Stian Jenssen

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Stian Jenssen (1978.04.11, Norway - ) is Norwegian politician; since July 2017 - Director of the Private Office[1].

Stian Jenssen is known due to his attempt to sell some part of Ukrainian territory to the Russian usurper, as the Appeasing aggression («Indulge the aggressor»), in exchange to some written guarantees from the civilized countries [2][3].

The attempt to bargain with someone's property is illegal.

In the case with Ukraine, such an attempt is qualified by ККУст110.

Evidences are observed, that Stian Jenssen admits that he was wrong with his suggestion [4].

Stian Jenssen, his philosophy, his colleagues form interesting topic of the scientific research important for construction of historic models.

Norway at the map of Europe [5]


At the map of Europe, the Norway is at the top, see the map at right.

It is a little bit far from Ukraine geographically,
and even farther from the Ukrainian interpretation of the Law.


NATO provides the following personal indormation about Stian Jenssen [1]

Stian Jenssen Director Private Office of the Secretary General 2017

Last updated: 21 Apr. 2022 09:00

Date of Birth: 11.04.1978

Nationality: Norwegian

Work experience:
July 2017- Director of the Private Office
Sept 2016-July 2017 Head, Policy Planning, Private Office of the Secretary General, NATO
October 2014-2016 Private Secretary to the Secretary General of NATO
2012-2014 Policy Adviser – Policy Planning, Private Office of the Secretary General, NATO
2010-2012 Assistant Defence Counsellor, Permanent Norwegian Delegation to NATO
2007-2010 Adviser/Senior Adviser, Department of Security Policy, Norwegian Ministry of Defence
2003-2005 National Representative for conscripts and enlisted personnel in the Norwegian Armed Forces
2002-2003 Military Service, Royal Norwegian Guards

2005-2007 Master of Arts (MA)/ Master of Philosophy (MPhil), International Politics and Security Studies, University of Bradford, UK
2003-2004 Diploma in Public Relations and Communications, Norwegian School of Management, Oslo, Norway
1998-2001 Bachelor of Science (BSc) Honours, International Relations, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) London, UK.

Appeasing aggression

Publications about Stian Jenssen make an impression that he behaves as if he would be a putin ally.

2023.08.15, the attempt to sell some part of Ukrainian territory to the Russian usurper by Stian Jenssen is reported [2].

The Appeasing aggression («Indulge the aggressor») is suggested in exchange to some guarantees from NATO.

The original publication [3] reads:
Åpner for at Ukraina avgir territorium i bytte mot Nato-medlemskap
ARENDAL (VG) Stabssjef i Nato, Stian Jenssen, antyder at Ukraina kan få et Nato-medlemskap i bytte mot å gi opp noe territorium til Russland, og at det kan være en del av slutten på krigen i Ukraina.
Alf Bjarne JohnsenHelge Mikalsen (foto) Publisert: Oppdatert i går 14:52
– Jeg tror at en løsning kan være at Ukraina gir opp territorium, og får et Nato-medlemskap i retur, sa Jenssen i en paneldebatt i Arendal tirsdag formiddag.
Stian Jenssen er stabssjef for Natos generalsekretær Jens Stoltenberg i Brussel. Stoltenberg har selv ikke vært villig til å diskutere mulige løsninger for Ukraina etter Russlands invasjon.
Generalsekretæren har konsekvent sagt at det må være opp til Ukraina å bestemme både tid og vilkår for eventuelle forhandlinger med Russland for å få slutt på okkupasjonen.
Nå sier Stoltenbergs nærmeste medarbeider i Nato at man må ha noen tanker om hvordan sikkerhetssituasjonen for Ukraina skal være når krigen en gang tar slutt.
– Det er viktig at vi diskuterer oss igjennom dette, sa Jenssen i en samtale om Ukrainas fremtidige Nato-medlemskap, etter toppmøtet i Vilnius i sommer.
Han presiserer også, slik Stoltenberg har sagt tidligere:
– Det må være opp til Ukraina å avgjøre når og på hvilke vilkår de ønsker å forhandle.
Etter stor intern uenighet, samlet Nato-landenes toppledere seg bak en formulering om at en invitasjon til medlemskap for Ukraina kommer «når de allierte landene er enige om det, og vilkårene er oppfylt».
– Det er vesentlig bevegelse i spørsmålet om fremtidig Nato-medlemskap for Ukraina. Det er i alles interesse at krigen ikke gjentar seg, sa Jenssen.
– Russland sliter enormt militært, og det virker urealistisk at de kan ta nye territorier. Nå er det snarere spørsmål om hva Ukraina klarer å ta tilbake, la han til.
På VGs spørsmål om det er Natos syn at Ukraina må avgi landområder for å oppnå fred med Russland og et fremtidig medlemskap i Nato, viste Jenssen til at diskusjonen om mulig status etter krigen allerede er i gang, og at spørsmål om å avgi territorium til Russland er reist av andre.
– Jeg sier ikke at det må bli slik. Men det kan være en mulig løsning, svarte Jenssen.
Publisert: 15.08.23 kl. 13:30
Oppdatert: 15.08.23 kl. 14:52

The only legal way to consider the suggestion by Stian Jenssen refers to article ККУст110 of the Penal Code of Ukraine [6].

