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Main idea of gravitsapa

Gravitsapa (Гравицапа) is one of most obvious fraud of the Russian administration of century 21.

Gravitsapa is inertioid, developed and launched to the Earth orbit in 2008 May 28 on board of the satellite Yubileiny by the Russian Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center under coordination of Valery Menshikov and Vladimir Nesterov (Нестеров Владимир Евгеньевич). The launch of gravitsapa indicates the end of the Russian cosmic research program and converting it to pseudo-science.

Perpetual motion

In 2005, the claim of the inventors was the perpetual motion machine [1][2]. To year 2010, the claim was "reduced" to the "truster without loss of mass" ("движитель без расхода рабочего тела"), id est, to the support–less propulsion, inertioid.


In 2008, Gravitsapa was launched to the Earth's orbit on board of the Yubueiny satellite, fogether with four other inertioids, for demonstration of the inertial propulsion. According to the claims by Valery Menshikov, the device allows the satellite to change its orbit due to the movement of the liquid inside it by a special trajectory, similar to tornado [3].


In 2010, many Russian mass media had reported the success of Gravitspa [4][5][6][2], although the BBC had expressed some skepsis [7]. The publications indicate that the Russian officials still (up to year 2011) consider the creation and launch of Gravitsapa as a great achievement of Russian science and technology.


The governmental support of the project of Gravitsapa, as well as foundation of development of other inertioids in the Maximov space research intitute reveals the Ignorance (or bad will) of the Russian ministers: from publications, it seems that they do not know the law of conservation of momentum nor the laws of Newton. At least until year 2011 they do not treat the gravitsapa and other inertioids as a fraud.

Failure of the Russian cosmic program

In general, under the total Russian corruption, no one scientific nor technological project can develop normally; it would be strange is the cosmic program happen to be an exception. The total, "cosmic" scale of bribery and robbery is reported for the Russian military administration [8].

The Russian representatives claim, that the foreign sabotage takes place, trying to explain the often failures of the Russian spacecrafts [9]. The foreign sabotage could lead to the total decay of a cosmic program, as well as all other national projects, if some foreign countries have bribed, for example, Vladimir Putin, for placing of totally corrupted, uneducated and irresponsible frauders at all key position in Russian government, courts, research laboratories and other institutes. Over–vice it is difficult to explain the orientation of the Russian research institute and developing centers to the pseudo–scientific projects similar to the gravitsapa.

Western analogies

Century 20, the so–called Dean drive, that violates the momentum nocservation, had been proposed. [10][11].

2014.08.04 Jamie Seidel again reports experimental results on violation of law of conservation of energy-momentum/ [12].

Money laundering and terror

Gravitsapa and other similar frauds are used in Russia of century 21 for the money laundering.

At least part of this money seem to be hidden in the off shores of the Russian officials (see Panama Papers).

On one hand, the pseudo-scientific projects help the usurper and the KGB agents to reveal the honest people, who dislike the fraud, in order to attack them. Such a practice is very extensive during the USSR. The soviet fascists tried to exterminate those citizen, who do not accept the absurd thesis of Sovietism.

On the other hand, the money, achieved with the money laundering, is used for terror, for the Putin world war. Some evidences of this are collected in articles Российским чиновникам выгодны теракты (in Russian) and Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism.


