Corruption in Russia

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Russian officials keep tons of dollars in cash in their private flats [1]

Corruption in Russia is some kind of "style of life" of the Russian officials, as Dmitrii Medvedev confesses 2011.09.05. [2]. Russia goes forward to the top position in the competition for the country of highest level of corruption [3]. The Russian corruption is reported to spread into Euriopean countries. So, it may be interesting object of investigation for the European professionals.

All the the official Russian structures are corrupted [4].

2015.12.10, It is suggested to recognise the Russian state power as an international terrorist organisation. [5]

Election fraud

The corruption is seen, in particular, at the analysis of the governmental elections.

The parliamentary election 2011.12.04.Election are reported to be completely fake: of order of 1/3 of all ballots seem to be falisified, the most of votes for edro seem to be fake, and the most of protocols are reported to be altered. The similar fraud by the corrupted election committee is expected for the 2012.03.04.Election of the Russian President: rejection of the strongest Putin's competitors at the registration, fake ballots, fake protocols and so on. The corrupted administration cannot provide anymore even the image of the prudent election; it is reported that some candidates are rejected in the registration for errors in collection of signatures of support, while Vladimir Putin illegally had been registered as candidate, while he did not present the signatures of support at all. See the special article Antiputin (In Russian) on the subject.

self-support of corruption

The state of corruption in Russia seems to be self–supported. Vladimir Putin determines the judges, the local governadors and the elective committee Vladimir Churov; the elective committee commits the fraud at the elections, altering the the results in favor of Vladimir Putin and his party edro, and the Putin's judges consider the cases of these frauds and provide the decision in favor of the Putin and his party.

The official committee, that are supposed to fight against corruption, in particular, in the area of manucarturing of fake Ph.D. thesis and diploma, are formed from corruptioners [6][7].

Partizan war agains the corruption

The constitutional change from the total corruption to the Law and Constitution is difficult. The partisan movement in 2010, beginning with the Primorie, aimed the physical elimination (murder) of corruptioners. The war against the rebels from the government was in certain sense successful: the thousands of machines sent to smash the partizans, won; the partizans got the moral support from the most of population, but did not have enough forces to combat the regular army.

Foreign help

Certain hopes may be related with the help of foreign countries. In Russia, it is cheaper to eliminate the police officer, who does not accept the bribe and investigates the crime, instead of hiding the evidences of the crime. Therefore, many corruptioners use terror in order to hide their crimes. The evidence of terroristic activity of Vladimir Putin and his party edro are avilable. In year 2011, it was revealed that Putin is not at the governmental service [8]; this simplifies the diplomatic issue at his arrested by the police of any civilized country, as terror is not considered as the internal affair of Russia. (See also Putin versus Clinton.)

2016.05.24, Vladimir Kara-Murza express the hopes for the foreign help in the following way: [9][10]: .. Of our friends in the West we ask only one thing. Stay true to your values. We are not asking for your support. It is our task to change Russia, and we will to it ourselves. The only thing we ask from you is that you stop supporting Mr.Putin by treating him as respectable and worthy partner on the world stage. And above all, by allowing his cronies to use your countries as havens for their looted wealth. ..

2018.01.18, elmundo incicate: "La Fiscalía Anticorrupción rastrea en España parte de los 200 millones de euros que, presuntamente, altos funcionarios del Gobierno de Vladimir Putin sustrajeron de las arcas públicas rusas en 2007." [11]