Next day, 2023.08.16, the indication is observed, that Stian Jenssen confesses that he was wrong and apologizes [4]

Russian invasion into Ukraine


Case of Stian Jenssen is important for interpretation of historic events.

The moderate reaction of Western leaders on the cruel Russian aggressions since the Chechen wars provokes the Moskovian usurper to escalation of the putin world war - as if they have some plan to pull Russia to heavy military conflict in order to justify the total extermination of Russia, as it is shown in the map at right.

The confess [4] breaks the simple model of Stian Jenssen as putin's crime partner, as the absolute evil.

The more complicated and more realistic model require the future search of literature about Stian Jenssen and the analysis.


Stian Jenssen at the party says:
- Yesterday I saved a girl. Two bishops were going to kill her for money.
- Wu.. How did you do it?
- Very simple! I convinced her to donate half of her money to the Christian Society. The bishops were satisfied and did not kill her.

Stian Jenssen reads the Jungle book[7]:
Very strange.. why the Pack of wolves, for their safe, do not give Mowgli to Shere Khan?
There is no criminal court in the Jungle; why do wolves care about the memorandum, signed many years ago??
Yankees do not care about the Budapest memorandum; why do the wolves care?


The TORI axioms are about existing things and events that may happen; not about things that must exist nor things that must happen. The moral questions about the best way to treat the putins crime partners and allies («пособник путинского режима»[8][9]) fall out of range of applicability of the TORI axioms and therefore cannot be rigorously answered at this site. Some opinions on these questions are collected in articles «А нас то за что» (in Russian) and «I bombed Dresden».

Norway did not sign the Budapest memorandum; no one blames Norway for not declaring war to Putin'a Russia at his attempts to plunder territories of other countries.

On the other hand, Norway is a member of NATO, and two NATO countries (the USA and the UK) signed guarantees of the sovereignty and integrity of Ukraine (see «Budapest memorandum»). The attempt to turn friendly countries into cruel traitors looks barbaric.

