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Logo of Hamas [1][2]

RiyadInterview is emulation, an attempt to imagine the concept of radical Islamism. It should not be confused with Islam, that is religion based on Koran. Term «Islam» denotes a peaceful and nice relation; it can be considered as an antonym of term «Islamism». The emulation below is loaded as an illustration of difference between Islam and Islamism.

The Problem of Palestine is described in simplified way.
The main concepts if Islamism are mentioned.
The Editor tries to present them in self-consistent form.

Questions by Editor are formulated.

Replies by Riyad al-Maliki are emulated.

The critics is welcomed.



D: Moshimoshi?

- Профессор Кузнецов?

D: Хай. Yes. Да.. What language is to speak?

- Сейчас с вами будет говорить Riyad al-Maliki.

D: Он меня знает?

- Это не важно. Соединяю.

R: Hello, Dmitri.

D: Aloha.

R: I am Riyad al-Maliki.

D: Palestine?

R: Yes. I need to talk someone from Japan. I hope you can help us..


D: I am foreigner here.

R: I know. It is just that we need. Some bridge between Palestine and Japan.

D: Why don't you contact some of our politicians?

R: I'll meet Yoko Kamikawa soon. Do you know her?

D: No. Hence, what is my role?

R: I want to understand, what is important for Japan now.. To prepare better.

D: Do you hope, Japan can accept some millions of Palestinian people as refugees?

R: No. I only want to talk with you. To know your opinion. My secretaries present very optimistic reports; but sometimes, the events happen to be not so optimistic; so, some things I have to do by myself..

D: But..

R: Perhaps, you do not understand well our case. I need to know opinions from the first hands. You are told to be very critic person, so, we chose you.. Could you answer some questions?

D: It depends.


R: Well. Let us try. I hope you know something about us..

D: Gaza Strip. A thousand square kilometers. Two millions population, very poor and very aggressive..

R: Less than 4 hundred square kilometers. But we fight for liberation of all Palestine.

D: Liberation from Jews?

R: From occupants. Well, from Israel.

D: It will be better, if you describe your point of view. Then I'll try to express my opinion.

R: What do you want to know?

D: Do you think, that the single Jew country should be eliminated to make at its place one more Arabian country?

R: This is our land! There should be no Jew state at our land!

D: What do you plan to do with the Israeli people?

R: They should accept Islam, I mean, our interpretation of Islam, because it is the only correct belief.

D: Do you think that millions people can change their believes?

R: This is their problem. Those who do not accept Sharia, should leave.

D: I do not understand your answer; I expected you to say "yes" or "not".. Well, I try again. How many Arabian countries exist?

R: 22.

D: How many Jew countries exist?

R: There should not be any Jew country..

D: Sorry, I do not understand.. Can you estimate the number of Jewish countries? How Can you count them? For now, how many?

R: One. But the number should be zero!

D: Do you think you can achieve this goal?

R: It will take certain time. The number of Muslims greatly exceed the number of Jews. We are majority. In Russian, it is called "Bolshevism". The minority should obey the majority. Some kind of democracy. You like the democracy, don't you?

D: This is not a democracy.

R: Why?

D: Because Jews did not agree to solve the religious questions with majority of votes. Nor the territorial questions.

R: Our population grows faster than that of Jews. After some tens years, we'll be able go kill all the Jews just with hands, without weapon. And even easier with weapon. And we get back all the Palestine.

D: Who provide money for this activity?

R: Donations. Many Arabian countries support our activity.

D: Do you get foundation from Moscovia?

R: Sorry, I shall not answer this question. But we have a lot of sponsors in all countries. Even at Japan!

D: Japan??

R: Yes, of course!

D: I cannot believe that Japan support the terrorist organization.

R: Don't worry, this help is declared to be for the Palestinian people.

D: Do you think you can convince our administration with such a trick?

R: For you, it is trick. But for the professionals, it is just a politics.

D: It is not possible!

R: You will see. I am sure, Yoko Kamikawa will provide us several million dollars. Because she is professional.




D: And if not?

R: Then, we'll shorten the supply of oil to Japan. And we'll kill the hostages. We'll find a way to punish those, who do not want to support us.

D: You speak so easy about killing hostages..

R: What is a problem? They are not Muslims; so, they should be sacrificed. This is will of Allah.

D: When did you know about seizing of hostages? I mean, the pogrom 2023.10.07 at Negev.. Did you participate in the planning?

R: Sorry, I shall not answer your question.

D: Perhaps, your administration has planned that pogrom together with Lavrov and other Russian administration, is it so?

R: Sorry, I should not answer this question.

D: Now, the Tsahal shout the terrorists at the Gaza Strip. Many are dead. Even civilian. Did you expected such a response?

R: Yes. The more victims, the more support we get. This is simple arithmetic. You, as mathematician, should understand this.

D: But thousands people are dead, did you planned this?

R: Yes. They go to Paradise. There is nothing wrong with bringing the righteous to Paradise. You, as not believer, cannot understand this.

D: I try to understand. I expect Tsahal to find a way to bring you to Paradise as soon as possible.

