X2F23 ⼣ is Unicode character number 12067, JapanTa, KanjiLRadical.
In Japanese, character X2F23 ⼣ can be pronounced セキ or ゆう "yaki" or "yuu" and denote evening.
X2F23 ⼣ is easy to confuse with other two characters from set JapanTa; in particular, with KatakanaTa.
X2F23 ⼣ is element of JapanTa.
JapanTa is set of 3 Unicode characters:
X2F23 ⼣ [1], KanjiRadical
X30BF タ [2], KatakanaTa
X5915 夕 [3], KanjiLiberal
Characters of JapanTa look similar.
Even a native Japanese speaker, watching at
is unlikely to answer:
Which of them is X2F23?
Which of them is X30BF?
Which of them is X5915?
For the printed character, the correct specification is
"X2F23 ⼣ or X30BF タ or X5915 夕"
Term JapanTa is defined to substitute this cumbersome construction.
However, characters JapanTa still have different semantics; for the analysis of Japanese texts, more narrow set is necessary. It is considered in the next section.
Vecher is set of the following Unicode characters:
X2F23 ⼣ [1], KanjiRadical
X5915 夕 [3], KanjiLiberal
In such a way, Vecher is JapanTa with excluded KatakanaTa.
Word Vecher can be pronounced as Yuu (ゆう) and refer to meanings of characters ⼣, 夕: approximate equivalent of evening.
Notation Vecher is chosen in analogy with Russian word вечер, that has similar meaning(s).
Need in such a notation raises from the fault of representation of Japanese characters in computers. Up to year 2021, the default fonts cause confusions: characters JapanTa ( ⼣ タ 夕) look similar to each other.
Term vecher is defined to avoid the confusion.
According to dictionaries, there is neither phonetic nor semantic difference between characters X2F23 ⼣ and X5915 夕.
For this reason, the most of descriptions of X5915 夕 (except the encoding properties) can be attributed also to X2F23 ⼣.
These descriptions are not repeated here.
Characters X2F23 ⼣ and X2F23 ⼣ are confusive. While writing with macintosh, the writer does not know, is the character ⼣ or ⼣; will it be found with the search or not; will it be interpreted correctly by the typesetting system or not. In order to deal with this confusion, word vecher is suggested as substitute of any of ⼣, 夕. At the final setting of document, this word can be replaced to the kanji that corresponds to convenient Japanese language.
Such a trick allows to bypass the problem with poor implementation of Japanese characters in computers.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 https://util.unicode.org/UnicodeJsps/character.jsp?a=2F23 ⼣ 2F23 KANGXI RADICAL EVENING Han Script id: allowed confuse: 夕 , タ ..
- ↑ https://util.unicode.org/UnicodeJsps/character.jsp?a=30BF タ 30BF KATAKANA LETTER TA Katakana Script id: restricted confuse: ⼣ , 夕 ..
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 https://util.unicode.org/UnicodeJsps/character.jsp?a=5915 夕 5915 CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-5915 Han Script id: restricted confuse: ⼣ , タ ..