The Editor is not supposed to teach the professionals from the Anti-Putin coalition, how is better to fight against the Russian nazis.
But the Editor keeps his right to call things with their proper names, to construct the historic models and to compare their predictions with observations.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Stian Jenssen Director Private Office of the Secretary General 2017 Last updated: 21 Apr. 2022 09:00// Date of Birth: 11.04.1978// Nationality: Norwegian// Work experience:// July 2017- Director of the Private Office// Sept 2016-July 2017 Head, Policy Planning, Private Office of the Secretary General, ]]NATO]]// October 2014-2016 Private Secretary to the Secretary General of NATO// 2012-2014 Policy Adviser – Policy Planning, Private Office of the Secretary General, NATO// 2010-2012 Assistant Defence Counsellor, Permanent Norwegian Delegation to NATO// 2007-2010 Adviser/Senior Adviser, Department of Security Policy, Norwegian Ministry of Defence// 2003-2005 National Representative for conscripts and enlisted personnel in the Norwegian Armed Forces// 2002-2003 Military Service, Royal Norwegian Guards// Education:// 2005-2007 Master of Arts (MA)/ Master of Philosophy (MPhil), International Politics and Security Studies, University of Bradford, UK// 2003-2004 Diploma in Public Relations and Communications, Norwegian School of Management, Oslo, Norway// 1998-2001 Bachelor of Science (BSc) Honours, International Relations, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) London, UK.//
  2. 2.0 2.1 by James Billot Tuesday, 15 August 2023 18:08 Nato official: Ukraine could cede territory to join alliance// Stian Jenssen made the controversial proposal in Norway this week// Ceding territory to Russia in exchange for Nato membership could be a solution to ending the war, the chief of staff for Nato’s Secretary-General has said.// At a panel debate in Arendal, Norway on Tuesday Stian Jenssen argued that it was important to discuss Ukraine’s security arrangements after the war ended. In comments reported by Norway’s most read newspaper, VG, Jenssen reiterated the official Nato line that it ultimately lay with Ukraine to decide when and how it would negotiate. But his proposal for territorial secession is beyond anything that his boss, Jens Stoltenberg, has discussed publicly.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Åpner for at Ukraina avgir territorium i bytte mot Nato-medlemskap//Oppdatert: 15.08.23 kl. 14:52 (year 2023) ARENDAL (VG) Stabssjef i Nato, Stian Jenssen, antyder at Ukraina kan få et Nato-medlemskap i bytte mot å gi opp noe territorium til Russland, og at det kan være en del av slutten på krigen i Ukraina. // Alf Bjarne JohnsenHelge Mikalsen (foto) Publisert: Oppdatert i går 14:52
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Nato official apologises over suggestion Ukraine could give up land for membership// Secretary general’s chief of staff says statement was ‘mistake’ and part of wider discussion – but does not completely rule out idea// Russia-Ukraine war – latest news updates// Dan Sabbagh in Kyiv Wed 16 Aug 2023 17.45 BST..// First published on Wed 16 Aug 2023 12.09 BST
  5.,+Norwegian+Ministry+of+Defence/@62.4161482,-14.3229849,4z?entry=ttu Norwegian defence material agency 2023
  6. Кримінальний кодекс України Документ 2341-III, чинний, поточна редакція — Редакція від 11.08.2023, підстава - 3233-IX .. Стаття 110. Посягання на територіальну цілісність і недоторканність України 1. Умисні дії, вчинені з метою зміни меж території або державного кордону України на порушення порядку, встановленого Конституцією України, а також публічні заклики чи розповсюдження матеріалів із закликами до вчинення таких дій, - // караються позбавленням волі на строк від трьох до п’яти років з конфіскацією майна або без такої. 2. Ті самі дії, якщо вони вчинені особою, яка є представником влади, або повторно, або за попередньою змовою групою осіб, або поєднані з розпалюванням національної чи релігійної ворожнечі, - караються позбавленням волі на строк від п’яти до десяти років з конфіскацією майна або без такої. // 3. Дії, передбачені частинами першою або другою цієї статті, які призвели до загибелі людей або інших тяжких наслідків, - караються позбавленням волі на строк від десяти до п’ятадцяти років або довічним позбавленням волі з конфіскацією майна або без такої. // {Стаття 110 із змінами, внесеними згідно із Законами № 1183-VII від 08.04.2014, № 1689-VII від 07.10.2014}
  7. Rudyard Kipling. THE JUNGLE BOOK. Release Date: January 16, 2006 [EBook #236] Last Updated: October 6, 2016. .. Akela lifted his head again and said, “He has eaten our food. He has slept with us. He has driven game for us. He has broken no word of the Law of the Jungle.”// “Also, I paid for him with a bull when he was accepted. The worth of a bull is little, but Bagheera’s honor is something that he will perhaps fight for,” said Bagheera in his gentlest voice.// “A bull paid ten years ago!” the Pack snarled. “What do we care for bones ten years old?”// “Or for a pledge?” said Bagheera, his white teeth bared under his lip. “Well are ye called the Free People!” ..
  8.—_vinovatyimi_budem_vse.html Скабеева запугивает россиян Гаагою: "Пособник путинского режима или мимо проходил — виноватыми будем все" 01 декабря 2022, 06:05 | Российская пропагандистка Ольга Скабеева пугает зрителей тем, что в случае поражения России в войне против Украины всем россиянам грозит Гаагский трибунал. Соответствующее заявление Скабеева сделала в эфире пропагандистского теле-шоу. "Если вдруг, не дай Бог, что-то произойдет и наша страна не сможет одержать победу, тогда надо исходить из того, что претензии будут предъявлены каждому без исключения. Безотносительно – на территории РФ он находится или за пределами. И те, кто за пределами, наверное, мгновенно будут арестованы. Пособник он путинского режима или мимо проходил – неважно, виноватыми будем все", – придумала пропагандистка.
  9. 29 ноября 2022, 19:24 Симоньян: «Если мы умудримся проиграть, Гаага условная или конкретная ждет даже дворника» Главный редактор телеканала RT Маргарита Симоньян в эфире у Владимира Соловьева рассказала, почему России нельзя проиграть в противостоянии с Украиной и в целом с Западом. // «Я хочу сказать, что, если мы умудримся проиграть, Гаага условная или конкретная ждет даже дворника, который брусчатку за кремлевской стеной подметает. Что нам от того, что еще один район Киева останется без света или не останется? Масштаб катастрофы для нашей страны, если мы умудримся это сделать, даже представить нельзя. Гааги бояться — в лес не ходить», — заявила Симоньян.