R: Is this menace?

D: Not at all. I only talk in your terms. You told, there is nothing wrong in bringing people to Paradise.

R: Dmitrii, you do not understand our religion. Read Koran, then, may be, you'll understand this.

D: Do you think the English version of Koran will help?

R: Not! The Koran should be learned in Arabic! You should learn Arabic! And all the Jews must learn Arabic. This is will of Allah. We'll get the superior power; then we'll establish the New World Order. We'll force all the people to learn Arabic and Koran. And to follow the provisions of Sharia.

D: Do you expect your mission to be successful?

R: Yes, I am sure. Tomorrow belongs to me! And soon, you'll see that I am right. We'll get support from all democratic countries. they supply is with money and then, for this money, they sell us a rope to hung them. And we'll do it in pretty democratic way! We liberate our land from the wrong believers! And not only Palestine, but the whole world. And the Western democracies will help us. Including Japan. You'll see. Those who want to leave in peace, should join us and help us. Others will be punished.

D: I do not think such a perspective to attract many people..

R: I shall think about it. Thank you for your advises. Good Bye.

D. Bye..

R: Allah Akbar!


Historic context



2021.03.21. https://web.archive.org/web/20230401163649/https://www.wafa.ps/pages/details/19637 تاريخ النشر: 21/03/2021 07:12 الاحتلال يسحب بطاقة (V I P) من وزير الخارجية رياض المالكي ويخضع فريقه للتحقيق

2023.08.03. https://www.aa.com.tr/ar/الدول-العربية/وزير-خارجية-فلسطين-إدارة-بايدن-مخيبة-للآمال-ونتجه-إلى-الصين/2960580 وزير خارجية فلسطين: إدارة بايدن "مخيبة للآمال" ونتجه إلى الصين في لقاء لرياض المالكي مع ممثلي وسائل إعلام أجنبية في مقر الخارجية برام الله.. Qais Omar Darwesh Omar, Iyad Nabolsi | 03.08.2023 - محدث : 03.08.2023 وزير خارجية فلسطين: إدارة بايدن "مخيبة للآمال" ونتجه إلى الصين .. ومن أصل 22 دولة عربية، تقيم 6 دول هي مصر والأردن والإمارات والبحرين والمغرب والسودان علاقات معلنة مع إسرائيل، بينما اشترطت الرياض مرارا الاتفاق على إقامة دولة فلسطينية قبل إقامة علاقات دبلوماسية رسمية مع تل أبيب. ..

2023.10.27. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btVFgqkgkzw Did Israel Steal Palestinian Land? Ayn Rand Institute Oct 27, 2023

2023.10.30. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-swzsQFA6fM "Почему они нас не любят..." Размышлизмы про антисемитизм Mark Solonin Oct 30, 2023 #войнаукраина #марксолонин 00:34 не могу отказать девушкам 01:40 НЕ НАДО ОПРОВЕРГАТЬ! Надо просто говорить правду 04:00 задайте им ТРИ ВОПРОСА 06:40 почему арабы в Газе за 18 лет не обеспечили себя едой и воды? 08:26 будет ли арабам счастье в «палестинском государстве»? 12:09 если человек не идиот, то ему понятно 13:50 Приложение 1 (антисемитизм не нуждается в фактах) 14:50 история «кровавого навета» 19:19 средневековое изуверство под звон трамваев («дело Бейлиса») 21:10 Приложение 2 (справедливость и/или целесообразность) 21:35 арабское государство в Палестине создано 100 лет назад 22:50 «этика спасательной шлюпки» 25:30 целесообразность повсеместно нарушает справедливость 28:00 принцип «приобретательской давности», или сад принадлежит тому, кто его вырастил - - -
1. Согласны ли вы с тем, что ради создания 19го по счёты арабского государства надо уничтожить единственное еврейское государство?
2. Согласны ли вы с тем, что Израиль должен взать народ Палестины на своё полное содержание.
3. Если папестинцы за 50 лет этого не сделали, то почему что-то изменится если автономию сменить на сиуцеренитет?

2023.11.04. https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/15048276 Japan pledges $65 million in additional aid to Palestinians REUTERS November 4, 2023 at 08:05 JST Palestinian foreign minister Riyad al-Maliki, left receives his Japanese counterpart Yoko Kamikawa at his office in the West Bank city of Ramallah, Friday, Nov. 3, 2023. (AP Photo) Japan’s Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa pledged $65 million in additional humanitarian aid for the Gaza Strip during a tour of Israel and Jordan. ..

2023.11.05. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpXf4O5xT5k Единохамасие. Точка бифуркации истории. Космический перехват. Что в Газе? Тайм, Залужный, Арестович // Yulia Latynina. Единохамасие. Возле точки бифуркации истории будущее становится непредсказуемым, а вероятность катастрофических решений возрастает. Что происходит в Газе? Статья Залужного. Арестович задал наболевшие вопросы, которые никто не осмеливался задавать.. - - - Путин.. полез вперёд.. Си Цинпин использует его в качеств ледокола.. Государственный антисемитизм.