  1. 1200 КИЛОГРАММОВ ДОЛЛАРОВ В КВАРТИРЕ ПОЛКОВНИКА УМВД 1200 КИЛОГРАММОВ ДОЛЛАРОВ В КВАРТИРЕ ПОЛКОВНИКА УМВД. 11:52 12.09.2016. Сегодня в Томске начался судебный процесс по делу экс-начальника областного УБЭП Константина Савченко, которому вменяют в вину причастность к коррупционным сделкам. А в Москве на днях задержали заместителя начальника управления «Т» Главного управления по экономической безопасности и противодействию коррупции МВД России Дмитрия Захарченко. При обыске дома у Захарченко нашли более 120 миллионов долларов наличными. Результаты этого обыска активно обсуждаются в соцсетях. Дмитрий Захарченко был задержан сотрудниками ФСБ 8 сентября. На момент задержания он временно исполнял обязанности руководителя управления «Т» Главного управления по экономической безопасности и противодействию коррупции МВД, которое занимается преступлениями в топливной сфере.
  2. leonidmart on Sep 5, 2011. Путин. Коррупция. Ч. I - Кооператив «Озеро». Д.Медведев: Коррупция в нашей стране приобрела не просто масштабный характер, она стала привычным, обыденным явлением, которое характеризует саму жизнь в нашем обществе... (In Russian)
  3. 54 convicted for corruption. 2011-12-12. According to Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index for 2010, Russia is sliding to the 154th place among the 178 countries listed. As previously reported by BarentsObserver, Russia took the 147th place in the 2009 Transparency International list.
  4. MIA General-Major Vladimir Ovchinsky: mafia has infiltrated all government entities in Russia 7:28 / 04.07.2016 / The renowned criminologist Vladimir Semenovich Ovchinsky, who was in charge of the Russian bureau of Interpol in the past, has given a new interview that surprises with its frankness.
  5. WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: To recognise the Russian state power as an international terrorist organisation. Terrorism, wars, economic crisis, mass emigration, famine, terror and chaos in the world will gradually cease, if we recognise the Russian state power as the international terrorist organisation. Evil will decrease for humanity as a whole and it will become possible to improve the state of our planet and ensure the normal human existence for many peoples of the world. Published Date: Dec 11, 2015 Issues: Civil Rights and Liberties, Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement, Homeland Security and Disaster Relief Learn about Petition Thresholds SIGNATURES NEEDED BY JANUARY 10, 2016
  6. В новые экспертные советы ВАК попали фигуранты расследований "Диссернета". 11.02.2014
  7. Алексей Даничев. Глава антикоррупционного отдела УМВД пойман на взятке в Архангельске. 23:2110.02.2014 (обновлено: 23:23 10.02.2014)1356121 Михаил Новожилов был задержан в понедельник во время передачи 90 тысяч рублей одному из высокопоставленных офицеров подразделения транспортной полиции по борьбе с экономическими преступлениями.
  8. Центризбирком заявил, что ни Медведев, ни Путин не служат государству 12.01.2012 14:50. (In Russian)
  9. 2016.05.24. Russians Are Ready for Democracy. Vladimir Kara-Murza. 2016 Oslo Freedom Forum May 24, 2016. The Russian government doesn’t love activist Vladimir Kara-Murza, but he loves Russia. That’s why he is devoting his life to the fight for democracy in Russia, even though it might get him killed. Hear him deliver a powerful call for change from the stage at the 2016 Oslo Freedom Forum. .. .. Of our friends in the West we ask only one thing. Stay true to your values. We are not asking for your support. It is our task to change Russia, and we will to it ourselves. The only thing we ask from you is that you stop supporting Mr.Putin by treating him as respectable and worthy partner on the world stage. And above all, by allowing his cronies to use your countries as havens for their looted wealth. And please stop falling for the lie that Russians are somehow uniquely unsuited, incapable, not ready for democracy. We are suited. We are capable. We are ready. And we will get there, just like you. ..
  10. 2016.05.28. VLADIMIR KARA MURZA | RUSSIANS ARE READY FOR DEMOCRACY | 2016. May 28, 2016. Vladimir Kara-Murza's talk at the 2016 Oslo Freedom Forum. .. Of our friends in the West we ask only one thing. Stay true to your values. We are not asking for your support. It is our task to change Russia, and we will to it ourselves. The only thing we ask from you is that you stop supporting Mr.Putin by treating him as respectable and worthy partner on the world stage. And above all, by allowing his cronies to use your countries as havens for their looted wealth. And please stop falling for the lie that Russians are somehow uniquely unsuited, incapable, not ready for democracy. We are suited. We are capable. We are ready. And we will get there, just like you. ..
  11. MARISA RECUERO, Madrid. Anticorrupción rastrea el dinero que derivó en sanciones a Rusia. 15 ene. 2018 04:07. La Fiscalía Anticorrupción rastrea en España parte de los 200 millones de euros que, presuntamente, altos funcionarios del Gobierno de Vladimir Putin sustrajeron de las arcas públicas rusas en 2007. La investigación de lo sucedido provocó la muerte del abogado ruso Sergei Magnitsky y derivó en que Estados Unidos aprobara una ley -conocida como Ley Magnitsky- que prohíbe el acceso al país y a su sistema bancario de ciudadanos rusos presuntamente corruptos. Самый доходный бизнес в России - это коррупция, ее рынок достиг 300 млрд долларов ежегодно. 9 апреля 2013 г., 09:27

2015.03.30. Frontline Putin's Way Documentary 2015. Mar 30, 2015. This documentary investigates the accusations of criminality and corruption that have surrounded Vladimir Putin's reign in Russia. Tracing his career back over two decades, Putin's Way reveals how the accumulation of wealth and power has led to autocratic rule and the specter of a new Cold War.

2018.01.20. Булат Баширов, Виктория Чистякова, Уфа. Прокуратура решила национализировать имущество борца с коррупцией. 20.01.2018. Прокуратура Башкирии направила в Орджоникидзевский райсуд Уфы заявление об обращении в доход государства имущества экс-начальника отдела управления экономической безопасности и противодействия коррупции МВД по РБ Игоря Воробьева. По мнению надзорного ведомства, ежегодные доходы экс-полицейского не позволяли ему приобрести имущество. Среди объектов, на конфискации которых настаивает прокуратура, двухэтажный дом в сосновом бору в пригороде Уфы, два Range Rover Evoque, Mercedes-Benz GLA 250 и два нежилых помещения. Балансовая стоимость имущества оценивается в 25 млн руб., а рыночная — около 42 млн руб., сообщили в пресс-службе прокуратуры. Ежегодный доход Игоря Воробьева в бытность его сотрудником полиции составлял около 1 млн руб. .. Это не первый случай, когда прокуратура Башкирии через суд добивается конфискации имущества экс-сотрудников МВД. В ноябре 2017 года Кировский райсуд Уфы частично удовлетворил иск прокурора Башкирии Андрея Назарова об обращении в собственность государства имущества бывшего заместителя начальника отдела антикоррупционного управления республиканского МВД Ильнура Юсупова и его бывшей супруги Эллины. При ежегодном доходе в 1,5 млн руб. он владел имуществом общей стоимостью около 200 млн руб. Тогда суд конфисковал принадлежавшие чете автомобиль Toyota Highlander, квартиру площадью 163 кв. м, дом и земельный участок под Уфой, а также 1/2 доли в праве на земельный участок и жилой дом в селе Дмитриевка. После выявленных нарушений Ильнур Юсупов был уволен из органов внутренних дел. // Рекорд же в этой области был установлен Генпрокуратурой, которая через московский суд добилась обращения в доход государства имущества бывшего замначальника управления ГУЭБиПК МВД Дмитрия Захарченко, оцененного в 9 млрд руб.


Corruption, Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism, Edro, Election fraud, KGB, Russia, Stop Putin, Vladimir Putin, Vladimir Churov,