  1. Andrei KISLYAKOV. RUSSIA TO HELP DEVELOP NUCLEAR-POWERED SPACECRAFT. 15:34 29/03/2005. ... the R&D institute of space systems near Moscow is busy developing a perpetuum mobile (perpetual-motion engine), of sorts. This engine that will have a virtually unlimited service life could be used on Earth and in outer space.// Our institute's staffers have been developing a non-jet propulsion unit for several years in a row, Valery Menshikov, who heads this institute, said in mid-March. A liquid or solid-state propulsive mass moves along a preset tornado-shaped trajectory inside this engine, thereby ensuring sustainable propulsion.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Russian scientists test perpetual motion machine in space. "Pravda", 14.04.2009. Specialists of the Institute for Space Systems conducted successful tests of the perpetual motion machine in space. Valery Menshikov, the director of the institute, said that the machine was installed at Yubileiny satellite which was launched into orbit almost a year ago. The satellite can now move from one orbit to another with the help of the engine, which discharges no reaction mass.// The first tests were conducted in June and July of 2008. The tests revealed some problems that need further developments of the machine, but the orbital experiment was conducted successfully in general.
  3. Российские ученые провели испытания вечного двигателя. 13.04.2009. Российские специалисты из Научно-исследовательского института космических систем (филиала Государственного космического научно-производственного центра (ГКНПЦ) им. Хруничева) провели в космосе испытания "вечного двигателя".// Об этом сообщил сегодня заместитель генерального директора ГКНПЦ, директор НИИ КС Валерий Меньшиков. Движитель без выброса реактивной массы, с легкой руки журналистов названный "вечным двигателем", был установлен на спутнике "Юбилейный", который в мае 2008 года был выведен на орбиту в качестве попутной нагрузки на ракете-носителе "Рокот".// С помощью движителя, который включается автономно или по команде с Земли, космический аппарат должен переходить с одной орбиты на другую. Перемещение происходит за счет движения внутри аппарата жидкого или твердого рабочего тела по определенной траектории, напоминающей воронку торнадо. Для питания используется энергия солнечных батарей. Образец такого двигателя прошел испытания на Земле и получил поддержку в Роскосмосе, передает ИТАР-ТАСС. (in Russian)
  4. Ученые начали проверку двигателя под названием "гравицапа". Газета.ru, 4 февраля 2010. (in Russian)
  5. "Гравицапа" из фильма "Кин-дза-дза" "перекочевала" в космический аппарат. Агенство Национальных Новостей, 4 февраля 2010 года. (in Russian)
  6. "Гравицапа" существует: российские ученые изобрели новый двигатель для космических кораблей. Мицубиси Галант, 4 февраля 2010 г.
  7. Россия запустила спутник с "вечным двигателем". BBC, 23 мая 2008 г: ... Четвертый - аппарат "Юбилейный", выпущенный акционерным обществом "Информационные спутниковые системы" в Железногорске Красноярского края в честь 50-летия запуска первого искусственного спутника Земли. Он примечателен, прежде всего, тем, что на нем установлен небывалый двигатель для коррекции орбиты, который его создатели окрестили "вечным". Это первый космический двигатель, работающий не на реактивном принципе, а за счет движения внутри него жидкого рабочего тела по определенной траектории, напоминающей торнадо. Энергию для этого будут давать солнечные батареи.(in Russian)
  8. Военный прокурор назвал масштаб коррупции в Минобороны «космическим» 17:27 11.01.2012. (In Russian)
  9. Fred Weir. Russia hints foreign sabotage may be behind space program troubles The head of Russia's space agency said it is 'suspicious' that most of the program's accidents occur in places that Russian radars can't reach. January 10, 2012. "It is unclear why our setbacks often occur when the vessels are traveling through what for Russia is the 'dark' side of the Earth – in areas where we do not see the craft and do not receive its telemetry readings," Popovkin said in an interview with the pro-government daily newspaper Izvestia.
  10. THE DEAN DRIVE and other Reactionless Drives. Friday, May 23, 2008
  12. Jamie Seidel. News Corp Australia Network NASA tests ‘impossible’ microwave engine that produces fuel out of empty space — and finds that it works August 4, 12:52pm ‘I CANNAE break the laws of physics” Star Treks’ famous engineer “Scotty” would retort. But NASA has. They’ve produced something from nothing, and perhaps opened a way to the stars in the process. Scotty has to eat his hat: And the new microwave propulsion system has been named the “Cannae Drive”. An initially sceptical NASA decided to test a widely criticised concept from inventor Roger Sawyer — even though established thinking said it wouldn’t work.

Russian version of this article: Гравицапа


Corruption, Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism, Destruction of science in Russia, Fraud, Inertioid, Maximov Space Systems Research Institute, Money laundering, Nuremberg-2, Pahanat, Perpetual motion, Gravitsapa, Pseudo-science, Russia, Valery Menshikov, Vladimir Nesterov,