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SanitaSpisok.txt is list of stationary Russian strategic and military objects at territory of Moscovia.

SanitaSpisok.txt is used as input file to generate the URL of the contour maps of the Buffer Zone at Russia (Санитарная Зона).
The generator is loaded as SanitaSpisokURL.php.
The example of map of Санитарная Зона at width 360px with labels is shown at right.

SanitaSpisok.txt counts a hundred of lines; each line correspond to the single object and has the following structure:
1. Geographic coordinates of the important part of the object or those of its metacenter.
2. Single digit number indicating the priority of the object for the placing at the map.
3. Identifier of the object (torilink, single word without spacebar) to appear as the label.
4,5,6. Default relative Cartesian coordinates for the label and the font-size.
7. Comment.
These columns are separated with spacebars; spacebar is not allowed inside the label.


41.0000,18.0000 0 sea 9 0 10 bottom of the map at 41 N
71.0000,22.0000 0 sea 9 0 10 Left side at 22 E ;
69.0308,33.4223 1 Severomorsk-1 0 15 15 SeveromorskAirbase
68.8584,33.7242 1 Severomorsk-3 5 5 15
68.1603,33.4637 1 Авиабаза_Оленья 5 5 15 Olenya_Airbase
62.9821,40.7771 1 Плесецкая_Военная_База_Мирный 5 8 12
62.9799,40.7678 2 Vh08342 5 8 10 «5я площадка»
62.9599,40.6831 2 Космодром_Плесецк 5 5 8
62.9667,40.7343 2 PlesetskArsenalU 5 4 12 Plesetsk_Arsenal
62.7217,40.4872 1 Plesetsk_Airbase 5 2 12 "Военный-аэродром-Плесецк"
59.2366,38.4945 2 ГЭС -10 9 9
59.1914,39.1298 1 Fedotovo_Airbase 4 11 15
59.1449,38.5354 2 L59.1449z38.5354 9 8 8 компрессоры газовода
59.0973,38.6277 1 Korzhavino_Arsenal -70 -4 12 Арсенал Коржавино, L59.0973z38.6277
58.0124,56.1949 1 Zavod_Dzerjinskogo -80 16 12 Завод Дзержинского
58.0100,33.3261 1 ValdaiCluster 4 7 14 Валдайский Дворец
57.9710,60.0751 1 Уралвагонзавод -36 -2 12
57.9710,60.0751 1 Uralvagonzavod -36 -14 12
57.7905,28.3879 1 Pskov 5 8 12 Авиабаза Псков
57.2969,28.4319 1 Остров 5 8 12 Авиабаза Остров
56.8286,35.7618 1 Migalovo 5 10 12 Авиабаза Мигалово
56.5011,31.7205 1 Цикарево -20 18 12
56.3616,31.6450 1 Рясно -20 -3 12 Ryasno Arsenal
56.2486,34.1266 1 Мончалово 3 10 9 Vh67730
56.1558,41.4565 1 Esino 6 8 12 Арсенал Эсино
56.1004,38.7665 1 Barsovo -12 15 9 Арсенал Барсово
55.8890,38.0639 1 Chka.. 3 2 10 Авиабаза Чкаловский
55.8638,49.1227 1 Kazan_Airbase 6 8 12 Авиабаза Казань
55.7503,37.6218 1 ФСО -32 6 11
55.7352,37.2019 2 Новоогарево 6 8 8
55.5763,37.7716 1 Капотня 4 2 10
55.4468,42.3102 1 Savasleika 6 8 11 Авиабаза Саваслейка
55.2569,61.2985 1 Shagol -12 15 12 Авиабаза Шагол
54.6560,39.5774 1 Diagilevo_Airbase 5 6 12 Авиабаза Дягилево
54.2448,58.0812 1 Yamantau 4 9 13 Яманский Дворец Путина
54.2356,34.3811 1 Shaikovka 5 9 11 Авиабаза Шайковка
53.7153,33.3464 1 Sesha 5 7 11 Авиабаза Сеща
53.1424,34.9551 1 Karachev_Arsenal 5 7 10
52.7451,32.2501 1 Klintsy 5 7 11 Клинцы, Vh12721, Вч 12721
52.6415,39.4610 1 Lipetsk 6 7 12 Авиабаза Липецк
51.7535,36.3073 1 Kursk 4 8 11 Авиабаза Курск
51.6226,39.1611 1 Voronezh 2 12 10 Авиабаза Воронеж
51.4880,46.2619 1 Engels 6 8 12 Авиабаза Энгельс
51.3633,42.1852 1 Borisoglebsk -16 -3 10 Авиабаза Борисоглебск
50.6412,36.5910 1 Belgorod 5 8 10 Авиабаза Белгород
48.9512,40.3076 1 Millerovo 4 8 9 Авиабаза Миллерово
48.7950,44.6040 1 Volgograd -13 15 8 Волгоградский воензавод
48.6386,43.7851 1 Marinovka -22 -2 8 Авиабаза Мариновка
48.3165,41.7846 1 Morosovsk -24 -2 8 Авиабаза Морозовск
48.2961,46.2071 1 Ahtubinsk -26 -3 9 Авиабаза Ахтубинск
47.2787,39.6575 1 Rostov 5 8 10 Авиабаза Ростов
46.6995,38.2390 1 Eisk -16 -3 10 Авиабаза Ейск
46.5327,39.5427 1 Kuschevka_Airbase 5 8 10 Кущевка
46.0569,38.2314 1 Авиабаза_Ахтарск 4 4 8
45.8783,40.1073 1 Авиабаза_Тихорецкий 5 8 10 Tihoretski Airbase
45.8873,40.0396 2 Tihoretski_Arsenal 5 8 9
44.9622,38.0046 1 Krymsk_Airbase 4 12 10 Авиабаза Крымск
44.7801,39.2083 1 Арсенал_Молькино 4 4 8 (Vagner Residence)
44.7074,37.8497 1 Port -24 6 10 Порт Новороссийск
44.6845,40.0379 1 Khanskaya_Airbase 4 4 9 Maykop_Airbase
44.4192,38.2052 1 Геленджикский_Дворец -44 -3 10
43.7829,44.5990 1 Mozdok 4 8 12 Mozdok Airbase, Авиабаза Моздок
43.7398,44.5239 2 Mozdok_Arsenal 5 6 8 Arsenal Mozdok, Арсенал Моздок


