Iterate of linear fraction

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Iterate of linear fraction (or iteration of linnet friaciton) refers to function


Iterate of a linear fraction can be expressed with also some linear fraction. This article describes this expression.

Special case

First, consider the special case when the iterated function has only single parameter. Let


where $c\ne 0$ is constant; for example, the real or complex number.

Iterate of this function can be denoted with


Function $F$ should satisfy the following equations:


For $c\ne 1$, the simple solution can be written as follows:

$\displaystyle \Phi(n,z)=\frac{z}{c^n+ \frac{1-c^n}{1-c} z }$


Consider linear function $P$, let

$P(z)=a + b z$

The inverse function can be written as follows:


One can easy check that $P(Q(z))=Q(P(z))=z$. Let

g(z)=P(f(Q(z)))= \frac{abc - ab - a^2 ~+~ (a\!+\!b)z}

This agree with equation (1) at


It is possible to express $a,b,c$ in terms of $u,v,w$:

$c=\frac{-2 u - v^2 - w^2 +(v+w)\Gamma}



Gamma=\pm \sqrt{4 u + v^2 - 2 v w + w^2}$

Non-integer iterate

As function $g$ is expressed through conjugation of function $f$, the iteration can be expressed as follows:


all functions P,f^n and $Q$ are defined above, and $f^n$ is expressed in a way, that does not require the number $n$ of iteration to be integer.

In such a way, the linear fraction can be iterated any number of times, the halfiteration and the complex iterations are straightforward. In Mathematica, this could be expressed with the built-in function Nest, but, up to year 2013, the software does not yet allow to use it for non-integer number of iterate; if the number of iterations cannot be expressed with some positive integer constant, Mathematica generates the error message instead of to evaluate the expression.


The nth iteration of function $f$ can be used to express the superfunction for the linear fraction; if $f$ is declared as transfer function, then, for some constant $t$, the superfunciton $F$ can be written as follows:

$ F(z)=f^z(t)$

and the interse function $G=F^-1$ appears as the Abel function.

Linear fraction is one of transfer functions, fot which the superfunction and the Abel function can be expressed in terms of elementary functions.

References Walter Bergweiler. Iteration of meromorphic functions. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 29 (1993), 151-188.
D. Kouznetsov. Solution of F(x+1)=exp(F(x)) in complex z-plane. 78, (2009), 1647-1670 (English) (English) (Russian version)
D.Kouznetsov. Superexponential as special function. Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal, 2010, v.12, issue 2, p.31-45. Nest, Wolfram Mathematica 9 Documentation center, 2013.


Abel function, Iteration, Superfunction, Tetration,