543-563.

2020.05.01 The Breakup of the Soviet Union Explained May 2, 2020. Interpretation of overtone of Nikolas 2 to bolsheviks.

2022.02.23. Узбекистанцы предупредили, что Центральная Азия может стать следующим направлением российской агрессии. Страны Центральной Азии сталкиваются с печальной реальностью: «продолжать оставаться в стороне и стать молчаливыми союзниками агрессоров или осудить действия России и стать ее следующей мишенью». Рустам Темиров и AFP 2022-02-23

2022.03.04. The end of a superpower - The collapse of the Soviet Union | DW Documentary Mar 4, 2022 // DW Documentary Russian President Vladimir Putin described the collapse of the Soviet Union as "the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century." This documentary from 2021 shows the path Russian foreign policy has followed under Putin. // [This documentary was originally released in 2021. In February 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine.] // On December 25, 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed. Along with it came hope for the end of the Cold War, for independence and freedom for the former Soviet republics. But for many it also brought poverty and war. What remains of the dreams of that time? The documentary includes contemporary witnesses and politicians of the decisive years and shows what has become of the legacy of a world power. Relationship between Russia and Kazakhstan// Kazakhstani React To Russian Invasion Of Ukraine | Street Interview Mar 15, 2022 Asian Boss Kazakhstan shares a long border with Russia and is considered to be one of Russia’s closest allies. So, what do Kazakhstani think of Russia's invasion of Ukraine? And since Kazakhstan is a post-Soviet nation, just like Ukraine, are they afraid that the same thing that’s happening to Ukraine might also happen to them? Our Asian Boss reporter hit the streets of Almaty to find out. // The opinions expressed in this video are those of individual interviewees alone and do not reflect the views of ASIAN BOSS or the general Kazakhstani population. // Check out our first video in Kazakhstan here ► https:// 0:00 - Intro 1:57 - Kazakhstan government's response 3:28 - Relationship between Russia and Kazakhstan 5:15 - What do you think of Putin? 6:57 - How likely do you think it is for this to turn into WW3? 9:52 - Do you think the Soviet Union could ever be re-established? 11:18 - What are the odds the same thing happening to Ukraine will also happen to Kazakhstan? 13:23 - Message to Ukrainians


Agression, Autocracy, Bolshevism, Communism, Corruption, Deportation, Edro, Fascism, Cenocide, History, Independence of Karelia, Kestus, KPSS, Lustration, Pahanat, Russia, Sovietism, Terror, Usurpation, World War II

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