1. The first two items in the spisok above are virtual beacons; they help to watch the contour map and the labels. Other items are inverse ordered by their Latitude (North is at the top).

2. The maps are not expected to be updated each time when a new object is added to the spisok.
Use the SanitaSpisokURL.php for generation of URL of the updated contour map and the updated labels.
In order to put a red mark to the map, add its coordinates between the two slashes at the URL generated.

3. The spisok and the map above are loaded with scientific goals.
The Editor is not supposed to teach there representative of the Anti-Putin coalition, in which priority and how the Russian strategic and military objects in the Buffer Zone at Russia (Санитарная Зона) should be demilitarized and denazified for the fastest implementation of guarantees specified in Budapest memorandum.
The Budapest memorandum does not put any restriction on methods that may be used and should be used against the country that had signed that memorandum but brutally violate its conditions. In this sense, any weapon can be applied against the aggressor.

4. The civilians have reason not enter the «Санитарная зона» and not to approach the objects mentioned at the spisok in order not to happen in the wrong place at the moment of its demilitarization and denazification.


2024.09.11. By SASHA VAKULINA. 11/09/2024 - 21:07 GMT+2 At the end of August Ukraine presented to the US a list of potential targets in Russia that Kyiv aims to hit during its winter campaign. // The list included airfields used by Russia to launch attacks on Ukrainian cities, which are within ATACMS (Army Tactical Missile System) range. // According to the ISW, there are 245 military and paramilitary objects on the list.

2024.09.16. Mapped: The Russian targets Ukraine could hit with long-range missiles Zelensky claimed the only way to counter Putin’s ‘terror’ is by using long-range missiles inside Russia Alexander Butler Monday 16 September 2024 15:56 BST// On Sunday, a Russian glide bomb destroyed a high-rise building in northeastern Ukraine, killing a 94-year-old woman while injuring dozens more.// The 165kg guided-warhead, likely launched hundreds of miles away in Russia, blew out the windows of the five-storey building in Kharkiv as flames ripped through a number of floors.// The strike was the latest aerial attack carried about by Russian forces in Ukraine - in which roughly 5,000 civilians have been killed in the same way since February 2022.// For Volodymyr Zelensky, the only realistic solution to ending this death and destruction is by using Western long-range missiles to fire at military sites deep within Russia - something he has pleaded for over months.// “The only way to counter this terror is through a systemic solution – long-range capabilities to destroy Russian military aviation at its bases,” he said on Sunday.


«Annexation of Crimea», «Budapest memorandum», «Demilitarization», «Denazification», «Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism», «Designate Russia as terrorist state», «Fascism», «Legitimate military target», «Moscovia», «Putin world war», «Russian invasion into Ukraine», «SanitaSpisokURL.php», «Transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory», «[[]]»,

«А нас то а что», «Аннексия Крыма», «Будапештский меморандум», «Вертикаль власти», «График спецоперации», «Московия», «Паханат», «Перенос боевых действий на территорию страны агрессора», «[[]]», «Путинская мировая война», «Российское вторжение в Украину», «[[]]», «Санитарная Зона», «Спецоперация», «[[]]», «Требования по спасению России», «[[]]», «Фашизм», «Я бомбил Дрезден»,